Endless Love {3} | Justin Bie...

By iamnotlois

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Runaway Love Sequel. Endless love: To Infinity and Beyond. "Promise that you'll always love me and stay wit... More



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By iamnotlois


My eyes were wide open when I stared at my reflection on the mirrow that was on the ceiling of the room. It was morning, the rays of sunshine were shining into the room and the birds where chirping beautiful melodies outside.

Last night, when I went looking for a room to sleep in I stumbled into Liliana's old room (ironic isn't it) and since she had left already and the room was empty I decided to just stay there. Besides I doubted that Justin would come looking for me here and in all honesty I didn't want to be found by him.

Since our fight last night I had gotten some sleep but as soon as I woke up last nights event were fresh on my mind. I didn't know what it was that made me really upset, the fact that Justin didn't want to move away anymore, the fact that he was hiding something for me or the fact that he had been really rude and mean to me last night because he wasn't in the mood.

Not moving away wasn't that tragic. It did upset me that Justin wanted to postpone it because it was all the two of us were talking about for weeks. We both already knew what the first thing we would do would be and which steps we would take to make our future together perfect for us and last night it seemed like he didn't want that anymore but it was alright because we could do that in a few weeks or months or whatever felt right for Justin since he had changed his mind about this subject. Maybe it was really just his mood that also effected decision.

About him hiding something from me, I was starting to think that I shouldn't have mentioned it last night because then things wouldn't have gotten out of hand. Justin said that it didn't concern me, it was none of my business and maybe it would be the right thing to stay out of it. Maybe I was driving him to hide it from me because I was being nosy and sticking my nose where I shouldn't, maybe he was trying to protect me and that's why he was being so secretive towards me.

But was it really right to blame myself?

I really thought that Justin trusted me enough to talk to me about things like that but then again I didn't know his motives for his actions so I couldn't really be judging right now.

What I could definitely judge was his behaviour to me last night. Especially when he threw at my face that it was him who spent all the money on the house. I was aware of the fact that I couldn't just pull 2 million dollars out of my damn pocket but I remembered exactly what he said when bought the house, I quote Baby girl, you don't have to worry about it okay? Everything that belongs to me belongs to you as well. Everything. My cars, my money, my house and all the other things that belong to me, do you understand me? unqoute. It was just so uncalled for to say that last night.

I didn't like the way he talked to me yesterday in general anyway. We surely had some fights were we got louder and yelled at it each other but we had a valid reason to do so not just because I asked a simple question.

I should have just dropped it when I had the chance and talked about it the next day or when he was not so moody, then last night wouldn't have happend and we would be in peace right now.

Funny how situations can change in a matter of a day. The day before yesterday was perfect, we were fine and happy and made love to each other and all that but then it all changed and we are not so happy anymore.

I shouldn't think about it too much. Today was a new day and who knew how good things to be today right? I should start my day with some positive energy instead of laying in my bed and reflection on all the negative things.

Easier said then done but I had to get there somehow.

I stared at my reflection for a few more minutes before I took a deep breath and stood up from the bed afterwards. I pressed on the home button of my phone to see the time when the screen illuminated and it showed me that it was shortly after ten.

I had to get a few things done today and I was good in time so far but I still needed to take a shower and get dressed and do all the things I did in the morning.

I left the bedroom and made my way to my own bedroom. I had no idea if I was going to see Justin now or not and I was wondering how it would be if we saw each other this morning. Was he going to ignore me or was he going to try and make a conversation with me? Were we going to be okay again or were we still be in the same situation as last night? I had so many questions in my head but they all would be answered once I stepped foot in my room.

I did so after opening the door and I found an empty room. I was kind of relieved because I had no idea what was going to expect me but I was also the opposite because I wanted to end everything going on between us. I was just going to wait what the day would bring and I was hoping for Justin to make the first step because if you think about it he was the one who screwed up.

