Divergent High: Fire v Ice

By Marie__reid

241K 8.4K 4.4K

Fours POV She won't break. She's the only one who doesn't gawk at me. I swear I'll make her fall for me. I'... More

Chapter 1: Good Girl Gone Bad
Chapter 2: Servants to the Boys? Hell No
Chapter 3: Kissing?
Chapter Tobias: Christmas Tampons
Chapter 5: Did You Just Save Me?
Chapter 6: Fricken Idiots
Chapter 7: Why Did I take Her Shopping!?
Chapter 8: The Haunted Sleepover
Chapter 9: Truth or Dare
Chapter 10: Uriah Just Made us Travel the Entire Midwest
Chapter 11: Jesse
Chapter 12: Revenge of the Ex
Chapter 13: The Truth about Fourtris
Chapter 14: The BIG Game
Chapter 15: Ghost in the Cemetery
Chapter 16: Tris Tripped over a Dead Body
Chapter 17: The Wedding
Chapter 18: A Walk around Town with Tobias Part 1
Chapter: 19 SOMEONES IN MY HOUSE!?!?
Chapter 20: A Walk Around Town with Tobias Part 2
Chapter 21: Caught Already
Chapter 22: Family Chrismas and Crap
Chapter 23: New Years Resolution
Chapter 24: Secret Letters
Chapter 25: Four Fears
Chapter 26: The Death of Valentines Day
Chapter 27: Edgar Returns
Chapter 28: Factionless
Chapter 29: The Solo Assassin
Chapter 30: Amazon Warriors
Chapter 31: Ain't Never Had a Friend Like Me
Things You Need to Know
Chapter 32: The Sixteen Heartbreak
Chapter 33: The Bittersweet Truth
Chapter 35: Help Me Im in Hell
Chapter 36: Bleeding Out
Chapter 37: I Am Gone
Chapter 38: Paradise
Chapter 39: I'm Dead
Chapter 40: My Heart Beats for You
Chapter 41: Awake
Chapter 42: Love
Chapter 43: Reunited
Chapter 44: The Pain in the Aftermath
Chapter 45: With My Bare Hands
Nothing to do with the story
Chapter 46: Not Just Any Nightmare
Chapter 47: Shady Figure Part 1
Chapter 48: Shady Figure Part 2
Chapter 49: Ben Eaton
Chapter 50: Passion
Chapter 51: Thoughts
Chapter 52: Sugar Skull
Chapter 53: I Ran
Chapter 54: Found
Chapter 55: Hope
Chapter 56: The Reason Why
Chapter 57: Dying
Chapter 58: Not Alone but Dreaming of It
Chapter 59: Energy is Neither Created Nor Destroyed
Chapter 60: What It's Like to be Alive
Chapter 61: Kitty Cocktails
Chapter 62: Jason Asson Oh I Mean Arson
Chapter 63: We're Back and Better Than Ever
Chapter 64: Blackmail
Chapter 65: "I'm Breaking Up with You"
Chapter 66: The Streets of America
Chapter 67: Earning Love and Earning Hate
Chapter 68: Wasn't Me
Chapter 69: Panic at the Disco
Chapter 70: Hot! Hot! Hot!
Chapter 71: Eric Coulter the Love Councilor
Chapter 72: You're Perfect to Me
Chapter 73: Silence After the Storm
Chapter 74: The Monster Closet
Chapter 75: Old Enemies Return
Chapter 76: Coming Soon to the Eaton Household
Chapter 77: Balancing on Thin Lines
Chapter 78: He Wants His Claws on You
Chapter 79: On a Scale of One to Ten, Negative Two
Chapter 80: Creepy Text from a Creepy Person
Chapter 81: Cannibals in Paradise
Chapter 82: Circles
Chapter 83: Uriah Actually Saved the Day

Chapter 34: Revenge Levels 3-9

3.3K 99 108
By Marie__reid


That's what she said. Loud and clear. They wanted revenge. But then again, so would I. After those words left her mouth in the theatre she went back to her seat and the rest of the movie was even more uncomfortable than before.

She told me 10 levels of revenge.

