Book Two - Just Enjoying My L...

By LisaStanbridge

87.7K 2.5K 351

Book Two of The Price of Love Series (Book One is titled 'In Love With Mr Wilson') Entering a new relationsh... More

A message from meeeee :)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6a
Chapter 6b
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
A final note from me and updates on the progress of the series

Chapter 26

1.7K 67 4
By LisaStanbridge

Here's the updated chapter as promised. Sorry it's a bit shorter than the others. I'll make up for it next time. Enjoy! <3


The deafening silence is broken by the sound of shattering glass. Looking over toward the sound I see Mum standing next to the table. Her hand is curved into the position from holding the said glass. The glass is in pieces on the floor.

Suddenly it erupts.

Dani shrieks in excitement, embraces me and jumps up and down. Simon has a wide grin on his face and is man hugging Sam. Somewhere among the commotion I hear him say ‘it’s about bloody time’ which confuses me. Then Mum and Dad, well, Dad has a small smile on his lips but is keeping it hidden and Mum is freaking out. All I can hear from her are words and phrases like ‘no respect’, ‘careless’, ‘won’t last’, ‘end in tears’, ‘no consideration for others’. I conclude one thing... Dad doesn’t care less and Mum just doesn’t like not getting her own way.

It’s like a madhouse and I try to talk but it’s impossible. Dani won’t stop screaming and she still hasn’t let me go. Simon is trying to calm Mum who is still ranting and Sam is as motionless as me.

After what feels like hours of noise, but is only about a minute, I manage to finally pry Dani off me. It’s time to take action.

“Everyone be quiet!” I yell.

Everything falls silent immediately and they look at me.

“Look can we please be calm about this?” I beg. “Sam and I were going to tell you over dinner. Yes we’re married. We got married in Rome just over a week ago. I don’t see what the fuss is all about.”

“Well I think it’s fab!” Dani exclaims. “Eloping is such a good idea. Weddings are so overrated.”

I look at her and notice a wistful look in her eyes. Then I look at Simon and I see the look they share. Something tells me Sam and I have set a pattern here. I look away to conceal my smile but Sam catches me and winks. He’s seen it too.

“Don’t we get a say in this?” Mum asks; annoyance evident in her voice. “Emily, Sam, I understand there is nothing we can do to change this now. But as a mother I have to say this.” She takes a deep breath as though preparing for a lecture and I brace myself. “What in the world possessed you both to do something so careless? Did you not even think about the people it would affect? What about those of us who would like to see you get married? Some of us enjoy going to weddings -”

“I don’t.” Dad pipes up.

Mum glares at him then continues, “It’s obvious neither of you realise what’s involved in a marriage. You can’t just get married with the thought that you can easily get out of it. It’s a lifetime commitment! Do you not have any respect for the meaning of marriage? This will fail, I can see it! In twelve months’ time you’ll be divorced and I’m not going to pick up the pieces -”

Right that does it. I understand Mum is upset that she missed out on my wedding but she has no right to assume we’re not going to last.

“Mum will you please just shut up?” I interrupt.

“What did you just say to me young lady?”

“You heard me. I’m not trying to be rude but perhaps you should hear us out before making assumptions. We didn’t think we could get out of it easily. We are aware of what sort of commitment it is. We did it because it’s what we want and we were ready. And yes, we did think of others but the truth is we wanted to do what we wanted.”

Mum stares at me and I stare at her. The silence has become deafening once again and I’m waiting for another outburst.

There is none. She seems to have lost her puff.

She’s the first to look away. Releasing a breath, her shoulders sag making it look like she visibly deflates. Fumbling for a seat at the table, she sits down and rolls her eyes heavenward.

“Why don’t we have dinner?” Simon finally says. “Let’s give them a chance to tell us everything.”

He winks at me and I mouth ‘thank you’. Dad looks at me and smiles. I smile back and a sense of calm washes over me. Mum will take a while to come around but I think she will, given some of time.

Dad sits next to Mum and pats her hand. She still hasn’t said anything. Instead she has a constant look of shock on her face. I think she’s surprised that I stood up to her. My usual response would be something like ‘yes Mum’ and then let it go but not this time.

With the initial shock over, we start eating. Over dinner Sam and I tell them everything. Of course we don’t go into detail about what happened while we were away. They don’t need to know those specific details. We simply said that after some relationship tests we realised what we wanted and there was no need to wait. By the time we finish eating Mum has calmed down but I don’t think she’s accepted it yet. In fact she still hasn’t really spoken. She’s offered a few tight smiles but she’s not happy. All in good time.

“You know something, Em? I’m envious of you and Sam.” Simon says to me on the quiet after dinner.


“Because you don’t have to organise a wedding.” He sighs. “Dani’s really struggling with this. I wish we’d thought of doing what you and Sam. It’s quite a good idea actually.”

“Maybe you should mention it to her.”

“No I don’t think so. She’s always wanted a wedding, I don’t want to ruin it for her.”

I glance across at her. Dani’s face is crossed with anxiety and something tells me she would jump at the chance to elope.

“I don’t think you’d be ruining it. If anything, she’d be thankful. Whatever you do, don’t tell Mum I’m about to tell you this.” I look around to ensure she isn’t listening then I say, “I think you should suggest it. If she agrees, do it.”

Simon raises an eyebrow. “Yeah you’re right, Mum will freak if she knew you said that. But I’ll think about it.”

“Emily I need you!” Dani demands as she grabs my hand and pulls me out of the chair. “I must get these organisers sorted.”

I roll my eyes at Simon and follow her. For the next few hours we pour over them and try and get them into order. It’s not an easy task because they are in such a state. What isn’t making it any easier is the fact that Dani has completely lost her enthusiasm. By the end of the night I’m overtired and fed up with wedding plans.  It doesn’t help I’m ready to fall asleep in my chair too. I need to sleep. Now.

Sam notices how tired I am and comes up to me.

“You look shattered. You should probably get some sleep. You want to come back to mine?”

“Yes please, I’m exhausted.”

When I say goodnight to everyone I pull mum aside and say, “I know you don’t approve but I want you to be happy for us. I understand you worry and I understand you think it’s quick but this is where you have to trust us. We know what we want and we know what we’re doing.”

Mum’s eyes fill with tears and she embraces me. “I do trust you, Emily. I just didn’t think you would grow up so quickly.”

So that’s what the problem is? I kiss her cheek then say, “Just because I’m growing up doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m doing. Things are changing but I’m fully aware of what I want.”

“Perhaps but don’t expect me to come to terms with it quickly.”

Mum turns and walks away. I try not to be offended by her brusqueness but it’s not easy. Since when have weddings become such a big deal?

“Give her some time.” Sam whispers in my ear. “Let’s go home. Everything will be fine in a few days.”

How will everything be fine? My gut tells me Simon and Dani are going to do a runner and if that happens, Mum will totally freak. I’ll be blamed too, no doubt about it. Well, she’ll just have to get over it, won’t she?

One day she will see sense. One day.

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