
By always_clever

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Description inside. WARNING: sexual content and harsh language... More

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March 12th

1.9K 99 5
By always_clever

The soft warm breeze hits my bare legs; it was so heavenly it made me smile in satisfactory. My hair was down in its natural curly state; since its been decades since I had a perm. The huge shirt I was wearing was like a loose dress that stopped at my knee, making my stomach that grew in size over night look flat.

I leaned on the railing on the porch to look around the quiet neighborhood. Mostly the older people; whom was the majority of the population were in town while a few younger individuals was at work or at school. I for one was in the stay at home category. Truthfully I wanted to go out, but the baby had other plans and made me feel nauseous.

"You know, if you keep that position I can surly make a portrait of you," Dylan leaned on his car which was a brown 1967 Pontiac GTO; basically one of the most rarest and expensive cars that was still out.

I stood up straight and greeted him with a welcoming smile. "I'm flattered, but this body is not made for a portrait right now. Catch me next year." I said with a chuckle. "Nice car."

Dylan looked behind him and looked back at me. "Oh, thanks. It's not mine."

I raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "Not yours, huh? I thought you stop stealing cars a long time ago." I tried to joke, but it didn't come out as one.

"I mean it's mine, but it's pop's as well. I'm actually test driving it to see if she still rides, it's been collecting dust for far too long."

"Well, it's nice that you're enjoying yourself. I'm just going to go back inside, I'm starting to sweat; I'm so not use to the heat." Why did I say sweat? I sighed in embarrassment.

Dylan chuckled at me; showing off his pearly whites. "Come ride with me. I want to chat since we didn't have the chance to two days ago."

"Umm, I gotta go change-"

"Nonsense, it's fine to where what you have on now."

I looked down at my attire; big old t-shirt, booty shorts, pink flip flops, and no bra, including my messy hair. I'm surprised I even stood on the porch like this. I immediately shook my head, "No, I'm going to seat this one out. Maybe next time."

Dylan kissed his teeth and rolled his eyes in the most cutest way ever. "Come on Hunter," he said, calling my last name. "Don't be a chicken."

I rolled my eyes from his choice of name calling. I'm like Marty from Back to the Future; I hated to be called chicken, it's like being called a punk. With my eyes squinted into a daring stare, I slowly step out of my safe zone by stepping down the wooden steps and leaving my best to get into the old fashioned car.

As Dylan said, we took a ride around the town until we got to the Your leaving Bluffton sign. Like always when I would visit, Dylan parked next to the sign. It was mainly a great place to smoke and not get caught, since it's in the cut.

"So, what actually brings you into town? You and what's his name broke up or something?" Dylan asked; breaking the silence between us.

I adverted my eyes from the car window to look at his handsome face. "What's his name?" I said, knowing damn well who he's talking about. I just want to hear him say his name.

Dylan kissed his teeth in irritation. "Jeffery or some shit like that."

I gave him a small laugh before nodding my head yes. "Jeffery and I broke up, like two years ago. Besides the reason why I'm in Bluffton is very complicated and dramatic. Just know that I'm back and won't be leaving soon."

Seeing that he's satisfied with my answer; Dylan leans back in his seat. "You should come to pop's bar tonight, the old gang is going to be there."

Bar, which means drinking; the number one thing I can't do. "Um, I don't know. I-I can't drink."

"Why not? You in AA or something?"

I took in a breath of air before saying: "No, I'm just pregnant." I said bluntly.

Dylan immediately straightened up as he face slowly drops. "W-wow. Umm that's-"

"Unexpected, I know. I was the same way when I found out."

Dylan cleared his throat before giving me a look. "By a boyfriend or..." He didn't have to finish that sentence to know what's he's getting at.

My eyes widened in shock as he assumed that I slept with a stranger. "What! Boyfriend of course. Gosh!"

Dylan put his hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry, don't cut my throat. But you should still come out, they would like to see you."

With a huff I agreed to go out. "Fine, but I won't stay for long."


Once I walked into Dylan's father old bar, I was immediately ambushed with familiar faces. The four individuals I use to hang around with, including Dylan sat in the booth further to the left side of the bar. All of them still looked young, like they didn't grow up at all.

