Hidden Kingdom

By Leostar729

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Avian Ravenwood has always known her place in the world since she was young, serving the Royalty she had been... More

āŠ±Chapter 1 - part one šŸ—” Failed LessonāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 1 - part two šŸ—” SummoningāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 2 šŸ—” An Unwanted GuestāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 3 šŸ—”SurprisesāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 4 šŸ—”Birthday BashāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 5 - part one šŸ—”Introducing MagicāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 5 - part two šŸ—”Elemental StrengthāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 6 - part one šŸ—”Mage TrialsāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 6 - part two šŸ—”Master MageāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 6 - part three šŸ—”A Royal CommandāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 7 šŸ—”Beginnings of CourtingāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 8šŸ—”Courting DisasterāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 9 šŸ—”Courting SecrecyāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 10 šŸ—”Beginnings of PanicāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 11 šŸ—”Death within LifeāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 12 šŸ—”Eternal SorrowāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 13 šŸ—”NightmaresāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 14 šŸ—”Revenge MissionāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 15 šŸ—”Revenge is SweetāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 16 šŸ—”Mission OrderāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 17 šŸ—”Mission OneāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 18 šŸ—”Unpleasant CompanyāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 19 šŸ—”Unending NightmareāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 20 šŸ—”Hostage SituationāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 21 šŸ—”Attempting SeductionāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 22 šŸ—”Jail BreakāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 23 šŸ—”Hidden TruthsāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 24 šŸ—”Decoding the PastāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 25 šŸ—”Dragon BondingāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 26 šŸ—” Stifling Truths āŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 27 šŸ—”Chosen Future āŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 28 šŸ—”A Lover's BetrayalāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 29 šŸ—” A Dragon Encounter āŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 30 šŸ—”Destiny's DecisionāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 32 šŸ—”Hidden KingdomāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 33 šŸ—”Mother's StoryāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 34 šŸ—”Anxiety RisingāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 35 šŸ—”Sky TrialsāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 36 šŸ—”Capture the Magic FlagāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 37 šŸ—”Magical ChallengesāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 38 šŸ—”All or NothingāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 39 šŸ—”Nightmare CallingāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 40 šŸ—”The King's Blade āŠ°
Authors Note

āŠ±Chapter 31 šŸ—”A Mother' guidance and a King RevealedāŠ°

88 5 1
By Leostar729

Hey guys! As promised I am uploading all the chapters that I have edited thus far. So it will be a five part update. Are you ready!?!?!?! Let's get to it!


It had been a few weeks since I started my search. I had hardly had a clue of where to start, except for the dense woods near Sarcosia. Asking around several of the small villages that lined the forest pretty much lead to nowhere. My luck was running out.

Currently I was sitting by the campfire roasting a rabbit for dinner, while Serina lounged in her full form devouring her own prey. "We have been asking around for what seems like weeks yet we keep hitting one dead end after another." Glaring at my roasting dinner as if it had personally offended me.

Serina stopped shredding her dinner to look over, "We will find a clue eventually. Don't worry about it."

Resting my chin on my hand I stare into the fire, "I probably should have asked you a while ago if you knew where to look." Kind of hoping she would have a bit of an idea where to head instead of us wandering around aimlessly.

"No, not really." Serina's mental voice mumbled.

Shocked at the news being given. "How do you have no clue as to where to head?" I stalk towards her, frustration and anger at the situation bubbling up. "You are a dragon! Isn't it your natural instinct to be able to find where you come from?" Yelling out the frustration of the whole situation.

She growled lowly, showing her teeth and slightly snapping them threateningly. "I would be able to. But I was taken from the Land of Dragons while still in my egg by your mother! So I have no clue as where to go!" She snarled at me.

I felt within our bond that she's just as confused and frustrated as I am. "I am sorry, Serina. I didn't mean to yell. I had honestly thought that this mission would be easier. I feel as though I am failing." The anger drained out, leaving sadness to take its place. Sitting down where I was standing and covering my face with my hands. Feeling so useless.

Hearing more than seeing Serina moving around as I sat there. I didn't move as she placed her large head on my lap, though only a small portion was actually on my lap. "It is alright, dear one. I forgive you. I admit as well that I thought this search would be a lot quicker. We will find out eventually where we need to go. Everything will work out in the end, you'll see."

Moving my hands away from my face I wrap my arms around Serina's snout. Clinging to her tightly. "If only my mother were here. She would know where to go." I mumbled.

That is when a certain idea popped into my head. Making me realize how stupid I have been this entire time.

Letting go of Serina I sit up straight, nearly bouncing with excitement. Serina watched on as if I had lost my mind. "Oh my goodness Serina, I am so stupid. I forgot I had taken the book along." Moving her head off my lap I jump up to rummage through my saddle bags.

