
By TheeJaffaCake

1.8K 53 10

Being a teenager is confusing; especially with love, friendships, illnesses, college, arguments and hormones... More

Chapter One // Rae
Chapter Two // Sophia
Chapter Three // Louise
Chapter Four // James
Chapter Five // Iris
Chapter Six // Zane
Chapter Seven // Dale
Chapter Eight // New Friends In Unexpected Places
Chapter Ten // Elise
Chapter Eleven // Headaches
Chapter Twelve // Safe
Chapter Thirteen // Hospital Road Trips
Chapter Fourteen // Opening Up
Chapter Fifteen // Abandoned
Chapter Sixteen // Mud Stains
Chapter Seventeen // The Broken Past
Chapter Eighteen // Laughing Stock
Chapter Nineteen // Stress
Chapter Twenty // A Disappointment
Chapter Twenty One // Ward Five
Chapter Twenty Two // The Past Haunts Us
Chapter Twenty Three // Seven Hours
Chapter Twenty Four // I Have You
Chapter Twenty Five // Tea Bags
Chapter Twenty Six // Iris' Eighteenth
Chapter Twenty Seven // The Break Dancer
Chapter Twenty Eight // Pizza And Confessions
Chapter Twenty Nine // Piggybacks
Chapter Thirty // Liar
Chapter Thirty One // Tiled Floor
Chapter Thirty Two // Blackmail
Chapter Thirty Three // Leila
Chapter Thirty Four // The Love Triangle
Chapter Thirty Five // Making A Scene
Chapter Thirty Six // Violated
Chapter Thirty Seven // Cheater
Chapter Thirty Eight // The Failed Journey
Chapter Thirty Nine // Fireworks And Cheering
Chapter Forty // Helpful Strangers
Chapter Forty One // "Dear Elise.."
Chapter Forty Two // Breaking Point
Chapter Forty Three // Freedom
Chapter Forty Four // The News
Chapter Forty Five // Blankets And Cuddles
Chapter Forty Six // Vintage Cafe's And Ladybirds
Chapter Forty Seven // Leaving You Behind
Chapter Forty Eight // Love
Chapter Forty Nine // Heart To Heart
Chapter Fifty // Family Fury
Chapter Fifty One // Clouds
Chapter Fifty Two // Relief
Chapter Fifty Three // The Adult
Chapter Fifty Four // Support And Love
Chapter Fifty Five // The Sky After A Storm
Chapter Fifty Six // Family Photos
Chapter Fifty Seven // Starry Night
Chapter Fifty Eight // The Fountain
Chapter Fifty Nine // Drowning
Chapter Sixty // White Flowery Dress
Chapter Sixty One // Fake Smile
Chapter Sixty Two // "I Can Do This"
Chapter Sixty Three // Roses
Chapter Sixty Four // The End

Chapter Nine // Best Friends?

40 1 0
By TheeJaffaCake

- Louise's POV -

I woke up the next morning after Dale's house party with a killer headache, I also had no idea where I was. I sat up slowly to realise I was laying in a strangers bed in a cramped apartment. The shower was on in the bathroom next door so I quickly got dressed, gathered up my belongings and left before my mystery one night stand showed himself.

My phone was almost dead so I quickly called my mum to pick me up, I feel like such an idiot for going back home with somebody as I never usually do that.

"Did you fuck another guy? Louise you have problems" Mum said on the phone to me, I gasped and rolled my eyes at her comment.

"Just pick me up already!" I shouted in frustration. I glanced at myself in the window of a shop and frowned at how disgusting I looked, I was in need of a long bubble bath. My hair was in knots and my bright pink belly top was ripped slightly, I avoided eye contact with the people walking by me just in case I knew any of them. I would be the laughing stock of the town.

After fifteen minutes my mums car finally pulled up and I jumped into the passenger seat before taking a huge sigh of relief as I was safe from the public eye. Mum stared at me and began to laugh loudly, I stared at her in anger.

"I know I look disgusting, lets just go home!" I shouted before turning on the radio and staying silent, she continued to laugh quietly as we drove away.

