The Lucky Pick // One Direct...

De meltedpopsicle

191K 3.2K 1.1K

She agreed to taking her sister to a concert, but not to this. Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Acknowledgements & Author's Note

Chapter 63

1.2K 28 12
De meltedpopsicle

WARNING: nigan sexy time in this chapter iahusg ah im lsughign so hsrd kajsks just read ok kjsg


Megan Watson's POV

I wake up and find myself in Niall's bedroom and laid in his bed, him obviously having must have brought me upstairs after I fell asleep. I turn around to find that Niall isn't in the room, and rub my eyes with a frown, sitting up. I yawn and pull back the covers, getting out of bed and walking out of the room lazily.

I naturally walk towards the bathroom after leaving the room and attempt to open the door to find it is locked. I groan and lean against then door, knocking on it twice.

"I'm in here," Niall's voice says from inside, the sound in it making it obvious that he had just recently awoken.

"Well, no shit," I say with a small laugh, before stepping away from the door and walking downstairs, and into the kitchen, where I pour a glass of water. After pouring it, I take a sip of it and turn around, leaning against the counter beside the sink as I hear Niall's footsteps coming down the stairs.

When he comes into view, I see he is shirtless, wearing a plain pair of jeans and white socks, probably have started getting dressed into clothes for the day without actually finishing.

"Y'gonna give me a proper good morning now?" He asks jokingly, raising his eyebrows with a small laugh.

I roll my eyes playfully and mumble a "hi".

He scoffs jokingly and says, "C'mon, you can do better than that as a good morning."

I roll my eyes again and he steps towards me, playfully cornering me against the wall to the right of me.

A small chuckle leaves Niall's mouth as he leans in and presses his soft lips gently to mine. I smile against his lips and kiss him back softly and slowly, him doing the same to me. He soon pulls away and takes his lips away from mine but I place my hands on the back of his neck and pull his lips back to mine almost desperately, loving the feel of his lips on mine.

He doesn't refuse, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him as our kiss almost immediately becomes more passionate. I tilt my head to the side slightly, deepening the kiss, and bring my hands up from his neck, to his hair. I run my fingers through it and tug at it a bit, causing him to groan softly in response. He moves his hands down a small bit and I suddenly feel him squeeze my bum, causing a gasp to leave my lips at the gesture.

He chuckles against my lips and takes the opportunity of my mouth opening by slipping his tongue into it. I moan softly as his tongue plays with my own, and soon his hands trail down and rest on the back of my thighs, before he cups them in his hands and lifts me up. My legs automatically wrap securely around his waist and our lips stay pressed together in the intense make out session we're currently in.

Niall places me down on the kitchen counter so that I'm sitting on it, my legs on either side of him as he stands in front of me. I place my hands on either side of his face, kissing him passionately as he kisses me back just as eagerly, if not more. He moves his lips to the side of mine, kissing the bottom corner of my mouth, before he leaves a trail of kisses along my jaw line.

He moves his plump lips down lower and starts kissing and sucking around on my neck, causing soft moans to leave my mouth. He then brings his lips back up to mine and kisses me deeply. I feel him slip a hand under my shirt and rest it on the bare skin of my waist. He soon starts tugging my shirt upwards in attempt to take it off me and I let him after a moment, having to pull away from the kiss so he can slip it over my head. We breathe heavily once our lips have been removed from one another's, both of us at a shortage of breath from kissing. He throws my shirt carelessly across the room and licks his lips before pressing them back to mine and letting his hands roam over my newly exposed skin, and I moan slightly into the kiss.

I rest my hands on his chest for a moment before I let them descend down a bit, until they reach the zipper of Niall's jeans. I unzip them and then start fumbling with the belt of them, without pulling away from the kiss. As I'm trying to undo them, the sound of someone clearing their throat loudly sounds from the doorway, and we immediately pull away in surprise, my eyes widening.

I'm taken by complete surprise when I see Harry standing in the doorway looked extremely awkward and disturbed. Niall stands there and stares at him blankly, his breathing heavy from kissing - my own breathing the same - while Harry stares right back at him. Just then, Niall's pants fall down to his ankles and his eyes widen, as do mine.

Harry looks down at Niall's trousers with a straight face before looking back up to Niall's face and suddenly bursting out laughing. I look at Harry confusedly for a moment, still having barely moved from my spot in shock. As he continues to laugh, I bite my lip and can't help but let out a small giggle. Harry's eyes meet mine as I do so, which causes us to both laugh more.

"In the kitchen?" Harry asks as he laughs, looking at me, seeing as Niall didn't seem to find it very funny, "Not very classy." I laugh harder when he says that, covering my mouth with a hand.

Niall lets out an awkward laugh and pulls his trousers back up as Harry and I's laughter dies down, before he turns to Harry and says hesitantly, "The hell're ya doin' in my house anyway?"

