Ladybugs And Kitty Chats (A M...

By marycarmel

102K 3.2K 4K

"No....way...",Chat Noir gasped as he looked down to see that the girl of his dreams, his heroine love, his l... More

Night Patrol
Rich Teenaged Boy Problems
Mischief And Curiosity Killed The Chat
Oh My God
What's Mine Is Yours And What's Yours Is Mine (part 1)
What's Mine Is Yours And What's Yours Is Mine (part 2)
Revelations And Realizations
Jigsaw Puzzle
Author's Note :)
Tikki and Plagg = ♡
Love Struck Dorks
Childish Innocence
Childish Innocence, Questions, and...Babies?
Roses,Kisses,and Heartache</3 (part 1)
Roses, Kisses, and Heartache </3 (part 2)
Roses, Kisses, and Heartache</3 ‍‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌(part 3)
Truth or Dare and a Bromance
Healing and Concealing
What Now?
Drawing :)
Two Dorks, One Snapshot
Fate And First Date
Chat Naps ♡
Chloe vs. Adrienette
The New "Good Old Days"
The New Good Old Days (part 2)
New Problems: Citizens And Villains

Fighting For Love

3.2K 103 183
By marycarmel

Bonjour! So yeah ik the angst right. I've been getting all ur comments about the cliffhangers. I'm sorry for all of the fan tears I caused ;) but there are more on the way! So please get comfy, grab some tissues, and your favorite crying pillow. Got 'em ok, now....Chapter 14: Fighting For Love! :) enjoy folks!


My vision was blurred. I blinked a few times to clear it. Where am I? I wondered. I looked into the darkness with ease, my cat eyes a useful tool. I tried to move and found I couldn't.

"What the-" I rattled the chains that held me against the wall. They spread my body out in a stiff star shape. I grunted with effort as I continued to pull on my metal restraints. My ears twitched as they picked up something menacing. Laughter.

"Well, well, well," he chuckled evily. Hawkmoth approached me, smiling. "Bonjour, Chat Noir. Ça va (how are you)?"

I growled at him, my cat anger rising. I wanted nothing more than to claw that disgusting smile off his face. My tail swished with anger.

"Uh uh, be a nice kitty and behave," Hawkmoth scolded me with a finger.

"Let me go, you, you villain!" I yowled at him. "If you don't, My Lady will come! She'll kick your a$$!"

Hawkmoth laughed maniacally again. "No, Chat. You see, I need you. You see my little feline guest, you will in fact bring her here. That is exactly what I want." My eyes grew wide with realization.

"No..." I said.

"Yes, indeed," the man laughed.

"She won't come! Why would she?" Ladybug wouldn't dare. She would know this was a trap. There was no reason anyway, she didn't love me.

"Oh she will, she will..." Hawkmoth came menacingly close. He looked at me in the eyes. His ice blue eyes peered into my soul. Hawkmoth touched my golden bangs, his gloved fingers holding the tips lightly. "Hmm," He smirked.

"No!" I squirmed in my chains again. I had to break them, I had to warn her! "Gah!"

Hawkmoth pushed my head against the wall, his palm on my forehead. "You, kitty, are going to take a cat nap, now..." Purple light illuminated my forehead. I tried to back away but I knew I couldn't, I was cornered like a mouse by a cat, how ironic. "Hussshh now..."

"N-No...!" I hissed. My vision blurred again and everything spun. I saw his face one last time. Then, all went to black.

*8 hours later*


I hadn't gone home. I couldn't, not while my kitten was out there. Together, Tikki, Alya, and I were tracking him. Tikki said she could faintly sense Plagg, that was our only lead. We headed out to the edge of Paris, the outskirts of the city.

We had only four hours left, then who knew what would happen if the twenty-four hours were up? I didn't want to find out.

"This way," Tikki called. Alya and I drove after her. We saw Tikki's little pink body as she flew ahead.

"Tikki not so fast," I called to her. She suddenly stopped. Alya stepped on the brakes of the convertible. Tikki flew in little nervous circles.

"Here! Here! Here!" She yelled repeatedly. Alya and I stepped out of the car. I looked at the building. It was an old Observatory.

"Are you sure?" Alya asked looking at it as well. It looked like the building had been deserted for ages.

"Yes! I can sense Plagg! He is in there, I feel it," Tikki touched her chest, hands on her heart.

"Right," I looked at Tikki. We scanned the area. No one was in sight. "Tikki, Spots On!" I said and started my transformation. I heard Alya gasp, and remembered that she hadn't seen me transform before.

(Video cuz 1. I'm lazy, and 2. This chapter will be long enough without describing this :) )

My transformation was complete. "I will never get use to that," Alya said with awe. I smiled at her.

