Teen dad (a larry stylinson f...

By amessofadreamer123

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Harry styles is the single dad of his beautiful daughter Jasmine, Jasmine is a bubbly mischievious and happy... More

chapter 2 - papz ruin everything
chapter 3 - I think i love you but i make no sound
chapter 4 - daddy wont let me play with you anymore
chapter 5 - i want to stay in this moment and relive it forever
chapter 6 - go on and tear me apart
chapter 7 - words hurt
chapter 8 - Good father
chapter 9 - cover me up, cuddle me in
chapter 10 - i should ink my skin with your name
chapter 11 - enough is enough
chapter 12 - sadness
chapter 13 - Don't make my little girl upset
chapter 14 - This just got personal
chapter 15 - but we don't have a cat
chapter 16 - I am tired of fighting
chapter 17 - boobear ?
chapter 18 -You break me
chapter 19 - i'll get drunk again to feel a little love
chapter 20 - How could you forget?
chapter 21 - worst christmas
chapter 22 - Jasmine's day with Louis
chapter 23 : the dream
chapter 24 - Jasmine be nice to everyone
chapter 25 -bad father part 1
chapter 26 - bad father part 2
chapter 27 - she's my only sunshine
chapter 28 - Even more bad news...
chapter 29 -Wake me up when this nightmare ends
chapter 30 -Harry?
chapter 31- conscious
chapter 32 - Fate
chapter 33 - All you need is love
chapter 34 - i have something to say (last chapter)

chapter 1- my little girl

27.4K 298 93
By amessofadreamer123


i awoke to the sound of my daughter jasmine chirping and tugging on my arm. i smiled at her even though she awoke me while i was really tired i could never be angry at her. I looked at her her brilliant curls and green eyes which she inherited from me and her black as night hair which she inherited from her useless mother who about an hour after Jasmine's birth told me that she was leaving and i was to look after Jasmine by myslef. when jasmine was born everyone else was moved and tears were brought to our eyes at how magnificant she was though her mother and my ex-girlfriend Paige didn't seem bothered about her. we were only 17 and we had made a mistake but when i saw Jasmine i knew she was no mistake how could something as perfect as her be a mistake. i vowed to be a good father and always make jasmine happy because she deserved to be. i lived with my mum and sister with Jasmine untill she was about one so they could help me with nappies ext.. but then when i turned 18 i had earned enough money from being in a band called one direction and i felt i could look after Jasmine by myself i bought an apartment for the two of us. My band-mates are really nice they help out and are like family to Jasmine she loves them all and has a very special connection with Louis louis had been expecially good with jasmine i think he is one of the only people that understand what i am going through. my daughter's first words were daddy and it brings happy thoughts listening to her chirp it. Jasmine had given me alot of bad publicity because people call me a man-whore they call jasmine a mistake and a bastard. i remeber sitting on the computer reading comments when the public were aware of the birth of my child, there were some nice comments but mostly some were bad and i remeber crying for about 3 hours i couldn't even hear Jasmine crying over mine. my band-mates came round and tried to make me feel better. though i would never ever blame Jasmine she is one of the greatest things that has happened to me as well as the band she reminds me of everything good in the world my family were actually not that judge-mental when they found out i would have a kid so young my family powered me through it. 

'Yes darling?' i asked while picking her up and resting her on my lap. 

'good morning daddy,' she said smiling at me. everyday she wakes me up no need for an alarm clock when you have Jasmine. 


'what?' i said while tickling her. she giggled 


i was really suprised how she knew it was my birthday it was a nice suprise, i mean she was only nearly 2 i am guessing one of my bandmates told her or my sister gemma or my mum.

'yes it is sweetie,' i said picking her up and taking her to the kitchen. 

'happy birthday daddy!' she chirped 

'thank you,' i said placing a kiss on her head.

'how old are you daddy?' she asked. 

'19 today sweetheart,' i said while pouring her some apple juice. i was quite suprised at how good her vocabulary was  she was very smart i remeber when she was one she could barely say 'daddy' or 'gemma' 

'Lucas says that you are very young his mum is tirtee twoo,' Jasmine said

this made my heart sink, was lucas mocking my daughter? mocking me? it was an odd thing for a bunch of 2 years old to talk about he couldn't have come up with that himself it was obviously something that his parents had said and he had heard. yes so what if i was 19 atleast i didn't give jasmine up for adoption atleast i did the admirable thing and looked after her! why didn't people understand that i have given up the last of my teen years to jasmine i don't go out clubbing as much as i should as a teenager i dont go out to parties instead i am cuddling with jasmine watching a kiddie movie. why is society so judgmental? lucas was a kid that lives in another apartment with his mum and dad who are religious and very proper, they always upturn their noses to me and think i am some rascal that doesn't look after jasmine properly they feel sorry for jasmine they think i am not a fit father when i am! i look after jasmine well. poor jasmine has to live her lifewith people knowing she was a mistake i am dreading when she learns that she is a mistake but i will tell her she is the best thing that has happened to me.

'why are you so young daddy? she asked. tears were threating to spill from my eyes, she was looking to me worried as if it was wrong that i was so young.

'listen to me baby girl don't you listen to Lucas or his mother or anyone who says anything bad to you you are a special girl and i am very young but that doesn't mean i am not a good daddy,' 

'you are an amazing daddy i love you,' Jasmine said while hugging me

'thankyou baby,' i said 

'and dont worry you arent that young 19 is old,' she said 

i laughed. 

'and i fink its better cos you are fun dad but lucas mum is mean and strict and she told lucas off for having mud on his trousers you didn't tell me of thankyou daddy so much,' 

i sat jasmine down while she played with blocks. the door rang and i went to get it, it was my friends Louis,Liam,Niall and Zayn. 

