
By PhoenixRosemarie

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This story is of a Wolf-Shifter (also called Lycan), or also known as Daire Clement. And yes he can transfor... More

Fae Biology
Politics of the Fae
Human/Fae Interaction
Known Wolf-Shifters
Lycanthropy,Shape-shifters, Werewolves
Biography Succubus -Geraldine Katherine Marquez
Biography Wolf-Shifter -Daire Conrad Rayford Clement
Biography Zoie Terrie Marie Daniel Human
Biography Jannie Reynolds Human Doctor
Biography Brady Conrad Harding The Siren and "The New Ash"
Wolf Shifter Abilities
Biography Saskia Alexandra Duran Aka Aife
Biography Curt "Vex" Sargent
Biography The first known Ash
Biography Geraldine's Father
Biography Ryan Lorenzo Huffman
Biography "Tamsin" Lenore Dodson
Biography Elisabeth Irene Howe "The Morrigan"
Biography Dark Fae
Biography Baba Yaga
Creatures of the Dark Fae
Creatures of the Dark Fae part two
Creatures of the Dark Fae part 3
Creatures of the Dark Fae part 4
Of Wolf & Man Metallica Lyrics
The Dictionary of the Wolf
The Shapeshifter: Surviving the Secrets
The Shapeshifter: Surviving the Secrets Part 2
The Shapeshifter: Surviving the Secrets Part 3
The Shapeshifter: Surviving the Secrets Part 4
The Shapeshifter: Surviving the Secrets part 5
The Shapeshifter: Surviving the Secrets part 6
The Shapeshifter: Surviving the Secrets Final part
Dancing among the Stars
Dancing among the Stars part 2
Dancing among the Stars Part 3
Dancing among the Stars part 4
Dancing among the Stars part 5
Dancing among the Stars part 6
Dancing among the Stars part 7
Dancing among the Stars part 8
Dancing among the Stars part 9
Dancing among the Stars part 10
Dancing among the Stars part 11
Dancing among the Stars part 12
Dancing among the Stars part 13
Dancing among the Stars part 14
Dancing among the Stars part 15
Dancing among the Stars part 15
Dancing among the Stars part 16
Dancing among the Stars part 17
Dancing among the Stars part 18
Dancing among the Stars part 19
Dancing among the Stars part 20
Dancing among the Stars part 21
Dancing among the Stars 22
Dancing among the Stars 23
Dancing among the Stars 24
Dancing among the Stars 25
Dancing among the Stars 26
Dancing among the Stars 27
Dancing among the Stars 28
Dancing among the Stars 29
Dancing among the Stars 30
Dancing among the Stars 31
Dancing among the Stars 32
Dancing among the Stars 33
Dancing among the Stars 34
Dancing among the Stars 36
Dancing among the Stars 37
Dancing among the Stars 38
Dancing among the Stars 39
Dancing among the Stars 40
Dancing among the Stars 41
Dancing among the Stars 42
Dancing among the Stars 43
Dancing among the Stars 44
Dancing among the Stars 45
Dancing among the Stars 46
Dancing among the Stars 47
Dancing among the Stars 48
Dancing among the Stars 50
Dancing among the Stars 51

Dancing among the Stars

70 0 0
By PhoenixRosemarie

Last Chapter

5 years later…

The Lupine's Alpha, Rakab; tucked the black, silk scarf away in a small chest and flicked out a knife, examining it. How pleasant it would be to plunge this blade into his heart now, and never have to face the years that were to come. He then thought to himself, "Can a heart still break, once it's stopped beating?"

Had Namid forgotten him in death, while he remembered her in life? Or had she abandoned all thoughts of the past while he lingered in the present?

A commanding voice brought him from his thoughts, "Rakab, get out here this instant!"

"Sine, Branwyn. Just leave me alone. " he called back, rubbing the back of his neck with a hand, as he felt the slight stubble on his cheeks as his hand touched his cheek.

The stubborn raven entered the tent, took his arm and dragged him out, "I'd love to sympathize with you, but this time you've pushed my limits." She pushed her black hair out of her face and sighed heavily.

