Forced to become Mrs Styles (...

By molly180697

7.4M 181K 63.2K

Harry Styles fan fiction. When Emma was forced into an arranged marriage by her grandmother all she wanted... More

Chapter one.
Chapter two
Chapter three.
Chapter four.
Chapter five.
Chapter six.
Chapter seven.
Chapter eight.
Chapter nine.
Chapter ten.
Chapter eleven.
Chapter twelve.
Chapter fourteen.
Chapter fifteen.
Chapter sixteen.
Chapter seventeen.
Chapter eighteen.
Chapter nineteen.
Chapter twenty.
Chapter twenty one.
Chapter twenty two.
Chapter twenty Three.
Chapter twenty four.
Chapter twenty five.
Chapter twenty six.
Chapter twenty seven.
Chapter twenty eight.
Chapter twenty nine.
Chapter thirty.
Chaprer thirty one.
Chapter thirty two.
Chapter thirty three.
Chapter thirty four.
Chapter thirty five.
Chapter thirty six.
Chapter thirty seven.
Chapter thirty eight.
Chapter thirty nine.
Chapter forty.
Chapter forty one.
Chapter forty two.
Chapter forty three.
Chapter forty four.
Chapter forty five.
Chapter forty six.
Chapter forty seven.
Chapter forty eight.
Chapter forty nine.
Chapter fifty.
Chapter fifty one.
Chapter fifty two.
Chapter fifty three.
Chapter Fifty four.
Chapter fifty five.
Chapter fifty six.
Chapter fifty seven.
Chapter fifty eight.
Chapter fifty nine.
Chapter sixty.
Chapter sixty one.
Chapter sixty two.
Chapter sixty three.
Chapter sixty four
Chapter sixty five.
Chapter sixty six.
Chapter sixty seven.
Chapter sixty eight.
Chapter sixty nine.
Chapter seventy
Chapter seventy one.
Chapter seventy two.
Chapter seventy three.
Chapter seventy four.
Chapter seventy five.
Chapter seventy six.
Chapter Seventy seven.
Chapter seventy eight.
Chapter seventy nine.
Chapter eighty.
Chapter eighty one.
Chapter eighty two.
Chapter eighty three.
Chapter eighty four.
Chapter eighty five.
Chapter eighty six.
AN - New book description "always alone" please read
Explaing the ending :)
New story.

Chapter thirteen.

124K 3.3K 1.4K
By molly180697

Chapter thirteen.





I wake up to the sun streaming through the curtains and my Dads voice speaking just above a whisper

‘’Emma, come on wake up sweetheart, Emma’’ he says quietly whilst gently shaking my shoulder.

Groaning I open my eyes, sitting up slowly coming to the realisation that today is the 18th of July, the day of mine and Harry’s wedding.

‘’Here sweetheart, eat up. You need the energy’’ he said passing me a plate of pancakes and a huge mug of coffee, breakfast in bed he know me well.

I won’t get breakfast in bed for a while, Harry’s not going to cook for me is he.

‘’How are you? Got a hangover?’’ Dad asks a while later while I’m eating my breakfast

‘’ Nope, you know me never get one’’ I laugh in response.

While I finish eating we talk about how much we’re going to miss seeing each other every day because after today I move out, I’m in Italy for a week and then me and Harry move into our apartment.

Looking around my room seeing everything packed up in boxes I’m beginning to feel sad, we’ve lived here since I was six, after mum left me moved in with grandma for a while. But other than that it’s the only home I’ve ever known.

I reluctantly drag myself out of bed and into the bathroom, I shower taking my time as I’m trying my best to drag out the little time I have left before I become Mrs Styles.  I wash my hair and shave. Before getting out of the shower and drying my hair I pull it up into a pony tail because Anne is doing my hair when she gets here.

I slip some pyjamas on before hearing a knock at the door its Anne, Gemma, Amy and my grandma. They’re all here to help me get ready.

Anne styles my hair into this fancy up do which really isn’t my style at all, I hate it but I’m not going to cause a fuss, I’ll hate today no matter what I look like.

Anne then does my makeup it looks very natural a sort of barely there look, which again isn’t me at all. I feel beyond stupid.

Then it’s time to put the dress on, I quite like the dress but it’s not perfect.

Once I’m all ready everyone gushes about how perfect and beautiful I look, I don’t! I most certainly don’t feel it either.

When Anne, Gemma and my grandma arnt in ear shot Amy whispers to me

‘’ You hate it all don’t you?’’

‘’ Yep I look so stupid and ugly’’

‘’ well it’s certainly not you, but honestly you look nice’’ she tells me trying to reassure me but it doesn’t work.

