The Labyrinths Roamer

By AngelOfDeath1920

81.3K 2.4K 34

The Underground is a place of unimaginable magic and creatures well beyond anyone's imagination. Within this... More

Things aren't what they seem
Free fall
For the better of others
Help those in need
Royal Advisor
From stone to life
More dresses
As the world falls down
An Important Question
Cold feet...
The curse
Is it her? (Part 1)
She took everything for granted
Lies? or truth?
Sarah is a naive little girl
So close yet so far away (part 1)
So close yet so far away (part 2)
Juliettes POV
Juliettes POV

Is it her? (Part 2)

1.4K 42 0
By AngelOfDeath1920

Giggling the goblins continued to scurry around the room "you're no match for me Sarah" Jareth spoke softly, his authority shinning through "but I have to have my brother back" Sarah sounded almost defeated "he's there in my castle" Jareth pointed out the windows, where instead of the suburbs was now the labyrinth "do you still want to look for him?" Jareth questioned, his eyes searching for the fire he knew very well Juliette possessed.

"Is that the castle beyond the Goblin City?" Sarah asked breathless "turn back Sarah, turn back before it's too late" Jareth tried to warn her "I can't, don't you understand I can't?" Sarah sounded very frustrated "what a pity," Jareth said, not really meaning it "it doesn't look that far" Sarah assumed foolishly "it's further than you think, time is short" backing away from Sarah he summoned a clock.

"You have thirteen hours in which to solve the labyrinth" the wind blew stronger as Jareth backed away "before your baby brother becomes one of us forever" "such a pity" Jareth's voice echoed down the desert.

Sarah's POV
"The labyrinth it doesn't look that hard" "well....come on feet" pushing myself forward I began to walk down the desert.

Walking closer to the Labyrinths entrance I hear a trickling sound in the distance "excuse me?" I tried to catch the dwarves attention "oh excuse me!" The small dwarf apologized before turning towards me "oh it's you" it spoke bitterly "can you help me through the Labyrinth?" I tried to ask politely.

 "Hmm!" The stubborn dwarf continued to ignore me, are all creatures this rude? "oh how sweet" I said as my eyes followed the small pixies  "57!" The dwarf spoke triumphantly "how could you!" I spoke outraged "ugh" the small creature continued spraying the small pixies "poor monster!" picking up the small pixie in my hands it suddenly bit me "ow!!" Dropping the forsaken creature into the ground I glared down at it "it bit me!!" I shouted, "what did you expect pixies to do?" The dwarf spat  "I thought they did nice things, like granting wishes" I tried to justify my foolishness "shows what you know don't it?" The dwarf answered "58!" It yelled  once more "you're horrible!" I shouted, "no I ain't I'm Hoggle who are you?" Hoggle questioned "Sarah" I answered politely even though my patience was running out "That's what I though, 59!" He shouted cheerfully "do you know where the door to the labyrinth is?" I asked "maybe" he avoided "the where is it?" I insisted "oh you little...60!" He kept on ignoring me "I said where is it?!" I nearly shouted, "where is what?" Hoggle asked completely unconcerned "the door" I clarified "what door?" He questioned.

Huffing out I glared down at the creature "it's hopeless" I sighed in resignation "no it's not unless you ask the right questions" Hoggle stated.

Third person point of view
"How do I get into the Labyrinth?!" She demands, clearly at the end of her rope. "Ah..." He sighs, "That's more like it! You get's in... There!" He motions to a door in the wall, which possibly wasn't there before...or maybe just couldn't be seen.

The door opened slowly letting out a large amount of mist, which is weird because there is no mist on the other side of the door, only when it opens. "You, ah, really goin' in there are ya?" He asks her. "Yes." She says looking back at him for a brief moment, "I'm afraid I have to" She walks inside the large doors and takes a look around.

There are large brick walls lining both sides of the maze, but form the looks of it, they just go on and on without anywhere to turn or continue on.

Sarah seems confused by the whole thing at first glance. "Cozy, isn't it?" Hoggle laughs as he scares her from behind. "Now, would you go left... or right...?" Sarah looks down both ways again, biting her lip as she tries to decide which way is best to go. "They both look the same "Well, you're not going to get very far." He tells her. "Which way would you go?" She asks finally "Me?" He asks, surprised, "I wouldn't go either way..." "If that's all the help you're going to be, you can just leave." She tells him "You know you're a problem?" He says angrily, "You take too many things for granted. Take this labyrinth for example. Even if you get to the center, you'll never get out again." "That's your opinion." She tells him wandering off on her own "Well it's a lot better than yours." He points out before storming away.

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