"How have I?"

"You've been ignoring the Lupine as their Alpha. And you've ignored us…" She replied, picking up a boy with black hair and Branwyn's same ebony eyes, yet with the sharp features of a crow. Rakab smiled at the child, "Have you been tormenting your mother, boy?" he asked in a mock-stern tone and the child buried his face into his mother's shoulder. Branwyn had chosen Yrel as her pair bond two years ago, and soon their son, Naosis, had been born. "Where are Ginger and Elita?" the Alpha asked, "Aren't they practicing for the performance tonight?"

"Ginger's in the Den with Elita," The raven then smirked, ebony eyes sparkling, "Alida's over there with Ivor."

Rak saw the timid sparrow, "With Sheila and Nahun?"

Branwyn nodded.

A jaguar-boa shifter, Nahunaga, or, Nahun as many called him, was Sheila and Senka's son and often a troublemaker, with his friends. Bialas sat talking with a young wolf, discussing the weather. Nearby, sat Alida quietly working on her needlework, while a young wolf, Ivor, flirted with her.

Ginger and Elita practiced with the Shadowed Den dancers in their cave nearby. Senka and Yrel helped bring in the mornings catch, and talked about how lucky they had been with trapping the deer with some of the other men. Princess Rose sat with Nyesh, her six months of pregnancy showing through the loose cotton shirt she wore.

Branwyn was soon ushered into the Den by Elita, and Rakab stood alone with Naosis, gazing at the peace and excitement that surrounded him.

Everyone had adjusted well to the Lupine way of life, and he was almost disappointed that they did, for this peace brought back painful memories of what went before. As he set his charge down, he watched as the young raven-crow boy ran off, cawing in glee as Nahun growled playfully at him, suggesting a challenge.

An old memory played before his eyes as the activity around him seemed to fade away. The sun shone bright and a girl, Namid, in a slightly dirty cream dress danced along the grass, the ghost of her childhood-self looking carefree as he had watched from the bushes, so long ago.

He saw her grin as the sun shone on her sleek silver fur and shafts of sunlight, poking through the trees, warming her face as she lifted her head and let out a musical howl, the commanding, free song of the wolf escaping her throat. She yipped and spun, arms spread out like wings as she brought her arms outstretched as if to hug the golden sunlight.

He saw her leap and cartwheel, laughing and spinning as her heart sped adrenaline through her joints. He heard her laugh again and saw her flop down on the grass, panting, heart racing. Lying on her back, her face turned to the wisps of clouds and the pale blue of the sky, she sighed and closed green-silver eyes enjoying the quiet.

Shifting back to human form, she moved and plucked pieces of grass from the ground, oblivious of the activities around her. The wind whispered by and ruffled her long night-black hair, blowing it in her pale-skinned face and flushed cheeks. Tucking it behind her ear, she grinned, "You want to play rough, do you wind?" she whispered.

The wind didn't pick up and Namid slumped her shoulders, suddenly feeling lonely. "I wish to play." She murmured.

Something made her look up and shout his name. "Rakab!"

The memory faded and he realized, in that moment, the memory was the day he had left. The day he had first said goodbye at the age of thirteen…

Was this how he was to live his life? Dwell in memories and be tortured by the past?

He hadn't wept for her in nearly six years, never really got the chance to contemplate over their relationship. Instead, he locked it all away and had become cold inside, drawing back into the cold comfort of solitude.

Only the memories comforted him at night and got him through the days. He just couldn't get Namid off his mind and it both annoyed and yet calmed him. It left Rak feeling lost yet found and, in the silence of his dreaming, he would often cry out to a voice that never replied, or reach for a hand that wasn't there. In a way, part of his mind was gone, mad with the grief, and the other part balanced him out, and kept him going.

