The Son of a Mermaid

By missy14cya

79.7K 1.2K 219

( Sequel to In Love With a Human.) Iris has always believed that his life was prefect. Perfect girlfriend, pe... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
ChApter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
ChapTer 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 1

2.6K 38 9
By missy14cya

Ok guys this is my attempt to write my first chapter again. I accidentally deleted it so please if you see something missing comment on this or if you see something thats here and wasn't tell me. I know its going to be different, but see anything missing tell me please. Thanks :)



"Iris get your lazy ass out of bed. You need to get ready for school! It's your first day." yelled Dad from downstairs

I groaned "Five more minutes!"

"Ok but then you wont get this banana muffin." he yelled back

I sat up "No nuts?"

"Why would it have nuts in it since your allergic?" he laughed

"Be down in a minute." I jumped out of bed and into the shower. The cool water felt good against my warm body.

When I was done I stepped out and looked at myself in the mirror. I always wondered why I had black hair and green eyes. My dad has blond hair and blue eyes. I guess I got my looks from my mom.

I shook my head. I don't want to look like the women who abandoned Dad and I when I was little. I mean, I don't even remember her. Dad used to talk about her all the time, but he doesn't anymore.

I got dressed and went downstairs to find Dad holding out the muffin to me.

I took it greedily, grabbed my bag, and head out to school on my bike.


"Why can't you?" screamed Mom to Her Majesty

I watched as she she shook her head "Rachel, it can't be done. What your asking me is to let humans come and visit you. Who's out there who wants to visit you? Will is dead remember?"

"Will is not-"

Aunt Maureen swam over and clamped her hand down over Mom's mouth "Your majesty. My friend is so hurt by what happened those 16 years ago, that she's convinced herself that Will is still alive."

The Queen nodded "I understand."

Mom pulled away from Maureen "I've waited 16 years! You kept telling me that you would do something. Why can't you get the stupid law annulled?"

She raised her eyebrows "You think I just abolish laws for one mermaid? No. Not even for myself. You need to get your facts right, Rachel. You dare talk to me again like that I will have you arrested."

I grabbed her hand "Mom let's go...."

She didn't come "Coward! You're such a coward."

Her majesty turned slowly around "Rachel I'm warning-"

"You're not a ruler you're a coward!" Mom screamed at her

"Rachel...." said Aunt Emma, who's been standing in the corner watching with Clara, her adopted daughter

"No! I've waited too long for this!"

"Rachel that's enough!" The Queen said I a abortive tone "Guards arrest her."

Suddenly the two mermaids on either side of the throne came at Mom. They grabbed her and pulled her toward a dark hallway.

"Mom!" I screamed "Mom you can't leave me!"

"Don't forget who you are Emily! I love you!" she yelled to me

Aunt Emma and aunt Maureen pulled me towards the exit.

When we were outside the giant cave I sat on a rock and buried my head in my hands.

"Why'd she do that? What's so important that she had to get that stupid rule annulled?" I asked to no one in particular

I looked at Emma and Maureen they were exchanging looks.


"Emily there's something we need to tell you...." began Maureen


I was at my locker when sweet lips reached mine.

"Why hello there." I grinned down at my beautiful girl friend Kayla.

She smiled back her brown eyes twinkling "Hi. Did you find out who your home room teacher is yet?"

I shook my head and closed my locker "Nope. Honing there now."

She nodded and took my hand "Come on."

We found the list of students and looked up our names.

"Mr. Larry? Who did you get?" Kayla asked looking over my shoulder

"Mr. Larry." I smiled at her

"Yey! I hope we have a lot of classes together, I would get lonely without you." she smiled "Come on lets get to homeroom."

She pulled me to homeroom. We were the last ones apparently because a few seconds later the teacher walked in.

"Hello class I'm Mr. Larry. Yes Larry is my last name. So I'll call you up and get your schedule. Bella Mary?"

Kayla turned to me "I hope we have some classes together."

I nodded as the teacher called out "Iris Johnson."

I stood up and grabbed my schedule. Next Kayla got up got her's.

She grabbed my schedule and compared it to her's "Jez your smart. You have all honors."

I chuckled. I was always super smart. Dad just said I was born with a huge brain. I've always been one step ahead of everyone else, sometimes Dad is surprised too.

"Well we have study hall and lunch together, plus our minor." she pouted and I kissed her noes "Come on be happy."

I made a funny face and she laughed.

"Cheater." she mumbled

I rolled my eyes.

"Ok everyone the announcements are on so settle down." Mr. Larry said turning on the TV

I turned to watch them, but suddenly I was hit with huge migraine. Then a voice in my head.

'Iris? Iris can you hear me?'

The pain increased an I grunted quietly.

"Iris are you ok?" whispered Kayla touching my arm

"I....I um don't feel well." I told her. I stood up and went to Mr. Larry "Can I go to the nurse?"

He gave me a weird look "Really? Because I don't think-"

'Iris!' the voice yelled.

"Please!" I screamed At him everyone turned to me

Mr. Larry handed me a pass and I walked out. I crumbled up the pass and stuffed it into my pocket. I went out to my bike, unlocked it and took off.

'Iris! Please answer me!'

I rode to the beach. When I'm around water I feel peaceful, like I belong there, and there was one place I could go were no one would find me.

I slowed down as I arrived at the beach. I parked my bike against a tree and ran down to the water, taking my shirt off in the process. I sat down in the water and took a deep breath, I instantly felt better.

'Iris please answer me.' said the voice again, but this time no pain.

'I don't know how.'

I heard the voice, who was a girl's voice, sigh 'I'm so happy to hear your voice.'


She pause 'Do you know who I am?'


She was quiet.

'You are real right? This is not just in my head.'

She chuckled 'Yea I'm real.'

I breathed a sigh of relief 'I thought I was crazy for a second there.'

'Um I gotta go. I'll talk to you later?'


Then she was gone.


I just finished talking to my twin brother. I have a brother. I smiled, but then frowned, he didn't know who I was.

"What happened did you reach him?" asked Emma touching my shoulder

"Yea, but he didn't know who I was." I looked up at her then at Maureen "I have to find him."

Emma shook her head "Honey, do you really think that's a good idea?"

"He has to know."

"Let Will deal with telling him." Maureen said "Come on let's go home."

I nodded. I will tell him. I will leave tomorrow.


Hey I'm sorry again for acedently deleted this chapter. I'm sorry :) so here ya go.

<3 Mell

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