The Street Fighter

By beebee12345678

381K 11.8K 3.1K

At the age of 17, Skylar Green is left to care for her 5-year old brother, Dylan. Her mother? Dead. Her fathe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Authors Note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 19

10.9K 345 96
By beebee12345678

I groaned as I shifted slightly. I raised my heavy eyelids only for them to fall shut.

Slowly, I opened my eyes again- successfully this time -though I still had to squint, scrunching my face up. My eyesight struggled to cope with the daylight streaming in through the windows. The slight pounding of my head warned me that I had a bit to drink last night and I tried to remember what I had done in my half drunken state.

I raised my arm to my head and rubbed at my temples trying to get rid of the annoying headache, no matter how small it was it was still irritating.

My mouth was dry and I found it hard to swallow.

My eyes finally adjusted to the light, enough for me to be able to see that I wasn't in my own bed.

I attempted to sit up and figure out what happened last night for me to get tangled up in this situation. However, an arm restricted me, the person tightened their grip around my waist, pulling me closer.

Oh. My. Fuck.

I wasn't in bed alone. I felt them shift beside me and then let out a small groan.

I stayed still, squeezing my eyes shut in fear of waking the stranger up. I let out a small breath when the bed didn't move again, they hadn't woken up. Yet.

This wasn't good. I tried to remember what had happened last night but I couldn't remember much.

The most I remembered was from when I went upstairs with Ryan, he had a boner and- Oh no!

Did I have sex with Ryan? Of all people, it had to be Ryan, didn't it?

I really hoped my assumptions were wrong.

I had drunk some alcohol but I don't remember drinking so much to the point that I had sex, especially with Ryan of all people.

I lifted the cover to peer underneath and I almost let out a sigh of relief when I noticed I wasn't naked. Luckily, I caught myself and didn't make a sound.

Slowly, I set the duvet back down and twisted myself so I came face to face with the person.

Their green eyes stared back into my own green ones and I yelped in surprise when I saw who it was, my body lurching to the side of the bed.

This definitely wasn't Ryan.

Tyler just lay there looking at me.

Finally, he spoke. "Okay, this is not what you think. You asked me to stay here after Zach gave you clothes. I only came to put a bottle of water and some aspirin for you so you would have it in the morning because I felt bad at where we left off yesterday."

Last night came flooding back to me and I remembered asking him to stay in my tired state. But I thought I had asked Zach to stay with me. How did it end up being Tyler?

I pieced together what happened as I realised that I couldn't actually see the face of who I asked to stay. Even when I started panicking, I couldn't see his face instead I fell asleep in his arms.

I felt bad for letting Zach sleep in another room since he gave up his bed for me and rather than letting him sleep here, I let his best friend, Tyler, sleep here.

This was so messed up. I messed up big time.

I looked to my right to find a bottle of water and two aspirins on the bedside table.

Deciding to only take one because my headache wasn't bothering me that much compared to a crippling headache, I put it in my mouth and washed it down with some water.

Sluggishly, I got out of bed and Tyler did as well, just wearing boxers.

I looked down, getting a proper look at my outfit only to find that I was wearing a big t-shirt and boxers. The t-shirt was baggy on me and ended mid-thigh, luckily the end of the boxers poked out from underneath the top. It was barely anything but it was noticeable and at least people knew I wasn't just naked.

I held my hand out to him, my palm faced upwards. The aspirin was taken out of my hand as he took it gratefully.

"You'll need it." I said passing him the rest of the water.

He nodded in thanks and drank the rest of the water.

"Do you know where everyone else is?" I asked him once he had finished.

"No but we're about to find out."

We opened the door a little just in time to see Lyla and Carter exiting her room, each of them dashing in opposite directions down the corridor.

I looked at Tyler to find him wiggling his eyebrows at me. "I think they did the deed."

I scrunched my nose up. "Or maybe they ended up like us," I countered.

He shrugged his shoulders and motioned for me to go. I looked behind me at the messy bed.

"I think we should make the bed before we go. It's not fair on Zach and if anyone saw the bed like this, they'll know we slept together."

"You're right. We don't need Zach getting the wrong idea."

"What does Zach have to do with it?" I questioned.

"Uhh." His eyes flickered behind me to the bed. "Um, well it's his bed of course so if he thought that we had sex in his bed he wouldn't sleep there." He finished with a grin on his face.

"What are you talking about? I was just talking about sleeping as in actual sleeping together not- Wait, it doesn't look like we've had sex in his bed. Does it?"

I looked at the bed. "Okay, quick before he comes back. We can't have him thinking we had sex." My voice came out rushed as I scurried to the bed.

