You're Back and You're Trouble

By jennaphine

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Klaus/Caroline/Kol love triangle. *Takes place after Klaus leaves Mystic Falls* While in New Orleans, Klaus f... More

1. This Is Family Business
2. The Bennett Bookstore
3. Long Time, Brother
5. Bye, Bye, Baby
6. You Promised Me
7. We All Love A Little Chase
8. Sudden Turn Of Events
9. All Kinds Of Surprises
10. While You Were Gone
11. I Want It All
12. Decisions, Decisions
13. Change of Plans
14. Heartbreaker
15. The Moment of Truth

4. Just Stopping By

1.1K 33 3
By jennaphine

The next morning in the hybrid's estate, it was quiet. Kol believed that Rebekah and Elijah had headed back home, and that was all he could assume from under the silk, white covers of his bed. His face was buried into his pillow, not wanting to get up from the bed. It was the first time he'd slept since before he was killed. He'd forgotten what it felt like after a little while. There was no need for sleep when you were a ghost.

Just as Kol had finally made himself comfortable enough to drift back off to sleep, Klaus had come into the room, ripping the curtains open, the sun shining at Kol's face. He groaned slightly and pulled a pillow over his face to block out the unwanted light.

"Kol, brother, you must get up. We have things to do today and no time to dilly dally."

As Klaus made his way across the room, Kol threw his pillow at Klaus, thanking him for waking him up. Why was Klaus even bothering including him in whatever he had in mind? Just last night, Kol had proven that he didn't agree with anything his brother was doing and then left abruptly.

"Is that any way to treat a guest, Nik? I haven't even been back a day and you're already waking me up at the brink of dawn and ordering me around."

"Yes, well, my apologies, brother. It seems as though I have more important things in mind than sleeping today."

"And why should I be involved in these activities?"

"How do you feel about having a visit back in Mystic Falls?" The corners of Klaus' lips slightly curled up, and Kol joined in, smirking like a madman.

"What did you have in mind?"

"You'll see."

After Klaus managed to coax Kol into going with, the two brothers were in Mystic Falls by mid-afternoon. Unsure of why they were returning to the town Klaus had abandoned not too long ago, Kol had a set goal in mind. His plan was coming into play today. All he needed was to find the Lockwood boy that Caroline Forbes was so smitten with. In a final effort to make sense of why his brother had decided to return, he came to the conclusion that he wanted to pay Ms. Forbes a visit.

A slight smirk grew on his face as he realized that where else would Tyler be, but with Caroline? Two birds with one stone. Klaus could see the girl that he couldn't admit he was in love with, though he'd made it obvious enough that he might as well have worn a sign around his neck, and Kol could get hold of Tyler for his plan to finally take affect.

The two Originals stood tall and proud on the doorstep of the Forbes house. It had crossed Klaus' mind, as well as Kol's, that if anyone were home and saw Kol, that they would immediately call Stefan and Damon. No one trusted Kol, especially if he was back from the Other Side. Last time he came back, he tried to kill Elena, and it wasn't all too long ago either.

As the door opened, revealing a very confused and slightly agitated Caroline and Tyler to the two brothers, the blonde vampire was ready to slam the door in their faces, no questions. Kol might not be able to get into the house, but Klaus definitely could. The Original hyrbid stopped the door implicitly, letting himself in as if he owned the place.

Tyler was reluctant to stand too close, so he took a few steps back while Caroline stood only inches away from Klaus. The vampire's glare remained, while Klaus' face gestured more of a relaxed, even excited look. He was happy to see Caroline. He wasn't so thrilled about Tyler still being here, but there wasn't much he could do about that. He promised Caroline that Tyler was safe and he wouldn't try to get in between them any longer.

"Klaus, what is he doing here? Why is Kol here? How is he here? Why are you both here?" Caroline had her arms folded across her chest.

"We just came for a little visit, sweetheart, don't worry. You're safe anyway. He can't get inside."

"Good, neither of us want him in here," Tyler spat.

"Is that any way to speak to an Original?" Kol pretended to be offended.

"Sorry Kol, it's just that... you're kind of a psychopath and tried to kill Elena because of something her brother did."

"I've put that behind me, I'm looking for a fresh start now that I'm back thanks to my dear, sweet brother."

Caroline looked at Kol in disbelief and then glanced over at Klaus. She should have known that Klaus had something to do with it, but at the same time, she couldn't believe he would do something so stupid.

"Can I speak with you alone for a minute?" Klaus' eyes met Caroline's glare and he nodded, ushering her into the kitchen.

Of course Caroline would want to speak to him. He expected that deep down. Bringing Kol here probably freaked her out, especially since he was dead and there was no way he could've came back. At least, Caroline didn't think so until now.

"So I was just wondering," she began sweetly, batting her lashes at him gently. "what in the hell were you thinking?!"

She suddenly became cross with him, but Klaus just smirked, disregarding her anger and concern. He knew exactly what he was doing and she didn't have to worry.

"Caroline, love, there's no need to worry. I have him under control. He's grateful for what I've done for him; given him his life back. He's my brother, I can make him listen to me."

"But why did you do it?" Her face showed signs of confusion. He never made an effort to bring him back before, why now?

"Isn't being my brother a good enough reason?"

"I know you, Klaus. I know you well enough to know that you always have a motive for everything you do and it never has to do with something as simple as that. You had him daggered in a coffin for who knows how long."

The Original hybrid smirked softly at the blonde vampire. If only she knew. Kol was leverage, but he couldn't tell her that. It would make her feel threatened and she would call Stefan, Damon and Elena in a heartbeat if she felt threatened by him. He didn't want that anyway. He cared for her. He wasn't going to hurt her; Kol was just one of those 'just-in-case' secret weapons. Kol was unpredictable and if Klaus ever needed something from The Gilberts or anyone else for that matter, he could bargain with their safety from Kol.

"I have a purpose for Kol. He'll always be needed for something. It's really a matter of if and when. I promise you, that you are safe, sweetheart."

"What about Tyler? The rest of my friends?"

"Of course, Caroline. Every one of them. I have no need to harm them."

"Thank you, Klaus," she began, smiling gently at him. "You know, I actually kind of miss you."

Klaus' look of satisfaction was replaced with that of surprise. The corners of his mouth peaked up slightly, flattered by what Caroline had said.

"I'm glad you missed me. I miss being here sometimes, but I have my place in New Orleans. I just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing; how you and Tyler were doing."

Now it was Caroline's turn to look surprised. Why did Klaus want to see how she and Tyler were doing? She thought that he didn't like Tyler because he was in the way of him getting what he wanted. Her.

"And how do Tyler and I look to you?"

"Well. You two look happy together. I see the way you look at him, and you are both smitten. There's no doubt in my mind that you love him and that he's in love with you, Caroline," Klaus smiled, having the same smile returned to him by Caroline only seconds after. "But there will come a day when you realize he's not right for you. You'll realize you need someone else. And I'll still be waiting for you, Caroline. Just remember that. I haven't forgotten about you."

Klaus, quickly but gently, kissed the blonde's cheek and left the house, Kol trailing closely behind him. He didn't know what his brother had been up to today, no suspicions at all. Kol hid his success proudly and well. No one would ever know about his plan. Thank god for Caroline who had distracted Klaus in the kitchen, giving him enough time to compel Tyler. Soon enough his plan would come into play and all would be well for him. Things could be normal again. It was only a matter of time.

If he could pull this all off and have no blood on his hands, it would be the proudest of days for him. He'd accomplish something that even Klaus would never know he was involved with. It was almost impossible to fool his brother, but this time it might not be so hard. Everything was going so well right now, nothing could possibly go wrong.

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