Natural (creepy pasta x reade...

By fox-chan666

25K 930 571

There is a re write of this story called All Natural(reader x creepypasta) read that one. More

begings (this is discontinued go to All natural)
the bitch squad ahm i mean cheer squad (this is discontinued go to All natural)
i hate stairs (this is discontinued go to All natural)
Don't worry, i brought popcorn. (this is discontinued go to All natural)
Masion in th wood Pt.1 (this is discontinued go to All natural)
ch5 pt 2
News on the updates
6. Bad dog
Chapter 7 Oh hell no
Chapter 8 Captured
What cha doing ch10
Pancakes Woman! Ch. 11
Ch. 12 history of the bold
ch 13 Bromigo
ch 14 no one home?
Guess What :)

Ch. 9 Little girls and pink dresses

1.2K 52 24
By fox-chan666

A/N hey guys sorry I haven't updated lately I've been busy with a play I'm in and so now I'm updating! I hope you enjoy.

--- bananas a great source of LINE BREAK---

A little girl stood in front of a door waiting for the one inside to come out. When the door opened a teenaged girl walked out, she was wearing a blue dress and had ears coming out of her head. A tail flicked behind her in an annoyed fashion. The sudden movement scared the girl and she took a step back not wanting to get hit by the door. The elder girl looked at the little one for a second then . . . squealed with glee.

-your pov in third person-

You had a huge thing with adorble things. So when you had opened the door to see a little girl in a pink dress with a teddy bear you kinda had a little fan girl time. But come on she is sooooo cuuuttteee

'''Yeah yeah she's cute now shut up'''

'Hell to the no'

You bent down and hugged the little girl who seemed unaffected by what was going on and hugged you back.

"Hello my name is Sally! Will you play dolls with me?" Said the little girl.

"Maybe, can you tell me were I am first?" You replied, trying not to smile but failing.

"You're home of course, geez why are you being so silly?"

"Oh, mm well then take me to your master."

"Master? You mean mr. Slenderness?" She titled her head slightly.

You thought for a moment then nodded. "Ok then follow me" she sang while skipping forwards.

~few minutes later~

'Fuck, how long is this hallway?'

'''Idk mile, mile and half?'''

'That is not helpful'

'''Never clammed to be'''

~time skip cause I'm lazy and Fox is sarcastic~

After what felt like hours you came to the same receiving room as before that held the grand stairway and went to the doors. In the room that you had deducted was the living room, came the shouts of angry two or three angry teens. And luckily for you Sally instead headed towards what you remembered to be the kitchen/dining area.

Inside you found the tree man in an outrageously pink apron. You broke down laughing at the sight.


"HAHAHA.. Oh sorry Mr. Slendy." You said in mock respect

"Ugh whatever, now Ms. (F/n), you are now a resident of this house and you are to treat me with respect. And fetcher more you must learn the rules and such afterwards Sally will show you to your room--"

"I have to pee!" You said interrupting the tree.

"It can wait and IM NOT A TREE, now like I was saying Sally will show you were you will sleep now ground rules are; no humans are allowed here. No hunting with out permission. And finally don't get Ben near water."

When you were about to ask who Ben was Sally dragged you away with surprising strength and lead you up the steps and down the hall till you came to a silver door.

"This is your room. If you don't like the color I'll show you were some paint is so you came change it but for now let's go to my room!"

"Um Sally? Why would we go to your room?" You asked suspecting the answer already.

"Why to play, of course." She beamed pulling you father along.

While walking to her room you encountered a boy who looked a lot like link but with black pits for eyes that seemed to have red irises floating in them.

"Ben! You're just in time fir dress up!" Sally exclaimed and dragged the poor boy along with you into a very pink room.

And that's how you meet Ben and saw that he looked great in a pink dress.

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