"So I have some news.. I don't know if you're going to like it but you don't have a say in it" Mum said as she concentrated on the road, I looked over at her in confusion.

"Your dad wants to see you this evening, I told him that you would take a train to see him" She said, I began to scream at her.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! Dad is an asshole and you know it! Why would you do this to me?" I shouted, she sighed and avoided eye contact with me.

"Because you haven't seen him in a long time and I think it'll be nice for you to catch up"

"Can I bring somebody with me? Like a friend?" I asked nervously, mum nodded as we drove into the driveway. I jumped out of the car and entered the house, who should I take with me? Someone I trust and someone who will look after me when I get angry at my dad (That will definitely happen).

I put my phone on charge and instantly called James, knowing he would answer and come with me as he would do anything for me. He picked up the phone and groaned loudly, I rolled my eyes knowing I had woke him up.

"James I need your help" I said seriously, there was shuffling noises and then he finally spoke.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked.

"I have to go visit my dad and I'm allowed to bring somebody with me, I chose you of course"

"When are we leaving then?" James said, I smiled widely.

"The train is at 6:00pm, be at my house half an hour before?"

James agreed and I thanked him for being so kind to me, he really is the sweetest person I know.

Now it's time for a bubble bath!

- James' POV -

After Louise had hung up I checked my phone for messages, finding three from Sophia.

"Just letting you know that Dale has been beaten up at his own party and I have phoned the ambulance, he is in a state"

"You probably don't give a shit because you don't care about him anymore. But I'm just letting you know"

"I hope you are alright, see you whenever x"

I sighed loudly and threw my phone to the other end of my bed, when will that prick stay out of trouble and grow up? That's why I'm done with him, I can't deal with him constantly being in trouble because then I will get involved and the drama is too much for me.

"James get out of bed you lazy shit!" Mum shouted outside my bedroom, I laughed loudly and wrapped myself up in blankets almost like a sausage roll. My bed is the best place to be and I won't be getting out of it until 5:00pm.

"If you don't get up then.. you're grounded!" Mum shouted again, Laura peeked into my bedroom and glanced at me.

"Why would you ground him? He never leaves the bloody house!"

"Actually I have plans today" I mumbled as I sat up and stretched, Laura stared at me in shock then left the room. I really hate the people I live with.

I quickly got dressed and sorted out some money for the train me and Louise would be getting to see her dad later, I'm not sure what we would be doing with him but I was going to be there to support her and keep her sane. Her dad is an asshole after all.

"James you have a visitor.. It's not Sophia" Laura shouted in a weird tone, I stopped what I was doing and made my way downstairs to see Dale standing at the door. He stunk, his face was stitched, his clothes were wet and he had no shoes.

"Hey man" He said as if we were good friends, I crossed my arms and looked him up and down.

"Why are you here Dale?" I said bluntly, his smile disappeared and he sighed.

"My room mates have kicked me out because of what happened last night, I have no where to go so I was thinking-"

"Oh you thought I would take you in? You're a twat Dale" I interrupted him angrily.

"Do you have anything better to do? You never leave your damn house!" He shouted while tightening his fists, I laughed.

"I do have somewhere to be actually, so you can fuck off" I muttered while pushing passed him and walking down the pathway of my house.

"Where are you going James?!" Dale shouted, he followed after me and I began to walk faster.

"I'm busy okay! I'm going to Louise's" I said with my head down, there were people staring at us because Dale was acting crazy.. He looked crazy too.

"Oh great, You chose a cheating slut over your best friend" Dale shouted as he stopped following after me, he began to laugh as if I was pathetic but he had no idea what he was talking about. I turned to him and grabbed him by the shirt, he stayed quiet and looked at me.

"Don't you ever talk about Louise like that, do you understand me? Look at you, you can't say anything about other people because you are a mess" I whispered while tightening my jaw, he looked away from me and I pushed him back.

"Now fuck off" I said before turning away and walking in the opposite direction. I'm done being his babysitter.

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