I didn't want to waste anymore thoughts on it and decided now was the right time to take a hot shower that was definitely needed. Overthinking was never a good thing and if I kept doing it, it was going to make things worse than they actually are, so off to the distractions.


When I was done taking a shower and I had gotten dressed and my make up was done, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat. I was extremely hungry the past few days and actually I should be eating a lot at the moment but hospital food wasn't doing it for me and since I had been back home I hadn't gotten the chance to really eat like pizza and other junk food. It was morning anyway, I should probably just stick to cereal for now.

I walked down the stairs and headed for the kitchen as I was answering a text I had received on my phone. I closed the door behind me after I entered the kitchen and when I looked up from my phone I saw my brother, Justin, Liam, Kyra and Lenny seated around the kitchen table and they were all paying attention to TV that hung against the wall. They didn't notice me entering the room because they were focused on the news that were broadcasting on TV.

"Hey everyone," I said and everyone turned to me before they greeted me back and turned their attention to the TV again. Justin was the only one who was still looking at me. We stared at each other for a little while without saying a word to one another. I wondered what he was thinking and if there was anything he wanted to say to me but he didn't react or speak up so I broke eye contact with him to do what I came here for in the first place.

I went over to my brother and placed a kiss on his cheek and then I went to open one of the cupboards to take a bowl out so I could put some cereal and milk in it. I felt Justin's eyes on me all the time and I wondered why he was not talking to me instead of looking at me all the time. I could be making the first step as well but I didn't want to and besides that I was hungry. If he had something to say he should just say it.

I sat down on one of the counters and started eating as I also turned my attention to the TV. It was hard to focus because from the corner of my eye I could still see Justin looking at me. I tried to look everywhere but at him because I didn't want to get uncomfortable. I actually never got uncomfortable when Justin looked at me but now we were fighting and Justin had this intimidating look sometimes and I simply didn't want to look at that. Besides I didn't want the others to notice that there was something wrong between us but judging on the situation they were too busy to do so anyway. I just focused on getting my cereals in my stomach.

The news seemed to get boring because after a while Kyra brought her attention away from the television and began a conversation with all of us. I joined the conversation we all were having and Justin did so too but not once did we talk to each other. I sometimes glanced over to him and he looked at me too but that was really the only kind of conversation we were having.

After finishing my second bowl of cereals, I put the all dishes that were used and not needed anymore in the dishwasher, then I decided to go back upstairs to my bedroom. I was already heading to the door and ready to leave but then my brother called me and I turned around to look at him.

"Is it okay if we leave soon?" he asked me. "The airport in hour away and traffic here is crazy, I don't wanna be late for my flight," he added and looked down at his wrist watch to check the time.

Today Daniel was leaving and going back to Miami and I was the one who was going to drive him to the airport. He had to leave because he had work to do back in our home town and he had been here since my accident and just stayed to see if I was doing well. I totally appreciated the fact that he had been here all the time and was there for me and I respected that he had to go back but it made me sad that he had to go already and I wished he could just stay a little longer so I could spend little bit more time with him.

I needed to go visit him anytime soon. Now that Justin and I weren't moving to Panama anyway the next time, that idea sounded appealing to me.

"Sure," I replied, nodding my head and smiling at him afterwards. "Just let me know when you're ready," I told him to which he replied, telling me to just be ready in 30 minutes and wait in the hall for him. I gave him another nod and then I walked out of the kitchen.

I went up to my room to put all the things I was going to need with me in my bag and then I just played games to kill some time. I started wondering if Justin was going to come up to talk. Yes, I was a little bit mad at him but I wanted him to come and talk to me. He didn't show up though but the day was still long.

Maybe he'd come later.


Daniel and I were in the car on our way to the airport. We were both silent, the only noise filling the car was the pop music from the radio. It wasn't that I didn't want to talk to Daniel or anything, I just had nothing to say right now and he was being quiet too so I thought he was okay with the silence.

