The Original Witch

By lenaf327

409K 10.3K 2.1K

"Always and forever." That's what her family lived by when they were human until forced to become the first v... More

Author's note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Ending of Part 1-Chapter 27
Part 2-Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Ending of Part 2-Chapter 46
Part 3-Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Author's note
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Authors note
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Voting for new story face claim (please vote!)
Face claim + cover
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
New Book Out!!
New cover, update, and a thank you
New Avengers book out

PART 1-Chapter 1

23.5K 436 95
By lenaf327

I would be thankful to the vampire who took this cruel dagger out of my chest, but I turned off my emotions a long time ago. Turning off our emotions is an ability us vampires posses and many of us do so since it makes everything easier. Some vampires cannot handle the pain of hurting humans, so flipping the switch seems to be the only other option.

It's easier and smarter this way I have found. Why feel when I don't have a family to share my feelings with?

With the dagger removed, the color returns to my skin as my fingertips and toes start to tingle. I slowly move my hands and feet, enjoying the tingling sensation until I regain all feeling in my body. When I feel this spark throughout my body, my eyes snap open.

I sit up quickly in the casket that Niklaus placed me in, looking around for a sign of any presence near me, but no one is around. I do however find a crumpled note on my lap and smile when I see who it is from.

I look around me as I rise to my knees and make my way out of the horrid casket. My feet plant themselves firmly on the ground, relishing the feeling of being upright again.

I slowly wander around the warehouse type building my casket is resided in as I try to get a grip on the time and place since it has been so long since I have been able to walk on this Earth.

My feet make their way over to the exit where I make contact with fresh air and the refreshing breeze that has been lost to me for over 500 years. My eyes flutter close, relishing the feeling of nature and the outdoors. The world stops for a moment as I listen to the sounds around me, finally believing that I am actually alive again.

Finally I leave and wander around the woods until reaching a town since I need to figure out where exactly I am and where I need to go in order to find my old friend. I admire how the world looks now compared to how it did in the 1400s. So much has changed, yet the change does not scare me.

After a couple of hours walking, and yes I decided to walk instead of run in order to enjoy everything around me, I reach the town that is surrounded by suburban homes and see a sign that says 'Welcome to Mystic Falls.' I chuckle at this since this used to be home.

Well, I guess Niklaus decided to return home and bring his daggered siblings with him as well. This is where we grew up, yet I feel no connection to this town the way I used to when I was still human.

I make sure to keep a low profile, knowing that some of my siblings are probably in the area. I doubt they even know I am awake and will not notice for a while. I guess they will find out eventually but by then, I will be long gone and I will yet again be a distant memory.

My eyes check the address on the note that was left in my casket and shortly after I come in front of a quaint house in one of the many suburbs in this town. The door opens before I even knock and the brown-eyed brunette girl speaks up, "Well if it isn't my only friend, Alexia."

"Katerina, it's been a while." Katerina looks the same from the last time I had seen her 500 years ago. My eyes narrow at her as I take notice of how uneasy she looks. She is probably still running from Niklaus, like most supernatural creatures in this world. I attempt to walk in though the open door but am stopped by the annoying invisible barrier separating me from the living room. Vampires have to be invited into houses by the owners, another downfall that nature decided to place upon us.

I give Katerina a look since I am not in the mood to deal with any burden. She rolls her eyes before calling out for a lady named Rosie. I hear the footsteps from upstairs making their way towards us. "Rosie would you be so kind to invite my friend in?"

Rosie looks at me without question and says, "Come in dear." After I enter the house, Rosie leaves us be but only because she is under Katerina's compulsion that controls her thoughts and actions.

Katerina walks over to a large, brown leather couch in the living room that is towards the back of the house. She sits down gracefully, crossing one leg over the other while flashing me her signature devious smile that I have missed these past centuries.

Her eyes look at me curiously, "What brings you here Alexia? I haven't seen you in ages."

An involuntary sigh escape my lips"I know, it has been a long time, my friend. You know why I am here though, so it is silly to ask unnecessary questions." I am of course referring to the note that she left in my casket. She knows that I have been daggered for a long time but has been too afraid to come find and rescue me.

I speak up again after a moment of making myself comfortable on the opposing suede chair, "Niklaus is out of control yet again and attempting whatever he thinks may make him the most powerful supernatural being in the world."

"Well, I mean he is the most powerful supernatural being in this world since he cannot be killed," She states matter of factly.

I shoot a glare her way and she holds her hands up in surrender. She continues on though, "How does that involve me?" It always involves her. She is at the top of Niklaus's kill list and has to be aware of what he is up to in order to guarantee her survival.