"What is so important about a book?" Serina asked as she moved back to eat her kill.

Finding it I let out a yell of triumph as I pull it out. Moving so I sat against Serina's side so to not get in her way of eating. "It is a special book that my mother passed down to me. It contains all the information I have learned so far about dragons and my family. It contained the note from my mother that had initially sent me on my path to find you.

The interesting thing about this book is that it doesn't reveal all of its information at once. Only pieces and only when it seems as if I am in need of these answers." This caught her attention. Bringing her head around to eye the book with interest with one of her amethyst eyes. "If I am correct then a new piece will show up. Hopefully a map that will guide us to where we need to go."

I flipped through the pages looking for any indication or sign that a new piece of the book had materialized. I had almost skipped over it when I saw a map surfacing between two of the pages.

It didn't show much except for the sea and a large forest connecting with a vast expanse of danger filled mountains. Along the coastline were names of villages I recognized.

In fact some of them were ones that we had recently visited. A path was clearly marked out, the title of the page read 'Map to the Kingdom of Dragons'. Looking at the familiar name of the forest I come to realize it is the same one we are camping in. We had to head deeper into what is known as the Forbidden forest, a place not many are willing to venture in.

"So we found what we were looking for after all. Something to point us in the right direction." Serina hummed in content.

"We did it Serina!" I whooped. "We just have to follow this map and we can get to the Kingdom of Dragons in no time. For now we shall rest and resume our journey first thing in the morning."

"Sounds good to me." Serina purred as she went back to her feast. Deciding to join her in eating dinner I checked on my food to find that it well done.

I fell asleep that night snuggled underneath Serina's wing with a full belly and hope springing up from my chest.

True to our promise we started out a little after first light. Serina didn't feel like flying as she curled up in front of me in the saddle after she had shrunk down in size with her head resting on my thigh. Taking the path shown to me by the book we headed deeper into the woods.

Over the next few days we traveled further into the seemingly endless forest. The longer we were in there the more it felt as if we were being watched which increased my agitation.

Today I felt like something significant was going to happen so I kept my bow at the ready. Serina was gliding through the tree tops so not to be spotted, per my request. If we were to find trouble then she could come to my rescue at a moment's notice.

Spotting a stream ahead I decided to give Zimra a break. Dismounting from the saddle and walking her over to the stream. Though I kept a watchful eye out.

"Be at the ready. There are a total of fifteen men surrounding you. They look as though they mean business." Serina warned, I could feel a growl growing in her throat.

"Be careful Serina. Do not give yourself away. We may need the element of surprise." I lightly scolded. The soft sound of twigs snapping to my left had me ducking as an arrow went soaring over the spot I had been. It wasn't a head shot but it would have sunk deep into my right shoulder if I had not moved. Taking extra precautions I slam my hand onto the ground and bring it back up as I stand. A wall of sturdy rock circling around Zimra and me, threatening to impale any who dared get close to the vortex around us.

"Impressive." A familiar voice called out from the surrounding foliage. "It is rare to see a Blade with such talents. Of course you aren't just any King's Blade. I was already quite impressed with the way you managed to escape your cage with your companions. It isn't just anyone who can escape those you know." Alex emerged from his hiding place stepping out of the thick bushes nearby.

"I didn't escape to impress you, Alex. I escaped to save my family." I wanted to snarl out. Just barely keeping myself in check. Thirteen men stepped out from their hiding places, their weapons at the ready as they watched me as though I were an enemy. It seemed as though they didn't appreciate the way I was talking to Alex.

"Well I am still impressed. But I wonder what you are doing back out here. Especially so far inside the forest." He cocked his head to the side as he studied me.

"Listen, Alex." I start but am cut off by him saying something. "What?" Forcing him to repeat himself.

"Hakeem. My name isn't actually Alex. I only use it as an alias when going into or near villages. My real name is Hakeem."

"Okay, Hakeem." His given name rolled off my tongue easily, naturally. He even looked as though he liked me saying his name as he wore a smug smile. "I am looking for someone."

He seemed intrigued by this notion as he took another step forward. The men following his movement by taking one themselves. As if he noticed my pillars of spikes for the first time he frowned, "Could you please drop the stones of death? So we can talk normally."

I shook my head, "Not a chance. Your men attacked me first. So the wall stays."

His eyes widen as though he didn't know. "Who attacked you?" He spit out the words as though they left a foul taste upon his tongue.

I shrugged at his question, "How should I know? Just before I put up the wall someone shot an arrow at me forcing me to duck. Luckily I did in time otherwise I would be wounded."

He gritted his teeth as he whirled around to face the trees. Probably looking for the one person who has yet to step out of hiding. "Bartholomew! You know I gave specific orders not to harm her." He growled out.

