Enticing (Harry Styles AU) #W...

بواسطة NatalyCanez

440K 13.9K 4.6K

They were like Romeo and Juliet; fated to fall in love or maybe...just fated to fall. Cover made by: @JonasKr... المزيد

Introduction/ Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
*The Fanfiction Awards 2016*
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Important Questions!
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Playlist and Song Suggestions
Thoughts and Important Info
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
I Need To Say This
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69.
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
The End
The Fanfiction Awards 2018

Chapter 12

5.5K 163 1
بواسطة NatalyCanez

Harry's POV

After my not so helpful talk with Sarah, I decided that I needed a change of scenery to finish my work no longer loving the atmosphere of my office; so I headed over to the conference room.

The conference room was very spacious, it was about three times the size of my office. The large grey table stood in the middle surrounded by black revolving chairs, with the occasional small pieces of art hung up on the white walls.

The room was empty and normally no one comes in here unless a meeting is ordered which is perfect because what I need right now is to hide away, to pretend that nothing is wrong; even if it's for a little while.

There isn't much work that I still needed to finish, most of the assignments I had to do I completed during the pointless meeting in the afternoon. However, I decided to leave a few documents unattended so James would think I'm taking my time and would leave me alone for a while.

I am in no mood for him prying, especially after being forced to talk about my feelings.

I leaned against the side of the table, facing the large flat screen on the wall where we normally pull up our presentations and watch the news. My eyes focused on the screen as I flipped through the channels trying to distract my mind and pass some time.

"The Sinister is at it again, causing more tragedies." The male reporter announces as I suddenly come to a stop on the news channel. "Here we have Jane Lawson live at the scene to give us some more details."

Watching intently, I straighten my stance raising the volume up a bit; my interest peeked.

*Video flips to a strawberry haired women dressed in a black suit jacket holding a microphone with police lights flickering behind her*

"Good afternoon, I'm Jane reporting to you live outside the house where the police are investigating another few victims that The Sinister decided to act upon."

"What has been confirmed so far is that sadly the lives that were taken belonged to a family of three, a mother and her two young daughters around the age of seven." Jane says, gesturing to the small one story brick house behind her.

I scowl at the screen; feeling a small ache in my chest as the familiar wave of grief washed through me.

"I've been told that the event happened at the early hours of the day and the neighbors heard their cries for help." She nods "Here is what one of them have to say."

*Video flips to a 25 year old brunette women with her name displayed at the bottom of the screen; Letty Williams*

"My husband was the one that heard their cries for help." Letty explains. "He was getting ready to go to work and as he was about to leave the house my husband heard a women scream followed by a few number of gun shots. Frantically, my husband ran inside and quickly called the authorities."

*Video flips back to the news reporter.*

"Despite of the neighbor's assistance; unfortunately the authorities did not get there in time." Jane informs. "The police still have a lot to uncover but by the looks of things The Sinister will not stop his random killings and it seems that there is certain pattern or reason behind all these murders and-"

I scowl turning off the television tossing the remote on the table.

"You really shouldn't be watching that." James comments making me roll my eyes.

"So what, you are making me give up my right to watch the news now?" I ask, turning around to face him. "Like you aren't controlling me enough already."

"Wow Styles." James frowns, blinking at me momentarily taken back by my harsh remark.

"Where is this anger coming from?" He asks, stepping through the door. I scowl at him not even bothering to give him an answer.

"I just think that watching the news about this person isn't good for you." James says in a calm voice, shaking his head. "Especially since-"

"I'm fine, okay?" I snap. "I don't need you to babysit me."

"Now if you don't mind I'd like to be left alone so I can finish my work." I mutter walking around the end of the table, sitting in the black revolving chair I was using before.

"You and I both know that you already completed your work. You were pretty occupied during the meeting."

I shake my head, biting the inside of my cheek.

Leave me alone.

"So I take that the conversation with Sarah didn't go so well." James presses, making my scowl deepen as I stare at my laptop screen.