Few minutes later, he turned down the volume of the radio down and turned his head to look at me. "What's wrong Cassie?" he asked me, concern lacing his voice as he spoke. I glanced over to him for a short moment before I focused on the road again and asked myself if I should tell him what happend of if I should just leave it for now. I decided for option two.

"Nothing is wrong with me," I said to him and kept my eyes on the street. I didn't want to look at him because I didn't want him to catch me lying and since he knew me so well, I knew he would.

"Cassie talk to me," Daniel said, almost pleading but I didn't say anything and just continued driving. My brother sighed after he realized that I wasn't going to speak. "It's about Justin, isn't it?" he then asked me. I knew that he had noticed that something was wrong with us and that he was going to ask about it sooner or later but I wished he didn't ask at all because I didn't know if I wanted to talk about it. Thinking about it over and over again was bad enough.

"We just had a fight last night," I said sadly, my voice quiet as the words left my lips and I shrugged my shoulders, making it seem like I didn't care but I did care a lot.

"A fight that was clearly big. Do you wanna talk about it?" he asked me and I was about to say no but the word didn't leave my mouth. Something inside of me was telling me to talk to him because letting my emotions out was better than to keep them bottled up inside and think about it all the time. Besides that it wouldn't be bad to just have another opinion on the issue and I knew that Daniel would honestly tell me if I was overreacting or not.

"I didn't tell you yet but Justin and I wanted to move to Panama," I began to tell him. It was the best way to start because I had to tell him about this anyway anytime soon.

"To Panama?" he asked ne as if he didn't hear me the first time and from the corner of my eyes I could see his eyes wide open and his mouth too. Definitely the reaction I was expecting.

"Yes. I wanted to tell you a few times but I didn't know how so I kept quiet," I went on.

"Okay," he said before taking a breath and shaking his head to himself, then he spoke up again. "I'll ask questions later just tell me what is going on first."

"When I got away in Miami, I was with Justin and he told me that he wanted to move away with me. He told me to pick a place and then we would move, so I did and decided for Panama," I started telling my brother and in my head I was remembering that exact moment and how happy I was that we were actually going to live together on our own.

"We got ready for everything, bought a house there and even a few things of us are there already. We only had a few days left to leave LA but then the accident happend so we couldn't go anymore. Yesterday I asked him when we were moving and he didn't want to talk about it first and then he said we are not moving anymore because I needed to rest and recover whatsoever and then he literally pulled the money card on me, saying that he was the one who paid for the house so he was gonna decide when we go," I continued but when I was telling that I felt a little but of anger bubbling inside of me. It was exactly that part of the fight that got to me the most and that I couldn't get over with so easily. "That was so rude, like, I know I don't have so much money but he didn't have to rub it in my face."

Daniel agreed with me by nodding his head. "Do you want me to talk to him?" he offered and I wouldn't have minded if I knew how this was going to go out. They were on speaking terms, which was good but I still didn't think that moody Justin and Daniel should collide.

"No," I declined as I shook my head. "I'll handle it but I'm still a little bit pissed," I told him and he said to me that he could understand.

"Out of all the places you could have picked in the world you picked Panama?" Daniel asked me after silence overhelmed us for a few minutes. I told him that the reason I wanted to go there were our parents and in return he told me that he knew it was because of them but he had never expected that I would actually move there. "Actually it's not that bad because it's not so far away like europe for example." he said and I realized that he was actually right about it. That meant he could come over more often and I got to see him a lot more than I thought. That were some great news on this crappy day.

"Anyway about the fight. Justin really cares about your well being and I think he doesn't want you to be uncomfortable once you guys are in Panama," Daniel said and I knew that Justin cared about me but it still didn't give him the right to be so rude to me.

"That might be but do you know how rude he was to me last night? Do you know how he talked to me? He's never like that."

