chapter 16 - I am tired of fighting

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'I can barely go outside i can barely leave this room,' Louis said while frownig from our bed he had barely moved from there since the last week. He says he is 'ill' so he doesn't come to work. I have been keeping a very close eye on him but i can hardly tell if he is doing better. 

'You need to see a doctor,' i said

'no i need to stop being gay,' he mumbled

'pardon?' i said and he shrugged and shook his head

I try and do everything to protect Jasmine from the sadness in our flat so i take her out when she comes back from preschool so she isnt always surrounded by depression but at the same time i have to stay with louis even though he really doesn't want me to so i am torn and me myself wants to be happy for my own selfish reasons so i take jasmine out instead of looking after Louis. 

is that bad?

i took jasmine swimming in the afternoon after her preschool, she obviously cannot swim yet so i put her in floats and she looks so cute as she attmepts to do my strokes. 

'Daddy when will i learn to swim?' she asked as she looked around the swimming pool

'when you are a bit older Jasmine,' i said

'will you teach me?' she asked 

'of course,' i smiled

'and other daddy also?' she smiled

'of course me and other daddy will teach you how to swim we will teach you to ride a bike we will teach you to tie you shoes and we will teach you how to impress boys or girls whatver you like and of course we will teach you to burp the alphabet,' i laughed

'yay i cant wait i want to burp the alphabet as well as other daddy used to burp it,' she laughed

'so whose better me or other daddy at burping?' i asked

'other daddy definalty you are bad daddy!' she laughed

i preteneded to frown. i wondered when we could do all these fun things again i really hoped 

after swimming i took her back home and washed her hair while she was in the bathtub i scrubbed her hair thoroughly. 

Louis walked intot he bathroom and smiled at me and jasmine, i kissed him on the cheek.

'are you okay?' i asked him

'right as rain,' he said while washing his hands

'louis please dont hate me but i want you tto take these tablets they may help!' i said tossing him a box of depression tablets. 

'of for goodness sake harry i told you i dont want help dor goodness sake just let me be!' he shouted

which made jasmine shudder. 

'please don't argue,' she mumbled under her breath

'you may not want it but you sure as hell need it!' i shouted

Louis rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.

'why did you do that daddy he was talking to us! he hasn't done that in a long time,' Jasmine said to me


'no! you always push daddy away he's my daddy also,' she crossed her arms

'let me finish washing your hair then you can give me the silent treatment and ignore me okay? i said

'fine seems fair,' she said

after than she completly ignored me for al labout 5 minutes but then concluded she was lonely and came and sat with me while i was on the laptop that's what i love about little kids they never hold a grudge against you.

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