Tyler walked to the other side of the bed at his own pace. "Do you not want him thinking we had sex because it's his bed or because of what he'd think if you had sex with me?"

I looked up at Tyler in the middle of fluffing the pillow out. My eyebrows scrunched together, "What do you mean? Because it's his bed of course, why would I care about what he thought of if we had sex? Which we didn't."

Would he care?

I placed the pillow in its place just as Tyler finished doing the same.

I stepped back and so did Tyler, I looked at the neat bed then around the room for my clothes.

I stood in the same position, only my head swivelled around, searching for my clothes when something caught my eye.

I made my way over to it and observed the dirty gym bag. My dirty gym bag. The one I had lost after Tyler found out about me.

I had forgotten about my bag in the bush with the panic of Tyler spreading my secret and somehow it ended up here. In Zach's room.

I knelt down next to it and looked behind me to find Tyler looking at me strangely.

"Tyler, what is this doing here?"

"What do you mean?"

"My bag Tyler. This is my bag." I said, my fingers brushing the mud off the bag.

"Zach was trying to figure out who the bag belonged to. He had said something about it possibly being the new fighter's bag." He explained.

I pressed my lips into a thin line. "And did you forget that I'm the new fighter Tyler? This is my bag, Zach is going to find out that I'm Stealth." I raised my voice slightly.

And now you're going to make him find out you're Stealth by shouting, be quiet!

"Oh shit. I didn't even realise, he only told me about the bag yesterday. He didn't let anyone else see what was in the bag apart from him. He only told me that he thought he was on to the mysterious newbie."

I looked down at my fingers to find them dirty with the dried up mud before looking up again.

"It's okay, it's not your fault. I was the careless one that left my bag in the bush."

"Don't worry anyway, he didn't get very far. The phone in there was scratched up and out of battery. Everything else like the hand wraps and first aid kit is usual for a fighter." Tyler reassured me.

"How am I supposed to take my bag then?" I asked him.

"Well, he'll probably notice but I don't think he'd care that much since it wasn't much help. Just make sure he doesn't see you taking it."

I nodded and zipped open the bag. My hand rummaged through the bag for my phone and once feeling it, I pulled it out.

I held the red decline button waiting for the phone to turn on but I was only met with the flashing red battery sign signalling it needed to be charged.

I groaned in annoyance and shoved the phone back into my bag.

I stood up, hoisting the bag over my right shoulder and peered at Tyler.

"So what happens now?"

Tyler grinned. "We go downstairs, have breakfast and annoy everyone with hangovers. Shall we go?" He stuck his arm out for me to grab hold of.

I chuckled, pushing his arm away in a joking manner and jogged passed him. I looked behind me to see him still standing there confused.

"Well, are you coming or not?"

He smiled at me. "Let's go."

We made our way downstairs into the kitchen where Lyla sat with her head in her hands on a bar stool next to the counter.

I had dropped the bag just outside the kitchen before entering.

Zach stood on the other side of the counter, frying some eggs. He put them on a plate then grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and handed it to Lyla.

She took a sip then passed it back. "It's too cold."

He rolled his eyes then got another bottle of water from a cupboard, passing it to her.

Her face scrunched up in disgust, "Too warm." She said then placed her head on the counter.

He groaned in annoyance, dragging his hand over his face and closing his eyes for a moment.

He took a deep breath then released it before speaking. "Well, what do you want me to do Lyla? At least I'm trying to help you."

She didn't seem to notice his aggravation as she said, "Why don't you try mixing them together idiot?"

"Do it yourself Lyla, I was just trying to help you but you're treating me like your goddamn slave."

She picked her head up and stuck her tongue out at him. "The cold water was fine, I was just messing with you."

He shot her a fake glare before turning around.

He stilled. His smile dropped as he noticed Tyler and I standing next to each other.

I walked towards him, "Are you okay Zach?"

He stiffly nodded, going back to cooking. "That plate is yours. Carter, Chase and Blake already started eating."

I walked around the counter to the other side where the plate was and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey Zach?"


I felt the need to explain to him what happened last night. "I'm sorry about taking your bed and making Tyler sleep in it, it was supposed to be you but-"

"Why would it be me?" He interrupted me.

"I felt sorry that you didn't get to sleep in your own bed last night because of me so I asked you to stay when you had come back in. Only it wasn't you I asked." I said, my eyes flickered to Tyler.

Zach's eyes followed to where I was looking before I continued. "I couldn't see who I asked and thought it was you but it was Tyler. I'm sorry."

