Ladybugs And Kitty Chats (A M...

By marycarmel

102K 3.2K 4K

"No....way...",Chat Noir gasped as he looked down to see that the girl of his dreams, his heroine love, his l... More

Night Patrol
Rich Teenaged Boy Problems
Mischief And Curiosity Killed The Chat
Oh My God
What's Mine Is Yours And What's Yours Is Mine (part 1)
What's Mine Is Yours And What's Yours Is Mine (part 2)
Revelations And Realizations
Jigsaw Puzzle
Author's Note :)
Tikki and Plagg = ♡
Love Struck Dorks
Childish Innocence
Roses,Kisses,and Heartache</3 (part 1)
Roses, Kisses, and Heartache </3 (part 2)
Roses, Kisses, and Heartache</3 ‍‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌(part 3)
Truth or Dare and a Bromance
Fighting For Love
Healing and Concealing
What Now?
Drawing :)
Two Dorks, One Snapshot
Fate And First Date
Chat Naps ♡
Chloe vs. Adrienette
The New "Good Old Days"
The New Good Old Days (part 2)
New Problems: Citizens And Villains

Childish Innocence, Questions, and...Babies?

3.5K 118 338
By marycarmel

Recap: last time, on Ladybugs and Kitty Chats... XD

Marinette jumped and the lazer fired.

"MARINETTE!" Alya and Adalyn cried out in despair.

"NOOO! MARINETTE!" The feline had arrived too late. He stopped and covered his eyes. All three of the bystanders were blinded by a bright pinkish purple light.

Marinette shut her eyes and opened her arms, accepting the blast. The beam hit her body, full force and her body was engulfed in the radiant light. It didn't hurt. Marinette didn't feel pain, she felt nothing at all.

Chat Noir, Alya, and Adalyn opened their eyes and gasped. There was the robot along with what was left of Marinette...


The light was so bright. I squinted and saw nothing but pink. The light burned and I couldn't keep my sensitive eyes open any longer.

When the light dimmed, there I saw her remains. I saw the familiar outfit she had worn. The pink skinny jeans, the dark jacket, her floral shirt, and her purse. It was all in a lump on the floor. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't because I was choking on my own silent sobs. I wasn't the only one.

I turned my head to the should have been victims. My love had saved them.

No one moved for a long time. We were all in shock. But the bot wasn't. He bent down to touch the clothing.

I couldn't take the pain in my heart. It stabbed me worse than long, jagged knives. I clenched my jaw and my fists. I bit my lip hard, I couldn't cry.

"You!" I looked at him. The menace, the robot. "You did this! You will pay!"

I charged at him and got my baton out, extending it. I repeatedly smashed at the mechanical beast. It refused to fall. The bot grabbed at me. I dodged every move. My heart beat faster. I was fueled by rage, I felt the fire scorching in my veins.

I leapt onto his back and held fast. While still holding on with one hand, I raised the other. I felt power and bad luck start to surge through my right hand. "Caaataacly-" I was interrupted by someone calling me. It was Alya.

"Chat Noir!" She yelled. I saw her from atop the robot. She held in her arms two things, Adalyn in one arm. In the other, a bundle of my Sweet's clothes. She gestured to the clothes and for me to come. My eyes grew wide as I saw...wait, was that...TIKKI!

I had to distract the robot. I saw no people in the street so I used all of my strength to pull the robot to the right. With enough force I caused the robot to fall completely on it's side. I jumped away and ran for Alya.

Is she in trouble? I thought. Why would Tikki come out of hiding? This was bad.

Alya had run to the edge of the park. Adalyn was on the ground trying to get to the bundle in Alya's arms. "Is it really? I wanna see!" She wailed as I neared.

I slowed myself to a halt in front of them. "What is it? What's wrong?"

"M-Marinette-" Adalyn started to talk. I gave her a look of pain and understanding.

"I know...she's gone..." I lowered my head in sadness and my normally erect ears drooped. I couldn't believe  it but, it was true.

"No Chat," Alya stubbornly said, catching my attention. I looked up at her with difficulty. It felt as if I had a thousand bricks on my back weighing me down. But I knew it was just depression, it weighed my heart down, like how a stone  sinks in water.

"What do you mean?"

"Look," Alya shifted her arms. I looked at the bundle of Marinette's clothes she was holding. I bit my lip, I wouldn't let myself cry.

