For Eternity (Vampire! 2p! It...

By DreamsForDays313

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Vampire! 2p! Italy x Reader Life isn't horrible for you and the part of humanity that you live with, but it's... More

Chapter One - Kidnapped
Chapter Two - An Explanation
Chapter Three - Meeting
Chapter Four - Introductions and Drama
Chapter Five - Freedom?
Chapter Six - An Old Friend
Chapter Seven - A Model and Returning "Home"
Chapter Eight - Girl Time
Chapter Nine - I Need to Do What?
Chapter Ten - Phenomenal Acting My Lady
Chapter Eleven - A Hangover and Not Caring
Chapter Twelve - First Day of Freedom
Chapter Fourteen - Hitting Rock Bottom
Chapter Fifteen - Ah Ha!
Chapter Sixteen - The Clandestine Past
Chapter Seventeen - Matt's Step-Father
Chapter Eighteen - My Brother's Advice Is the Best.
Chapter Nineteen - Plotting
Chapter Twenty - A Musical Jerk
Chapter Twenty-one - The Last Few Touches
Chapter Twenty-two - The Cold Shoulder Returns
Chapter Twenty-three - The Big Day: Part One
Chapter Twenty-four - The Big Day: Part Two
Chapter Twenty-five - The Big Day: Part Three
Chapter Twenty-six - The Big Day: Part Four
Chapter Twenty-seven - Possible Regrets?
Chapter Twenty-eight - Well Would You Look at That?
Chapter Twenty-nine - Be Blunt With Style
Chapter Thirty - Baby Shower
Chapter Thirty-one - I'm Not Letting Her Go.
Chapter Thirty-two - Complications
Chapter Thirty-three - Don't Cry
Extra #1 - A Nightmare
Extra #2 - Matchmaking
Extra #3 - Matt's Background and the Vampire 2p FACE Family Origins
Extra #4 - I'm Sorry.
Extra #5 - Career Day
Extra #6 - First Love
Extra #7 - Gil Learns About the Birds and the Bees

Chapter Thirteen - A Day in the Life of a Runway Diva

2.3K 70 317
By DreamsForDays313

        You had spent the entirety of your second day free of Luciano sleeping. The book Matthieu had given you the previous day proved to actually be fairly interesting, so you ended up staying up the whole night reading it. You were just leaving your temporary bedroom's bathroom when the doors leading to the hallway burst open. In rushed Flavio in his signature white designer suit, a large smile was plastered on his face when his eyes landed on your form. He scooped you up into his arms and twirled you around your room. A squeak left your lips from this surprising action. It shouldn't have been that surprising though. This is Flavio we are talking about after all.

        Anna and Lauren had heard your squeak and rushed into the room, your breakfast in their hands. They were quite alarmed upon entering the room, thinking that something was seriously wrong but calmed down once they saw that it was just Flavio. Though they should have still been wary about his presence. He may have seemed like a blond ditz upon first glance, but he could be very manipulative, persuasive, and devious when he sought something. Said blond Italian was still twirling you around the room with an iron grip on your waist. He finally noticed them standing by the doors. His smile changed into a grin.

         "You two don't mind if I borrow the bella ragazza, do you? Great! Arrivederci, ci vediamo signore tardi!"

         He dashed out of your room, you being held by him bridle style, before either of the two could reply. He stopped outside of a set of extremely fancy doors and set you down. You hated when vampires used their super speed while they were carrying you. It made you sick to your stomach, but you were slowly getting used to it with each unsuspecting trip. Flavio rubbed soothing circles on your back as you hunched over, about ready to puke from the sudden motion sickness you had acquired. Once you and Flavio were positive that you weren't going to empty what little contents of your stomach you had, you gave him a questioning look.

         "Do you have any particular reason for whisking me away from my bedroom while I'm still in my PJs? Last I checked, I was supposed to be "marrying" your brother, not you."


         "Calm down! Jeez, if what I sleep in really bothers you that much then knock your socks off."

         "Glad you see things my way (y/n). Now, for the reason I have essentially kidnapped you for. I'd like to welcome you to my own little kingdom."

         Flavio pushed on the doors, causing them to swing open. Your jaw dropped as row upon row of clothing racks, shoes, jewelry, dressing rooms, and stylist stations was opened up to you. You had never seen so much glitter in your entire life, and you were kind of thankful of that. Flavio grinned and pushed up on your lower jaw, causing your mouth to close. He grabbed a hold of your hand and dragged you down the long rectangular room. You received many nasty glares from the models, each one conveying unspoken threats of death and torture. The stylists on the other hand welcomed you with bright smiles and a few waves. You smiled right back at them, giving those that waved to you the same gesture in return. Flavio stopped outside another set of fancily decorated doors, opened one, and pushed you inside before he slid into the room himself, closing the door behind him. Your heart sunk when your eyes landed on the rack of dresses that had been supplied to you for the ball two nights ago.

