Chapter 33

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A week has already passed, and I have met Sophie. She is a lovely, lovely girl. She is just like Kate. When I met Sophie, she politely smiled and shook my hand. No freaking out, no yelling, no squealing. But just polite and calm manners. She reminded me of Kate in a way, on how they acted. Sophie had long brown hair that came down to her back, a pail complection, and freckles. Her eyes sparkled a beautiful blue, just like Nialls. I met her a few days ago, once Kate called and figured out that yes, Sophie was single. Kate mentioned to me that Sophie wasn't all into the whole blind dating thing cause she doesn't know Niall. She only sees him as what the photo's and interviews have. But Sophie informed Kate and myself that she would at least like to meet Niall. I was able to sneak Sophie my number and text her about the details for Kate's birthday, and that's also when Sophie would meet Niall.

I wanted to pretend like I knew nothing of Kate's birthday coming up, so it would just be a surprise.

"Kate!" I yelled for. I was in the living room sitting on the couch, and Kate was back in the bedroom. I saw her skipping out of the bedroom, to the living room. "Happy much?" I chuckled.

She laughed and came to sit next to me. Her hair flowing down perfectly passed her shoulders, it was lightly wavy. Her beautiful smile showing, her with no make up was probably better than anything. Kate is beautiful either way, but without make up, she is beyond beautiful. I wish she could just see that.

"I'm kinda excited for Niall to meet Sophie." Kate said still smiling and twirling a piece of her hair around on her finger.

"So am I. I just hope she won't be like Lisa." I said still very very very pissed off at the fact that Lisa did that to Niall.

"When are we going to introduce them?" She asked, laying her hand on my thigh.

"Saturday." I replied. She can't know that's the same day her party will be.

"All the way till Saturday?" She questioned. I nodded my head. "What's todays date?"

"April 28." I replied. She then began to count using her fingers.

"So that would mean it would be on my... Uhh... May 4th." She said hesitant. Did she not want me to know it was her birthday, or not have it to be pointed out?

"Your what?" I questioned, acting like I knew nothing.

"Uhh, nothing.." She said looking away from me. Why wouldn't she want me to know? Well I'm just gonna let this go cause I really do want to keep it hidden until the party.


"So anything coming up?" She questioned.

"Simon called and told me that next Tuesday, the lads and I will be doing a concert cause we can't wait all the way till August."

"What's in August?" She wondered. Oh my god, I haven't told Kate about tour. How's she gonna take it?

"Uhh.." I said staring blankly at my lap. She poked my chin and I looked up.

"What's wrong?"

"It's when I have to go on tour.." I said quietly.

"Tour? How long is it for?" She questioned.

"9 months..."


"I'm sorry. But it's apart of my career." I said looking at her.

"I won't see you for 9 months?" She said grabbing my hand.

"I'll be able to visit in between." I said while locking our fingers together. I looked down at our hands as I set them on my thigh, and I peaked back up at her. She was upset. "I'll find ways to see you."

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