My Monster Mate (Book I)

By Mbalii

2.9M 99.5K 11.6K

Book One in the My Mate Series - "Elijah," Alexander calls in this terrifying voice. I know it's dangerous bu... More

Part I
One: The Attack
Two: The Joke
Three: The Club
Four: The Almost Rejection
Five: The Brother
Six: The Creatures
Seven: The Encounter
Eight: The Coward
Nine: The Sparks
Ten: The Reason
Eleven: The Russo Brothers
Twelve: The Semi Rescue
Thirteen: The Twin
Fourteen: The Blackout
Fifteen: The Brother
Sixteen: The Discovery
Eighteen: The Great Escape
Nineteen: The Mother
Twenty: The Emotions
Twenty-One: The Switch
Twenty-Two: The Ex
Twenty-Three: The Return
Twenty-Four: The Secrets Out
Twenty-Five: The Episode
Twenty-Six: The Shot
Twenty-Seven: The Bullet
Part II
Twenty-Eight: The Wait
Twenty-Nine: The Morning Swaps
Thirty: The Regret
Thirty-One: The Revival
Thirty-Two: The Move
Thirty-Three: The Hex
Thirty-Four: The Dark Magic
Thirty-Five: The Dark Side
Thirty-Six: The Temporarily Wolf-Less Elijah
Thirty-Seven: The Third In Command
Thirty-Eight: The Friend
Thirty-Nine: The Rogue Mission
Forty: The Dream
Forty-One: The Defiance
Forty-Two: The Battle
Forty-Three: The Accident
Part III
Forty-Four: The Flight Home
Forty-Five: The Betrayal
Forty-Six: The Outrage
Forty-Seven: The Confession
Forty-Eight: The Truth
Forty-Nine: The Ceremony
Fifty: The End
Thank You || Q&A
Bonus: Halloween
Bonus: Alexander's Pov
New: Her Calling. Book II: My Hybrid Mate

Seventeen: The Rash Decision

50.8K 2K 170
By Mbalii

The Rash Decision

"I believe you," I said.

His eyes automatically met mine and he smiled. It didn't quite reach his eyes but it was still a smile, it held his gratitude and that's all that mattered to me. I didn't expect him to actually be happy, his parents were still icing him out. Even after all these years.

Elisha chimed, "I do too."

"You can't be here. You need to leave, if you're found on these grounds there will be consequences. You need to leave." Our father said, coldly.

"Pa –" I tried but he didn't let me get another word out.

"That's quite enough, Elijah, you've done enough." He snapped.

I couldn't understand why they were still so adamant that he had done it even after his explanation. It has been several years since then, why would he still feel the need to lie to them? He has absolutely nothing to lose now.

My mother spoke, "Themba, don't be so hard. We need to take this matter to Alpha Jay, he needs to let Isaiah back into the pack."

A small smile made its way onto my face, at least she was considering doing something.

"I don't want to come back. I'm fine where I am. I just did this for Elijah. Nothing else." I looked at Elisha and pain quickly flicked through her eyes.

I'm guessing Isaiah explained himself through mind-linking because she seemed a little shocked for a moment. Amateur. I couldn't help but think. I've been mind-inked so many times by both Isaiah and Nathaniel I don't even find it odd anymore.

"You actually believed Alpha Jameson over your own son?" I queried.

"There was no one else in sight. He was the only wolf there. What were we to think?" My mother whispered guiltily.

"Oh, I don't know!" I threw my hands up in exasperation, "Maybe that you raised a good pup who wouldn't kill someone! Oh my goddess, I can't believe this." I ranted.

I thought my parents would go out on a limb for their pups. Every last piece of hope I ever had in them flickered away instantly.

I'm doomed once they find out about Alexander. I wanted to cry, I could feel the tears welling up anything could set them off. I really needed to get away from here to get my mind right because as I stood here, I just keep feeling far worse about the entire situation.

"I can't be here right now," I said, before turning to my car I asked Isaiah if he was okay and he said he was. He'd leave in a bit.

From the moment I shut the car door, my mind started running through multiple questions. Every last one was negative and did not come out with me actually having my parents on my side. Finding out you have a long lost brother should be far better than this. This was climatic but not in the way one would expect. 

I was driving with no clear destination in mind, that was until I found myself at my sisters' place. I almost laughed at how instinctive it was to take my hardships to Nicholas.

"Did you forget your keys?" Nic spoke as he opened the door realising it was the wrong twin, his head moved back in surprise. Taking one look at my face his smile instantly dropped, "Eli, what happened?" He pulled me inside.