"Fangirl later Alya," I said. She nodded. "Alright let's do this." I stepped forward and threw open the door.


I awoke again. As I did a bright light shown in my face. I squinted, trying to adjust. Sunlight! The radiant light came from a circular window, as it opened I heard fluttering. I turned my head and saw thousands of little, white butterflies everywhere. They flapped around the room.

I hadn't noticed them before. But as the light hit them, the walls came to life with flocks of butterflies.

"Ah, the furball is awake."

My eyes searched desperately for the speaker. When I got out of these chains I would unmask him and take him down!

"Hawkmoth," I spat out his name with venom. The well dressed man appeared, his body slithering out of the shadows. He smiled at me, but not in a good way, it made me uncomfortable.

He looked at his watch, "Your girlfriend won't be long now."

"If you just want my miraculous, take it! Here it is, my ring! Just leave her be!" I begged with despair.

"Patience, Chat. I will have your miraculous, and hers too."

I was about to protest again until Aimer Tueur appeared. "Hawkmoth, sir, I've come to report," she bowed, "Ladybug has arrived. She is outside as we speak."

Hawkmoth grinned, his teeth showing. "Delightful. Aimer Tueur, bring her to me, intact please."

"Yes, Hawkmoth," she bowed again to him and quickly left. I watched helplessly.


"Yes," he said with a chuckle. Then he turned to me. "Now, let's have a little fun, shall we?"

The diabolical man came to me. He observed me. "Do you love Ladybug, Chat Noir?" I didn't look at him. I didn't reply. "Are you upset because she doesn't feel the same?" he tsked. "Poor love struck chaton..."

I bit my lip. I didn't want to give anything away and refused to look at his face.

Suddenly a small white butterfly flew near. It landed delicately on Hawkmoth's open palm. He put his left hand on top and dark purple, black light surrounded the creature. The once pure insect was now a menacingly familiar color. Hawkmoth brought the Akuma closer to my face.

I saw it and gasped with sudden fear. He couldn't! He wouldn't!

Apparently he could and he did.

Hawkmoth released the winged insect and it landed in my bell. My body writhed with agony. I closed my eyes and yowled, I was fighting the Akuma for my body. Hawkmoth watched intently.

"Aaaaagh! N-No! Get out of me!" I felt my head pounding and my heart tighten. My suit covered in purplish-black smoke. My once black leather suit was now white! I gasped with effort. This can't be happening, it can't! I thought. But it was.

"Y-You....get....ay...this!" I couldn't fully form my words. Waves of pain shot upwards through my body. The transformation was up to my mid-region. I used all of my strength and will power to keep it down. However, it had been nearly a day since I had eaten and being Chat Noir too long was draining Plagg fast. "Gah! Nooooo!" I yelled as the purple mist devoured my head. My chains rattled.

"Hello, Chat Blanc."

"Oui, Hawkmoth...."

*3rd person*

Ladybug walked into the front doors of the Observatory. She protectively swung her yo-yo in her left hand. Alya was right behind her and stayed close. The two girls were half way in then stopped. Feminine laughter filled the empty space.

"Aimer Tueur!" Ladybug said.

"Oui, I am," Aimer Tueur confirmed, stepping forward.

"What have you done with Chat Noir?" She demanded impatiently. Ladybug needed to know if he was alright.

"That is not your problem right now, Ladybug."

"Actually, it is. We are partners, we are a team!" Ladybug defended with emotion.

"Gross. All this mushy stuff about makes me sick," Aimer Tueur gagged. "The only one you should ever trust is yourself, hun."

"Oh, yeah? Then why do you trust Hawkmoth?" Ladybug countered.

Aimer Tueur was getting impatient. She charged at Ladybug without a warning or another word. Ladybug took Alya and moved aside.

"Alya-" she started.

"Hey, you focus here," Alya put her hand on the heroine's shoulder. "I will find the boys."

Marinette hesitantly nodded. "Be careful." The two exchanged a quick hug. Aimer Tueur came down on them and Ladybug pushed Alya aside. "Go, Alya."

She took off with a last glance and left LB to fight Aimer Tueur alone. It was one on one. Aimer Tueur had landed next to her. The female villain leapt onto Ladybug and she was pinned.

Ladybug quickly rolled them over and Ladybug was now on top. Aimer Tueur aimed to kiss her cheek. Quickly Marinette leapt back, away from her. I need to get to that chapstick, she thought. The two girls continued their brawl.

*3rd person: Alya*

She ran from Marinette and the Akumatized girl. She had to help find the boys! There was a staircase up ahead, Alya grabbed the railing and jogged up the steps. They had to lead somewhere right?

Alya made it up to the second floor. There was a hall, and two routes of more stairs. "Oh no, which one?" She panicked, trying to decide.

