Ladybugs And Kitty Chats (A M...

By marycarmel

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"No....way...",Chat Noir gasped as he looked down to see that the girl of his dreams, his heroine love, his l... More

Night Patrol
Rich Teenaged Boy Problems
Mischief And Curiosity Killed The Chat
Oh My God
What's Mine Is Yours And What's Yours Is Mine (part 1)
What's Mine Is Yours And What's Yours Is Mine (part 2)
Revelations And Realizations
Jigsaw Puzzle
Author's Note :)
Tikki and Plagg = ♡
Love Struck Dorks
Childish Innocence
Childish Innocence, Questions, and...Babies?
Roses,Kisses,and Heartache</3 (part 1)
Roses, Kisses, and Heartache </3 (part 2)
Roses, Kisses, and Heartache</3 ‍‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌(part 3)
Truth or Dare and a Bromance
Fighting For Love
Healing and Concealing
What Now?
Drawing :)
Two Dorks, One Snapshot
Fate And First Date
Chat Naps ♡
Chloe vs. Adrienette
The New "Good Old Days"
The New Good Old Days (part 2)
New Problems: Citizens And Villains


3.2K 100 188
By marycarmel


"..Adrien..." Nino whispered. Yes he was still in there, somewhere, fighting. It came in flashes, in his eyes I would see Nino, then in other moments I would see hatred and evil. During these moments of uncertainty his grip would loosen or tighten.

My baton slowly kept pressing on my windpipe. "...Nino..." I rasped. I tried to reach him but my arm wouldn't function. I had no oxygen, my brain buzzed. I saw spots and my world was spinning, darkening by the second. "" I didn't care that I was wasting my breath, literally. I had to get through to him!

I looked past him, at the moon high in the sky. I imagined my lady, safe, with Alya. I saw her gorgeous pale face reflected on the moon. I reached out to it, Nino tightened his grip again. I gasped again but thought to myself, If this is the end, death by the hands of my brother, I want to die staring at the face of an angel... That was my last thought. After that it was all black...

Ok the end he died. Anyway hope you liked it...yeah bye :)
~MC ♡

Just kidding, sike! Ok:


I ran from the scene, Alya's hand in mine. I heard Chat yell something behind me, but not the actual words themselves. We were a bit away when Alya made us stop.

"Marinette, stop!" Alya said and tugged on my arm. I looked back at my friend. What I saw broke my heart.

Alya's eyes puffy and red. Streaks of tears down the sides of her cheeks. The pain in her eyes, that's what did it, I myself was on the brink as well. We were probably thinking the same thing: the loves of our lives were fighting, they could get hurt.

I hadn't told Alya about Chat's real identity. It wouldn't be fair, it wasn't my secret to tell. Heck, I shouldn't even know. If she knew that Nino was fighting his best friend, it would just kill her and I didn't want that. I didn't want her to suffer like me with the knowledge I knew. It tore at my heart, raking at it with unforgiving claws.

I had to go back. He needed me, and I had to cleanse the Akuma. I told Alya to go home but, she wouldn't let me leave.

"No, please! I have to go back too, Nino needs me and I need him," Alya begged me.

"No, Alya, I don't want to see you get hurt! I care about you too much, please go home." Alya shook her head. She glared at me with teary eyes. Why was she stubborn as a mule?

"Please," Alya sobbed some more. She crumbled to the floor and hugged my leg. "Please."

I bent down beside her. "Ok," I said, "but stay out of the way and stay out of sight. I don't want you to get hurt." I lifted her chin, making her eyes meet mine. In them was shock, anguish, and then a flash of thanks. She hugged me suddenly then pulled away. Alya nodded, wiping tears away. I stood up and took her hands. We retraced our steps and returned to the chaos.

*Third person*

The struggle of Chat Noir and Nino was done. Nino saw that Chat was unconscious. He had passed out, out of lack of air. Aimer Tueur motioned for Nino to bring the downed cat. The possessed teen did as he was told, he swung Chat over a shoulder and carried him with ease.

Nino was slowly losing the fight in him. His mind was not his to control anymore, almost zombified. He saw the wrong doing, but he couldn't stop it. Nino handed his limp best friend to Aimer Tueur. She cackled and was about to take his Miraculous. Nino stopped her.

"Wouldn't it be better and easier if Chat was under your control? Then he could take out the insect and after we could take both their miraculouses!" His evil brain pulsed with ideas and he couldn't stop them from spilling out of his mouth.

Aimer Tueur smirked, "Well done, my pet." She patted Nino on the head. He smiled at her and kissed her hand.

"Of course," he grinned wickedly.

Aimer Tueur examined Chat's face closely. He had plump pink lips and if he was awake, he probably had a starving smile. She had seen a flash of green when his eyes had been open. She found him alluring and she bit her lip. Aimer Tueur would enjoy this kiss.