"Being made into talking about things of my past I don't usually find that appealing." I say, looking for a certain file on my desktop. "So to answer your question, no the conversation didn't go so well."

"Harry I-"

"James!" Someone calls out making both of us snap our heads to the door seeing Peter.

"A distress call came through a minute ago; a women saying that someone had broken into her house."

"Did you already send anyone?" James frowns as I stood up from my chair; my body standing to attention.

"Yes, but I don't think it's just the causal burglar." Peter says shaking his head.

"The call sounded fairly familiar as to the ones we have had before connected to The Sinister." Peter explains, making my skin crawl.

"Alright, let go find out for sure." James nods rushing out the door with me right on his tail.

Ryder's POV

"Alright class, pencils down." Mr. Weber announces making everyone practically sigh in relief. "Please bring your tests over to me."

I set my pencil down on the desk pushing my hair behind my ears before standing up grabbing my bag from behind my chair as everyone made their way to the front of the classroom.

I walk down the steps at the end of the rows of seats before coming to a stop in front of Mr.Weber handing him my math test. He gives me a brief smile which I return before continuing on my way.

"So how did it go?" Katie asks, already standing by the door as I approach her.

"Good, I think." I answer as we walk into the hallway.

"Okay, well that is enough of school, we have a full week off!" She smiles, giving my upper arm a squeeze.

"You know what that means right?" Katie asks, her eyes lit up with happiness.

"No more alarms?" I answer, shrugging my bag up higher on my shoulder.

"No." She groans "We get to party!"

I chuckle, rolling my eyes. "Katie we do have a week off of school but as soon as we get back we have finals. I don't think we should waste all of our time partying."

Plus, I am in no mood right now. My body still feels down with what went on this weekend.

"Besides, we still have work." I remind her.

"Oh yeah." Katie mutters sounding a bit sad. "Just at least promise me we will party at least once."


Once we were both back at the apartment, I headed straight into the kitchen to fetch some water.

"I'm going to take a shower before we head off to work." Katie calls out to me before heading out of the room.

I grab an empty glass from the top cabinet before filling it up with cool water from the fridge. Taking a long sip of water I walk back into the living room. I set my glass down on the coffee table as I sat down on the couch deciding that it's best for me to watch a bit of TV. I reach for the remote by the lamp on the small table but stop my movements seeing the little red light flicker on and off on the landline phone; indicating that someone left a message.

I frown reaching over pressing the button on the machine to hear the message.

"Hey Ryder... it's Shawn." Shawn's voice announces, making my frown deepen.

"Look, I know you don't want to speak to me considering I have called about a thousand times and you haven't picked up." He sighs. "But I just wanted to see how you were doing and to tell you that I am sorry for what happened the other night."

"I know I probably went a little bit overboard but your my little sister and to see you that way..." He pauses. "It just really upset me. Please when you can just call me."

I sigh as the message came to an end, pursing my lips in thought.

Well there is no use in calling him right now. Shawn is probably at work and I have to go to soon.

Harry's POV

Our car came to a skidding stop outside of the house where the call had came from. I frown as we climbed out of the car seeing yellow tape covering the front entrance of the house. My heart sank when I saw two paramedics pulling out a gurney through the door with a body covered by a white sheet.

"Looks like we didn't get here in time." James sighs.

"Yeah." I reply, my tone sad and quiet, feeling disappointed.

"Come on, let's go inside and talk to the other police officer." James says briefly touching my upper arm heading towards the house.

As soon as we stepped into the house you could sense the tension and grief in the air. It felt heavy and the dreary silence made you feel too scared to even make noise.

Stepping into the living room our eyes were meet with broken picture frames, a broken lamp, a knocked over couch and books and papers scattered all over the floor. Several men in black jackets were already inspecting the living room along with every other part of the house looking for clues and taking pictures.

"Hey James." I hear a male welsh voice greet.

"Hey Frank." James replies in a sad tone walking over to a copper, grey haired man.