I smirk at Katerina, "I have a plan to get my revenge on Niklaus. First you need to inform me on what he is up to." Although I have the basic idea of what my evil older brother has been up to these past few centuries, the other side provides some restrictions, so of course there are some blank spots in the picture.

Katerina knows everything that goes since she must always be five steps ahead of Niklaus in order to stay alive because he would kill her easily in an instant, "well he is creating an army of hybrids using my doppelganger's blood."

"Hmm doppelganger? Tell me more about her." Doppelgängers are exact lookalikes that appear over time. I have a curiously about her doppelganger because I know Niklaus is having trouble creating hybrids because the doppelganger did not die during his dumb sacrifice. I wonder why he would use her blood now to turn other werewolves into hybrids instead of killing her?

Katerina sneers at the subject of the doppelganger, "Complete opposite of me. Human of course. Has both Salvatore brothers wrapped around her perfect finger. Klaus found out that the only way to create hybrids is to feed them Elena's blood." I automatically know that having Elena's blood as the key to creating hybrids was my mother's doing to make sure that Niklaus never had the power to create yet another dangerous species on this Earth. She probably thought that he would kill Elena, given his character and all, and never be able to create his desired hybrids.

My words are firm as I say, "well that simply won't do, will it?" Niklaus cannot have the ability to keep building up an army to ward off any challenger, including me.

Katerina leans forward out of curiosity and eagerness, "Do tell."

I smile a devilish grin, "How can he make hybrids if there is no doppelganger? No hybrids, no protection." Hybrids are harder to kill but that isn't the only reason that they can protect Klaus. I know that they will be sired to him because it frees the werewolves from their full moon curse. I am not worried about silly hybrids, but it makes my job that much more difficult and why should it have to be when I am the one who has been suffering on the other side?

Katerina perks up when she hears this, "you want to kill Elena?" I can tell Katerina is happy with this plan due to the fact that she despises the girl with a passion, not that I blame her. Elena has it somewhat easy. Yes, a lot of people she is close with has died or been killed, but she hasn't been daggered for 500 years. Somehow everyone ends up risking their lives to protect her, yet I find myself with no one doing so.

Killing her would be an easy solution but not the fun one. "No, I think she should experience what being a vampire is really like. She will be a walking reminder to Niklaus that he is vulnerable and unprotected." Also she will experience a small fraction of the pain I have felt in my lifetime and Katerina's as well, which is only a plus.

Katerina looks deep in thought with her chin resting on the palm of her hand. "How will you get her away from all her friends in order to turn her?" I sneer at the thought of all of her overprotective and delusional friends.

"That my dear friend, is where you come in. You will be the one to turn her."

Her mouth gapes open. For a moment I wonder how she has survived all this time if she cannot calculate what I am planning, but then I realize that simply means what I have in mind is unexpected.

Instead of agreeing right away, she decides to be stubborn. "Why should I do anything for you?" Aggravation arises for a second before I take a deep breath. She knows why she has to follow my order but is just putting up a fight; this is her personality and her survival skills.

I say in an even tone, "I saved your life Katerina because I turned you instead of letting Niklaus use you in his sacrifice as a human. You owe me this and you know it." Katerina knows I have a point but of course is hard headed like me. I mean that is why we got along in the first place and became fast friends.

She nods her head in understanding, but I still see confusion flooding her eyes. "Why can't you do it though?" I can understand her confusion since I am an original and can easily get past her other vampire and werewolf friends.

I look her dead in the eye, "You see, I have a plan of my own that involves me going away for a while. Niklaus cannot know that I am alive while I am away." I have the upper hand now being alive without Niklaus knowing anything of this. For all he knows, I am still daggered in that stupid casket of his along with some of my siblings.

"Where are you going Alexia?" What a simple question with such a complicated answer.

I am careful with not letting too much information escape in fear of Niklaus capturing her, draining the vervain out of her system and figuring out exactly where I am. "I am traveling overseas because I have some unfinished business regarding the supernatural people there. I hope you understand that you cannot know my exact whereabouts unless I think it is safe enough to tell you. Thank you for your information, but I must be going. Farewell, Katerina." With that I leave my only friend behind and begin my journey to Scotland by heading to the airport, something that Katerina had to explain to me in great detail in order for me not to look dumb when I arrive.


After buying a phone and new clothes and such with Katerina's generous gift, I endure a long bus ride to the airport and am finally on the plane after being scrutinized by security.

Being up in the air is a weird sensation, one I have never experienced before since we used to travel by horse and carriage.