        "You thought I forgot about this, didn't you?" the blond whispered into your ear from behind.

        All you could do was nod your head as a shiver rippled up and down your spine, his icy breath causing the skin on your arms to prickle and the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up. He chuckled before wrapping his arms around your waist. You tensed, the action making you nervous. This was getting a little too creepy for your liking, and you needed to find a way to make it stop real fast. The doors swung up, revealing a man with dark brown, almost black, slightly longer hair than Flavio's and had a patch of white towards the front center. His lips had a faint scar running across them. His skin was tanned well. He wore a plain white t-shirt with a pair of dark wash jeans and combat boots.

        Flavio let out a fairly high pitched squeal for a man of his age and let go of you almost immediately. He ran to the new man and practically jumped on him, hugging him tightly and peppering his face with kisses. You stood awkwardly where Flavio had left you and watched at the scene that was unfolding before you. The dark haired man seemed to be annoyed at the affection that Flavio was giving him, but let the hyperactive Italian continue with what he was doing. Flavio stopped eventually and got off of the man. He stood on his tip toes, the other man knowing exactly what he wanted and leaned down to give the blond a chaste kiss on the lips. You continued to stand in silence until you decided you had seen enough PDA and gave a small cough. Flavio took notice to the sudden sound.

        "Oh my gosh! I had completely forgotten that you were here (y/n)! Mie Scuse!"

        "It's uh... It's fine... You two, uh, got something going on?"

        Flavio smiled and opened his mouth to say something in reply, but the other male beat him to it.

        "No," he said bluntly.

        Flavio's jaw dropped much like yours had done earlier, an expression of hurt and surprise written all over his face. Flavio seemed like he had recovered from what the mystery man had said seeing as though he walked to the doors with a poker face on and closed them once more, locking them this time to ensure he wouldn't be interrupted. He paused, his gaze settled on the floor. He then whipped around, his face red in anger.


         "So that's his name," you thought to yourself.




         Andrés suddenly pulled the ranting and enraged Italian into his chest and kissed him passionately. His eyes widen in surprise but melted into the kiss nonetheless. You grew increasingly uncomfortable as their kiss became more heated. They eventually broke the kiss. Flavio stared into the deep green eyes of the taller male holding him.

         "Vaffanculo," Flavio said in almost a whisper.

         "Tal vez más tarde," Andrés replied in the same tone.

        Not knowing what they were saying to each other was making you even more uncomfortable than you were before. You coughed again, once more bringing them to the conclusion that you were still in the room with them. Flavio blushed for a moment before looking to the many dresses he made, then at you and then at Andrés. Oh, he was going to have fun so much fun in the next few hours.

~Time Skip  - Three hours later~

        You were currently putting on dress number one hundred thirty-seven behind a French Style folding screen. What Flavio hadn't told you was that there were more dresses than what was on the rack you had been provided with. Now that he had you to where you couldn't run from him, he was making you try on all four hundred ninety-eight dresses he had designed for you over the past year for special occasions. You so desperately wanted to question as to where he got the measurements he needed to make them the right sizes, but figured it was best not to ask. He had probably gotten it from Gilen somehow.

         A faint sigh left your lips as you looked at yourself in the full body mirror that the fashion diva of a man had set up behind the folding screen for you. It didn't look horrible on you, but you just weren't feeling it with this one. You had to show Flavio though in fear of him going off on another tangent if you didn't. With delicate steps, you walked out from behind the makeshift wall to reveal yourself to Flavio and Andrés, who the blond drama queen had formally introduced you to moments before you started on the process of trying on dresses. Flavio was still sitting on Andrés lap while the latter man sat on a white leather couch positioned off to the far back right corner of the spacious room you were all in. The blond moved one on his arms so he could put a hand to his chin, his other arm crossing across his chest so that his other hand was resting just below the elbow of the other arm.

        "Hmm, it's not bad, but it's not good either. What do you think Andrés?"

        "It makes her look like a cow."

        "Andrés! That wasn't very nice! You can't talk like that to my brother's fiancée and future queen like that!"

        "No, he's right Flavio. I do look like a cow in this dress. I'm all bloated."

        This hit Flavio like a brick. He looked to your abdomen. It was indeed slightly bloated, almost like the beginnings of a baby bump. He looked to your face and raised one of his well shaped eyebrows at you. His eyes were expressing shock though. This caused you to raise one of your own elegant eyebrows at him.

