By xInspiringWords

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"Sometimes finding love is the CURE you need..." My name is Lexianna Kingsley, I've always admired planet Ear... More

~CURE~ ✓
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
~Author's Note With Summary~

Chapter 32

251 9 2
By xInspiringWords

Chapter 32


“Did you see her face when you told her that there were rats!” I gasped out laughing. I was currently holding onto my tummy for dear life.

Jacob chuckled as he focused on the road “She looked like she was about to shit her pants. I still can’t believe you slapped her.” That only made me laugh harder as I pulled off my grandma wig.

Ah, poor Rebecca… Jacob and I went along with his plan to tell her we saw rats in the hotel room so we don’t want to stay there anymore and she started freaking out. Serves her right for what she did to me… I mean who kicks someone out of a hotel because they slept on an elevator.

Anyways here is exactly what happened…

“Excuse me miss?” I asked once Jacob and I were in front of her desk.

Rebecca rolled her eyes before she looked at us “You two again? What is it now? Are the beds too lumpy for your poor elderly backs?”

Jeez, this woman has some serious issues against the elderly. Jacob frowned at her “Actually sweet pea there are rats in our room and we refuse to stay here with conditions like these.”

“RATS!” Rebecca’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets “Are you two for real!?”

“As real as a banana peel, hun.” I smiled sweetly at her.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” Rebecca gasped, she grabbed the phone by the desk and dialed a number before she spoke rushed into the phone “Val! We’ve got a Code 94506704020203! Yes rats! Hurry up before everyone finds out and leaves! The inspector almost voted us as a 1 star, last time! Hurry Val just hurry!”

Wow… there must be a lot of codes…

Rebecca hung up the phone before she looked at us “I’m sorry. I can get you another room if you’d like.” She winked at Jacob like she was trying to flirt her way into making us stay.

I gasped and grabbed Jacob’s hand “Hey you missy don’t you dare try and put your stupid winky faces with my husband!”

Rebecca’s eyes widened “O-oh n-no ma’am! I was-“

“I know what you were doing!” I yelled “This is outrageous! I want my money back now!”

Rebecca scrambled to get all of our money before she handed it to us “H-here, I’m once again sorry ma’am.”

“Save it you hooker!” I screamed before I used the grandma purse in my hand and wacked her across the face before Jacob and I left.

That was basically it, nothing too special except for that good wack I gave Rebecca. I looked out the window and sighed now that I have my keys back I really need to check of they aren’t broken. I need to go back to my spaceship and see if it’ll work.

“Oh yeah!” Jacob mumbled “Did you find your bracelet, the one you were looking for?”

I nodded remembering how I lied and told him it was something my grandmother gave me “I got it. It’s in my pocket.” I muttered, I hope he doesn’t ask any more questions.

“So where to?” Jacob asked me glancing at me for a second before he looked back onto the road. SCORE, he didn’t ask any more questions.

I smiled sheepishly at him “You remember that party you were at when Noah and you first saw and met me?”

Jacob nodded “Yeah, that was Jessica Sander’s cousin’s party.”

I looked at him weirdly “I won’t ask how you remember that perfectly, anyways do you think you can drop me off in front of her house and just wait there for me.”

Jacob gave me a weird look and I sighed “I know it sounds weird but please can you do this for me? I don’t follow me please Jacob I need you to promise me.”

He sighed before he nodded “Alright but you aren’t selling drugs or anything are you?”

I gave him a weird look “What are ‘drugs’?”

Jacob nodded “Never mind your not.”

Jacob drove us to this Jessica Sander’s cousin’s house and parked. I looked at him and smiled “Thank you Jacob and remember DON’T follow me.” The last thing I need is Jacob finding out my secret. I don’t need that I really just don’t.

I got out of the car and waved at Jacob before I took a deep breath and started walking; man Jacob must think I’m a twitledoo. (It’s a term we use on Venus that means the person is an idiot.)


I felt like the wind was knocked out of me, I felt like I couldn’t breathe.


Pregnant, how can she be pregnant, I’m not saying it’s not possible because it is but I know I wrapped that thing up good. Noah Finley doesn’t get girls pregnant; he just screws them and dumps them.

Riley took a deep breath and looked up at me with sad eyes “I’m pregnant Noah, and you’re the father.”

You’re the father…

You’re the father…

No, no I’m not, that has to be someone else’s baby. Riley is a slut, that baby could be anyone’s. She just wants to tie me down with her. I’m not going be stuck with Riley just because she claims that baby inside her is mine.

If it is my baby I’d suggest adoption and make sure I can still see the kid that way I wouldn’t be tied down to Riley it would just be my kid, abortion is an option but I’d never do that to something so innocent. It’s basically murder.