"Neither," he laughed coldly. Alya froze in her tracks. She knew that voice, her eyes watered.

"Nino?" She gasped and turned around. There he was. He crossed his arms and eyed her menacingly. "Nino?" She repeated.

He laughed, his dark chuckles echoing through the hall. Alya grew afraid suddenly. "Yes, Hawkmoth, I understand," Nino spoke to the voice in his head. Hawkmoth had ordered him to get rid of Ladybug's allie.

Alya yelped as Nino advanced on her. "Hope you said goodbye, you will never see Ladybug, or anyone else for that matter, again."

"Nino! No!" He grabbed her by the waist and slammed her into a wall. She hissed in pain. Nino pressed his forearm to her throat. She gagged. "Don' this!" she choked out.

She stared at his once warm, amber eyes. They had clouded over with animosity, with evil. The glare he gave her as he sufficated her sent chills through her. Bad chills. She tried to swallow.

"N-Nino!" She was crying now. She loved him so much. Alya regretted not telling him. If this was it, he needed to know. Alya lifted her arms with difficulty up to her throat. With one she tried to push his arm away.

"Nino..." she sobbed, "I have to tell you. I know you probably can't hear me...B-But..." she was still choking. "But I still need to say it! This world is insanity, it is unbearable. It was anyway..." she paused and looked deep into his golden orbs. Nino saw his reflection in her fearful gaze. His brain raced, trying to process.

" was, until I met you..." she brought both her hands to his face. Alya cupped his cheeks and pulled him close. "N-Nino, I-I"

Alya closed the gap. Nino was surprised by the sudden contact. He felt her ember hot hands on his face. Alya's eyes were closed and his fluttered shut also. Nino's muscles relaxed and he loosened his hold on her throat. Alya deepened the kiss and soon had a rythme. Nino kissed back, the spell was breaking. Alya pulled away slowly. Nino opened his eyes. He was free now.

"A-Alya!" He regarded her with shock.

"Hey, Nino..." she put her arms on his neck.

"I-I'm so sorry..."He mumbled. He her full weight and put his forehead on hers. Nino looked at her tears streaked cheeks.

"It's ok, I forgive you, it wasn't you," she said. "I was so worried."

Nino held her tighter. When he let go, he looked around. "Where are we?"

"The edge of town, at an old abandoned Observatory," she answered. She suddenly remembered, Chat Noir! Ladybug! Alya pushed Nino back. "We have to go! We are in Hawkmoth's lair, he has Chat Noir captive!"

At the mention of his friend, Nino's eyes grew wide. Adrien! "What do we do?!"

"Go up I suppose."

Nino nodded and the two went up the left staircase.

*Back to LB*

She wrapped her yo-yo around the villain. Aimer Tueur wriggled. Ladybug quickly grabbed the chapstick from Erika's back pocket. There wasn't a lot left and the spotted heroine unscrewed the chapstick completely. It fell and she smeared it on the floor. Out of the streak of black a small black butterfly flew out. Ladybug caught it and de-evilized it.

"Bye, bye petite papillon (little butterfly)!" She waved to it and yelled, "Miraculous Ladybug!" as she threw her yo-yo into the air. Aimer Tueur groaned as she went back to normal. Erika now layed passed out on the floor. Ladybug quickly inspected her. She sighed with relief, the girl was fine just fatigued.

"Now," she said, "to find Chat Noir." Marinette hadn't had to use her lucky charm. For some reason, the fight was unusually easy. But it was good, she had plenty of time. Ladybug took the same route Alya had and went up the stairs.

She had no idea, Hawkmoth was closely watching. He was furious that none of his puppets had stopped her, however he wasn't surprised. With a cruel smirk, he regarded Chat Blanc.

"Slave, you know what to do," he commanded the Chat with a wave of his hand.

Chat Blanc bowed, "Yes Hawkmoth." He ran out of the room and headed to Ladybug's current location.

Ladybug reached the second floor and went up to the third. As she reached it she saw Alya and Nino. They were at a door. Ladybug called out to them, "Alya! Nino?" She halted near them.

"Ladybug!" They said together, turning. Alya hugged her dear friend. Nino just stared bug eyed in confusion.

"You defeated Aimer Tueur?" Alya asked her. Ladybug nodded, then gestured to Nino. "He's ok now. The spell...broke." Nino blushed at this.

"Good, now we just need to find Chat and-"

"Ladybug!" Nino caught her attention, "I think he found us!" He pointed and Ladybug followed his hand. Not far from them, a white copy of Chat Noir stood. Except it was an almost copy, this Chat was white.

He devilishly grinned at them. "Chat?" Ladybug called.

