Chapter 35

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Tuesday came, which was the day of my concert. I was excited because the lads and I haven't really performed in awhile. I'm pretty ticked off at management on how they moved our tour back by a few months. But I'm happy they did cause I wouldn't of met Kate. I met Kate when I would usually be on tour, so I'm thankful for them doing that, but its screwing everything up.

"Kate!" I yelled for from my bedroom. I was getting dressed.

"Yes?" She asked standing in my door way.

"Are you gonna be okay being here alone for a few hours?" I asked walked over to the bed. I already had my black pants on, and I had my white shirt on the bed. So, I was shirtless which I knew killed Kate.

"Yeah, ill be fine. You go have your fun." She said smiling. I slipped the shirt over my head and walked over to her. I picked her up having her legs wrap around my waist and my hands holding her up at her lower back. We began kissing. Ever since being with her, my temper has gone down. I haven't really been mad in days or maybe even weeks. I don't know what it was about her. Maybe her sweet personality, her gorgeous looks, her deep brown eyes, her perfectness, or even just her; it helps me. I'm never mad when I'm around her. I'm more happy than I've been in a long time, and I don't regret anything that I have done since being with Kate, its made us stronger.

"I love you." She said pulling away from the kiss. I smiled and carried her over to the bed, laying her down on her back. I climbed on top of her and began kissing her.

"I can just cancel going." I mumbled while kissing her neck.

"Harry, you have to go. I don't want your fans to be dissapointed. Plus, you haven't hung out with the boys in awhile." She said quietly. I leaned up and kissed her on the lips a few times while her fingers stroked through my hair.

"Fine." I playfully whined and climbed off of her. She stood up and we walked out of the room together.

"Could I go get the guitar Niall gave me for my birthday from the car?" She asked. I turned to look at her.

"I'll go get it." I smiled.

"Fans will see you." She almost whispered.

"It's 8:00 at night, no one will see me."

She sighed and nodded in agreement. I went out to my car and grabbed the guitar. When I walked back in, Kate had the television on.

"Mr. Harry Styles seems to be having things heated up with his new girlfriend, Kate." I heard. I walked over to the TV to see the news was on. I sat the guitar down, and sat next to Kate. "So, Harry Styles.. In love? Photo's show of Harry putting a girl in his car awhile ago, and everythings added up for the sweet curly haired boy to throw his girlfriend, a birthday party. Lets see what's happening with this." The news announcer said. The screen then switched to have a lady show up.

"Harry Styles is truly a sweet boy. He threw Kate Thomas, his girlfriend a birthday party," She continued. "And even posted a sweet picture and status of her on Twitter." The picture of Kate I took when she was asleep popped up on the screen. "This quotes 'For people who haven't seen Kate, this is her. She's still alseep, but she's beautiful. Am I right? Xx.' People have already come up with a name for this hot new couple, Karry."

"You posted a picture of me!?" Kate questioned punching my arm. I then smiled childishly.

"Look at something besides that, were famous now." I said smiling. She sighed. "What's wrong?"

"People are gonna start giving me hate."

"No they won't, ill make sure it won't happen."

"But, some may not listen to you."

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