Rakab shrugged the thoughts off and went to gather logs for the huge bonfire that was tonight, to celebrate the birth of the sun and the new cycle of the moon…


Yiska sighed as he sat around the large bonfire with Kamaria, "Tis a shame Namid had to die…" the old wolf sighed, "Nyesh will be a fine Alpha with Rose as his Alphess and Salem will rule as the new future Diente of Wyvern's Court…" he shook his head sadly, and watched as the dancers moved like honey around the fire, Ginger, Elita and Branwyn among them. They reminded Yiska of when his daughter had often participated in the Shadowed Den dances on many nights.

Rakab took another sip of fruit juice and chuckled as Neosis and Nahun watched in wonder as the bright colors of silk moved before their eyes. He looked up to see the stars had been covered with thin gray clouds. Shrugging as he turned back to look at the dancing, Rakab saw a ghostly figure moving with the dancers and he smiled as the familiar silver-green eyes sparkled and her hips swayed with the music. She smiled at him as he watched.

What he didn't notice was that stars were beginning to appear, in the patterns she left in the dust around the fire. She wove the patterns, as a weaver might silk, and created beautiful images in the sky.

Late into the night, Rakab gathered a sleeping Nahun off his lap and stood, telling his friends that he was going to retire for the night and giving the boy off to Sheila, who covered him in a blanket and thanked her leader. She nodded, agreeing to tell the others, and he walked off to his tent. He entered the tent, quickly changed into nightclothes and settled himself in bed. As he lay in the blankets, something strange happened while he dreamt:

He saw Namid sitting by a woman, a woman that looked as many described Ylva to look like, and a blue-eyed raven. The fire in front of them burned brightly, flames of orange and red flying to the sky.

"Come with me, Rakab." Namid whispered, her voice soft and pleading, "Forget your troubles and come…let yourself welcome Brysh."

Let yourself welcome Death.

Slowly the scene melted away again and Rakab's dream-self was in a starry sky, dancing with the she-wolf, and two others: a white falcon and a coiled serpent. Beginning and ending. The falcon Namid, and coiled serpent Brysh.

The white falcon placed a hand on his shoulder and the she-wolf took his hand, "Come," they whispered, "venture into Mehay. Eternity…" "Rest in Leonisa…realm of the divine…Forget your duties and sleep…"

The white falcon nodded and Namid raised her head and howled, the only sound heard save for his own fading heartbeat.

Rak's dream-self panicked, "I-I can't. Not now, Namid…I'd like to someday—but not now."

Namid paused and put a hand on his cheek, "I understand your choice, Rak. You will always be my friend and we are forever bound in our love. Whether it be the love of friends or of lovers, we are bound forever." She whispered, gaze compelling. Soft, lulling music filled his ears as he stood with her, it seemed as the wolves were calling to him.

Sad realization sparked in the thief's eyes and he brushed a hand over her cheek, a smile softening his features. "I don't ever wish to lose you again." Her breath was warm against his face as she kissed him on the lips, softly, "You won't."

"I love you, my itil." He murmured, when she broke the kiss, "I always have and always will."

"I believe you." Namid whispered, placing a hand on his chest. "Do you remember that one rainy night?"

"Yes." Rakab nodded, his eyes dark with his battling emotions. He longed to bring her back to the living, to love her and make love to her: To make her his mate. Yet he knew Fate had killed her for a reason and he could not reverse time.

"I hoped that wasn't the end of our friendship." She whispered, bowing her head.

Rak grinned and picked her up, spinning her around before putting her down. He smiled, "It never was." "Live on, my dancer, let me not steal your beauty as you have my heart…"

Namid only grinned, "Then live on, I shall, thief… " She wiped away falling tears on her cheeks. "Chase the butterflies, smell the flowers and run…run free."

My tears they fall in passion

Like tears conceived from stars

Full of brightness and energy

Seen only from afar

Rakab embraced Namid tightly and closed his eyes, speaking softly as if calming a frightened child. "It's alright, Namid. I'll always be with you, as I always have been."

Tonight these tears are

Full of pain but also I can feel

relief from my heart

"But seeing you again, being with you here, hearing your voice…brings back memories." Namid rested her head against his chest and sighed softly, "Salem has Rosalind now and they are happy…"

"Rose and Nyesh are as joyful as pups on a spring morning." Rak added with a slight smile.