"There's no need to be sorry, Sky. Stop apologising." He put one arm on my shoulder, running his fingers through my hair.

He leaned in close to me. "And anyways Sky, you were forgiven the moment I saw what you were wearing. I think you might even look better in my shirts than I do."

I scoffed and shifted away from him. I took a bite of the egg then the bacon then the buttered toast.

I looked at him strangely. I didn't know he could actually cook and make the food taste good.

He ignored my look and shook his head at me. "You're eating it wrong." He moved closer and stepped behind me. His chest came into contact with my back and I started squirming out of the awkward position.

He placed one hand on my hip and his mouth barely touched my neck. His breath felt hot on my neck and I stopped squirming.

"You need to eat it right to get the full flavour." He whispered.

The hand not resting on my hip moved down to the plate, purposely brushing my arm and hand on the way.

He placed the bacon on the toast then the egg, all the while I was focused on his even breathing as his breath hit my neck.

Lastly, he placed the other piece of toast on top of the egg. He pressed it down slightly causing some of the egg yolk to ooze out, some of it landing on his thumb.

He grabbed my hands and made them hold the sandwich.

"Now you can eat." He whispered, pecking my neck then stepping away and I nearly moved into our previous positions, feeling cold without the warmth.

I watched his movements as slowly he brought his thumb to his lips. His lips darted out, before he pulled part of his thumb into his mouth, licking the egg off.

My mouth parted as he did this all in front of me, his eyes locked with mine. I looked down at the sandwich then looked up again, a smirk on my lips.

"Was this just an excuse to touch me and show me how to eat it from behind me like all the cliché movies?"

"Maybe." He responded, a cheeky grin in his face.

I shook my head, calming my breathing down and as it evened out I took a bite of the sandwich.

Somehow, it tasted completely different than putting the different foods into your mouth separately and eating it. The different flavours burst in my mouth and I let out a small moan in delight.

I swallowed and looked at Zach, his mouth hung agape.

"You're right. This is delicious, it tastes so good." Another moan slipped out of my mouth as I took another bite and I pondered on whether I should leave the sandwich uneaten or eat it and risk the embarrassment.

I mentally shrugged my shoulders, this sandwich was too good to leave.

I ate the rest of it and forced the moan down, luckily I didn't moan once.

"I'm guessing you liked it then?" Zach asked.

I looked up at him, "Yeah, you should make those more often. They're really good."

"Do you want another one?"

"I'm good, thanks." I answered.

I looked around the kitchen, Tyler had gone but Lyla was still here. Her head rested on her arms on the table and quiet snores left her mouth.

I had completely forgotten that she was here, fortunately she was asleep.

Remembering the bag outside the door, I decided to call Shaun to get the bag out as quickly as possible without getting caught.

I took out the emergency phone that I had to take from Dylan.

"Hello," Shaun's voice came through the phone.

"Hey Shaun, is it a good time to pick me up now?" I asked.

"If you need to go home I can drop you off," I looked to Zach as he spoke.

Silently I shook my head at him whilst Shaun spoke. I disregarded his words as I mouthed to Zack, 'it's okay. Shaun can pick me up'.

He nodded and I held the phone higher to my ear.

"Sorry, what was that Shaun?"

I heard him heave a sigh and I rolled my eyes although he couldn't see me.

"Don't roll your eyes at me young girl. As I was saying I'll be there in ten minutes with Dylan."

"How is Dylan?" I carried on before he could hang up.

"He's great, we were practically having a party of our own when we knew you weren't here." I could practically hear the smile in his voice.

"Ha ha ha. Very funny."

"Seriously though, he clung on to me the whole night. I had to watch a movie with him and give him milk for him to fall asleep. Now, we're out of milk."

"Aww, my poor baby. Is he awake yet?"

"Yeah, he's practically jumping off the walls he's so excited to see you."

"Okay, get here quickly then."

"Love you Blue," he said.

"Love you too Sheep. Drive safely." He hung up after that and I looked at Zach to find him staring at me emotionless.

"When is he coming to pick you up?"

"In about ten minutes," I responded, confused at his sudden change.

"Good. The quicker, the better. I have things to do." He said, then turned around leaving me stunned.

What did I do?

I jogged up to him just before he could leave the kitchen. I placed my hand on his shoulder but he just shrugged it off.

"Zach." I spoke. He didn't respond. "What's wrong?"

He just stood with his back to me. I placed my hand on his shoulder and this time he turned around sharply.

His eyes filled with anger and guilt but his jaw clenched and unclenched, mouth set in a firm line.

