English Bay Blues: A Mass Eff...

By Julianne_Winters

5.2K 296 64

~~MASS EFFECT: BOOK 1 of 3~~ *Continues in Dragon's Teeth: Mass Effect 1 Ranked #8 in Mass Effect When 17 yea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's Note

Chapter 4

311 16 2
By Julianne_Winters

Earth/Canada/Vancouver, B.C.

Earth Year: 2173 CE

Dumbstruck, Kaidan repeated what she'd just said to himself. Spectre? What the hell was a Spectre doing in Vancouver?

"Yeah," Aryana continued, speaking to someone via her omni-tool, "I tracked down the disturbance. Illegal use of biotics against an unarmed civilian. Need some backup to bring them in."

Kaidan couldn't hear what was being said to her so he waited, still stunned that a Spectre, and an Asari Spectre at that, had appeared out of nowhere and come to his rescue.

"Right." Aryana replied, "They're currently detained in a Singularity field but it won't hold them long."

"Copy that," Came the reply in what sounded like a deep male voice. "We're sending a shuttle to your location now. Alliance HQ out."

"So," Aryana began, turning her attention back to Kaidan, "What did you do to draw that kind of attention to yourself?" She asked, inclining her head in the direction of the cursing men.

Taking in his stunned silence, Aryana admired the biotic field the young man was still maintaining. His face was a mask of concentrated effort over a handsomely chiselled face, honey-dark eyes and black hair cut short. Probably to lessen the effect of static, she reasoned.

"I think you can drop your barrier now." She said dryly as Kaidan blushed and dropped his shield, clearly unaware it was still active.

"Right, yeah," Kaidan stammered. "I uh, forgot about that."

"I noticed," Aryana said, still smiling. Stepping closer she stuck out her hand, "Aryana T'Pelo, Spectre. And you are?" She queried as Kaidan reached out to take it.

"Oh," Kaidan blushed, "uh Kaidan Alenko, ma'am."

"Mmm, hot and polite." Aryana teased. "What are the odds?"

"I, uh," Kaidan stammered, unsure how to respond. At that moment an Alliance shuttle appeared, dispatching four Alliance soldiers who rounded up Troy, Trent and George just as the Singularity broke, dumping all three to the ground.

Aryana covered her snicker, maintaining her professional demeanour as the Alliance took their leave. She watched the departing shuttle for a moment before turning her attention back to Kaidan.

He was grateful for the brief respite from her gaze, seizing the moment to regain his composure and willing his body and mind to still themselves. By the time she turned back to face him he'd gained back much of his seemingly absent presence of mind and a modicum of his inner balance was restored.

"So?" Aryana queried. "You wanna tell me what happened here or what?"

"Uh yeah," Kaidan began, "Sorry, I'm uh, I guess I'm just not used to seeing an Asari in the middle of downtown Vancouver."

Aryana's sea-green eyes twinkled with amusement. "How about we keep things simple and start over from the beginning?" She said, offering her hand again.

"Aryana T'Pelo, Spectre."

"Kaidan Alenko." He returned, taking her hand. "Pleasure to meet you ma'am."

"Pleasure's all mine Alenko." She said, smiling. "Well? You gonna spill or do I have to wring it out of you?"

"No ma'am," Kaidan replied. "Sorry, I'm just not thinking clearly at the moment. Can't seem to organize my thoughts."

Frowning, Aryana looked at him thoughtfully. Now that he had her full attention, she noticed he didn't seem all that steady on his feet. Nor did his eyes seem able to focus long on any one spot. They kept flitting here and there like a butterfly as though he couldn't control what was happening. Oh shit, she thought, suddenly alarmed, I bet he's an L2. Dammit. He looks about to faint.

"Come on," She said, grabbing his arm and dragging him down the street, back the way she'd come.

Confused, Kaidan followed still unable to to get his brain or his thoughts in order. What the hell was wrong with him? Snap out of it Alenko! He chastised to himself, you sound like a star-struck schoolboy who never learned how to talk to women.

"Uh, where are we going?" Kaidan asked, struggling to keep pace with her.

"You look about ready to fall flat on your face," She said, giving him a stern look. "I can't get much from you if you pass out on me. But if you must know, we're going somewhere we can get some coffee in you. It might help to ground and stabilize you."

"Oh." Was all he could manage as despite his efforts, he seemed to be losing the battle to maintain his ability to speak.

"You do need to sit right?"

"Uh sorry, yes ma'am. I'm feeling a bit out-of-sorts. A cup of coffee might help."

"Good, here we are." She said, opening the door to a late night cafe. It was one of the higher classed late-night coffee shops in downtown Vancouver, Kaidan noted, feeling increasingly detached from his surroundings.

Seating themselves at a nearby booth, he sank deep, feeling all his energy seep into the floor. His sudden exhaustion hit him like a train, leaving him light-headed. Holy crap, he thought, what the hell was wrong with him?