"I just... I had to get away." I cried, "Nic I think I need to leave, I need to leave the country." I said in-between sobs.

"What!? No way. Why would you do that?"

"My parents. They'll never protect me once they find out about Alexander. I'll mean nothing to them once they know."

"You have no guarantee -"

"I do. I have a brother. He was exiled and they didn't even believe that he didn't kill the wolf."

"Exiled? There's only one person... Isaiah?"

"Yes, he's my brother. He's the one who's been linking me, he's the one who helped me when those Creatures came for me. He's been watching over me. It all makes perfect sense. I just need to get away from my family. I can't stay here, Nic. I need to leave. Please help me."

'That's not an option, Ellie.'

Nathaniel has taken a real liking to this Ellie nickname. I thought he'd drop it straight after we were done messing with Alexander. But no, seems like he wants it to stick.

I groaned, "I'm sorry." I said to Nicholas.

I walked to his front door and opened it, revealing not only Nate but Abel too. The brothers had just stepped out of a matte black Range Rover Evoque. Abel was still leaning against the car, Nate a few steps away from the porch.

It was good to see Abel again, also good that I actually spotted him correctly, after the car ride that day I had established that he's a part of the Russo's I liked.

"Nathaniel, I can't –" I looked over at Abel remembering his connection to his brother, I sighed.

"You know, Abel, I like you. Quite a lot but I don't know how safe it is to talk about this in front of you." He laughed.

"I can block him out if you'd like." He smiled.


"You have roughly twenty minutes until he gets here though." He said.

"Okay. Nathaniel, I need to leave. I can't stay here. I could handle Alexander's enemies but I can't handle the idea of my own parents betraying me. That will break me." I rattled.

It seems selfish and it seems stupid but I don't care, my parents mean the world to me. They have been my heroes all my life, I followed in their footsteps and became a Warrior. I have always wanted to make them proud, I have always wanted to be someone they could hold in high regards.

With this new discovery, I'll never get that once they find out who I'm mated to. All the years of trying to become someone they will be proud of will go to the pits. Now, don't get me wrong, I love being a Warrior and its majority for my enjoyment now but initially it was to follow them because I saw how much joy it brought them to protect and serve the Pack

"It would break him if you left." Abel chipped in.

"I doubt that it would," I say sadly.

"How many times has he told you not to say he doesn't care about you?" Nate questions, "Ellie. He cares more about you than he would like to admit."

It upset me to some degree to know that he has the audacity to tell others this but not me. Instead when he shows the slightest bit of care for me then retracts it as though he has been electrocuted for showing that bit of kindness.

"Why are you telling me this? I need you to help me leave, not help me feel guilty!"

"I like you too but I won't help you hurt my brother," Abel said.

"Me neither." Nate seconds.

"Well. I don't give a shit about Alexander Russo, so you can count on me." Nic says from behind me.

"I don't need you to actually help me. I just need you not to tell him."

"You have roughly ten minutes," Abel whispered.

"Dang." I mutter, "I'm leaving."

Making my way down the porch steps, I pass Nathaniel and he ever so slightly shakes his head. I ignore it and continue my trek towards my car. I open the door before saying,

"Nic, come rub your scent all over me." He came over and hugged me, rubbing his hands all over my arms and legs.

I needed to completely cover my scent.

"Tell him I'm sorry," I said to Abel before I took off.

This was the most probably the dumbest thing I have ever done, why didn't I think this through? Goodness, I should really think before I act. I drove until I felt I was far enough from Nicholas' if Nate did some spell I felt this was a good enough distance to take them a while to reach me.

I sighed as I looked out at the ocean. Maybe Jay wouldn't let anything happen to me, I mean, he practically helped raise me. Perhaps that would play at his heartstrings and he'll decide against exiling me over something I have no control over.

Couldn't the Moon Goddess have gifted me a different mate? Or at the very least, she could have at least made sure I was from The Howlers. I wouldn't be running then.

I had completely accepted the fact that the moment Alex accepts me into his Pack, I will be a target.

I had accepted that I will have to fight constantly and keep my guard up. I accepted that I will have the greatest bodyguard in the world. I had accepted that The Howlers would probably give their lives for me. I would be safe.

I just can't come to terms with the fact that The North Pack, Alpha Jay and my parents could reject me. They could kill me. They could hate me.

Those are thoughts that had never crossed my mind before today Even when I said that Pack comes before blood. I never thought my parents could possibly not try to save me. Not try to let me escape. Not try to risk their lives for me.

What have I got if not my family?

"Me." I turned around.

"Isaiah." I smiled, "What are you doing here?"

"Where you go. I go."

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