If I ever get married for real, I will defiantly look different to how I do today, I will look like me and I will make all the choices making sure it’s my perfect dream wedding.


By the time I wake up mum and Gemma have already left to go to Emma’s house. I haven’t spoken to Gemma yet but I’m guessing she’s heard about what happened with Liam last night, she’s probably mad at me. I’ll explain it later today or when I get back from Italy, maybe I can make her see what Liam is really like, maybe they’ll break up. I hope they do.

I go down stairs to find Niall and Louis sat waiting for me, we all sit around watching TV. None of us mention the wedding, it’s the last thing I want to think about right now, I can’t believe it’s actually happening.

Eventually I go back up stairs and shower, once I get out I ruffle my hair until its dry allowing it to fall into its natural messy curls.

I put my suit on and go back downstairs, by now Niall and Louis are also changed in to suits and are rehearsing there speech for later on today.

This speech has been quite difficult for them because typically its meant to be funny stories about the couple and stuff, but seeing as me and Emma aren’t actually a couple they’ve had to make stuff up and just hope no one realises it’s all fake.

Once we are ready to leave we set off to the church, I still don’t see the point in marrying in a church, I’m not religious, neither is Emma or out family’s. If I had my own way I’d get married somewhere fun, somewhere creative no-one’s really done before. 

The few guest we actually have at this wedding are already at the church when we arrive, the three of us make our way to the front and wait for Emma to arrive.

Part of me hopes she runs off and doesn’t show up at the wedding, but the other part of me really wants to see her. That part of me wants her in my life.



We all get in the car and set off to the church, Amy is wearing a baby pink dress, it really isn’t her style but again Anne and my grandma picked it. Gemma is wearing the same dress also as she is my bridesmaid.

Once we pull up at the church all I want to do is run, I need to get out of this. But I can’t.

‘’ Come on sweetheart, you can do this’’ my Dad assures me squeezing my arm gently.

We begin to walk down the aisle to the typical wedding music, argg it’s so un-original like everything in this stupid wedding! Not the way my proper wedding will be at all, if I ever get married that is.

I look up to the front of the church to see Harry stood with Niall, Louis and the pastor. Harry’s wearing a suit, it looks good on him. Really good! How does he manage to look perfect all the time?

His perfection really isn’t helping me, it’s making me feel even more ugly and stupid.



When Emma enters the church with her dad I turn around to look at them, Emma looks so different.

She doesn’t look like herself at all, clearly none of this was her choice.

‘’ Emma looks really different ‘’ Niall whispers in my ear, wow well done Niall you noticed the obvious.

‘’ Yeah but she still looks hot though’’ Louis adds.

He’s right she does look hot, just not like usual. Usually she looks the kind of hot where I would love to rip her clothes off and fuck her senseless. But today it’s a sort of innocent hotness, I prefer how she usually looks.

It’s the way that she usually looks that I’m falling in love with. No! Shit I didn’t just think that, yeah I like Emma, she’s attractive but love? No I don’t love her. No way.

By now Emma has reached the front of the church, she turns to her Dad as he kisses her on the cheek before leaving her to take his seat.

Emma steps forward so that she’s facing me

‘’ Who are you and what have you done with Emma?’’ I whisper

‘’ don’t even start’’ she giggles quietly.

Her laugh is so adorable, defiantly on of the things I like most about her.

‘’ Don’t worry you still look lovely’’ I tell her in an attempt of a compliment. I can’t say what I really think because she hates me so it will only end badly.


The pastor begins the ceremony and I completely zone out not listening to a word he’s saying, I copy what he says when it’s time to say my vows.

Now we have to give the rings, Anne chose simple wedding bands. I place mine on Harrys hand and he slides mine on alongside my engagement ring.

‘’ Now you may kiss the bride’’ the pastor announces.

Harry leans in to kiss me, as our lips meet its instantly different to when we’ve kissed before. Usually the kiss is quick and over in a second just to show affection in front of our families. But this time its different it’s long and full of passion the electricity is taking over my entire body. I kiss back, I don’t know why but I do.

When the kiss eventually ends I attempt to collect my thoughts. What was that?  Surely it was all for show? But wouldn’t a simple kiss suffice?

There was no doubt I liked the kiss, even if it was all for show.  Just like the fact that I like Harry, only a little bit though.


Shit! That kiss was so perfect but so wrong. Once we finally pulled apart Emma shot me a glare, yep she doesn’t feel the same way.

I don’t really know what happened I only planned on giving her a little kiss but the second our lips met my emotions took over.