The new foe took out his staff and twirled it at them. He was here to fight. Ladybug shielded her friends. She looked at them over her shoulder, "Stay back guys, I think...I think this is Chat."

"The name is Chat Blanc, My Lady..." he laughed.

Chat Blanc?! She thought with alarm. Oh no!

Chat Blanc crouched and prepared to leap. He screeched as he attacked. His baton clashed with Ladybug's yo-yo. Chat repeatedly wacked at her, she met him stride per stride. He growled at her and his eyes glowed a dangerous shade of green.

"Chat! Listen to me! This isn't you, snap out of it!" She yelled. The Akumatized chat didn't hear her, his ears blocked out by Hawkmoth's laughter. Chat suddenly struck her side and she went to the railing and clung to it, nearly falling over the edge. They were three floors up, it was a long drop down.

He approached the raven haired heroine, spinning his baton as he neared.

"Noooo!" Nino screamed and threw himself at Chat Blanc. He latched onto his back and wrapped his arms around the cat's neck. Chat stumbled backwards and slammed Nino into the wall. "Stop!"

Alya quickly ran to her friend and helped her up. Ladybug thanked her and went back to the white feline. Nino was crumpled on the floor now, moaning in agony. "Chat stop!" Marinette yelled.

It pained her to see him like this. She didn't want to hurt him. Ladybug threw her yo-yo at him, but he swiped it away. Without warning, Chat came at her again and slashed with his claws.

The sharp white claws raked Ladybug's left arm. "Gah!" She gasped in pain and gripped the wound. She removed her hand and saw the crimson color of her own blood.

Chat Blanc smirked wickedly and brought his blood covered claws to his mouth. He stuck out his tongue and licked it, savoring the metallic taste. He cackled, the wound was deep.

Chat charged her and bowled her over the edge. Ladybug clutched him and the two fell down three floors. As they plummeted Chat moved behind her. The two hit the ground, hard. Ladybug got most of the impact, he had her under him. At the impact, Ladybug felt her insides shatter. She coughed up spirts of blood.

"Ladybug!" She heard Alya's cry from above. Ladybug tried to look up. Chat slammed her head down. He laughed evily. Ladybug tasted blood. She had an idea. She spit some of it at his open eyes.

"Gah! My eyes!" He hissed and rubbed them. He was distracted.

With all her strength, she shoved him off of her and quickly got up. Her knees threatened to buckle and she coughed.

More blood.

"Chat," she called to him again. He was there in front of her in a flash. He chucked her aside. Ladybug's weak body flew into a brick wall. "Ah!"

Chat approached her slowly. He took out his baton again and aimed it at her chest.

Ladybug used the wall for support, she wobbly stood up. Ladybug panted hard and raspy. Her vision was blurring and it wasn't just her salty tears.

"Chat, please listen to me..." she panted with effort. "I-I have to tell you something." She swallowed, but then gagged and coughed up more scarlet goo. Chat halted in front of her and watched her pain with sickly satisfaction. Ladybug wiped blood from her lips.

She shakely limped to him. He growled in disgust as she put her hands on his shoulders. "Chat....I-I know are," she started, her voice getting unsteady. She got close to his face and whispered, "Adrien...."

The sudden mention of his true identity shocked the Akumatized hero. Ladybug eyed his lips and reached for them. She gripped his suit and their lips made contact.

It was soft and warm. The kiss sent a rush of emotions through the cat. His heart beat faster, erratically out of control.

An invisible force took control of the hand with his baton. The hand gripped it tighter and plunged it forward. Blood gushed as it pierced her fragile body. She released his lips gasping. Chat Blanc smiled, it wasn't him smiling, it was Hawkmoth. Her rich blood landed on his white suit and face.

His body was suddenly engulfed in purple and his suit started to change. The white color replaced by black.

The wicked smile he had had disappeared. As Hawkmoth's hold loosened, the Akuma flew out of his bell.

Ladybug made eye contact with him and smiled. Moments later, she went limp in his arms. Chat's shocked state was overwhelming. His knees buckled and he slumped to the floor.

Both of the heroes' transformations wore off. They were now exposed. He gasped as he saw the damage in her body, it was clear now without the cherry red suit. Her normally white shirt was torn and soaked with her blood. His head pounded with fatigue. He could barely stay awake himself.

"Marinette..." he whispered. His body fell sideways next to hers. His vision was clouded with tears and blood. "....Marinette...." he repeated.

Adrien reached out to her. His hand on her cheek. He heard footsteps and yelling, but he couldn't make out the words.

"...drien!...wa...ive!" His eyes closed as the footsteps stopped near him. Then nothing....

Ok. Comment, Vote, Follow, and please don't hate me!!!! I beg u!
I will update ASAP alright...please don't cry mes chatons! :( :'(

~MC ♡

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