Frank was about five feet tall, dressed in a light colored pressed down suit, with a white shirt and black tie. The holster of his gun was visible on his left side beneath his jacket while his badge hanged around his neck with a thin grey chain

"Who's this?" Frank asks, looking up at me while I come to a stand next to James.

"This is Harry." James says gesturing to me. "He works for me."

"So you're the infamous Harry." Frank smiles.

"I guess I am." I shrug shoving my hands into my pockets.

"Okay Frank, were you able to catch who it was that did all this?" James asks moving the conversation back onto a much more important topic.

"No we did not. We had them but they managed to escape out the back." Frank replies both disappointed and apologetic.

"However, thankfully we know who it was." He adds.

"Really? Who?" I frown.

"The Sinister." Frank replies looking at me before focusing back on James. "Normally, he sends other people to do his job but this time whatever the reason was it had to be personal."

"Why do you say that?" James mutters, his brows furrowed.

"Follow me." Frank says gesturing us to follow him into the kitchen.

James's POV

Frank guides us over to the kitchen island where a laptop sat opened on full display with a usb cable attached to a small camera.

"He made sure to leave a message behind." He says looking at the two of us before clicking play on the screen.

The video opens up to a wide frame of the living room; two children sat kneeling on the floor towards the side of the screen while the mother stood in front of the couch, while a masked man stood in front of her.

"I'm not going to ask you again." The man warns, towering over her. "Where is Jack?"

"I... I don't know." The blonde women replies in a quiet shaky voice, standing still with freight. The man stays quiet for a few seconds before he lifts his arm back handing the women causing her to yelp; unprepared by his sudden aggressiveness.

"Mom!" One of her children gasp as their mother fell onto the floor.

"Shut the fuck up!" He snaps, pointing his gun at them, slightly silencing their sobs.

"No, please." The women begs as she pushes herself off the floor to look up at them. "Please... don't hurt them." She sobs while shaking her head.

I scowl at the screen diverting my gaze over to Harry who was also scowling at the screen. I could see something else hidden in his eyes but I wasn't sure what it was. Not wanting to distract myself of what is more important right now I focus back on the video.

"Look darling, all you have to do is tell me where Jack is." He says in a quiet voice taking a step towards her.

"I told you I have no idea. He left a few days ago.." She pauses, trying to calm herself while struggling with her words. "I have no idea where he is, you have to believe me."

"I believe you." He nods.

"But you know what I also believe in?" He asks in a cool voice, crouching down to her. The blonde women stares at him with wide, tears green eyes; looking too scared to even breath.

"I believe that Jack and the police will see this video." He says pointing towards the camera with his gun.

"I also believe that when you make a promise you have to keep it so I'm going to keep my promise." He adds standing up.

What an unbelievable sick man, as if he knows any values and morals.

"My promise to your husband was that if he ever got on my bad side, if he ever decided to go against me I will make him pay."

"So I will." He shrugs, his smile practically evident in his voice.

"But since Jack isn't here I'm going to cause him pain in a slightly more different way then what I had planned." He says shoving his gun in the waistband of his jeans. "I'm going to show them that I am not to be messed with."

"Ah! No please." The women gasps as he leans down grabbing her by the arm; roughly lifting her up off the floor.

"Awe sweetie, it's not personal it's business." He says in a sarcastic sweet tone before punching her on the cheek making her fall back onto the hardwood floor.


The man lifts his foot kicking her on her side causing her to scream, scrunching her face up in pain.

"Tell me where he is!" He barks, kicking her in the ribs.

"No, please!" She begs, turning her body to shield herself.

"I know you know bitch." He hisses at her. "Tell me where he is!"

"Ah! Please, I don't know!" She sobs as he kicks her even harder this time.

"Mommy!" The children sob as they hugged eachother, the older one hiding the younger ones face in her neck.

"Stop it!" The young girl screams starring at the man in complete horror.

Fist after fist, kick after kick and the women's screams just start to become unbearable to hear, pleading for him to stop and understand that she has no clue about any of this.

"Leave my mom alone!" The little girl yells moving out of her sisters grip running over to the man shoving him behind his legs; her innocent mind thinking it could do something to help.