Bartholomew? I raised my eyebrows in disbelief. As in the bandit leader? No. Not the leader, I knew something wasn't right.

His men never acted the way they are now with Hakeem, so Bartholomew was only a decoy for the real leader. "I am sorry, milord. But she is dangerous." He hissed as he stepped out of the foliage with a bow in hand. Making his way to join the others.

Hatred filling his eyes as his gaze darted over to me. He was indicating to the pillars of stone spikes I had surrounded myself with.

"She only put the wall up to protect herself. She is no more dangerous than you or even I." Hakeem sternly scolded Bartholomew. Who seemed upset that Hakeem was taking my side. Hakeem took a calming breath as he moved his attention back to me, "Will you take down the wall if I order them to put away their weapons?"

I hesitate for a second, really what do I have to lose? Though I end up nodding my head in agreement. He smiled at me before signaling his men to put away their weapons. Keeping my end of the deal I disintegrate the pillars, leaving myself feeling exposed. "Well that was interesting. Can't say I expected that." Serina pipped in.

"Shh, Serina. I still may need you. Bartholomew looks as though he is ready to kill me." I place my bow around my back so as to not appear threatening. If they lowered their weapons I would as well.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got your back, Avian. Don't look so fidgety." Serina warned as she went quiet.

"So what are you doing out all the way out here? Who is it you are looking for?" Hakeem began to circle me. From the close up distance his piercing gaze of melted chocolate with flakes of gold clashed with mine.

His unguarded look putting me at ease, "I am on a journey searching for my true King."

This made him pause briefly, "True King?" His voice intrigued with my answer. I simply nod. "Who is your true King?" He resumed his circled path.

"The King of Dragons. He is the one I am truly meant to serve. It is my right by blood." The men still surrounding me glance at each other shocked while Hakeem grins. A twinkle of amusement in his brown eyes.

"Lies!" Bartholomew yells as he stalks up to me threateningly. "I bet she is a spy come here to gain our trust only to betray us." He shoved himself in my face but I did not back down from the challenge as I glared up at him.

"I would never lie about who I am." I yell in his face. From the corner of my eye I could tell Hakeem flinched at my words, though I didn't mean to insult him with them. I knew he had reasons to keep his identity hidden. Granted I didn't know what those reasons were. "I have the mark to prove who I say I am. I am the chosen Blade to the King of Dragons." I lift my chin up defiantly at Bartholomew.

"Enough!" Bartholomew shouts out just as loud. Grabbing me to set a knife to my throat. I don't bother to struggle knowing it would be pointless and only cause myself harm if I were to do so. "Should I get rid of her for you, Sire?" He asked as maliciousness flashed in his eyes.

Before Hakeem could respond, I glare up at Bartholomew, daring him to follow through with his threat. "Go ahead. Do what you want. I do not fear death." Bartholomew grinded his teeth at my words probably hoping I would beg like a coward for my life.

Hakeem on the outside looked calm but you could see a rage brewing by the way his eyes flashed. Though he seemed to have pushed the feeling back as his curiosity returned. He stalked closer to where Bartholomew held me still with his knife held against my throat. "You don't know who I am do you?" Hakeem asked, intrigued.

"No, I don't." Firing back. The thoughts of should I? Kept running through my mind.

Hakeem smiled, "You tell me that you are looking for the King of Dragons. Yet you don't know who he is or what he looks like." He stated out of amusement. I watched as his grin continued to grow the longer I watched him. A few minutes after he finished his sentence a white blur streaked above, circling around to land beside him.

A white dragon! By the way the dragon's body naturally curved around him as if protecting him anyone could tell that it was his dragon. White dragons only hatched for the next Crowned Prince or King. With his dragon by his side he was putting out a whole other air about him. One that screamed power as he lifted his chin. Which could only mean one thing.

He was my King!

I lower my eyes out of respect as I gasped. "I am sorry I did not know, my King." Fisting my hand and placing it over my heart while I bow my head as much as I could with a knife on my throat. Otherwise I would have kneeled. Showing him my respect. "Please accept my humblest apologies, your Majesty." Bartholomew hissed at me as I tried to move resulting in him cutting a bit into my skin causing a trickle of blood to flow. Serina growled at the minor injury.

The King dragon growled out lowly in a warningas its icy blue eyes zeroed in on the knife pressed against my throat.Confusing me as to why the dragon would let out a warning. When Bartholomewmade no move to remove it on the warning growl, the dragon's form began toquiver. Then before my eyes he shrank while taking on a different form. Onethat I have seen before.     


 Aye!!! The King has been revealed. But that's not all. Thank you so much for reading. Onto the next part of the story.

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