Chapter 9

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I woke up with mine and Kate's legs perfectly entwined. Her head still laid on my chest and so did her hand. Except this time, my one arm was still around her shouler, but my free hand held her hand that rested on my chest. As I took in a few breathes, I could smell the fresh scent of shampoo in her hair. A few strands of her hair tickled at my nose. I blew it out of the way. She was still fast asleep. The morning sunshine barely peered in threw the window. I was a little hungry, and decided I would make us something to eat. I wanted to get up without waking her, but our position was wasnt set up properly. I was able to untangle or legs without her even moving. I slowly removed my arm from her shoulder and let go of her hand. Now all that was left was to set her head on the pillow rather than my chest. I tried to figure out a way, but I couldn't. I sighed.

"Kate." I whispered lightly shaking her. She moved her head and then turned around to have her back face me. I'm not even sure if she was awake.

"That was easy." I said quietly climbing out of bed. I stood up and noticed Kate wasn't covered up all the way, so I fixed that and then walked out to the kitchen. Luckily I was looking at the ground as I was walking cause I noticed one of the wine glasses was smashed on the ground. That made me think that was what Kate tried to throw at that guy last night. I walked out of the kitchen and went into the closet. I grabbed a broom and dust pan. I began to sweep up the mess.

"How did I not notice this before?" I mummbled to myself sweeping the little peices of glass onto the pan. I sighed and kneeled up. I walked over to the trash can and dumped it in there. I set the broom and dust pan down next to the trash can, to lazy to put it back. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out a pack of eggs and milk. I set them on the counter and went over to a cabinet. I pulled out a big pan and set it on the stove. I set it on high and grabbed a bowl. I cracked a few eggs in it and scrambled them up. I began to cook.


I had just set the food on the plates and set it nicely on the table. I brought over the milk and pulled out some orange juice and set it there also, unsure of what Kate would want. I turned around and went over to get some forks. When I had turned back around, there stood half asleep Kate. Her hair was a wreck, eyes barely opened with bags under them, and she had the blanket wrapped around her body as she stepped closer.

"Awwwwwh." I found myself to say setting the forks on the table. She didn't say anything, her evil glare was enough.

"Whats wrong?" I asked walking to be in front of her.

"Massive headache." She replied letting her body fall into mine. I grabbed her arm lightly and lead her over to the kitchen table. I pulled out a chair for her and she sat down. I couldnt push it forward cause the big blanket she had around her took up the room. I walked over to the cabinet and pulled out two small cups for our drinks.

"What would you like?" I asked walking over to the table.

"Asprin." She replied closing her eyes.

"Ill get you that, but what do you want to drink?" I asked looking at her tired self.

"Orange juice." She quickly replied.

I poured her a glass and then walked out of the kitchen. I went into the bathroom and grabbed a bottle of asprin pills from the medicine cabinet. I pulled out two as I walked back into the kitchen. She struggled to eat.

"Its that hangover." I said handing them to her.

"What? I wasn't drunk." She said putting the pills in her mouth. She grabbed her juice and swallowed. I walked around the the other side of the table and sat down.

"Yes you were." I replied with a chuckled and pouring milk into my cup.

"W-when?" She replied staring at me. I took a small sip of my milk and set the cup back down on the table.

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