"Oh." Harry says with a nod, and I notice his gaze on me for a second before he turns back to Niall, the smallest of a smirk on his face. "Erm, well, Megan and I were talking and she said I could see her. And well, I thought you'd be here. So I came."

"Without saying anything?" Niall asks, annoyance obvious in his words, "You just decided to walk into my home without saying anything."

"Well, yeah." Harry shrugs, as I quickly go over and pick my shirt off the ground and fix it so I can pull it back over my head.

"Megan, it's alright," Harry stops me with a smirk on his face, "I've seen you like this before, babe. No need to be embarrassed."

My jaw drops slightly after he says that. What the hell was he doing? He wasn't flirting, was he?

"Um," I mumble, feeling my cheeks heat up, completely unsure of what to do as I stand there with my shirt in hand. I pull it over my head quickly and let out an awkward laugh as I look back and forth between Niall and Harry, seeing Niall looking dumbfounded as he stares at the ground, as if trying to figure out what Harry meant in saying that. He looks up at Harry and glares at him, while Harry's gaze flickers away from Niall, giving off the impression he is nervous.

"What..." Niall says quietly before he pauses, silence ensuing for a moment before he continues and glares at Harry, "What did you just do? Did you just flirt with my girlfriend?" He asks, his tone the smallest bit threatening.

"Niall," I say quietly in a way to tell him to stop, that it was nothing. But I wasn't very sure what exactly it was.

"Who gave you the right -" Niall asks, anger obvious in his tone, and his fists clench, but I cut him off.

"Niall," I repeat firmly, in a warning tone. "Stop." My eyes flicker over to Harry's to see him already looking at me, his expression unreadable. "He was just joking. Don't worry about it," I say to him, although my eyes stay trained on Harry while his stay on me, until the end of my sentence, where I look back to Niall.

He stares at me for a while, his eyebrows furrowed a bit and his expression serious as he seems to search my facial expressions for something. After a few moments, he lets out a deep sigh and relaxes himself, his fists unclenching while his expression goes back to normal. "Alright," he says quietly, "I was being stupid and just, overprotective. Sorry." He shakes his head and doesn't even look at Harry, who just stands there looking lost.

"I'll be back in a second," Niall mumbles halfheartedly before leaving the room, and Harry and I alone. The room is uncomfortably silent, and I stay in my spot, completely unsure of what to do.

I glance up at Harry to see him looking at me, his eyes and expression looking fragile and somewhat broken for some unknown reason, which really confuses me.

"Can I have a hug?" He asks softly and quietly, his voice cracking halfway through his sentence, which if I'm honest, causes my heart to break.

I nod and run into his arms, suddenly bursting into tears once I'm in them. I don't know why I suddenly start to sob, but once I've started, I can't stop, and I just stay there in his arms as I cry, remembering everything that ever happened between us.

"I-I'm so sorry, Megan," he says quietly as he holds me in his arms, his head rested on my own, "I don't know why I e-ever did that. Why I ever cheated on you. It was one of the biggest m-mistakes in my whole life! I... I'm just so s-sorry!" The way he repeatedly stutters and his voice cracks every odd time shows that he is fighting back tears, which makes me cry even harder.

"I'm sorry t-too," I mumble as I sob into his chest. He had never actually got to apologise... Well, he had, but I never actually listened. This is the moment in which I genuinely accept his apology.

He doesn't say anything, he just lets me cry in his arms while he rubs my back gently and soothingly. A few moments later, he pulls away from the hug but keeps his arms around me and looks me firmly in the eye.

"Don't cry, okay?" He says softly to me, bringing one of his hands up to my face and wiping away my tears, "I'm really sorry. I... I wish you and Niall a-all the best in your relationship." His voice quavers.

I let out a shaky breath and send him a weak smile. "Th-thank you. And you.. with whoever you're gonna be with in the future." I say unsurely, not knowing who to say, seeing as he didn't seem to be in a relationship with Michelle - or anyone else for that matter.

Harry smiles weakly before pulling me into another hug and I sniffle into his chest. After a few moments he pulls away and bites his lip.

"Can we pretend this didn't happen? I'm embarrassed now." He chuckles lightly.

"Nope," I say simply with a light laugh. "And thank you for apologising... it means a lot. Now I feel like we're actually okay. Like, we're good? With each other? You know what I'm tryna say." I laugh.

"Yeah, I get what you're saying," he chuckles.

After a moment or two of silence, I sigh softly. "Sometimes, I just wish.." I say quietly before trailing off.

"You wish what?" Harry asks curiously, arching his eyebrows.

I shrug, biting my lip. "Nothing." I'm silent for a moment - and only then do I realise Niall has probably heard and purposely listened to our conversation - and call loudly, "Niall! C'mon. I know you're listening."

I wait for a moment and soon Niall walks into the room (this time wearing a shirt), scratching the back of his neck.

"Hi," he mumbles with a small awkward laugh. "What's... eh, what's up?"