"I said shut the hell up!" The man growls, shoving her onto the floor by her shoulder before two gun shots were heard but I removed my attention from the screen when Harry suddenly turned on his heel walking out of the room.

"I'll be right back." I say to Frank dismissing myself to go follow Harry. Frank gives me a small nod before I walk out of the kitchen.

I frown as I step onto the porch seeing Harry quickly dashing down the steps to the sidewalk. I follow while keeping my gaze on him as he comes to a stop by our car tugging at the roots of his hair.

"Harry I-"

"We have to find him, James." Harry interrupts turning around to face me, running his hand through his hair again. His features were filled with anger and anxiousness, his brows furrowed, clearly frustrated and disgusted by all this.

"I know Harry." I mutter in a calm voice. "You know we are trying to do the best that we can."

"Well it's not enough." He says shaking his head, his eyes wild. "People are dying James, do you not get that?" He continues, gesturing with his hand in the air.

"He just killed a women and two children and you and I both know this isn't the first time." He adds, clenching his jaw in disgust.

"Yes Harry, I am aware of his actions. But these things take time you know that they do." I say trying to get him to understand and calm down but all Harry does is clench his jaw, looking away from me while shaking his head in frustration.

"You know that we are trying to follow the clues and we almost had him."

"Yes well almost doesn't mean that we have him does it." Harry hisses at me.

"Harry, we will find him." I remind him, muttering out each word carefully for it to filter into his angered mind. Harry shakes his head, biting the inside of his cheek not wanting any of my explanations.

I can see that this is slowly making Harry loose the cool that he is trying to display to everyone around him. I know he isn't fine. However, I want to give him the benefit of the doubt and maybe by pretending he is okay, he will be okay eventually. I hope.

"Harry." I sigh. "I get your frustrated and I have no idea how badly all of this is messing with your head-"

"Your right, you don't." He shrugs.

"We will catch him and he will pay for everything he has done." I promise, taking a step towards him.

"He keeps escaping I don't think he will pay for anything." He comments, his voice laced with annoyance.

"He will, that's how the law works and once we find out where he is... I'll tell you." I say reassuringly. "We will not stop the investigation and-"

"Investigations take too long, James. Who knows how many more victims he will have by the time we find him." Harry scowls.

"I know but listen to me Harry." I beg making him shake his head at me again. "We will find him but these things take time-"

"I don't have time!" He barks at me, his voice loud and hard as he scowls deeply at me.

I turn my head looking around seeing a few police officers stop in their tracks to watch us for a brief moment before going back to work.

"I knew it." I sigh, shaking my head.

"I'm sorry." Harry whispers.

"I knew I should have asked you to stay out of this one." I continue ignoring his comment. "But I wanted to give you a chance and this is clearly too much for you right now."

"No,I'm fine." He disagrees.

"No you're not. As of right now, you are benched."

"What?" Harry blinks at me at a loss. "No, you can't put me off this one."

"Too bad I just did." I snap at him. "Now go or I'll have Peter escort you home."

"James this is ridiculous. You know I can't walk away from this." Harry argues. "I can't just stay in the side lines doing nothing I-"

"You won't be doing nothing. You will be taking care of yourself and resting." I clarify. "Being here right now is not healthy for you."


"Go, Harry." I press, fishing out the car keys from my pocket before shoving them into his hand.

"Now!" I order in a hard voice as he still stood in place."Or I'll have you benched longer than a week. It's your choice." I shrug.

I really hate being the bad guy with him but he is my responsibility.

"Fine, then extend my radius." He scowls before turning around.

My eyes follow Harry as he walks around the front of the car opening the door, climbing inside, before shutting the door behind him.

Author's Note

Hey loves! How are all of you doing?

I changed the cover of this story do you all like it? I do! Thank you soooo much JonasKryptonite for making it.

I really hope you enjoyed this update, sorry if it's not one of my best but I do have a few things planned out so don't worry if this was a bust. I love you all so much please don't forget to vote and comment and give me your thoughts like always xoxo

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