The first to see me was Chanel Griffin; a woman that use to be considered my summer besti (as she would say.) Her dark red covered lips stretched out into a huge grin, her brown cheeks formed dimples as her dark brown eyes lights up in excitement. Chanel stood to her full height of 5'8 before practically running towards me to pull me into a tight hug.

"Omg, TJ you look amazing!" She screamed.

I laughed out as I embrace her as well. "Omg Chanel, you look fabulous!" I mocked her tone.

She soon pulled away to examine me. "Damn chica, you look thick as hell too. What you've been doing? And what man has been whispering in your ear?" Chanel took my hand and led me to the table with the others.

I chuckled as I shook my head. "No man." After stated that, I looked around to see one of Dylan friends who use to tag along with us; Richard Green and younger his sister Donna. It was just the five of us that hung out with each other. "Hello, it's been so long." I stated as I slid into the booty next to Dylan; whom made space for me while Chanel sat next to Richard.

"Hey TJ, looking good. How's it been?" Richard said as his olive skin form a tint of red. He was always known to have a little crush on him, which was cute considering that him and Dylan was well known as players back then.

"Thank you and I've been good. How are you? How are all of you?"

"I'm doing fine," Donna spoke up first. Donna and I never really talked to each other unless we was around others, since she was a little annoying and five years younger. Back then she would come along with us because Mrs. Green made Richard take her everywhere he goes and since Chris and Donna are the same age, they would hang out. They've would of been cute together, but she was too talkative and very hard to handle.

"We're doing good. From what we've heard, you're staying for a while. What's up with that city girl?" Chanel asked with full interest in her voice. When all of them found out I was never going to stay the whole summer here again, Chanel was the one who took it the hardest. Even when we only spent two months together, Chanel and I was tight and unstoppable in our eyes. Like Salt-N-Pepa.

"Oh just nothing. I gotta get my shit straight, that's all." I shrugged my shoulders like it was nothing.

"Lets get some drinks. What's on the menu bartender?" Donna asked as she looked at Dylan, whom was looking at me.

"He's too distracted Donna," Chanel teased, making Dylan glared at her. "You can't get mad at me because you still have a crush on city girl."

Even that made me blush. The fact that Dylan Marburg had a crush on me was interesting and excited at the same time.

"I'm going to get drinks," Dylan managed to hope over the booth to the other side and walk to the bar to whip up some drinks. Luckily the bar was closed so he can relax, drink and kick back with his friends. "Here you go. Whiskey on ice," he handed Richard his small glass of the strong stuff. "Vodka with lemon," Chanel grabbed her glass before Dylan got to it. "Sex on the beach," Dylan slides Donna her drink.

As he did so, Donna purposely touched his hand and sent him a wink that I was only one to peek apparently. "Thanks," her voice was low and filled with need. They obviously had something going on behind close doors and Richard's back.

Dylan completely ignored her actions and turned his head to look down at me. "And a pop," he set the tall glass of orange soda in front of me with a smile and teasing wink.

"A orange pop?" Donna asked in suspicion.

I nod my head yes. "I have to drive home." I mustered up to say. "Alcohol can impair your judgment."

"You know damn well she's a lawyer Donna, T has to follow by the law. Which by the way, it's good to hear that your the new defense lawyer because the other one was a scum bag. He kept siding with the police." Chanel said in disgust.

"Police? Y'all have a lot of police brutality here?"

Richard scoffed. "We have more police brutality than stray dogs. Mostly every once a week someone is getting beaten and arrested for no reason. I've even witnessed three of them, one was a older women whom was thrown to the ground."

My eyes widened in shock. On the news I hear about the police brutality, but to see one up close is shocking. "Did she sue? Go to court?"

Donna nod her head yes. "Yup, but like Chanel said the old lawyer would side with the police."

A sigh of frustration pass through my lips before I took a sip of my soda. "I assure you I'll be a good lawyer this town will ever have."

"No," Dylan spoke up. "You'll be the best damn lawyer this town will ever have." He added, making me blush, Chanel awe, Richard laugh and Donna glare at me.

When I first decided to become a lawyer, I was fourteen. At first I thought it was a silly dream, but Dylan didn't. He actually encouraged me to stick with the career and also gave me sheets of college information that had law schools. He's so sweet and such a great friend...

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