At first all I saw was the clothes. Then she moved a bit and I clearly saw her now. She was so small! Her pale smooth skin, and her big sky blue eyes. Her raven black hair, soft and shiny.

"O-oh..." I was speechless. "Oh My God..." My heart swelled with love. "She's ok. Oh my god! She's ok!" I didn't hold them in anymore. The tears that had stung my eyes flowed at last.

I looked at Alya. She was crying too. I hugged her and the infant in her arms. Yes, that's right, infant. Somehow that beam had done this. It wasn't a death ray, it was...a baby gun?

"But how? Dear Lord!" I reached out to hold My Princess. Alya gently placed her in my arms. All the naked babe had on was her shirt, like three sizes too big. I wrapped it around her a bit more to keep her warm. She smiled at me, her eyes twinkling.

"What are we going to do Chat?" I looked up at the high pitched voice, Tikki.

"I don't know. With Ladyb-" I stopped. Alya was looking at me, mouth agape. "Alya...?"

"Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh!" She looked at Tikki, then at me, and at baby Marinette. "I knew she was hiding something! This whole time!"

"Alya, now is not the time." I looked over my shoulder. The robot remained still. I didn't doubt it being able to get itself up. "Without her we can't cleanse the Akuma."

"How do you know it's an Akuma?"

"Tikki," I gestured to the red Kwami, "She and Plagg can sense it." At the mention of my kwami, Alya cocked her head. I gave her a look that said, I'll explain later, trust me.

"Uh ok, so...what are we going to do?" Alya panicked and Adalyn hugged her leg in fear.

"Don't worry. I think I have a plan!" Tikki said excitedly. She flew to Marinette's ear. Tikki touched the silver earrings Marinette wore. She tried to take it out but struggled.

"Here let me help." I gave Marinette to Alya and reached for the earrings. I took them off and offered them to Tikki. She shook her head. "What?"

"You have to wear them."

"What?" Alya and I said in unison.

Tikki nodded. "It's risky, and it hasn't been done in years, but..." She looked at me, the seriousness in her gaze made me uneasy. "It must be done if we want to defeat the Akumatized villain and get Marinette back to normal."

I looked at her shocked. But then nodded. For you, anything my love.

"What about us?" I looked at a wide eyed Adalyn and worried Alya. Then at Marinette. My sweet Marinette. I will get you back!

Suddenly, the robot stood and the ground shook.

"Go to Marinette's home or yours. You should be safe there."


"Go! Now!" I yelled harshly. I watched as Alya took Marinette and Adalyn, and fled. At least they'd be safe.


I looked at Tikki and nodded. "Right. What first?"

"Put the earrings in." I swallowed as I pierced my ears. Tears threatened to fall, but I held them in.

"Ok," I said as the bot got closer and closer.

"Now say: 'Tikki, Spots On!' "

"Tikki, Spots On!" I shouted. My already transformed self radiated with pink and red. My suit changed color, it was now cherry red with tiny black spots. I still wore leather and had my claws, ears, and tail. I closed my eyes as my mask changed. When the transformation concluded I was different. I felt strong and full of new energy.

I stopped admiring myself as the robot took a swing at me. I jumped quickly and he missed.

"Hey buckets and bolts! Over here!" I sprang around him, mocking him. I tried to grab me but I was too quick. "Wow, like this I'm twice as fast as Chat Noir! I am Bug Noir!"

I jumped again and landed on the robot's face. The glass was clear and I peered inside. Hey there's a kid in there! Could it be...James?

I called to him, "James! James!"

A robotic voice answered, "I am not James, I am the Boy Bot! Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha." His mechanical voice boomed through the park.

"Boy Bot, huh? Well Boy I'm going to enjoy kicking your Bot!" I poked at him.

"Give me your miraculous, Chat Noir."

"I am Bug Noir, and I will not!" I had to slide out of the way as Boy Bot shot purplish-blue beams at me. "Why are you doing this?"

"If I am the oldest, I can be in charge, then no one can make fun of me!" He punched at me. I ducked away and he broke a building wall.

"Listen, it's not fun to be bullied. I know, I've been there but, this isn't right!" He shot at me again. "Listen to me!"

He didn't and his attacks continued. And he didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon. Chat needed to think, and fast. He went to grab his baton and found it along with the Ladybug yo-yo.  Two weapons? Neat! But I'm right handed...

