Author Games: Brave New World

By TheCatKing

15.1K 1K 845

By 2150, Earth is in decline- but humanity can always look to the stars. The Ark is the first ship of its ki... More

Colony Law
Colony Higher-ups
The Census (Reservations)
Colonist Slot 1: Natalia "Olive" Amber
Colonist Slot 2: Anna Benedykta
Colonist Slot 3: Sydney Morristan
Colonist Slot 4: Marielle Dupain
Colonist Slot 5: Zhang Mai
Colonist Slot 6: Reagan Wilkie
Colonist Slot 7: Ezequiel Arroyo
Colonist Slot 8: Winora Tallula Winford
Colonist Slot 9: Jordyn King
Colonist Slot 10: Elliot Greendale
Colonist Slot 11: Dana Brecht
Colonist Slot 12: Megumi Hirai
Colonist Slot 13: Chrysanthemum Nicole Paterson
Colonist Slot 14: Xander Gallus
Colonist Slot 15: Lucia Paula Fernandez
Colonist Slot 16: Audrey H. Williams
Colonist Slot 17: Stephan Lakton
Colonist Slot 18: Axelle Haumann
Colonist Slot 19: Lydia
Colonist Slot 21: Genevieve Chidubem
Colonist Slot 22: Lucien Monseigneur
Colonist Slot 23: Tadgh
Colonist Slot 24: Rasul Rashid
Task One: The People of Danu
Task One Entries: 1-12
Task One Entries: 13-24
Task One Entries: Scores and Rankings
A Message From Your Captain
Task Two: Conmaicne Rein
Task Two Entries: 1-12
Task Two Entries: 13-24
Task Two: Scores and Rankings
Task Two: Voting
Task Three: Nuada and Bres
Task Three Entries: 1-12
Task Three Entries: 13-24
Task Three: Scores and Rankings
Task Three: Voting
Task Four: Fomoire
The Colonies
Task Four Entries: Parthenos
Task Four Entries: Eden
Task Four: Scores and Rankings
Task Four: Voting
Task Five: The Four Treasures
Task Five Entries: Parthenos
Task Five Entries: Eden
Task Five: Scores and Rankings
Task Five: Voting
Task Six: The Eye of Balor
Task Six Entries: Parthenos
Task Six Entries: Eden
Task Six: Scores and Rankings
Task Six: Voting
Task Seven: Keening
Quarterfinals: Sydney Morristan
Quarterfinals: Marielle Dupain
Quarterfinals: Megumi Hirai
Quarterfinals: Lucia Paula Fernandez
Quarterfinals: Axelle Haumann
Quarterfinals: Demetrius Vittore
Quarterfinals: Scores and Rankings
Quarterfinals: Voting
Semifinals: The Battle of Magh Tuireadh
Semifinals: Sydney Morristan
Semifinals: Marielle Dupain
Semifinals: Lucia Paula Fernandez
Semifinals: Axelle Haumann
Semifinals: Demetrius Vittore
Semifinals: Byes and Voting
Finals: Through the Sidhe
Finals: Sydney Morristan
Finals: Lucia Paula Fernandez
Finals: Axelle Haumann
Finals: Demetrius Vittore
Finals: Voting
Special Awards
The Results

Colonist Slot 20: Demetrius Vittore

162 17 10
By TheCatKing

Name: Demetrius Vittore

Age: Twenty; 20

Gender: Male

Nation of Origin: Italy

Position: Custodian/Janitor

Appearance: Demetrius has wavy black hair, flipping and flopping to somehow shape itself around his skull. With a jawline that could impale a man, eyes to infuse others with discomfort, and lanky arms that frighten, one would never expect his smile to be so grand as it is. It is otherworldly and bright, normally accommodating some kind of laugh, his chest doubling over to heave a chuckle. His hands are an odd aesthetic of skin and vein, mixing well with his tanner skin tone.

Personality: Demetrius is a nervous little boy trapped behind a wall of flirtatious words and a desire to hug. However, he is never seen crossing the boundaries of personal space, always in love with those unreachable and asking before an embrace may occur. Not shy, but endearing, Demetrius is someone that lurks in the background without the motifs of creepiness and oddity- though, some may mistake him as just that, a stalker. He is unfortunately family-oriented and the necessity for a close bloodline often gets in the way; friends are family, too, but those are dissipated and not present in his life. A young man that sparks with happiness, Demetrius is silent. He is unprovoked, unapparent, and unseen.

Token: His childhood stuffed bear, whom he named Demetrius Vittore the Stuffed Second.


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