Calming himself, he kept his eyes closed and realized his heart was tapping rapidly against his chest, like a trapped bird. The concentrated effort he'd used holding his barrier for so long left him in a rush at the same time he realized what was happening. Oh shit! He thought, seconds before the first wave of pain struck his temple. This is going to be bad.

Bright lights burst behind his eyelids and the worst pain he'd ever felt hit him like a brick wall, making him feel as though his brains were about to burst through his skull. Unable to prevent his cry of pain, he bent forward, clutching his head in his hands in a vain attempt to squeeze the pain away, willing the throbbing to subside.

"Ahh!" He cried as a wave of pain burst in his temple sagain, his legs turning to jelly as he continued to clutch uselessly at his temples, when everything went back.

Aryana looked on in stunned silence as Kaidan pitched forward, clutching at his temples with an anguished cry, his momentum carrying him towards impact with the table.

Shocked but not immobilized, she snatched the hot coffee out of the way while shoving her recently shed jacket under his head, moments before he hit the table.

Re-seating herself, she watched him. She'd heard about the human's first attempts at biotic implants and the horrible side-effects they'd encountered in the early stages of amp research - but she'd never met a functional, never mind hot, L2 biotic before.

The pain he was experiencing was palpable as waves of intense heat emanated from him in the small space they shared. Shr couldn't even begin to imagine what he was experiencing when he cried out again and lost consciousness.

Alarmed, she jumped to her feet and placed a hand to his forehead. On touching his skin, an image of searing hot pain shot through her hand and she snatched it back as though she'd been burned, gasping at the unexpected sensation. Dammit. She was going to have to do something to help him. This level of pain wasn't normal, nor was there time to call for medical help before he ran out of time.

She'd read reports of other biotics who'd experienced this type of reaction to biotic over-use in species who didn't respect the ability. Often, their lack of understanding meant they also neglected to exercise the ability and how to control it. Once it reached this stage, it didn't end well. Either the attending medics didn't understand the severity of the condition or provided the wrong treatment. Regardless, the biotic who reached this stage usually didn't come out of it. If they did, they were irrevocably damaged individuals who were never the same again.

Sighing heavily, Aryana hesitated at what she was about to do. It was dangerous for the human and frowned on by her people, the Asari. It was also invasive. Unfortunately it was her only option if she wanted to save him. If she didn't act soon, he might never regain consciousness.

Crap, she thought. Settling down beside him, she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, bowed her head and allowed her eyes to go black as she used her Asari power to enter his mind.

At first all she saw was a searing white light which she assumed must be the visual representation of the physical pain he was experiencing. Blocking it from her awareness, she brought to mind cooling breezes and soothing darkness in an effort to calm the inner struggle she could sense happening around her.

Much sooner than she'd expected, the brightness receded as her own black coolness moved in to take its' place. It was near the centre of where the bright light had been where she found Kaidan's inert form, lying huddled on the ground in a protective posture. His knees were drawn up to his chin, his head bowed as he lay on his side in the dark.

Cautiously, she bent toward him and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, using her mind to ease the cooling dark of her energy into his awareness. Within moments of doing so, he began to stir, blinking up at her in confusion. Maintaining eye contact, he rose to a sitting position before getting to his feet.

He squeezed his eyes shut as he came back to himself. "Where are we?" He asked. "What did you do? How did you get here... wait, where is here?"

He glanced around, taking in the blackness that was studded with what looked to him to be stars.

Smiling, Aryana spoke quietly. "If I had to answer one of those, I'd have to say I think I just saved your life."

"What?! What are you talking about? Where are we? What happened?"

"We were going to that cafe remember?" She replied gently, "You were going to tell me why those men attacked you. Except we never got that far since you blacked out on me."

Seeing his look of confusion, she continued. "Any of this ringing a bell?"

"Uh," Kaidan began, "I remember the cafe and the table and then everything kinda disappeared into a bright white light and then... well, nothing."

"Yeah. Well at least your memory wasn't affected." Aryana sighed, relieved by his coherence. "But maybe we should discuss this when you're conscious again. Not here."

Kaidan looked around again, having already forgotten what he'd noticed the first time. The cool, empty darkness studded with stars as though he were nothing more than a star himself floating free.

"What is this place?" He murmured, unable to keep the wonder and awe from his voice. "It looks like we're suspended in space."

"Nothing so dramatic." Aryana replied. "Short version, this is your consciousness and mine. I entered yours so I could find you and bring you out of this. I wanted to keep you from going comatose. All the signs were there," she continued taking in his shocked expression. "I knew if I didn't act fast the odds weren't good you would be coming out of it. Ever."

Kaidan stared at her. A coma? Him? He'd heard about other biotics who'd had that happen but never thought he'd be one of them.

