English Bay Blues: A Mass Eff...

By Julianne_Winters

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~~MASS EFFECT: BOOK 1 of 3~~ *Continues in Dragon's Teeth: Mass Effect 1 Ranked #8 in Mass Effect When 17 yea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's Note

Chapter 6

243 15 0
By Julianne_Winters

Earth/Canada/Vancouver, B.C./Alliance HQ

Earth Year: 2173 CE

As he stepped out of the cab, he shaded his eyes against bright afternoon sunlight, marvelling at the imposing yet elegant building before him that was the Vancouver address of Alliance Military HQ. Surrounded by lush gardens and fountains that sprayed water skyward, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at what he saw.

Humans may be newcomers to Council space but he was damn proud of humanity's ability to build awe-inspiring architecture. Having joined with the other races that populated the galaxy only a few short years ago, the Alliance had done much to improve their military standing. Looking to take their place as equals in the diversely populated galaxy, what they'd accomplished in such a short span of time was impressive.

Despite this, Kaidan knew humanity's drive to be seen as equals with Council races was going to be tough. His own first-hand experience with a turian had taught him that. He'd never hated Turians, just Vyrnus. But he'd learned that regardless of race or species, everyone was made of the same stuff. Vyrnus may have been turian but he was also a racist jerk. Different species, same emotional responses.

Shrugging off his thoughts, he headed to the entrance of the Alliance building where he was to provide testimony regarding last night's events. Alliance galactic relations were none of his concern anyway. He wasn't with the Alliance and had no plans to join them,ever.

Whatever the Alliance did or didn't do, Kaidan knew politics would sort it out - eventually. But from what he'd heard through the extranet, any plans the Alliance had to further their military or political standing was years away, maybe even decades. Meh, he thought absently as worked his way through the crowded lobby to the information desk, not my problem.


After grabbing an elevator to the third floor, he took a left down a long hallway and found himself in a rather pleasant waiting room.Tasteful leather furnishings and dark wood tables dotted the room. Several magazines were scattered within easy reach, some he noted featured articles on a variety of different species.

As he was about to take a seat, a door opened and Aryana stepped out wearing what appeared to Kaidan to be some sort of body armour. It was like nothing he'd ever seen before, since it left nothing to the imagination. At the same time, it gave the impression it contained some sort of enhanced barrier generator. He'd heard about armour enhanced barriers being used but had never seen one.

"Ah, Mr. Alenko," Aryana said, catching sight of him. "Glad you could make it on such short notice."

"Miss T'Pelo." He replied, stepping towards her.

"Please come in Mr. Alenko." Boomed the deep voice of a man from within the room Aryana had just left.

Kaidan complied, stepping into the room and taking the outstretched hand of the voice's owner in his. The man's dark features and intense blue-eyed stare was intimidating at first, his grip like a vice as he shook it in greeting.

Whoever he was Kaidan knew instinctively that this was not someone he ever wanted to get on the wrong side of. This guy meant business -whatever it might be.

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Alenko." He said congenially,stepping back and taking his seat on the other side of a rather impressive desk. "I'm First Lieutenant Anderson of the Systems Alliance Navy."

"Sir." Kaidan replied, taking a seat opposite.

"Thank you for coming Alenko." Anderson continued,seamlessly dropping his formal title. "Spectre T'Pelo briefed me on last night's events. As I told the Spectre," he said as he glanced over Kaidan's shoulder to nod at Aryana. "The Alliance is new to Council regulations and as yet we haven't had time to add legal Spectre authority to our procedures involving crimes committed here on Earth. As a result, I need you to relay to me the same thing you told the Spectre so we can proceed with criminal charges."

"Criminal charges?" Kaidan asked, confused. "Ithought they were being charged with assault?"

"Laws have changed a bit this past year." Anderson said,resuming his formal tone. "All incidents involving biotic use against another living being has been brought under military jurisdiction. Unless the offender is an Alliance officer performing in the line of duty, all biotic use is taken very seriously."

"But... I..." Kaidan stammered, squirming uncomfortably in his seat. Was he in trouble? What the hell was this?

"Mr. Alenko?" Anderson asked. Taking in Kaidan's sudden tension, understanding dawned. "Oh, sorry Alenko, I didn't mean you. From what I understand you were doing everything you could notto use your abilities against those men last night. They're the ones facing criminal charges. Your testimony will help us do that."

"Oh. Okay, well that's good I guess." He sighed,relieved.

"However," Anderson continued, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "It brings up a question I've wanted to ask you since I first heard about this incident. I assure you it has nothing to do with what transpired last night. Those men you were unfortunate enough to cross were already under investigation for other suspicious activities. We've been watching them for some time, but recent events have given us all we need to arrest and prosecute them."

"I see." Kaidan said, unsure why Anderson was sharing this with him. "Well I'm glad to help sir."

"Indeed." Anderson replied, thoughtful. "At any rate, we suspect they may be connected to a new underground pro-human group and red sand trafficking. Anyways, let's get your testimony taken care of so we can move on. I have something else I want to discuss with you."

Kaidan nodded in agreement as Anderson activated his omni-tool and stepped around his desk to be closer to him. "Just repeat what you told Spectre T'Pelo into my omni-tool and we can get this over with."

Moments later Anderson was back behind his desk watching him thoughtfully. Catching Aryana's eye, he nodded to her that she was not longer needed. With a shrug, she bowed out and left the room.

"So. Mr. Alenko." Anderson began, leaning his elbows onhis desk and leaning forward.

"Sir?" He was already more than uncomfortable with how everything had played out. The fact that Anderson had shared what he suspected was highly classified information about suspects he knew nothing about, had raised the hairs on his neck. Anderson was leading up to something and Kaidan somehow knew he wasn't going to like it.