It must have been part of the powers. In his left hand he spun the yo-yo and in the right he twirled the baton. So cool! He thought, smiling with new found confidence.

(Ok I am not good at fights so, Meanwhile at Alya's...)

ALYA (3rd person)

"Adalyn come here!"

"Marinette don't cry..."

"Adalyn not now, please!"

Alya sighed in frustration. Adalyn being only five easily forgot their near death experience. She was easily distracted by other things, however there were pros and cons to this.

At the moment, Adalyn had at last settled on the couch. She was playing with Alya's phone. Marinette, still an infant, was sleeping in Alya's arms. Everytime Alya would put her down, Marinette would cry uncontrollably. Though Alya loved children, it gave her a humongous headache. Then, she had an idea. She typed his number on her home phone. It rang.

"Hey what's up?"

"Oh thank goodness Nino!"

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, I just...have too much on my plate right now. Could you come over, please?"

"Ok, on my way." He hung up and Alya smiled with relief.

Ten minutes later, Nino arrived. He knocked on the door. I wonder what was up with her? Why did she want me over?

An exhausted looking Alya opened the door. Nino gave her condition a once over. He stopped as his eyes fell on the now awake baby in her arms.


"Oh...hey," She said and tried to smile. Nino gestured to Marinette.

"Who's that?"

"Ok Nino, this is going to sound crazy but...this," She shifted Marinette in her arms. "This is Marinette."

"Ppfffft. You're joking, right?" Nino laughed. He thought, what kind of a joke is this? "Are you ok Alya?" He touched her forehead. It wasn't warmer than his hand, no fever.

Alya slapped his hand away. "It's not a joke, Nino! I'm not kidding!" She stared at him hard. The sterness and seriousness in her eyes supported her words. He looked at the baby again.

She had jet black hair and very pale skin. Her eyes, sky blue and her hair in pigtails. For some reason, Nino believed her.

"What happened?"

Alya told Nino everything, except for Marinette being Ladybug. It was very difficult keeping that a secret. Alya handed baby Marinette to Nino and turned her TV on. A news crew was capturing bits of the fight between the robot and....Chat?

"...this sudden new hero, Bug Noir... but where are Ladybug and Chat Noir...?" Alya gawked at the TV with sudden realization. That had been the plan. Unite the miraculouses!

Nino intently watched the fight. Both the teens' eyes glued until- zap zzzzz! Something had cut off the news crew's signal. How would they know what happened now?

"Do you think Chat- er Bug Noir will win?" Alya asked.

"Of course! He can do this!" Nino did a small fist pump in the air. He was careful not to wake Mari, who had fallen asleep in his arms.

"We should take them to my room. They can nap more peacefully there," Alya suggested. Nino nodded and carefully got up. Alya picked a sleeping Adalyn up and the sitters carried the children to Alya's room. They got there and set the children down on her bed and tucked them in.

"How long will Marinette be a baby?"

"I really don't know Nino. I guess until Chat wins...." Alya sighed.

"Yeah..." Nino agreed. They went back into the living room. Alya and Nino sat on her purple couch. Alya laid her head on Nino's shoulder.

"Nino?" She said.

"Hmmm...?" He looked at her.

"It's kinda funny," She started.

"What is?"

"This. Us. All day taking care of children. It was like they were our kids and we were a couple of parents," Alya winked and laughed at the end. The blood rushed to Nino's face and he coughed nervously. Did she just say that? For real?

"Yeah, funny." He showed her his pearly whites. The two made eye contact.

Nino stared deep into Alya's hazel orbs. The lighting in the room making them glow. She stared back at his amber ones. At the angle he was at, the sun hit his eyes causing them to flicker like small flames. The two blushed and smiled wider out of awkwardness.

"Nino I-" Alya's statement was cut off.

Nino pressed his lips to hers. Alya was shocked and her eyes grew wide. Nino's eyes had fluttered closed. After a few seconds, he pulled away.

"Oh my gosh! A-Alya, I-I'm so so sorry! I don't know what got into me, I wasn't think-" Now it was Alya who returned the favor, the kiss.

Both of them closed their eyes. Alya's heart quickened as Nino's skipped a beat. His mind raced. He brought her closer, hand on her waist. Alya responded and put her arms around his neck. Their lips hugged, and danced in a slow rythme. After a few minutes, they couldn't hold their breaths any longer and they separated.