Migraines and headaches were what plagued him, not comas. But then, what the hell was that white light he remembered? Awful, was all he could think, just awful.

"I see." Kaidan said quietly. "Well then, how do I get out of here?"

"Assuming you aren't going to pass out again, we can leave as soon as you open your eyes."

"Open my eyes?" He repeated when suddenly, he did just that. The faint sound of clinking dishes reached his ears and the heady aroma of coffee assailed his senses. He became aware of the hard table broken only by a jacket pressing into his cheek, his arms hanging limp at his sides.

He felt Aryana's hands at his shoulders as she stirred and rose from her position beside him, once more taking a seat across from him. As he returned to full wakefulness, he remembered the intense pain that had knocked him cold while in the same instant realized it was gone.

He looked at Aryans who was watching him with interest. "I'm uh..." He began, his voice cracking against the dryness there. He reached for his now considerably cooled coffee and took several swallows. Taking a moment to compose himself he worked through what he wanted to say.

"I've never experienced anything like that before. I mean, passing out like that. I've only ever had headaches and really bad migraines, but I've never passed out."

Aryana sighed and signalled to a passing waitress for refills."It's not something we, Asari I mean," she added. "Do on a regular basis."

"What?" Kaidan asked, frowning. "Pass out?"

"What? No, not passing out. I meant joining someone else's consciousness. Sorry, I'm a little distracted by what just happened. What I meant to say," She continued after the waitress refilled their mugs and walked away. "Is that we don't join our consciousness to another casually. It's a pretty intimate thing to do with an Asari, never mind another species."

Seeing his quizzical look, she continued. "Essentially I joined my consciousness with yours so I could reach you. It's all I could think to do on such short notice when you passed out and crashed onto the table."

"Oh," Kaidan said. "Why would you do that? I mean... I'm a stranger and uh, as you said it's not something your people do casually. I guess I'm just wondering why you would do that."

"Because," She huffed, looking cross. "You were in pain and in need of swift medical attention. From what I saw, even if there was time, medics wouldn't have been able to help you much. So I did what I had to."

"Well," Kaidan began, sensing her discomfort. He was certain what she'd done wasn't simple, but decided not to press her on it. "In that case, thank you for what you did. I'm sure you're right. I don't know what might've happened if you'd waited, but I do know it was painful and not something I ever want to experience again."

"You're welcome." She replied, relieved he wasn't going to push for more.

"So," She began, her tone suddenly more professional. "You're an L2."

"I... what?"

"I thought most humans biotics of your talent level were almost always recruited by the Alliance? Has something changed?"

"I..." Kaidan began, "Wait, you think I have talent?"

"You don't?"

"No one's ever said so before so no, not really."

Smirking, Aryana's eyes twinkled. "You need someone else to tell you that you have talent before you believe you do?"

"I... what? No of course not." Kaidan stammered, suddenly wishing he kept his mouth shut. "I thought you wanted to know what happened with those men who attacked me earlier?"

"Of course," Aryana replied smoothly, allowing the subject change. "Be my guest."

Relieved, Kaidan recounted everything that had happened before she'd come to his rescue on the street. The only thing he left out was the part where he'd faked being drunk while beating the three men at a card game.

"I see. Well I'm sure your Alliance will deal with them. I'll pass on your testimony and that as you humans say, will be that. But you still haven't answered my other question."

Kaidan squirmed uncomfortably.

"By the look of things I'm not going to get an answer am I?"

Nodding to herself as Kaidan kept silent, she got to her feet. He really did not want to talk about this. Not with anyone.

"Since you obviously don't feel like sharing, how about you answer me this then, why aren't you working on your control and endurance? Someone with your skill shouldn't be working security at some crap casino. You could do so much more with that talent." She trailed off, watching a flurry of conflicting emotions flash across his face. Damn, but humans were a fascinating species.

"I honestly hadn't thought about it." Kaidan replied. "I'm not very comfortable with my abilities yet."

"I see." Aryana said, and she did see. The conflict within him was obvious yet she couldn't bring herself to walk away just yet.

"Thank you for your testimony Mr. Alenko," she said, making her way to the cafe door. "I appreciate your time and cooperation. However, talent like yours is not something to be wasted. I strongly suggest you get yourself some training and work on your stamina and control. If for no other reason than to ensure you don't inadvertently throw yourself into a coma. I won't be around to save you if it happens again." She added, smiling wickedly as the effect of her words flushed his cheeks pink. "Talent like yours could take you so much further than you're willing to imagine right now."

Nodding goodbye, she stepped outside as Kaidan moved to join her, unwilling to let her have the last word. "I just want thank you again for what you did." He said, holding the door for her. "And I will think about what you said."

"Good. I hope you do."

Kaidan remained motionless for a bit while he watched Aryana make her way down the dark street before stepping outside to get a cab home.

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