"Maybe he just had a bad day or a lot on his mind. Sometimes when I was in a bad mood I used to get into fights with Nadja and the next day we talked it through and it was fine again. I don't think he meant to be like that to you," Daniel said and I opened my mouth to reply but closed it again because I realized that I had been inconsiderate of how Justin might feel about all of this. "When you're home just look for him and talk and I'm sure he is sorry," my brother went on after I didn't talk and I nodded my head and responded, telling him that I hoped he was. "If he isn't, call me and I'll come back to kiss his ass got it?" he said and I let out a laugh before I told him that I would do that.

"I'm glad I have you back," I said to my brother whilst I smiled at him.

"Me too, Cassie," he said back and then put his hand on my hand and ruffled my hair and I scolded him because I hated when he did that and he knew that. "Now get my ass to the airport before I miss my flight."


Hours later when I was back home I sat on my bed and talked to Emilia on the phone. When I had come back from the airport the house was empty and everyone was gone. I had been so bored and I had nothing to do, which I really hated.

I wished I would do something, like go to college or something to occupy my afternoons but I had to wait until summer for that and that was such a long time. I was thinking about getting a temporary job because that was better than to do nothing at all but then again I didn't know if it would really worth it with everything going on.

I had decided to take a nap when it got too boring and when I woke up from it and anybody wasn't home still I had decided to call my best friend and I had been on the phone with her until now.

I laid on my back and stared at the ceiling whilst I laughed at something Emilia was telling me when I heard the door of the bedroom open and Justin came inside. I sat up immediately and watched him close the door and then walk a few steps towards me. Justin and I stared into each others eyes as he stood there in the middle if the room and I was not even listening to what Emilia was saying to me anymore so I decided to end the call.

"I'll call you back okay?" I said to Emilia on the phone, not once looking away from Justin.

"Mister grumpy pants is back right?" she asked me and I gasped at that because she said it so loud I thought he might have heard it. "Tell me how it goes," she added and I told her that I would before I put away the phone from my ear and pressed the red button on the screen, ending the call.

"Hey," I greeted him quietly as I locked my phone and threw it somewhere next to me on the bed.

"Hey," he said back softly. "Can I talk to you?" he asked, scratching the side of his neck awkwardly.

"Sure," I replied, unconciously making room for him on the bed even though there was enough room for him to sit.

Justin took off his jacket first and put it where it belonged before he made his way to the bed and sat down, leaving a lot of space between us. He took a deep breath before he spoke.

"Look Cassie, because of yesterday I'm so sorry," Justin said to me but he wasn't looking at me but at the ground instead and that made me believe that his apology wasn't sincere.

"Sorry for what exactly?" I asked him as I raised my brow and crossed my arms in front of my body. If he wanted to apologize he should at least look into my eyes while doing so and simply saying sorry wasn't going to fix the issue.

"For everything," Justin responded and this time he lifted his gave and looked into my eyes. "I was a rude dick to you last night and I shouldn't have been such an asshole to you and talk to you the way I did and I shouldn't have said some things I said," he continued whilst running his hand through his hair and lightly tugging at the ends. "I'm really sorry baby," he apologized again before he rolled his lips into his mouth and sighed afterwards.

"I was really mad at you Justin," I told him, honestly.

"I know and you had every right to but I can't take back the way I acted and the words I said, unfortunately. I was a dick. Please forgive me?" he pleaded and at the same time he scooted closer to me, closing the gap between us and putting his hand on my thigh.

When I looked into his eyes I could see a mix of shame and regret. I could tell that he wanted this fight to be over already but so did I. I was convinced that he really meant it this time and I didn't to punish the both of us any longer so I decided to see that fight, that wasn't that big anyways, and forgive him. Honestly, it was not like I could stay mad at him for a long time anyway, especially not when he looked at me with those eyes.

"Yes babe, I forgive you," I said to him whilst I brought my hand up to his cheek and ran my thumb over his skin. Justin let out a breath that he was holding and smiled before he leaned into my touch and closed his eyes.