"A-Alya..." Nino gasped. She looked at him grinning madly. His face mimicked hers and his face turned into a turnip.


"Not a word to the others?"

"Agreed," Alya said. The two shared a flirtatious gaze. Alya bit her lip and looked at Nino. Nino smirked and the two secret lovers leaned in...


"Time to take this baddie down." I grabbed the bracelet from James' small wrist. I had finally gotten him out of the metal suit with my wit. He was on the floor and I was next to him. I got up and snapped the bracelet. A small purplish-black butterfly flew out. It fluttered above me and I caught it with the yo-yo in my hand. I swung the yo-yo at it.

"Time to cleanse evil!" I cried as I caught the Akuma. "Au revoir petit papillon!" I waved to it as it flew into the sky. "Miraculous Bug Noir!" The good luck part of the transformation fixed everything. The good magic swept over Paris. James went back to his old self.

"W-where am I?" He wondered aloud.

"At the park, it's getting late though, let's get you back to your aunt, ok?" James nodded. He told my he didn't live far, I followed the seven year old's directions and we arrived. James thanked me and knocked on the door. A lady stepped out and hugged him. I smiled with content.

Beep-beep! Oh no! The transformation was wearing off! I bid them farewell and headed out to find My Darling.

*Back at the house*

I awoke with a start. Where am I? What happened? I looked around. I saw that I was in Alya's room. I was on her bed and next to me was Adalyn. I smiled and caressed her light brown hair. She was so cute when she slept. But where is Alya? And weren't we at the park? I can't remember.

I decided to go look for her. I looked in all of the bedrooms. Nope. I went into the kitchen. Nope. Bathrooms, nope. At last, I checked the living room.

"Aaah!" I cried out. The sight blinded me.

"M-Marinette!" Alya and Nino cried out. They were on the couch, together! They weren't  doing anything but...They were making out!

"What...uh...when...why I um the ...uh forget it."

Alya put herself together and got off the couch. She quickly smoothed out her outfit and ran to me. With humongous force she practically leapt onto me, almost knocking me down. She wrapped her arms around me tightly and sobbed. I slowly hugged her back confused.

"Oooh...Marinette! My friend! I missed you so much!" She cried harder, still not letting me go.

"What happened? You missed me? Where did I go?" I was completely lost. Nino stood to and came to my left side. He put his arm around me and grinned.

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that your ok, and your here." I hugged both of my friends back. It was a sweet moment, but short lived. We heard a knock at the front door. Nino went to open it. "Hey, bro, come on in." When I heard this, my heart fluttered.

He came into view. "Hello, Marinette."

"...uh" I gasped, "Adrien, uh h-hi..." I knew I was blushing. I smiled at him nervously. He smiled at me and it melted my heart.

Adrien turned to Alya and mouthed something I didn't quite catch. I looked at Alya and she shook her head to whatever he said. I raised a brow in confusion.

"Marinette, how about I take you home?" I smiled, but shook my head.

"I'm sorry Adrien, I have to take care of Adalyn and-" He touched my hand. My already existing blush deepened. He had really warm hand.

"Hey girl," I turned to see Alya. "I'll tell her mom you got ill, ok? You've kinda been out of it for a while." I was? Why?

"Umm..." I hesitanted. Alya nodded and should me with her hands. "Ok?" I responded at last.

"Ok, let's go." He pulled me gently along with him. I waited to see the limo. "No limo, let's go for a walk instead. Your house is a few blocks away, right?"

I nodded but remained quiet. As we walked to the bakery, a zillion questions swam through my head. I didn't dare ask him though. Instead we talked about school and art and musical interests. He was so artsy! And apparently he could play the drums and guitar! So hot! I thought to myself. We arrived moments later at the bakery.

I thanked him and was about to go in, but he held my hand. "Wait Marinette..."

"Adrien?" It took all my will power not to scream, his hand was touching mine again!

"Uh...I..." He didn't look at me.

"You, what?" He took a deep breath. The words he said next, made my heart skip a beat.

"Will you go to the Valentine's Day dance with me?"

Ooook folks. Ik ik..."u said Wednesday u would update", don't worry I'm kicking my own butt for this late chapter. I had too much homework yesterday, but here it is. I hope u liked tho :)

Did u like my twist? XD

Now I get 3 days to write the valentine's day chapter! So yep that will be released Sunday morning, America time. :)

Until then Miraculers! vote, comment, share! K Bye. ♡

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