'happy birthday bro!' they said hugging me they brought in a massive cake and gave me birthday beats they started screaming and shouting and laughing while singing happy birthday.

'thanks mates,' i said pounding all of them

Jasmine turned to see who it was and i saw her smile broaden. she leaped of her chair and ran to hug the boys.

'LOUIS NINALL! LIAM AND ZAYNY,' she said hugging them

'she is never ever going to get my name right is she?' niall laughed ruffling jasmine's hair

'nope in her mind it's permantly ninall,' i laughed

'atleast you arent zayny i sound like an alien,' zayn laughed

'how are you baby girl?' Louis asked picking her up. 

'great! you know its daddy's birthday,' she said

'oh is it?' louis asked suprised and as if he didn't know. Jasmine nodded as if she was proud of herself for knowing when they didn't.

'well then maybe we should tickle him to say happy birthday,' louis said. Jasmine cheered with excitment as all the boys attacked me with tickles. Jasmine was in fits of giggles. 

'so whats our plan today?' Zayn asked

'well nothing i have jasmine to look after,' i said

'oh man c'mon its your birthday,' liam said

'yes but i am a father jasmine comes first,' i said ' and we have that dinner party tonight, jasmine has a nice dress that gemma picked out to wear,'

'yeah but during the day we want to take you places,' Zayn said

i covered jasmine's ears while i said 'if you mean a strip club then count me out,' 

'no we meant icecream,' louis said sarcastically. Jasmine heard that bit.

'icecream? i want icecream!' jasmine cheered.

'i'll get you some after,' i said to her. i put her down and she ran to her room.

'anyways at a strip club louis wouldn't find it that fun anyway,' i said and then gasped realising i said something i shouldn't have. Louis' eyes buldged 

i mimed 'im sorry,' 

'what do you mean?' the boys asked confused, you see i am the only one that knows about Louis being gay i am the only one he's told he's waiting for the right time to tell the other boys.

'oh i dont know what i meant just trying to get myelf out of the strip club,' i said trying to get myself out of the lie. they seemed pleased enough with the lie and louis sighed in relief. 

'your sister has volunteered to babysit jasmine for the day and then she'll meet us at the dinner party,' niall said

'jasmine may miss me,' i said

'oh for goodness sake she'll see you in the evening,' liam said 

they didn't understand what it is like to be a father they didn't understand how much I would miss my daughter. 

'fine whatever,' i said. Jasmine ran out of the room with a piece of paper. 

'daddy i drew this for you birthday,' she said handing me the paper she was very proud of it 

it was really cute it was a picture of me she drew scribbles for my curly hair and a stick man i was holding her hand and we had massive smiles on our faces, i really hoped that jasmine will forever have a massive smile on her face like shown is this drawing. 

'thanks so much jasmine i love it!' i said i placed the picture on the fridge 

'hey jasmine would you mind spending the day with aunt gemma?' i asked

'but i want to spend it with you!' she said smiling

i really did not want to dissapoint her but the boys were pressurising me 

'but gemma wants to spend it with you you don't want to let her down do you?' i asked

'no,' she said 

'you two can do girly things, things i cant do with you,' i said

'like what?' she asked

'you can dress up as princesses because you are a princess and have tea parties,' i said

'but we do that already us 2,' she said

the boys burst out in giggles because they had the image of me dressed as a fairy princess 

'i know but i dont know if i should be saying this but gemma has special fairy powers maybe she can show you some of them today,' i said

gemma would think of something that she could pass of as magic/

'really!' jasmine gasped

i nodded. the boys watched tv as i dressed Jasmine in pigtails and a denim dress with tights, i put her dress for the evening in a bag so gemma would be able to change her.

Gemma knocked on the door just then she gave me a hug and gave me my present and picked up Jasmine.

'we are going to have so much fun today,' she said to jasmine. 'say goodbye to daddy,' 

'bye bye daddy,' jasmine said with a hint of solemn in her voice. i felt a bit sad when she said this i know i was being stupid i would see her in like 8 hours yet i knew i would miss her.  i would have in my mind that

1. i hope she's eaten well 

2. i hope she's having fun

3. i hope she's had her nap

and many more thoughts that comes along with being  father...

'lets go then,' zayn said

'yep lets go,' i sighed we walked outside ready to go but then Niall stepped on jasmine's teddy bear the one she would cry without, she had forgotton to take it.

'oh no!' i dramatically said 

'what?' louis asked

'jasmine she's forgotton her teddy i need to go catch up with gemma and give it to her,' i said

'can't she survive a day without it?' zayn asked

'no you don't understand she'll cry,' i said

i picked up the teddy and ran out the door.

'HURRY UP BACK PLEASE!' Niall shouted

they seemed annoyed that i was so concerned about my daughter but what did they expected honestly? i ran for my life and caught up with them, Louis was trailing after me. Gemma was just in the lift i opened it and handed Jasmine her teddy.

'how could you forget him?' i said to jasmine

'mr beary!' she screamed she hugged it tightly 'so daddy are you coming with us then?' she asked

'no sorry i'll see you very soon though very very very soon,' i said 

i started to walk back.

'hey you caught up with them?' louis asked

'yep,; i said

'you already miss her?' louis asked

'yeah,' i sighed

'the other boys don't understand but i do i can put myself in your shoes i know she means the world to you,' louis said

'thanks louis it means alot to know someone understands,' 

'just try to have fun today like a normal teen,' i said

'normal teen?' i scoffed ' i am dar from that,' 

louis laughed 'well we can atleast pretend,' 

we laughed as we went to meet with the other boys

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