Namid grinned and kissed his lips briefly before replying, "And we are as Fate intended."

Because the stigma is revealed

Unfaithful and unforgiving

I cannot ease to let this be

So I must be pure

To only him for eternity…

The next morning, Rakab woke in a slight daze and, as he dressed, he found around his neck, a small token of a woman poised in the wolf dancer's position of hope. The token had a robe painted blue with speck of silver. Rak examined the finer detail and noticed the ebony hair and pale skin. Strangely, even the eyes were painted, a bright silver-green. Star-dancer.


Sighing heavily, he parted a tent flap and walked outside into the dawn, feeling an odd sense of peace rise in his chest.

He realized life could keep them apart, yet death could not.

The man looked up at the light of dawn peeking though the trees. Sheila walked over to him, green eyes curious, and asked him: "Is there anything on your mind, my Alpha?"

"Since when do you use that term?" he asked, arching a brow.

"Since you,"—She tapped his chest— "became Alpha of the Lupine."

Rak sighed, "And what about Sheeva Intre?"

The emerald boa laughed lightly, "You know we are no longer thieves, Rak, and besides it is only a personal term of ours, not the Lupine's" "As a group, Sheeva Intre, hasn't been up and about since we decided on staying here…"

"I'd forgotten." Rakab replied, bowing his head.

Sheila cocked her head, "Is there something on your mind?"

Rakab shook his head, "No. Nothing."

Sheila nodded, "I understand."

Rakab excused himself from her and walked to Nyesh who sat with Rose, talking and laughing. Clearing his throat, he gestured for Nyesh to come with him. His son nodded and picked up his walking staff, quickly trying to keep up with his father, limping. They arrived at Rak's tent and, in the shadow of a tree, he stopped and faced his son. "This tent is yours now."

"But Father, I am not..." Nyesh trailed off suddenly noticing the tiredness in his father's violet eyes and body language.

Rak shook his head, "It doesn't matter, and I am giving it to you, for I will not have any use of it." "Rose will need shelter and comfort in the coming months and I know you will give it to her."

Nyesh bowed his head, "I do not understand."

His father sighed deeply, "There is hope, my cub. May you treasure each day, remember your promises, and run free…" "Feed your fires in the day, Set the roast and the table and let the eve be gay, feed your fires at night, send the evil running in fright, and let the time be right…"

"The Lupine Ylva's lullaby and the Pantheran Thorna's lullaby." Nyesh whispered, looking up.

Rak nodded, "They speak of times where everything is in balance and, right now," He gripped the token at his throat, "I am not."

Rakab nodded, finished, and turned around walking away.

"Stop!" Nyesh cried. But his father did not pause in his step, nor did he acknowledge that he had heard. His son called again, limping after him and almost tripping over a stone as he quickened his pace. "Father, stop!"

Nyesh stopped, panting, and watched his father walk away. He knew that was the last time he would see Rakab, Alpha of the Lupine and Mana of Sheeva Intre. His father.

Rakab, angry with his son, shifted into his wolf form and bounded off into the direction of the trees, blocking out everything around him. He felt his anger grow as he ran through trees, the branches scratching his face, and stones making him stumble. He didn't care now. His heart had been empty all too long and tears had been kept unshed, the Alpha knew he was breaking and that one thing could heal it…

Suddenly he paused.

Rakab stepped up to the lip of a cliff and sat, his legs dangling off the side. Looking down, he only saw the faint line of a river and sighed, "Should I end it?"

Ylva appeared on Rak's left and Helaku on the right. In a gruff voice Helaku spoke: "You have lived your life well."

Ylva nodded, "And still held on, even when other's have not." "Do you really want to forsake all of it?"

Rakab bowed his head, "I feel I have no other choice." "No man can live with a broken heart and a broken soul."

Ylva shared a glance with her mate and they slowly disappeared. "Then make your choice." Came another voice.

Rak looked up into golden-blue eyes and felt a hand on his shoulder. "Otsoko?"