        "What?" you questioned, slight worry lacing your voice.

        "Did my brother and you... you know..."

        "Oh, for fuck's sake. Did you two fuck?"

        Your face turned red with a hot blush. You weren't sure if it was from embarrassment or anger or something else, but you turned as red as a tomato.

        "Oh my God, NO! Jeez, I would have expected you to know the reason as to why I'm bloated! Do you not have to go through this with your models when it's their time of the month?"

        "Ah, you're on your menstrual cycle. Then never mind what I asked. To answer your question, yes, I do have to go through that with them, but with the position you are in with mio fratallino, I figured you two would have done something like that already, even though you loathe him. You've got to release all of that sexual frustration at some point, and what better way to do that than to do it with someone who loves you, isn't that right Andrés?"

        "Sure. Whatever makes you sleep during the day."

        Flavio frowned and ushered you to go change into yet another dress for him to see. You mentally groaned as you slid out of dress number one hundred thirty-seven and grabbed dress one hundred thirty-eight from the eleventh rack of dresses. You were putting the previous dress back on the rack when you heard skin on skin contact from Flavio and Andrés' direction. You could only presume that Flavio had smacked Andrés, and from the sound, he smacked him fairly hard.

        "What was that for?" Andrés asked with anger in his voice.

        "That was for being rude to (y/n) and for your response to my question."

        "Well, it's true..."

        You heard the sound of another slap resonate in the room.

        "Bite your tongue."

        "I'd much rather bite yours."

        "Stop with the dirty talk. There is a child in the room."

        "Yeah, you."

        "Hurtful, and you know very well that I meant (y/n)."

        The room was silent.

        "He sounds just like Prince Jerk-Face," you thought.

         Flavio suddenly snorted and then laughed hysterically. You peaked your head around the side of the folding screen to see Flavio doubled over in laughter on Andrés lap. Andrés had a small smile on his face, like he was laughing on the inside. You left them be and continued to change into the dress you had in your hand, laughing internally at Flavio's cackles. You didn't know what was so funny, and you kinda wanted to know. Maybe it was best that you didn't though. You walked out from behind the divider in the new dress to see Flavio calming down and Andrés with his normal bored expression plastered on his face.

         "What do you think of this one?"

         "Give me a twirl bella."

         You did as he asked, the dress's skirt fanning out as you did so. You stopped and saw Flavio smiling widely.

         "You look like a true principessa in that dress. Andrés, don't say anything to ruin this."

         "No, I want to know what he thinks too."

         "Are you sure?"

         "Yeah. Andrés?"


         "What do you think?"

         "I think that this one doesn't make you look like your pregnant with sextuplets."

         "I'll take that as a complement."

         Flavio shook his head. He didn't know why he liked the other man so much. It always amazed him. He was fairly sure that his relationship with Andrés was confusing to you. One minute they were at each other's throats with knives and fabric shears and the next they were having an intimate moment together. Well, that's what he gets for being an aromantic non-monogamous pansexul with a bisexual man he supposed. The blond motioned for you to change yet again so he could smack Andrés once more without you seeing.

~Author's Note~

DreamsForDays here! My goodness, this took my longer to rewrite than I expected. I do apologize for this chapter being late though. If you had the chance to read the message I sent out today, you know that I wasn't very pleased with how the original version of this chapter turned out, so I rewrote it in the past three and a half hours. I feel like this version of the chapter is much better than the other one I had written, and I got the introduce 2p! Spain into the story! I'm so happy about that! Now, my dear readers, it is time for translations.

Translations: Italian and Spanish - Fourth to last translation is Spanish

Bella ragazza - Beautiful girl

Arrivederci, ci vediamo signore tardi! - Goodbye, we'll see you ladies later!

Mie Scuse! - My apologies!


Vaffanculo. - Fuck you.

Tal vez más tarde. - Maybe later.

Mio fratellino - My little brother

Bella - Beautiful

Principessa - Princess

That should be all of them. Also, if you notice a few may be incorrect, that's because I am using an online translator *cough* Google Translate *cough*. The only time I won't really use a translator for is if and when I make Matt speak in French or his father since I am learning French at my school. Also, to clear somethings up, I know that Flavio doesn't normally curse, but I feel that if you get him angry enough then he will. Also, I see Andrés as the kind of guy to make dirty remarks if given the chance, henceforth why he does that in this chapter. I do believe that is all for this chapter. Once again, I do apologize for the lateness of this chapter. Thanks for reading! Feedback in the comments is always appreciated! Until next time!

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