Zane's POV

I just got a text from Zeke saying the first two levels are done.
Level 1- being ignored
Level 2- being uncomfortable

Well if they though those two were bad, then I can't even imagine what they're going to think the other levels will be.

Tris POV

Level 3 Day 9

I wake up to the sun seeping through my blinds. Yes the weekend finally no annoying alarm to shake my brain!

"Beatrice Edith Prior!" I hear my bother shout in the doorway.
"We are supposed to be leaving right now!" He screams while pissed off.
"What?" I groan.
"It's 7:30!" He shouts then storms out of my room.
"I'm leaving!" He shouts while I hear the door close.

7:30!?!? Why didn't my alarm go off. I jump out of bed and throw on clothes while sloppily putting on make up and sprinting out the door to see that my brother has left. I quickly jump in my car and swerve out while zooming to DH hoping I'm not late.

Four's POV

SHIT IM LATE MY DADS GOING TO KILL ME! I sprint in and see Tris running also but she's already ahead of me. The bell rings just as I throw myself into math class.

I may have put on clothes I found on the ground right next to me and ran in my car without brushing my teeth, eating breakfast, or even saying goodbye to my sisters, but I still made it. I sigh and plop down next to Tris.

"Did the power go out on our street or something?" She asks.
"No all the other alarm clocks were fine," I say thinking a bit. Oh shit. This is one of the levels of revenge, and I have a feeling setting our alarm clock late wasn't all.

"Oh shit," she mumbles,"this is a level isn't it?"
"Yeah," I sigh while I zone out in class.

Period 2 Fours POV

I sprint to class as fast I can. Why did Mrs. Houston have to talk to me that long? I'm going to be late!

Period 3 Tris POV

I knock on the door to 3rd World Problems class and Mr. Brady opens it looking angry.
"Glad you could join us Miss Prior, why were you late?" He asks as sweat drips down my neck.
"Um," I say, crap.

4th Period Four's POV

"Hey Four!" Edward shouts as I walk out of third period.
"No no no no no, I'm going to chemistry early if it's that last thing I do!" I shout at him as I sprint across the school. Chemistry is on the west side of school and I'm on the east.

I arrive five minutes early and gladly walk in it. No one is here. SHIT WE'RE DOING EXPERIMENTS IN THE LAB TODAY THATS ON THE NORTH SIDE!

5th period Tris POV

FINALLY LUNCH! I walk to the lunch line and say the sport I'm currently playing and they give me the meal that suits the sport the best.

I slowly walk over to the table the girls are at who are having a conversation for the first time in a week. Right as I place my food down the fire alarm goes off.

6th period Four's POV

Ugh I'm starving! I didn't get to eat breakfast this morning cause I was in such a hurry and the fire alarm took up the entire lunch time so I haven't eaten a thing all day! I literally feel like little knives are stabbing me from the inside out!

I thankfully wasn't late for History but I am STARVING!

7th Period Tris POV

I walk into science class on time and take a seat in the back.
"Alright class hand in your homework!" The teacher says right when he walks in.
"Um Mr. Johnston I didn't get the homework cause I was gone last class," I say and he rolls his eyes at me. Ouch.
"Well you should have gotten it from someone!" He says.
"But it was a workshee.."
"Don't talk back to me you get a late!" He says handing me a slip of paper that I'll have to get my parents to sign.
Shit I'm mad.

8th Period Four's POV

Last class! I giddily walk through the halls not knowing what to expect. I haven't seen Tris all day and it's getting so irritating.

I walk into art to see her painting with stress written all over her face.
"Hey what's wrong?" I ask her.
She looks up at me with a lighter expression and attempts to smile. Attempts is the key word.

"Well let's see, I was late to my first four classes, I haven't eaten a crumb all day and I got a late slip," she says sassily.
"At least we get the last class period together," I say optimistically.

"Today we're doing partners, Four with Nita, Tris with Al."

Lynn's POV

I felt kinda bad watching them throughout the day. But then again they completely deserved it.
Level 3- stress- complete.