Once the ceremony was over Emma and I exited the church hand in hand, and stood around having lots of photos took.

I don’t know whether I should mention the kiss or not, I decided against it because it just seemed to awkward.

After a while Emma leaves my side to talk to Amy.

Louis steppes forward

‘’ you really like her don’t you’’ he whispered in my ear.

‘’ I don’t know Lou, I don’t know’’ I mumble in reply.

‘’you’ll both figure it out man, I know her and I know you, I think there’s something there it’s just neither of you are ready to accept it yet’’ Louis assured me patting me on the back.

‘’ I doubt it mate, she hates me’’ I mumble. Before Louis has chance to reply my mum comes running over with a huge smile on her face.

‘’ my little boy all grown up and married, I’m expecting grandkids soon’’ she giggled giving me serious look at the end indicating this was no joke.

I talked to my mum for a while before she left to go see Emma.

Just as mum left me Emma’s dad walked up to me,

‘’ I know this isn’t really serious or anything, but look after her yeah? She isn’t as ok as she seems’’

‘’ Of course, we may not be together but that doesn’t mean I don’t care’’ I assure him quietly making sure no one can hear us.

I’m being honest as well, I do care about Emma. After she confided in be about her self harm it’s all I’ve being able to think about. She’s clearly damaged but she hides it well, no one really seems to notice. I don’t even think Amy knows.

I want to help her, I really do but it’s not really my place. I really pains me to see her like this, knowing what she’s going through all alone, I promise myself I’m going to be there for her. As a friend though obviously.


Amy and I talked for quite a while after the ceremony.

‘’ He looks good in a suit doesn’t he’’ Amy giggled, talking about Harry.

‘’ He looks good in anything’’ I blurt out without thinking.

‘’ Do you like him? Shit you do, don’t you?’’ Amy asks shocked.

‘’ ummm no, course not’’ I snap

‘’ Yeah yeah, ok I believe you. Let’s wait and see I bet you are together for real in no time’’ Amy teases.  

‘’ No. Not happening!’’


We’re all sat eating our meal, I hope it wasn’t our final choices that gave me food poisoning, I really don’t want to get sick again.

 As if he could read my mind Harry assures me I’ll be fine.

‘’ You’re not going to be sick, I think it was the chicken that made you ill last time’’ he said quietly, I just smiled in reply he always seems to know what to say to me.

Once we’ve all finished eating it’s time for Niall and Louis to make their speech.

They begin by talking about how long they have known Harry and tell a load of jokes about him.

‘’ When I first met Emma I was shocked by how perfect she seemed for Harry. The way she looks, dark hair, piercings, tattoos, her makeup and the way she dresses it all seemed to match Harry perfectly. Honestly I imagined her to be a boring quite girl who looked like she was about 12 years old.

But instead she was this loud, beautiful and just like Harry. Maybe the alcohol in my system mixed up my judgement, because she doesn’t look like that at all today’’ Louis joked, thanks you’ve made me feel even better about how I look today.

‘’ Seriously though Emma has become one of my best friends, I love her to pieces maybe even more than I love Harry. Your amazing Em’’ Louis continued smiling at me.

Harry squeezed my thigh laughing as the boys continued making jokes.  

They continued to make up some bull shit about how perfect we are for each other talking about the way we look at each other, our jokes and the cute things we say. They must be really good liars because everyone believes them.


It’s the evening now and me and Emma leave for Italy soon, once we’ve had our first dance.

As we walk out on to the dance floor I grab Emma’s hand pulling her close to me as we begin dancing just like we practiced.

‘’ So what’s it like being Mrs Styles’’ I whisper in to her ear. 

‘’ Awful’’ she replied, I wasn’t sure if she was serious or if she was joking. I looked up to see a smile playing on her lips.

I smiled too thankful she was joking. Maybe she doesn’t hate me too much.

‘’ very funny’’ I chuckled resting my head against hers.

‘’ excited for Italy?’’ Emma asked as we continued dancing.

‘’ yeah, maybe I’ll hook up with a hot Italian girl’’ I joke.

‘’ you better not cheat on me styles’’ she laughs with a hint of seriousness on her face.

I wouldn’t though, I couldn’t. Even though there’s nothing going on between us I can’t even seem to look at other girls. I like her too much. I like her a lot.

Authors note ---- thank you all so much for reading, love you all.

So the wedding, what did we think?

Please can I get 7 likes and 4 comments on this chapter : )

As I said yesterday there won’t be any posts for a while, which I’m gutted about. I’m posting a proper explanation tomorrow morning so please read it.

Thanks again, Love Molly xxx

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