My Best Friend Is Predaking

By D3adlyS0ulz

13.7K 464 65

Siblings survived a cybertronian war and went to earth to help with the fight, but then again it just seems l... More

Moonseer and Moonseeker
Joining the Decepticons
Meeting Everyone
Meeting Predaking
Shockwave x Moonseer
Knockout's Jealousy
Predaking's Friend
The Mission
The Rescue
Recovery, a playful Predacon
Predaking's secret
Uh oh....
Knockout kidnaps Moonseeker!
Predaking's Fury (Pred's p.o.v)
Author's note

Taking Care of a MoonSeeker Sparkling (Instructions)

567 23 10
By D3adlyS0ulz

1) Never leave Moonseeker unsupervised!

Moonseeker was currently crawling around Darkmount like a ninja, since she got bored and the person who was suppose to watch over her left to go do something. She finds the room that was filled with energon and coes in delight, crawling over happily (A/N: Btw she is stuck in Sparkling wolf pup form until they could get her back to normal). Soon when she was close enough to the panel, the hand that was grabbing the energon put one energon box in for the tank but then accidenly mistaken her for said box and picked her up. Moonseeker got super scared and ran away freaking out, whimpering from the experince. She suddenly bumped into Soundwave, who didn't notice her until he felt something slam against his legs making him stumble a bit and the sounds of whimper. He looks down to see that Moonseeker was on the vergy of tears, whimpering in pain as she had a cut on her forehead from when the hand grabbed her. Soundwave sighs and shakes his head picking her up into his arms, he gently rocks her to sleep while heading towards the medic room. He thought to himself noticing that Moonseeker was fast asleep Objective: Finding a better sparkling sitter

2) Moonseeker laughs watching people get hurt whenever she is sad

That said it was currently 1:00 pm, Starscream was in charge of babysistting both her AND the predacon. He grumpily picks the sparkling wolf pup up and walks over to where the Predaking was asleep, when the door opens up he walks outside having the cute innocent Moonseeker in his arms. Predaking didn't wake up until he felt a long metal stick hit his head and his yelling, but what really got him woken up was the crying sparkling in Starscreams arm. Predaking opened his eyes and brought his head up to the sparkling, realizing that it was Moonseeker when she was petting his head the way she use to do it when she was bigger. Predaking got pissed when Starscream was angrily yelling at her to Shut up, so what he did was gently took the wolf pup away from Starscream and then hit him repeadetely with his tail. They both stopped and froze seeing the wolf pup happy again watching what was going on, Predaking smiles seeing him run off before curling around the pup protectively playing with her all day long

3) She is like a ninja...

Knockout was curently buffing himself until it suddenly stopped, he was confused and went to find the source. He quickly took the plug away from her reach and called for Shockwave, Shockwave was curious as to what he wanted before seeing that Moonseeker was reaching for the cord. He got the memo enough to pick her up and walks away with her, lettting Knockout finish with his buffing. Shockwave puts her in her play pen, before going back to work sighing softly. Ater a good few minutes he was finished and sent the report in before realizing she was gone, he quickly got Knockout's help as they looked everywhere in the room for her. Knockout soon finds Moonseeker curled up asleep, having a peaceful expression on her facial plate. He sighs in relief and picks her up, "Come on you rascal...." he spoke quietly not to wake her up "What are we going to do with you.."

4) Moonseeker loves to climb things, so watch out 

She was currently sitting on her brother's chair, as he was fixing his weapons standing up. Moonseeker stands on her hind legs climbing up onto the arm rest before starting to climb up to the top of the chair, her tail wagging happily as she barks cutely. Moonseer looks over at her and quickly yet gently grabs her before putting her on the chair, he eyed her for a bit seeing as if she would try it again but instead she was just laying there curled up. Moonseer sigh and went back to fixing my weapons, but then next thing I know is that she was on top of his head looking down at what he was doing. Moonseer chuckles in amusement and smiles, "You wanna watch me sis?" She nods barking excitedly as her tail wags. He smile and put on safety googles on her, he smile a bit more....just the right size. Moonseer thought to himself as he practically had a sibling bonding day together, 'This is nice.' 

5) Never and I repeat. Never! Give her anything that will lead to something bad..not a good idea

Shapeshift, Ravage, and Laserbeak were playing with the baby wolf pup in her playpen. Shapeshift looked like his brother makeshift, except that Shapeshift's eyes were more of a crimson red color with a tint of dark blue. Moonseeker crawls onto Shapeshift's lap and curls on his lap, content on staying there and nuzzles into him happily. Shapeshift pets her head in response, which led to her ears flattening against her head enjoying being pet. Shapeshift looks around for something to give to her, and finds this weird thingy. He picks it up and hands it to her, soon both the item and her glow. It attaches to her wrist, and suddenly she is killer mode. The whole day everyone tried to get the thing off her wrist without getting they're heads shot off. When they did, Moonseeker fell asleep curled up besides Predaking. 

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