Tris POV

Level 4 Day 10

My alarm clock didn't go off this morning. AGAIN! Whatever I'll just put an alarm on my phone. I reach for it and try to turn it on. It won't turn on. It's dead and I have to leave in five minutes!

Ugh! Fine be that way! I put my hair in a messy bun and put on a DH sweatshirt and skinny jeans. I run downstairs and grab an apple as I walk out the door.

I put the key in the ignition and it doesn't start. No they couldn't have done this to my baby! Not. My. Baby.

I angrily jump out of my car and stomp over to our garage looking for a new car to drive to school. I see a blue Porsche and hop in while spinning out of the driveway.

As I drive I see a sign that says detour so I take it. This is headed in the complete opposite direction as DH so I guess I should find a new route. I take a right, and then a left, then another right and right again.

Maybe I should go left? Or right? How about straight? Actually I should just go back and try to figure it out from there cause I have NO idea where the hell I am.

I drive back to where I thought I was but ended up getting lost. Great! This is just great! My phone is dead, I'm late, and lost! Could this day get any worse!

Four's POV

"THATS 7 MILES EATON!" The substitute gym teacher shouts. He's trying to impersonate Amar and is doing a pretty shitty job. I just missed a basket in basketball. Amar would've made me run 10 miles for that not 7!

Anyways, I haven't seen Tris all day and I'm starting to get worried. Honestly I can't even imagine what they'll do to us, they are mad geniuses and we got in their bad side.

I tried calling her but she never picked up. I'm just so frustrated that they would do this to us. Not that we don't deserve it because we lied to them, but still we've been best friends since we were in diapers.

I'm also frustrated because this time I was late for school and my precious car died alone with my phone. But what really got me pissed was my signature leather jacket got put in the dryer. And you wanna know what? It's ten sizes smaller! My precious phone, my precious Tris, my precious car, and my precious jacket, all taken away from me today!

Tris's POV

Ok so I don't even think I'm in Chicago anymore. I am HORRIBLE with directions! I just want to go home, and debating by the sun because my phone is dead! It looks like 4:00, what will happen when I don't go home and never went to school? My parents will kill me that's what!

I'm just so frustrated.

Marlene's POV

Tris never came to school today. We think she actually got really lost because of the detour sign we put up. I hope she's ok. Hopefully she'll be at school tomorrow. Four looked pissed all throughout today.

Level 4- frustration- complete

Four's POV

Level 5 Still Day 10

I finally found Tris. She called me from Cicero, a town outside of Chicago. She didn't want to talk to me about it when I picked her up. We just sat there for an hour sitting in a tense angry silence. Not angry at each other, just angry at choices.

I finally hop in the shower and turn it onto hot. I feel my tense muscles relax as thoughts flood my mind of what they could do and what they will do and how far they're willing to go.

I wash my hair quickly and hop out heading straight for bed, throwing on some pajamas I fall in bed and fall asleep.

Beep beep beep

Never have I heard such a sweet sound. I jump up and check everything. My closet, everything's fine. My phone, clock, sisters, kitchen, food. Everything's fine. That is until I head back up to my room and go into the bathroom. What I see in the mirror makes my jaw drop to the floor.

Tris POV

Ok? So have they given up cause right now I'm alive and everything in my house is fine. I shrug and walk over to my vanity. I take out foundation and squirt it on my hand. I run circles on my face and stop immediately. What is this? WHAT IS THIS?

My face which normally a pale color is now gray! GRAY! I grab makeup remover and try to remove it. It won't come off!
"Come on!" I grunt.
"Tris five minute warning," Caleb shouts. Fine I'll come back to my makeup. I throw on some leather pants and a white T.

Once I run downstairs to eat breakfast Caleb starts laughing.
"HEHE YOU LOOK LIKE A SQUIRREL WHATS WRONG WITH YOUR FACE!" He laughs. I flip him off and run upstairs to fix my face. Literally.

I take out my makeup and realize my bronzer is purple, my eyeliner is broken, mascara bright orange, and eyeshadow all black from coal dust. How am I supposed to cover this up? This is going to be so humiliating.