"Now that's out of the way, we've come to the real reason I wanted to meet with you today. " He said, his face unreadable.

Here it comes, Kaidan thought darkly. His past, his crimes, BAat, Conatix... all of it. Dammit all to hell. He braced himself. He didn't want to talk about this with anyone, never mind an Alliance officer.

"Sir." Kaidan began, wanting nothing more than to get out of this office as quickly as possible. "I think I know whatthis is about and I really don't want to get into it."

"Do you now?" Anderson interrupted. "As it happens I can assure you this has nothing to do with the unfortunate incident that occurred at Jump Zero."

"I..." Kaidan stammered, his face flushing.

"Relax son. I apologize for my subterfuge but it's obvious what happened there weighs on you. When Spectre T'Pelo mentioned your name last night I was surprised when I recognized it. I assure you this meeting has nothing to do with that. Well, not directly anyways..."

"I... what?" Kaidan said, confused.

"I didn't do a background check on you or anything of that nature." Anderson continued. "I was part of the crew that cleaned up what happened that day. I was in charge of getting the students sent home and the staff reassigned. But as I said before,it's not what I want to discuss. However, I will say that what happened was handled very badly by everyone involved. Vyrnus' death was never your fault. I may serve the Alliance, I don't agree with how they let the blame for what happened fall to you and you alone.Unfortunately, I didn't have the authority to change or influence any of it."

Kaidan let out the breath he'd been holding. Saying he was surprised by Anderson's words didn't come close to how shocked he was by what Anderson had just told him.

"At any rate," Anderson continued, "that's not what I want to discuss now. If not for Spectre T'Pelo's mention of your use of biotics last night, it's unlikely I would've made the connection."

"I don't understand sir. What do my biotics have to do with this?"

"Son, I hope that's a rhetorical question."


"I understand your reluctance to discuss biotics with anyone Alenko," Anderson said, "but let me assure you that this conversation is entirely off the record. What happened to you at BAat was inexcusable. The fact that no charges were brought against the company is something I've never understood. Those bastards should never have let the situation get that far out of hand."

Anderson trailed off. His vehemence about what happened stunned him. He'd always believed the Alliance saw him as a murderer and that he'd gotten off easy. Anderson had just shot that belief all to hell. Maybe mom was right about the Alliance.

"Anyways, I wanted to discuss your biotics."

"My biotics?"

"From what Spectre T'Pelo told me and after reviewing your performance records from BAat, I can't in good conscience let you leave here without first making my concerns known."

Thoroughly confused, Kaidan could only stare at him.

"According to T'Pelo, your biotics are the strongest display of power she's ever witnessed in a human - including the new L3's. She also mentioned your collapse - something else she's never seen before. At least not with a happy ending." Anderson added darkly. "As I understand it, incidents like that only occur in very powerful, natural biotics and until last night, no one has ever recovered from a collapse like yours."

"No one?" Kaidan asked, seriously unnerved. No one? He repeated silently. Not possible, he thought, Anderson had to be wrong.

"No one." Anderson confirmed. "Which is why I want to know why you aren't part of the Alliance. Someone of your talent should be in training."

"I... " Kaidan had no idea what to say next as words failed him.

"I understand your reluctance to join a military that turned their back on you and fed you to the wolves. Completely understandable. But a talent like yours should not be wasted. Human biotics are new, and as a result not trusted by much of anyone, humans especially. I understand where you're coming from, but I also know that if you don't start exercising your power, sooner or later it's going to destroy you and possibly others. Your power will become unstable to the point of dangerous. When that happens, your migraines and headaches will be the least of your problems."

Reclining back in his chair, Anderson watched while Kaidan struggled to absorb everything he'd just said. He felt for the boy. He really did. He was ashamed of how the Alliance had left him high and dry to take the blame for something that was an unnecessary and completely avoidable accident. There was nothing he could do about it now, but he'd be damned if he let Alenko walk out of here without first speaking his mind.

"I don't know what to say sir." Kaidan began. "You're right though, I should be working on my control and endurance. But after what happened I... well, in all honesty, I'm afraid to use it."

"Understandable." Anderson said quietly. "And I respect that. I'm not trying to convince you of anything."

"You're not?" Kaidan thought that unlikely. The man could sell flood insurance to water planets if he were so inclined.

"No. I just want you to think about what I've said. The Alliance could use men like yourself and we're always finding new ways to put biotic abilities to use. From what I've heard, your biotics alone are only a small part of what would make you an asset to the Alliance."

"I don't know what to say."

"No need to say anything. I just want you know that not everyone involved agreed with how things went down at Conatix. Also as far as I'm aware I'm one of a handful of people who know your history. Many are like me and feel the entire affair should've been handled better. Unfortunately, politics ruled that day and there was nothing to be done about it."

"I appreciate you telling me this." Kaidan said, getting to his feet.

"You're welcome Alenko," Anderson smiled, taking his hand again. "I just wish I could have told you sooner. Unfortunately, your location was classified. I'm just glad I finally got to say what I felt needed saying."

"Thank you sir and I want you to know I will think about what you've said."

"That's all I ask. It was a pleasure to meet you. Forgive me, but I hope we meet again."

"No offense, but I hope we don't." Kaidan smiled. "It was nice meeting you, but I have have an appointment to get to."

"Of course. Take care Alenko."

"Sir." He said, nodding goodbye and closing the door behind him.

As the elevator door swished shut, he released the breath he'd been holding since stepping out of Anderson's office. Too many surprises for so early in the day, he thought, his mind reeling from what Anderson had said. He never would have believed it, but an Alliance officer had just told him he wasn't to blame for happened at Conatix. The day couldn't possibly get more surprising.

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