God what am I even thinking!? The kid isn’t mine! Damn I feel like busting out the song ‘Billie Jean’ by Michael Jackson except the song would be called ‘Riley Haymonds’ instead.

Riley was looking at me with a pleading expression, she was begging me to say something. Alright Riley you want me to say something? Here it is…

“You’re lying.”

It’s two simple words, but they seemed to have a huge impacted on Riley because she starts sobbing uncontrollably.

“N-Noah! Please you have to believe me! It has to be you!” She screamed.

I rolled my eyes “No offence Riley but you sleep with a lot of people, how do you know it’s not just someone else’s?”

Riley shook her head “It can’t be! I haven’t slept with anyone else since the night of the party at Kevin’s house!”

“Riley your such a desperate, obsessive liar! Do honestly think I’d believe that baby your carrying inside you is mine! After all the schemes you have pulled to try and get me to date you this is the lowest! You’re probably not even pregnant you’re probably just faking!” I yelled at her, I was pissed off.

I knew it was a mistake coming to see Riley; this is all just another scheme. She just can’t get through the fact that I’m never going to be with her. This is all just so, so messed up!

Riley glared at me angrily “You just like all of them! All of those guys who are too coward enough to fess up to their mistakes! Then you just leave the girl to go through everything, have the baby, tell her parents, get bullied at school and then as soon as the baby is born you want to be in their life!” She shook her head “You going to tell me to get an abortion aren’t you.”

I scoffed “I’m not going to tell you anything because the kid isn’t mine!” Riley looked at me with tears streaming down her cheeks and I sighed “Adoption. I think adoption is best.”

Riley shakes her head “No I want to keep the baby. We can take care of him or her. We can be parents Noah.”

“Screw this!” I yelled standing up from the bench “I’m not going to be a freaking father Riley! We’re seventeen turning eighteen for crying out loud Riley! We have our whole lives ahead of us! You do realize because of this we can’t go to university if we keep the baby!”

“So you believe me, that the baby is yours?” Riley asked me looking up.

I rolled my eyes “It’s possible but unless you have proof I don’t think I believe you.”

Riley sighed standing up. She pulled out something from her pocket and showed it to me “It’s the condom from that night. It’s all broken. I didn’t think much of it when I saw it in the trash but then I started throwing up in the mornings and that’s when I knew.” She cried wiping some of her tears.

I looked at the condom and shook my head “That’s impossible.”

“Noah, come on just one more round!” Riley squealed, jumping on my back.

I rolled my eyes “Riley it’s late I need to get home before my parents find out I’m still not back.”

Riley scoffed rolling her eyes “That’s what you always say.”

I pulled on my clothes before I examined the condom we just used. I always make sure nothing went wrong like it was broken. I sigh in relief when I see nothing wrong with it before I toss it in the trash.

“The condom we used was fine.” I mumbled looking at Riley.

Riley shook her head “No this is the one we used.”

I shook my head “No I remember, I looked at it before I left, it wasn’t broken.”

Riley scoffed “It was dark and late Noah, you can miss these things!”

It was possible, that could have happened. Could I have missed that? No way in hell… it would have been in plain sight. I would have been able to tell if it was broken.

“I want a DNA test.” I said sternly.

Riley gasped “But that could hurt the baby Noah! We’d have to wait until after it’s born.”

“Could.” I spat out bitterly “It COULD hurt the baby. I want a DNA test; I can’t wait 9 freaking months for you to go through childbirth. I need to know if I should ruin my parents lives or not.”

Riley opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off “Just get it done Riley, don’t make me force you.” I said before I started walking back home.

I’m not the father of that baby, I’m sure of it. Now all I need to do is wait so I can either freak out that I’m going to be a dad or celebrate because Riley is knocked up with some dude’s kid.


I finally made it to the spaceship and it greeted me as usual. “Welcome Princess Lexianna Kingsley!”

Okay at least I knew that my spaceship still knew who I was. I still couldn’t see it because it was invisible so I pressed the button on my keys and BAM my spaceship appeared right in front of me.

I took a big step back a little frightened because I was not expecting it to be so close to me. I sighed deeply before I unlocked it and went inside.

I checked if everything was okay inside before I exited. Once I was satisfied with everything I turned around to start walking away when I remembered I still had to make it invisible.

Jacob must be wondering what’s taking me so long. I felt kind of bad telling him to wait for me but he’s my ride and I don’t know New York well, I’d be totally lost if it weren’t for Noah.

I was about to press the button was a gasp escaped someone’s mouth.

“Intruder alert, intruder alert. Princess Lexianna Kingsley.” The spaceship called out, I needed to shut it down to stop it from making anymore noise but right now I need to focus on who just gasped.

I turned around slowly and my eyes widened.

“What is going on?” They asked.

~Another cliff hanger, i feel so evil, sorry guys, nah not really ;)~Sam~

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