Four's POV

"So are you keeping it that way?" Greg my 300 pound linebacker asks. I've heard that question at least 50 times today.
"No I am not keeping my hair pink," I reply walking a little faster.
"Nice hair Four," Owen smirks at me as he walks the hall with George.

I glare and walk over to my locker which is right me t to Tris's. I angle her locker door better so I can see her face.
"Hey Tri..." I stop and stare.
"Don't say anything," she glares.
"What did you fall asleep under a tanning bed or something?" I ask trying to hold in my laughter but failing. She hits me in the gut making me laugh at her weak attempt.

Her entire face is a shade darker than it normally is.
"So are you going to tell me what happened or what?" I laugh.
"I wouldn't be laughing, you look like a pink smurf," she smirks and I playfully glare.
"Ha ha ha very funny, now will you tell me why you look like you spent a year in Florida?" I teases and she sticks her tongue out at me.

"Well my foundation magically turned gray in the middle of the night so I had to use my moms to cover it up and she just happens to have skin like a Mexican goddess while I have skin like a polar bear's fur," she huffs and I can't help but crack up.
"Shut up cotton candy head," she wines.

I stop and stare at her while she gives a guilty grin. Soon shes sprinting down the hall screaming while I chase her.

Uriah's POV

I couldn't help but crack up at the sight Tris and Four. Four looked like a flower while Tris looks Indian. I was the genius who came up with that. It was kind of pathetic watching their face turn a light shade of red every time someone asked about it. But hey, that's revenge right?

Level 5- Humiliation- complete

Tris POV

Level 6 Day 15

It's finally Saturday and we survived what I think to be five levels. At least what I hope.

I turn on the tv and put in The Hunger Games. I guess today's a movie day. I open up my phone and go to photos. I think someone stole my phone at the party and took 1,000 photos or something because I have absolutely no storage left on my phone.

I'm about to click my library when the album under it catches my eye. It's called 'Best Moments' I don't remember having an album like that.

I click it and press the first photo. I quickly scroll, quicker and quicker feeling the tears prick my eyes. Photos that I didn't even know existed flash before my eyes.

They did this. I know they must've. They're trying to make me feel guilty. And honestly, it's working. All the good times we've had together, we've been with each other since we were in diapers and I couldn't tell them my secret. A stupid little secret that would change almost everything.

"I'm sorry," I whisper to a photo of Shauna and me.

Christina's POV

It worked, she definitely feels guilty. I'm currently sitting on top of her roof looking down at her crying. I pull out my phone and text the group.
Level 6- guilt- complete

Four's POV

Level 7 Day 16

What if this keeps going on? What if they ignore me in soccer games? What if they never talk to us again?

These questions and so many more have been flooding through my head. I hate to admit this but, I'm scared, scared of what they might do, scared of what they might not do. This is driving me insane.

Will's POV

Level 7- Fear- complete

Tris POV

Day 19 Level 8

Today Four has a soccer game. He's been so freaked out lately and so have I. He thinks that at the game tonight they'll completely ignore him. Honestly I'm just scared we lost our friends.

                   +               +           +

"Here!" Four shouts and Zeke passes him the ball. Simple bicycle kick and we score once again. So far it's 17-0 and this is supposed to be the state champs. Four was wrong about them ignoring him and I'm currently sitting next to Christina who's completely engulfed in the game.

I'm starting to think the levels are over. Maybe they forgave us? I mean we have been friends forever they wouldn't let something like this get in between us, right?

"Yes!" Christina shouts. 18-0

Four's POV

The crowd goes wild as Uriah scores and I make the assist. Finally I think this whole stupid thing is over. I lost count of all the levels they put us through but it felt like 30.

A loud blaring buzzer signifies halftime. I jog up to our assistant couch. Amar is still not back from whatever mission he was on. The coach gives his prep talk and I completely ignore him.

Once we're out on the field the whistle blows and we're off once more. The ball goes from Zane, to Uriah, to Zeke, to me. I'm 20 feet away from the goal and am about to shoot when somebody body slams into me causing me to fall to the ground rolling. I jump up ready to beat the shit out of whoever the hell did that to me, but the crowd cheering interrupts my thoughts.