"What's wrong?" He asked then raised his voice. "What's wrong? What's wrong is..." His voice trailed off.

"Well, what is wrong?" I asked.

He shook his head and slumped his shoulders in defeat.

"I don't know. Last night I went back to check on you and you were in bed with Tyler. I was angry, I don't know why. Then this morning you apologise and you don't even know what for because you thought it was your fault."

"Well, it was my fault."

He ignored me. "And when you walked in this morning, you looked so beautiful and I felt fuzzy but I ignored it as soon as I remembered what happened last night."

"Zach, maybe you were jealous when you were angry. Tyler's your best friend so it's only right to feel jealous. You think that I'm trying to steal him away from you."

He shook his head before I had even finished. "No, I think I was jealous because I like you."

I choked on my saliva at his words. Like me? How can he like me when I'm, well, me?

Do I like him? The tingling feeling, the kisses, the unexplainable reason to defend him.

Maybe I did like him but even so, was it a good thing?

"I think I li-" I got cut off.

"Do you know what? Just forget it, it was a stupid idea. I probably don't even like you, you don't need to say anything." His words were abrupt and left no room for arguing.

The doorbell rang and he brushed passed me. "That's Shaun. Hey, since you guys love each other so much, why don't you just go out with him?"


"I mean you're always rubbing your love for each other in my face. It makes me sick."

"Zach, stop." I pleaded.

"It's obvious that you're meant for each other, just go out with him and stop making me feel this way."

"Stop!" I raised my voice. "Just stop, if you didn't like me you just had to say. You didn't need to make me feel bad. And to think, I thought I liked you as well. Thank you though, you just answered my thoughts for me. I don't like you, in fact I hate you."

He stopped walking brusquely. "W-what?"

I walked in front of him and faced him. "You heard me. I. Hate. You."

"But you can't," he whispered.

"You don't control my emotions, I do."

"Your heart does, listen to it. Literally, because when you're around me it speeds up. Listen to your emotions, don't block them out."

I raised my eyebrow, he was right. "Maybe you should take your own advice."

And with that, I picked up the gym bag, knowing he was unaware of my actions as he stood there in astonishment.

I opened the door and forced a smile as I saw Dylan.

"Hey baby boy. How are you?" I asked him crouching down. I tried to sound cheerful to see him but Zach, for once, was the reason I was left unhappy.

He didn't notice my mood –Shaun did though- as Dylan wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug.

"I'm great, I missed you though Sky. Did you have fun?"

I looked back at Zach before turning back to Dylan. "Tonnes of fun."

I looked up to Shaun to see him giving me a look. He knew I was lying and he seemed to piece things together as he saw the look on Zach's face.

Shaun ruffled Dylan's hair before stepping in and leading Zach to a room.

I took Dylan's hand and led him to the car. I strapped him in then put my bag in the back of the car.

Shaun came back just as I opened my door to the car. I didn't look back at Zach as he stood in the doorway as I got in.

Shaun got in, put his seatbelt on and he drove off.

"Well, what happened?" He asked me.

"Zach is what happened. First he says that he likes me then just as I'm about to say that I do too he takes it back. So now he doesn't like me and I hate him." I explained.

Shaun nodded thoughtfully, eyes still on the road. "So, you like him?"

I groaned in annoyance. "Is that all you got? No I don't like him anymore, I now hate him."

"First of all, you can't just decide to stop liking someone. Although, I suppose it's better you hate him. Do you want to know why?"

I sighed. "Not really but you're going to tell me anyway."

"Because there's a thin line between love and hate." He grinned, obviously proud with his answer. I rolled my eyes.

I'm not going to be in love with him anytime soon.

Scratch that. I'm never going to be in love with him.

We arrived upstairs to find the owner outside the door to my flat, arms crossed.

I let go of Dylan's hand and placed mine on his back, guiding him slightly to Shaun.

I bent down to his height and whispered, "Go inside with Sheep. I'll be there shortly."

He nodded and took Shaun's hand. Shaun looked at me questioningly and I tilted my head slightly in a gesture to go inside.

I threw him the keys and with a swift flick of his wrist, he caught them.

Hesitantly Shaun led Dylan and himself inside, brushing past the owner on the way.

I turned my attention to the short, stout man stood in front of me.

"I'm here to collect the rent." His brusque voice said.

I nodded. "I'll just go ahead and grab it, it's inside."

He snorted and I stood there, uncertain with the way he stared at me. Silently asking permission if I could go with my eyes, he didn't seem to understand and just grew more agitated by the second.

Standing awkwardly in front of him, I was about to move to the door when he spoke in an irritated manner.

