What? Where am I? (Toshiro x...

By jbsunshinee

175K 4.8K 1.6K

You are just a normal Girl in your own basic world and you absolutely love the anime Bleach and while watchin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 3

9.7K 237 85
By jbsunshinee

So I was at Orihime's house and Tatsuki was there (of course). Orihime's house was small. Not bad small but comfy small. I aint even making sense am I? Anyways...I walked in and found Tatsuki by the table eating rice balls. (Its in bleach dont judge me!) 'Why did Orihime invite me over? Wait! Those clothes! The hollow attack! Ok ok stay calm don't tell them just be careful. I cant change the story-line and save her can I? OMG I don't know what to do!' I was overthinking but I got snapped out of my thoughts when Orihime was flapping her arms again.

"Will you stop zoning out please! I'm trying to introduce you two!"

"Oh, yeah sorry"

"*sigh*, anyways (Y/N) this is Tatsuki, Tatsuki this is (Y/N)"

"Hi its nice to meet you" Tatsuki said while holding out her hand.

"Diddo" I said while reaching out to give her a handshake.

"Ok, so what do you guys wanna do?"

"Let (Y/N) pick, since she's never slept over before."

"Great idea Tatsuki, so what do you wanna do?"

"Uhhh..I don't really mind"

"Come on you have to pick something to do!"

"Uhhh...How about...uhmm...food."


"Yeah I haven't eaten properly today"

"Yay then you'll love the fish-shaped sweetbean bread an ramen with wasabi and honey!"

*Sweatdrop* "Uggh...how about a pizza?!" I said with a disgusted look on my face.

"Awwwh...are you sure you don't wanna try it?"

"Yeah I'm sure, thanks anyways"

"No problem" :) 'She's way to cheerful'

We finished the pizza. And it was gorgeous. It was (Favorite Pizza) my favorite!

"That was delicious. Nice choice (Y/N)" 

"Huh...oh yeah no problem"

"How about dessert?"

"Huh?" 'Oh no! The teddy bear!'

"Oh no! Enraku!" 'Really. What a name for a teddy bear' 

"This is horrible. Why is it ripped like this?"


"What?!" 'Oh no, it's about to happen and I cant do anything' *CRASH!!* Then silence. 'Wait? I can't see this happen were to close! I got to know her a lot! I cant let this happen to her!' A drop of blood fell on Orihime's hand.

"What...Is this?" then she fell. Her eyes soulless. 'No! I should've moved her' I was stunned that I forgot what happened next 'Orihime. I'm sorry' 

"Orihime" Tatsuki's shout woke me up from my trance. Then she got hit to the wall. And she got hurt. Her sholder was bleeding.

"What's this? Why am I bleeding?" Then she flew across the room in pain.'I knew this would happen. Why didn't I stop it. Why didn't I warn them?'  I could see it. I could see him. Orihime's brother! They couldn't though not yet. I was in the corner untouched. But I was in a trance. Therefore I was hit. I don't know how but i know by who. All I saw was ginger hair and a black kimono before my vision faded. 'Ichigo?'


Hey guys, so this chapter i had to do some research on the scene word by word. Anyways Hope you enjoy the update and see you soon. I will try and update at least twice a week maybe even three if your lucky.

But I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.

Bye xx


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