Will just scored a goal and our team ran up to him cheering, everyone except me. I brush it off and get ready to play defense.

Bam! I steal the ball almost instantly, I pass to Zeke but Uriah steals it mid pass. What the heck!? Zeke doesn't even look at me he just calls to Uriah who passed to him.

I get the ball shoot, Zane headers it in and he gets all the credit when he never had to.

I'm about to steal the ball, Zeke rams me over and steals it from me.

I'm open. No one passes. I'm open again. Still no one passes. Even people from the other team are confused.

The crowd cheers as it's the end of the game but I just stand there dumfounded. Damn, they tricked me.

Zeke's POV

Zane,Will, Uri, and I all sit at Dauntless' eating victory cake when I get a glimpse of Four. He must've come here to pick up some cake after the game.

I spot him and he glances our way. A look of pure sadness crosses his face. That's when I start to feel guilty. I'm sort of glad this who thing is almost over.

Level 8- tricked- complete

Four's POV

Day 21 Level 9

I'm freaked out. What will they do next. I can't trust them. I did trust them then they tricked me. They ignored me, make me uncomfortable, they stressed me out, they frustrated be, humiliated me, they made me guilty, scared me, tricked me, and now I'm paranoid.

I can't even sleep at night anymore. It's been weeks and they still haven't stopped. How do I know if they'll ever stop? What if they ditch us? Or just do all of them over and over and over again. Just thinking about it makes me exhausted.

Tris POV

For the last two days I've been sleeping in my closet. I can't sleep. And I know I never will until I get my friends back. If I ever get my friends back.

I feel like they're going to strike hard. Really hard. Like some grand finale to end our friendship.

Shauna's POV

Level 9- paranoid- complete

We all squeeze in the car to go to Four's house. We're going to surprise them with the last level. Zeke goes 20 over which makes it clear how anxious he is to get there.

Once the neighborhood is in sight we drive up to the gate and say our names. We wait five minutes all while Zeke is tapping like crazy on the steering wheel.
"OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD WE COME HERE EVERY DAY!" Marlene screams surprising everyone.

The gate opens slowly as we zoom in. Crawling over each other like a bunch of monkeys we finally manage to fall out of the car and crawl/run to the door.

We ring the doorbell at least 5 times until Four swings the door open. When he sees us his eyes widen and he backs up like we're rabid animals.

Without a word we run in the house all at once.
"Is Tris here?" We ask.
"Where's Tris?"
"Someone get Tris."
"Are you home alone?"

"STOP!" Four yells,"Whatever you're doing to me, stop. Just stop I'm done with this, with these levels whatever they are!"

As if on cue Tris walks in.
"I saw there was a lot of ruckus from my room..." She trails off staring at us and Four's freaked expression.

"What are you doing here?" She asks staring with wide eyes.
"We've started level 10."

They're eyes widen even more and they both backup making Tris fall backwards out the door.
"And what's level 10?" Four asks almost shaking of either fear or anger.

Amar's POV

The metallic smell is what wakes me up. My brain comes up with millions of different sceneries of why I'm in this situation.

Last time I was conscious was at my hotel room and I woke up in the middle of the night because of a noise.

Ok the cuffs are to tight which means they can't be local authorities. I don't feel any pain in my head or anywhere else except my wrists and ankles which are tied down, so I couldn't of been knocked out by a blow to the head or a gun shot. It couldn't have been a drug because I woke up from a strange noise so they couldn't of known exactly when the drug would work. My best guess is knock out gas.

So how do I get out. Handcuffs, simple, on my watch a lever pops out which can unlock any lock. Ropes, easily broken. Door, obviously locked but I can solve that problem. They took my weapons but I can easily take down anyone without them.

Once I'm up I break the lock and yank the door open just to see someone about to open the door. My reflexes got the best of me and I swing hard knocking the person out. Once I pull back I realize who it was.

Hey guys I need your opinion. So I was thinking about making an Instagram account for this story like with divergent edits and stuff.

So how old are you guys?

I'm 13😋

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