Justin put his hand behind my neck when he opened his eyes again and pulled me towards him to kiss me. My eyes fluttered close and I put my other hand on his cheek to hold his face in place while our lips moved in the same rhythm against each other. Justin pulled on my bottom lip with his teeth, making me gasp at the contact and he sliped his tongue through my parted lips inside my mouth and began massaging his tongue with mine.

The kiss was slow and passionate and filled with so much love and even though I felt the warmth around my heart I still shivered all over my body at the contact of his lips against mine. I couldn't help but smile into the kiss. It still astonished me the way Justin could make me feel just but kissing me the way he did but that was totally alright because I wouldn't want anyone else to make me feel like this and take me to cloud nine.

We pulled away from the kiss a little while later and smiled when we looked at each other. He told me he loved me and I told him that I felt the same way.

"We will move soon, I promise. Just give me a little bit more time to figure everything out and then we are out of here," Justin said to me and I had to bite my tongue before I started asking a lot of questions that I shouldn't if I didn't want us to end up like yesterday again. I had to respect that he didn't want to tell me whatever was going on so I smiled, simply nodded my head and said okay. "And about the things I'm so secretive about, I want to tell you so bad Cassie but it's not safe for you to know right now. I don't wanna hide anything from you, believe me. I hate that I have to be so quiet about it in front of you but as soon as I can I will tell you," he explained to me but I didn't want him to explain himself. It was alright, I respected his desicion so there was no need for explanations but I was glad about the fact that he wanted to tell me when he could. "I just wanna protect you."

"It's okay Justin, I understand," I stated and smiled at him. "Just please be careful alright?"

"Always baby girl, you know me," he winked and then he leaned in to put his lips on mine again.

Justin and I laid down on the bed afterwards, my head on his chest and his arm around me. We were talking about random things and told each other about each other's day and had a few laughs together, you know, just the usual.

When we were in the middle of a conversation, I remembered something important I still had to talk to Justin about. I wanted to tell him a little while ago but I never got the time to talk to him about it and quite frankly I didn't know how to start that conversation but I knew that eventually I had to talk to him about it because Justin had to know.

"Babe, there is something I gotta—" I began saying but I didn't get further than that because a loud knock was heard in the room. Just the perfect timing. I inwardly groaned and lifted my head from Justin's chest to look at the door so I could see who walked in when Justin told the person to. It was Liam.

"For you Cassie. It just came in the mail," Liam said, holding the small envelope, that I didn't notice before, in the air. It surprised me that he brought this up here right now because it was almost 7 in the evening and the mail didn't come in at this time of the day.

"What is it?" I asked him as I raised my eyebrow and sat up on the bad whilst Liam was walking towards us on the bed.

"I don't know, there is no name on it," he shrugged and then handed me the envelope. This actually creeped me out because I wasn't expecting anything and I had no idea where this came from and I hated that.

When Liam left the room, I opened the white envelope and Justin and I looked at the content. I was a simple white sheet of paper with a message on it.

Thought I was done with you? Guess again, I'm not. I want something and I know you have it and you're going to give it to me or else I'm gonna hurt you and your friends. One by one.

I read the words over and over again as my mouth hung open in shock of what the letter actually said. I felt a chill run down my spine and to be honest I was actually scared right now. I didn't know who this person was and what I had done to him that he wanted to get back at me like this and I had never expected something so creepy to ever happen to me, especially now when I thought that things were going good in my life again.

I could never have a break now, could I?



Hola amigas, it's meeee.

I think this is the fastest I have uploaded in a long while and I am actually really proud me because I was quite busy this week. But it's important to get y'all those updates and I am really working on my updating schedule (:


What do y'all think of this new chapter? I don't really know how to feel about it so I'll just let you guys decided if this is good or not so good.

Please vote & comment if you liked the chapter, you guys know how much it means to me! If you have questions just message me alright?

Okay I'll leave you guys now.

Have a great weekend, my loves.

Love you guys xx

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