As she leant in, the villain heard a voice in her head once more;
'Aimer Tueur, bring him to me. I want to be his controller, I want to see through his eyes as he disposes of that wretched beetle! Ladybug will come for him, that I am certain of. And then, I will have both of their powers!' Hawkmoth laughed diabolically.

Aimer Tueur nodded, understanding her order. She released her hold on her followers, except for Nino, she had grown attached to him.

*Moments Later*

Ladybug and Alya came to the scene. There wasn't anyone there. Everyone from the dance was gone. Aimer Tueur was gone as well and there was no sign of the boys. Ladybug tried to call Chat Noir on his baton phone. Ringing was heard not too far off. The heroine headed towards the sound. It came from some bushes. Ladybug parted them and reached down. Hidden in them was his weapon. She gripped it tightly in her left hand.

"W-where-?" Alya started but couldn't finish. She didn't know what to say. Ladybug was speechless as well.

"They couldn't have just disappeared. They have to be around, somewhere," Ladybug said this only to comfort her friend. However, she didn't even believe her own words.

"What are we going to do?" Alya looked at Ladybug for an answer, but for once, she had none.

She shook her head. "Honestly, Alya, I don't know." Ladybug's grip in Chat's stick tighten and she bit back the tears.

He was her partner, her companion, the two of them a team chosen by destiny. They had grown close over those four years. Ladybug thought back to the day they first met.

*More flashback (3rd person of course) *

A young girl sprang from atop her house. The twelve year old landed neatly on another building. She sat there and breathed. The girl looked back at her home. She couldn't believe she had jumped so far. She smiled loving the feeling, as she leapt she had imagined being in flight, she had felt weightless. The raven haired girl lifted her head, her eyes centered on the full moon over head. Hello moon, she thought.

Not far off a blonde haired boy set out on his first night as well. He stared at his claw-gloved hands. The boy's cat like shadow, cast by the moon's light, swept over the street beneath him. The tentative kitten waved at it. Yup, that's me alright. He grinned and backed up on the roof. I'm gonna do it, he thought, I'm going to jump.

The boy charged on all fours and flew. He spread out his arms and legs wide, his shadow splayed out like a star. A star with cat ears. The feline reached out for the nearest building, his paw mere inches from it.

The smile on his face shifted into a horrified expression. No, he thought with sudden panic. His small claws nearly scraped the roof, but they missed. He yowled as he fell.

His yellow-green eyes wide with terror. He quickly shut them as the ground grew frighteningly closer...and closer...and-

"Gotcha!" The twelve year old kitten's body swayed as he was lifted. He opened his eyes hesitantly. The first thing he noticed was her eyes. He gasped.

His savior was an angel. Her captivating sapphire blue eyes. The cat was mystified by the depth in them, the beauty. He looked down and saw they were a great height from the ground, he felt very sick and his head spun. The boy turned back to admire her again, no nevermind, he felt better.

At last the girl put him down. They sat on the roof of city hall. The male regarded her with interest. Neither of them spoke.

The cat boy noticed her outfit. It was red with little black dots here and there. Her mask was of the same scheme and material, it went around her eyes and cheekbones. The girl was about his height. The unnamed girl had pigtails with a red ribbon in each and earrings that matched her body, red with five black dots. She was paler than him, he could tell as the moonlight cascaded down her face. Some of her blueish black hair covered them, her eyes, those eyes that to him shone like crystals.

He felt his mouth get dry. To his surprise, the boy realized his mouth had been hanging open. He quickly shut it. The girl reacted to his small movement and he looked away suddenly. Now she studied him.

She saw the boy wore all black leather. He had black boots and cat-claw gloves. The boy even had a little golden bell to complete the kitty look. A belt was around his waist and she noticed it's length, it went to the back and became a sort of tail. Seeing the tail, she regarded his ears. On his messy blonde locks, two black cat ears perched. Where are his normal ears? Are those real? She wondered. She looked to where the cat boy should have had human ears but only saw more blonde hair. This brought her to his mask. Black leather, like the rest of his costume. His eyes! She was startled, they didn't appear human at all, they were cat like! The boy was more hidden from the moon than her and her turned to look at her. She shivered, the luminescent green glow in them, it was as if he could see through her. She felt naked under his gaze.

"Uh...please don't...don't look at me," the girl spoke first and turned her back to him.

He eyed her curiously. "Why?" I can't, she's beautiful, He thought to himself.

"Because!" She felt her cheeks heat up as she heard his footsteps, he was coming closer. The girl defensively clutched a red circle in her hand.

"Could I at least say 'thank you'?" He touched her shoulder.

She shrieked startled and turned around. As she did so she wacked his head with a yo-yo.

"Hey! Ow!" The kitty rubbed his head. "Hey that hurt! I try to show my gratitude and you hit me?" He glared at her.

"You didn't have to touch me to say 'thanks'!" She shot back feeling attacked.

"Apologize!" He yelled.

