(Canon x OC) Bill Cipher x Sa...

By Yandere-Dandere

1K 42 46

((Just let me live in sin.)) Set years after Weirdmageddon struck Gravity Falls, the story takes place in the... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14: Smut
Part 15: Special Juliet Chapter
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21: The End 1/2
Part 22: The End 2/2

Part 4

57 3 2
By Yandere-Dandere

"Wait- what?"

"A deal! What do you say?"

"Bill, I'm a demon. I make deals all the time. I watch other people make deals all the time. I don't think I can trust you when you say you want to make a deal with me."

"But really! I promise, it'll be exactly as it sounds. There won't be any catch."

Sapphire looked to the side, crossing her arms tightly. There was no way to trust him. Not even when he promised. That was just how demons were, and she would know. They would do anything they could to get what they wanted. Even if that meant breaking a promise or two, and even if it meant completely calling the deal off altogether.

Then again, she was a demon too. She could easily call the deal off if she wanted, without having to worry about him doing anything to her afterwards. He was back in the Mindscape; he especially couldn't hurt her then. Unless he tried to possess her body. But there was no way to do that. She had power. If he was going to live in her world, he would abide by her rules. She would make sure there wouldn't be another Weirdmageddon. Not on her watch.

"Hm.. Well, what kind of deal are we talking about here? What are the details?"

"You're the princess of the Underworld! Your power level is practically off the charts! At least, for a being of this world. So..." Bill tipped his hat, then held out his hand. A blue flame ignited from it.

"Here's the deal: you let me use your energy to restore myself to my previous state. In return, I'll..." He glanced away, as if thinking.

"Hold on, how about I tell you want I want my part of the deal to be?"

".. Alright, go on."

"You can use my energy, if.." She hesitated, "-if you promise not to hurt anyone anymore. And.. Um, if you can help me get ahold of blood supply without having to kill anyone."

"Sounds like a plan to me! And once I'm fully repaired, you won't ever have to deal with me again~"

".. Alright. Then we have ourself a deal." Sapph nodded.

The two shook hands, and the deal was sealed.


"What were you doing out there in the woods anyways?" Sapph asked Bill, trudging back through the woods to head home. It was dark now, and the flashlight was her only source of light at the moment. Currently, the triangular demon was floating beside her head, arms and legs dangling below him.

"I've been tied to that ridiculous stone for the past ten years since I was revived! Day after day, it was always the same! If I wanted to be in the real world, I could never stray too far from it! Agh, it made me so angry!" For a moment, Bill turned red, his eye squinting as his hands balled into fists.

"W-Woah there, buddy. Calm down!" The succubus held her hands up defensively. He almost immediately turned back to the musty yellow color, holding his.. Head?

"Remind me not to do that... I'm in no state to get all fired up like that!"

"I'll remember that."

It didn't take too much longer to get back to the house. Sapph rummaged around for the keys before unlocking the door, stepping inside with Bill following her.

"What a boring house. It's so bland! I think it needs some redecorating..." Bill pointed his finger at the sofa, before it started to float in the air. He moved it over, while the coffee table soon followed. A few pictures on the walls were turned and some fell and shattered to the floor.

Sapph blinked before she squealed, shaking her head and running to pull the couch back and the table, along with anything else. "N-No! It's fine the way it is! C'mon, you can't be doing that..!"

"Why not? I'm just trying to give this place a bit more pizazz!" He laughed.

"While you're with me, you gotta obey my rules!"

"Who says?"

"I do! If you don't, I'll break our deal, and you'll be tied back to that useless rock again."

At hearing that, Bill frantically put the furniture back, "N-Now now, no need to get all excited! Fine. I'll obey your petty rules."

"Good." She sighed, putting the pictures back on the wall. "Now, my sister's gonna be home soon..."

"Don't worry about that! She won't be able to see me~"


"At the moment, you're the only one that can see me. I'm going to be living in your mind after all." He crossed his arms. "The only thing you'll need to be worrying about is how stupid you'll look when you talk to thin air!"

"I'm not gonna do that!" She hissed, starting to stomp to her bedroom, him following. "I'll just talk to you in my head when she's around."

"Why not just tell her about me? After all, she knows about you. Hah! Even she's not entirely human!"

"How would you know that?"

"I told you I lost some of my abilities. Not all of them. I still know a lot of things!"

"You're annoying."

"You're stupid."

This would be a long night.


"Would you mind not following me when I take a shower?"

"Why does it matter? I've already seen you naked!"

"Bill! I'm serious!" Sapph blushed, spreading her bangs to glare at him.

"I am too! Hey, one eye. That's not a bad look for you, sunshine. I still look way better with it, though!" He boasted proudly, hands on what would have been his hips.

"Ugh..." Never did the demon think he would be this obnoxious. How anyone in their right mind would make a deal with him was beyond her. She only did it to protect the people of this city before someone ignorant made a deal with him, and to get help with her tricky food supply.

"Fine. Watch me take a shower. See if I care..!" Sapphire huffed, puffing up her cheeks as she started to undress.

Bill didn't really understand the necessity of privacy. He could see all things- well, most things as of now. And what was there to hide? She had the same meat-sack body as anyone else. Although he couldn't help but wonder: why did she take this human form? Why was she living her life as a human? She had so much more potential than that. If she wanted, she could take over the world right now. She could enslave every pathetic human on the face of the earth if she wanted. Yet she didn't. But he decided to ask questions later. Maybe when it was time for her to sleep, and he could purposely keep her up.

"Your boobs are gigantic."


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