Otsoko nodded, "You have truly loved two women in your lifetime, and both have died…yet both leave a mark: Marra left you a son and Namid left you with a promise of love…" the wolf sighed, "You long to dance among the stars yet your duty holds you back. Why?"

Rak sighed heavily, "I do not know why. I suppose it is loyalty to the Lupine…"

Otsoko scoffed, "Loyalty? Thieves aren't loyal to anyone."

"I'm no longer one—"

Otsoko's gaze bore into Rakab; "It's already in your being: the instincts, the will, the strength. Where would Namid have been without you?"

Rak could suddenly hear Namid's voice…

Come with me, Rakab.

Otsoko growled, "She would not be a rightful queen nor even part of the Lupine tribe. Cast out and forced to watch her tribe die, to watch Wyvern's Court burn…all by her own ravenous hands. The darkness would consume her and dance would not be just a childhood pastime, but her work: To dance all light back into dark, to weave the wills of Fate and Mehay…creating chaos everywhere she walks." "She would be possessed by Ecl and the Lupine's own magic, very little and widespread, would be consumed by madness…"


Rakab snarled, "You speak lies, Otsoko. I was with her in her life, and now she is dead!"

Otsoko placed a hand on Rak's shoulder, "Those were only possible futures I spoke of, Alpha. The Star-dancer is dead now, but only in your mind…" "In your heart she still dances as bright as before."

Rakab stood when Helaku and Ylva appeared again, and stared in shock as Namid appeared between them. Stepping up to meet him, she smiled, "Rakab." The emerald gown with the embroidery of silver leaves shone in the sunlight and his breath hitched.

"Namid." He managed to whisper, breaking into a grin.

The Star-dancer's voice was soft, "Are you ready?"

Rakab swallowed and looked up to face her, "Ke."

Namid smiled, gently, and took his hand, "Then surrender your will."

He had felt his father's strong life-force waver and finally disappear...

Nyesh's knees suddenly buckled from under him and he sat on the ground, sobbing, burying his head in his hands."I'm sorry." he whispered. Wiping his eyes, he picked up his staff and limped back to the camp. The responsibility of the Lupine tribe, and the leadership of Sheeva Intre was his now.

Sheila saw his tired state and offered to help him to a seat but he only stumbled and fell into the emerald boa's arms, new sobs wracking his body. "I'm sorry." was all he could say as the members of Sheeva Intre and Rose gathered around him.

Drums pounded a steady beat, while the wooden flute let out a spellbinding song that calmed Namid and beckoned her to dance. She stood and spun and danced on the balls of her feet, letting the music slide over her like cool water. Her body moved gracefully with the music, giving her a look of power and poise. The gown transformed into a dancer's outfit of a white shirt and blue skirt and Rakab grinned as her hands reached out and took his own, the beat quickening and the flute following, sounding sweet, soft notes.

She raised her arms to the sky, hips swaying with the beat, as an image of a herd of deer fleeing from the howls and barks of the wolves appeared. The image then begun to slowly fade, to be replaced by one of a forest clearing, tranquil and quiet, as the beat soon quickened again and both were lost to the music, swaying in the midst of the forest, mind's focused on the rhythm.

Suddenly both image and music faded and Namid opened her eyes, smiling as they sat by a roaring bonfire, she in his arms.

Rakab smiled, his cheek resting against her hair. "I love you, Star-dancer." His voice was warm in her ear and Namid couldn't help but grin.

"I am just Namid to you. As I was and forever will be."

Rakab chuckled, and kissed her forehead, sighing heavily while he looked down at their intertwined hands. Namid settled herself in Rak's embrace, sleep pulling her in.

"Goodnight, Namid…dancer among the stars." He whispered, pressing his mouth briefly to her neck and then to her hair before just laying there in the simplicity of the moment.

He saw her smile in her sleep.





Fate has passed

Dreams are lost

Time has faded

Only this is real


Rai awebre'in'the'Gah'Anhmik


As' cia'Namid meets cia'Brysh

He dances in the silence

She sings in the darkness

Two become one

As the beginning meets the end

The Divi-itil


The Star-dancer.

Now dances…

The End

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