"Come on, I don't have all day."

I forced a scowl not to show on my face as I passed him, opening the door and leaving it half closed.

I made my way to the bedroom, Shaun trailing behind me.

"What did he want?"

"Month's rent." I responded as I lifted the mattress, my hand slipping through the gap before clutching the box and pulling it out.

I opened the box and pulled out the money I had saved since I got here and counted how much I needed. I put the rest of the money back, slid the box back under and turned around to face Shaun.

In his hand was some money, I looked up at him.

"No Shaun. I'm not taking your money."

"But I'm living here as well, it's only fair. Besides, you'd only be taking my money to give it to that man anyway." He countered, pushing the money further in my direction for me to take.

"Shaun, I'm serious. Keep it, I don't need it. I've got enough money." I said, remembering having just enough crumpled up notes for the next rent.

I swept passed him, ignoring his outstretched hand containing money, and made my way back to the impatient man at the front door.

I opened the door and closed it, standing in front of him.

"About time." He said curtly as he took a look at his expensive watch, tsking in discontentment.

I handed him the money as he stood there, expertly counting the money in mere seconds.

"And the rest of it?" He asked, looking at me irritated.

"That's all of it. We decided on that much." I said confusedly. Did I not count it properly?

"Don't think I haven't noticed that boy living with you. You people think you can get away with it, well think again. An extra tenant means you have to pay more."

I nodded taking the last part in. I didn't understand why you'd have to pay more if you're living in the same flat, it's not as if I'm asking for a bigger flat now that Shaun's here.

However, I didn't voice my confusion knowing that I was already wasting his time and doing anything more to upset him could mean that he kicks me out.

I wouldn't want that.

I went back inside, Dylan and Shaun were watching TV. Shaun looked up as soon as I opened the door.

"Has he gone?"

I shook my head, "No. I just need to get something really quickly," I said, not telling him that I needed more money, knowing he would insist on paying.

I took the extra money, stuffing it in my pocket and making my way back to the landlord.

I gave him the money that he asked for and he left as soon as he counted it.

I sighed, going back into the room where Shaun took up most of the sofa with his tall, built body. Dylan sat on the floor with his knees up to his chest and his head resting against the sofa, watching the TV intently. As if blinking would cause him to miss it.

Shaun's hand ran through Dylan's hair gently, making some parts stick up in different directions.

A smile made its way to my face and I moved towards the bedroom, grabbing my homework and a pen.

I walked back to the boys and lifted Shaun's legs up, sitting down then placing them back on my lap. I set my homework on Shaun's legs, using them as a table.

I started writing my answers down when the table moved, causing my hand to slip and the pen to draw a small, wobbly line on the paper.

"Shaun." I warned. Just as I was about to start writing again, he moved his legs. "Stop moving." I told him seriously but a hint of joking came through.

"Okay, okay," he chuckled. "What homework are you doing anyway?"

I exhaled, "Maths."

He nodded before going back to watching the TV. For a few moments, the only thing heard was the TV before I let out a groan of annoyance.

"What the hell are frustums?" I mumbled.

I looked over to Shaun to find him already looking at me, trying to hold in his laughter.

"Can I help you?" I asked sarcastically.

"No but by the looks of it I can definitely help you."

I held the homework out for him to take and he lifted his legs off my lap and sat up.

I shifted closer to him and watched as his eyes scanned over the sheet.

He nodded before passing it back to me.

"Been a long time since I did these. Did you get a formula sheet, I don't remember it off by heart."

I shook my head but after thinking about it, I remembered writing it in my book in class. That was obviously why it didn't make sense, I didn't know what the formula was even for.

Then again, I couldn't really ask. First of all, the others might see me as dumb despite being in the advanced class and secondly, after her first impression of me, I doubt she would want to help me. She would probably take me asking her a question as me causing trouble.

I stood up, rushing to my school bag and taking my book out, I flicked through the pages until I found the formula. One for the volume and the other for the perimeter.

Once Shaun explained what to do, I scribbled down the answers with the working out.

Hopefully, I wouldn't get a detention because I did my homework. She had no excuse to give me one this time.

Soon after, I made lunch. Some spaghetti bolognaise, the only meal I knew I wouldn't be able to burn because I had mastered it when Dylan was still eating baby food. Unfortunately, that meant I had many nights of burnt meals.

We stayed in for most of the afternoon, watching some movies. Then I went to do some shopping once I realised how fast the food was going. Soon, I would have to earn some more money, even if that meant gaining some bruises as well.

Deciding on an early night, I went to bed after Dylan, Shaun followed closely after.

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