I shake my head at him with a small laugh, and walk over to him, putting my arm around him. He weakly smiles and leans down, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead before pulling away. I send him a small smile before looking to Harry, who has his hands in his pockets and is looking to the side, looking very uncomfortable and awkward.

"Do you want to, um, go into the living room or something?" I ask the two unsurely, to which they both nod. I lick my lips and let out a small sigh, not liking this feeling of tension and awkwardness between us all. I walk into the living room with Niall beside me, Harry trailing along behind us. I plop down on the couch once we walk inside, Niall immediately sitting down beside me, while Harry goes over and sits down on one of the other chairs.

We're silent for a moment, as Niall wraps an arm around me and pecks the top of my head. I glance to Harry to find him smirking to himself.

"What?" I ask him confusedly.

He shakes his head, the smirk causing his dimples to show up on his cheeks. "Your, erm... do you, erm.. are you ready to give me that apology we were talking about?" He asks, raising his eyebrows with the smirk still on his lips.

"What apology?" I hear Niall ask, and it takes me a second to realise what Harry had been referring to.

"Megan says she thinks you'd be a, erm, better.. getting laid-er.. get it on-er, screwer... fu-" Harry says before I cut him off.

"Pretty sure he gets it. No need for language, Harry," I say half-jokingly.

"Whatever," he shakes his head with a small chuckle. "Anyways, I said that when she finds out she's wrong, she'd have to apologise to me. So, I'm guessing you've done the dirty. Now, that apology, Megan?"

"Nope." I tilt my head slightly, smirking at him, "I was right. You were wrong. Whoops."

Niall lets out a laugh from beside me while Harry jokingly gasps.

"Excuse me!" He exclaims, the grin on his face obvious behind his supposedly 'angry' expression as he stands up, "That's not fair! I want a rematch! Megan - upstairs, now." He jokes, before laughing at his own joke.

I start laughing at him, shaking my head, "You weirdo!"

"Weirdo is right," Niall says seriously from beside me and I let out a small laugh.

It's silent for a moment once Harry and I's laughter dies down, until the silence is broken by Harry.

"Do you have hot chocolate?" Harry asks randomly, his question more directed to Niall seeing as it is his flat that we're in.

"No?" Niall replies, looking at Harry weirdly.

"Can we buy some then? I have like, a craving." Harry says, causing me to shake my head at him and laugh lightly.

"I don't wanna go to the shops," Niall groans, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I do," I say bluntly with a shrug before letting out a small laugh.

"Well then let's go," Harry says simply.

"Alright," I agree, standing up.

"I'll go with you then," Niall huffs, also starting to stand up but I place a hand on his chest and smirk.

"No, you don't want to go, after all," I say knowingly with the smirk staying on my lips.

"Megan," he groans with a frown.

"Nope. Harry and I will go and you can stay here," I say.

He frowns at me for a second before suddenly pressing his lips almost desperately to mine. After a moment of not kissing back in surprise, I bring my hands to the back of his neck and move my lips against his, finding it hard to keep up with his quick pace.

Only seconds later, I pull away, breathless even though the kiss was quick.

"Fine. I'll see you soon, then," he says, his voice low.

After a moment of just blinking at him and catching my breath, I send him a small smile and peck his lips before walking over to Harry, who just looks plain confused.

I giggle quietly and grab his hand, tugging him towards the door. Before I bring him out of the room I send Niall a wave and smile.

When we're out of the room, I continue dragging Harry towards the front door. Glancing back at him for a moment, I find him looking at our hands with such a genuine smile that I feel my heart melt.


A/N: well shit what's megan gonna do with a melted heart she should rly get that checked out

OKAY, I WANNA SAY I'M SORRY FOR SUCH A DELAY ON THE UPDATE. i said i'd update days ago. omg, i'm so sorry. i was too focused on writing other stuff, but i promise i'll keep the updates quick from now till the end of the book (i'm already writing chapter 65 rn hehe) ..!

what happened in the last chapter, this chapter and whats going to happen in the next chapter was all supposed to be one chapter omg this is annoying why are my chapters so long now

but omG nigan were gettin all rated r in the kitchen hAHAHAH

thank god harry walked in

bless ur soul my boy, u are precious

but erica, sam, whoever else fucking wanted me to write a sex scene - that's as close as ur getting hehe

megan is in love with niall btw not harry she just thought it was cute he was smiling at their hands n shit

she isn't a slut lol she is completely in love with niall and their relationship is in really good status yuh yuh

that doesn't even fucking make sense

what i'm trying to say is that nigan is going strong, i'm not wrecking their relationship this early into it gOD stop assuming shit

okay, a big 'I LOVE YOU' to every one reading this, thank you soooo much for how far you've gotten me. 21.7k reads? wow. i don't know what to say. just, thank you. really. i seriously love you all so much.b

pleasee vote and comment, ily

Lisa :)

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