I spend my time getting familiarized with my phone and new technology as I also think through my plan to make sure there are no loose ends or possibilities of word getting out of my revival.

Hours pass and I wake up from a nap as the longing in my throat for warm human blood makes itself present. I made sure to have a drink before I came of course, but I ache for more due to the lack of in the last 500 years. Normally I had a somewhat decent tolerance for the time period in between feedings but as my eyes gaze over the people sitting around me, I have to restrain myself.

My head turns toward the very back of the plane to notice a boy around the age of 16 standing in line for the bathroom which is out of sight from the other sleeping passengers. Perfect.

I slide out of my aisle seat and stand casually behind him. My foot taps impatiently as I wait for the person in there currently to hurry up and leave the bathroom, yet this person ends up taking at least five minutes too long. Finally, the middled aged woman exits the stall and the boy with blonde hair and bright green eyes starts to step into the tight airplane stall.

At the last second, I shove him in and lock the door quickly so no one potentially sees. I muffle his scream of surprise with my lips. Why not make this fun? His lips are rigid against mine for a few seconds before they mold with mine. They move unsurely until I bring my hands up to his luscious, somewhat quiffed hair. His hands slide down to my waist and that's when I pull back and look into his green eyes, "Don't scream or move." Quickly, I sink my teeth into his neck.

I feel his muscles tighten up under my hands on his shoulders but he doesn't scream because he is under the influence of compulsion. I know I cannot drain him to the point where people suspect something, so I unlatch myself from him, wishing I could have just one more taste. His eyes widen as he brings his hand up to his wound and bleeding neck. I lick the blood off of my lips satisfied and look into his eyes again, "Do not tell anyone and act normal." He nods and repeats what I just told him.

My body exits the small stall, and I walk back over to my seat feeling extremely better now. I glance out of the window to see us flying over puffy white clouds and far below I see the ocean. I lean back against my chair and doze off again, almost excited for the adventure that awaits.

In a while, I will be somewhere where I can fulfill my lifelong plan. That will make me happy--an emotion I know is buried deep inside me, even though I hate to admit it. Maybe performing magic in this setting can bring my happiness back...or maybe revenge will. I smile at the thought of bringing Niklaus down. I could finally be able to live without being daggered again, missing out on centuries of cultures and changes.

After a few more hours, the plane lands smoothly to my relief. Later I walk through the busy streets of London until I find the train station, which is very prominent since there was one every few blocks. My legs move quickly as I come across what I am looking for, coming upon a brick pillar between platforms 9 and 10 at Kings Cross Station. I have never been to this place before, but I know everything that involves my magic. I walk through the secretive wall with ease and the bright cherry red train greets me.

The platform is overcrowded with families sending their kids off to learn about magic, one that I learned by fate. Kids of various ages are around me everywhere and are excited to actually learn everything and anything about magic. My lips curve upwards as I think about people being excited to learn about something I created.

I see people my age--well my physical body age, which is 17. I could easily pass for 15 or 16 though and since my plan may take some time, I am posing as a 15 year old.

I enter the train and find that all the compartments are full, much to my disappointment. Looking to find a compartment to clear out, I walk down the train until I open a door to a compartment full of eager 11 year olds. I make eye contact with all of them, "Leave now and find somewhere else to sit." They all stand up quickly under my compulsion and shuffle out of the compartment with all their belonging. I smirk and waltz in.

As I turn to close the door, I see a boy with dark brown hair and glasses staring at me with a confused look on his face. I turn away from the questioning gaze quickly and sit down on the bench, placing my feet on the opposite bench. I spend my time reviewing spells I created centuries ago and practice with my wand, something I don't need for most spells but will use anyways so people do not grow suspicious of my magical abilities.

Just as we are about to come to a halt just outside of Hogwarts, I navigate my way through the busy hallway towards the bathroom. Girls crowd the small compartment, changing into their robes, which I do not yet have. I straighten my black leather jacket and fix my long brown hair to not look like I had just been on a long plane ride.

The train comes to its stop and I let everyone else get out first since I want to take my time. Everyone makes their way onto the carriages or the boats to cross the Black Lake. Such interesting creatures pull the carriages, Thestrals. Only few can see them, but I can because I've both witnessed and caused death.

I trail behind the eager students as they make their way around the grand school and eventually all pour into the Great Hall, which is definitely a sight. There are four long tables full of kids ages 11-18. I stay behind as a teacher with her gray hair put into a bun leads the little kids into the room. I can hear someone of an old age announcing names like tradition. I mean I know how this gig works.

The last new student is called, and I am ready to make my entrance. People don't know it yet, but they are in for a whirlwind.

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