"No!" She yelled back. She spun her yo-yo with effort. The girl had only had it for a day, she had little experience.

"Apologize, you meanie!" The cat pulled out a gray-black baton with a green paw print on it. He tried to spin it, however he had the same amount of experience as she did. The two awkwardly spun their weapons, trying to intimidate the other.

"You wanna fight huh." The girl stared back at him. "Here kitty kitty," she taunted and coaxed him with her index finger.

He growled low and sprang. The cat swung his baton at her but she was ready. The spotted teen deflected the attack with her yo-yo. She leapt over him landing in a blind spot. With a quick flick of her wrist she entangled the kitten in her yo-yo string.

"Had enough yet, ally cat?" The girl smiled triumphantly. He stared back at her wide eyed in surprise. Then he relaxed.

"Alright, alright." He put his hands up in surrender the best he could. He was impressed. "You win, now, untie me." The girl spun him away, releasing him from her hold. He stumbled and landed on his face.

"Oh my gosh," she laughed, her hand over her mouth, "aren't cats always supposed to land on their feet?" She laughed some more, she couldn't suppress the giggles.

He got up and dusted himself. "Well, hey, I did that on purpose. I wanted to make you laugh."

She eyed him with amusement, "Uh huh..."

"Anyway," he said trying to change the subject. "I would like to thank you for that save earlier."

"No thanks is necessary, kitty cat," she said, winking at him.

He got close to her again. She swallowed nervously. Again with those eyes, she thought.

He smirked. "Oh but I do believe a "thank you" is in order," he whispered, his warm breath on her face. "How about...." He thought aloud. She worried as he decided. His eyes lit up, he had an idea. " about a kiss?" He leaned in confidentiality. The boy puckered his lips.

"A kiss!? Uh excuse me no! I don't even know you!" The girl resisted and pushed him away.

'Adrien, this is your future crime fighting partner, tell her your name is Chat Noir,' the voice in his head said. It was Plagg, his Kwami. The two had found each other the other day. He had told the boy of his "destiny" and that he would save Paris along side a ladybug. The teen hadn't believed him, until that night.

"Well, allow me to introduce myself," he bowed to her like a gentleman. "My name is Chat Noir. That's french for-"

"Black Cat," she interrupted.

"Uh...yes, exactly. Anyway who are you?" He said, trying to hide his slight irritation at being interrupted. Wow she speaks french, cute and smart, me like.

"My name is Ladybug."

"Ladybug, huh," he said. Chat Noir looked at her. "You don't look much like one." He tilted his head.

"Excuse me!" She fumed, "Of course I look like a ladybug! Don't you see the red and spots?!" She felt insulted.

"Hey, I was only kitten yah," he laughed. Then he realized what he said and chuckled some more.

Ladybug groaned and facepalmed. If this clown was going to be her partner, it was going to end in a Cat-astrophe.

"Well, it's getting late now. I should be going," she said. She just wanted to go home, she was tired. She started to walk away and waved to him.

"Uh ok," he followed her, "I'll walk you home."

"N-no. Uh you can't. We can't know each other's identity," Ladybug tried to make him understand.

Chaton Noir thought about her words. "Ok," he said. "See you around then."

"Au revoir (bye), minou (kitty)," the young heroine waved and took off on her yo-yo.

Chat Noir sighed. "One day, my lady, one day..."

*Back to the present*

Ladybug opened her eyes. She had been recalling everything they'd been through together. She had grown a fond of the mischievous furball. Ladybug smiled at the thought. Then came the grief, she had held the tears back for too long. Not anymore.

The dark haired girl collapsed onto the floor. She was on her hands and knees. Why, she thought, why did I leave him? Why did I let him fight alone? Her shoulders shook as she sobbed. Alya came to her side. Ladybug clutched the baton to her chest. It was cold.

"Hey, we'll find him. Both of them," Alya tried to comfort her friend. She hugged Marinette from behind, put her head on the crying girl's shoulder. Alya was sad too of course, but at least one of them had to stay firm.

Suddenly Chat Noir's staff buzzed. It beeped. Ladybug pulled it out and inspected it. She pressed the paw print and the call was answered.

"Hello, Ladybug," he chuckled. The evil man's face was hidden from view. "Are you looking for your precious pet?" That phone shifted to an unconscious Chat. He was on a wall, in chains.

"Chat Noir!" She yelled in distress. He didn't reply and she saw a purple gloved hand touch him. The hand pulled his chin up and she saw his face. Though his eyes were closed, she could see the pain in them.

Hawkmoth laughed maniacally. "You have twenty-four hours to find find him and give me your miraculous. If you don't come," the hand went to the passed out hero's throat. "You'll never see him again." The call ended.

Ladybug stayed there, speechless. What could she do now? She felt a grieving pain in her heart. She had to find Chat Noir. And if she found him, she could probably find Nino too.

Ladybug turned to Alya, "Let's go."

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