Let the Rain Fall (Gale, Nalu...

By truth000

900K 27.8K 35.4K

A Delinquent and a Bookworm. A Teacher and a Student. A Boy with an Unforgettable Past and Girl with no Past... More

Let the Rain Fall (A Gale, Nalu, and Jerza fan fiction)
A Fresh Start
A New Job
An Encounter
Hatred and Determination
Our Similar Miserable Lives
The Second Encounter
The Pain of the Stage
The Strange and the Meaningful
Meetings and Forgiveness
Studying With a Slice of Pizza
A Brother's Intuiton
A Little Too Friendly
Redemption and Damnation
Cinderella Story
Hospitals and Noodles
Our Casual Affair
A New Acquaintence
Rainy Weather
Tied with a Ribbon
A Heart for A Heart
Just For A Talk
The Challenges of Us
Birthday Presents
Addicted to Scandal
Hiding in the Dark
Emotional Roller Coaster
First Date
A Love Connection Like No Other
Trouble in Paradise
Family Reunions
The Loss of A Great One
The Trip (Part 1)
All Things Must Come to an End
Author's Note
Time Is Of The Essence
Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures
Hi im not dead. Please read srsly
Sweet Beginnings (NSFW)

The Banished Prince

25.1K 754 757
By truth000


Hey, Readers!!!! I am über shocked on how well this fan fiction is going!!!! You all seem to like it so much, which makes me super happy!!!! So I've been getting a lot of messages, both on Kik and in my wattpad inbox, and you all keep on telling me to hurry with the updates....look, I know it seems good, but Im really taking my time into writing this.mI. Trying to make it the Fairy Tail style of like Dawson's Creek or something...LOL. Anyhoo, here's Chapter 9, ENJOOOOOOOY!


Gajeel P.O.V

I left the apartment before the old couple could even realize that I was awake. I didn't bother to make breakfast, but saw a key and a card lying on the table. I picked it up and read the card with confusion. "Let's forget that last night ever happened. Hope you enjoy your new present!-Dad." I scoffed, but still took the keys. I walked out of the apartment and gasped at what I saw. Outside was a shiny and brand new Harley sitting on the parking lot. I chuckled with amusement. So this is the game the old man is playing.  

I slid my fingers upon the handles and whistled with amusement. It was vintage, which meant is was very expensive. I sat on the seat and placed my hands firmly on the handles.  I put the key in the ignition and listened to the engine purr with pleasure. "I'm gonna enjoy this."

It felt so good to to feel the wind blow through my hair. I know it wasn't the most manly thing, but it was a good feeling, especially when you've been cramped in a cell for most of my life. The air smelled so good; it was a good day to be breathing.

When I reached the school grounds, I noticed people were staring at me as I parked my bike. Whispers were floating on the school grounds. I didn't bother with them. Although it was only my second day here, I was pretty much used to them. Even in juvie I was stared at and whispered about me. I mean, it wasn't every day that a kid "killed" his mother and threatened to kill his father. I took my book bag and walked to the entrance when I noticed Levy standing out front, holding her bag close to her chest. I waved my hand. "Yo," I greeted.

She gave me a scowl look. "I only stayed here to tell you that we have today, since we didn't have it yesterday."

I groaned. "Seriously? I don't feel like it."

"Well, if you want to pass all these tests and not get held back, you have too!" She hissed. "I don't want to do it either! There are so many things I could be doing."

"Like?" I asked. Her face blushed and she looked away. "That's none of your business!"

"Levy! Come on already!" An orange-haired man called out. 

"Coming!" She responded. She darted her eyes at me once more and hissed quietly, "You better show up at the library!" She ran to her friends. The orange-haired kid eyed me weirdly and wrapped his arm around Levy. Weirdo, I said in my mind. The suddenly rang. It was time for class.

My first class of the day was P.E. I don't know how, but I knew that it wasn't going to be a good class. I was standing there with a bunch of other kids in our shorts and FTA t-shirts. Everyone were keeping their distance from me, muttering more gossip about me that I didn't even bother with. The teacher, Mr. Tart, walked into the gym, pushing his chest up in the air and hiding his eyes ina  a pair of sunglasses.  With  his huge, deep voice, he yelled. "Hello students!"

"Hello Mr. Tart!" Everyone minus me yelled.

"Do you know what we are going to do today!" 

"What are we going to do today, Mr. Tart!"

Are these people serious?  I thought in my head.

"We are going to play a good old fashioned game of Dodge ball! Last names A-M go on the left side! N-Z, the right side! Move it, move it!"

"Crap, they have Gajeel!" A girl whispered.

"We're going to die!"  Another person squealed. I ignored them and silently walked over to the right side of the gym. Even my own team mates were spacing themselves away from me. Mr. Tart handed each of us  a red rubber ball. He looked at me when he gave me the ball for a while until he finally released the ball.  He walked over to the sidelines, readying his whistle. 

Then, he blew the whistle with all his breath.

Balls were flying in the air as people violently threw them. I quickly dodged them all, not wanting to be the first one out. I had a strategy: only catching the balls. One by one, pepole on the other team were getting out. Suddenly, I realized that I was the only one on my side of the court. "What the-?"

"Come on, freak! Throw the ball!" A cocky ginger yelled.

"Yeah! You can kill but you can't throw!" Another cocky bitch yelled. Angry, I threw the ball, but he dodged it like it was nothing.  "Aw, come on, Killer! You can do better than that!"

"Your mom would be so ashamed!" Someone yelled.

That's when I cracked.

"Don't..you..ever..talk about.. my mother!" I yelled. I began to throw the dodge as hard as I could, completely oblivious of my strength. I couldn't see the other students anymore. Just my anger. I could hear something faint in the background, but I quickly tuned it out. Suddenly, I felt something grab my shoulders from behind. "Gajeel Redfox, listen to me!" I ceased my throwing and looked around. The two people that were taunting me were now laying on the ground, groaning with pain. I looked at the rest of the class, but they were all too scared to look at me in the eyes. "Gajeel...I think you should go hit the showers."

'Mr. Tart, I'm-" 

"I said now! Before I give you a detention! Everyone else, new game!" 

When I got to the men's shower room, I slowly stripped down to my bare skin.  I walked into one of the stalls and turned the water on, almost full heat. I just stood there, my head against the mirror. Why they had mirrors in the stalls, I didn't know  why. I stared at myself as the water dripped down my body. I was no longer what I used to be. I'm not the scrawny, spiky haired kid that was always timid and shy. I was now a body built, long haired man that can no longer feel love nor be loved. This somehow reminded me of the past. 

I remember it like it was just yesterday. I was horribly sick with the flu, and my dad was at work as usual. My mother would sit on the corner of my bed and ask, "Would you like to hear a story?"

I would cough a little and smile. "Something new, please. You've already read me all the books on the shelf."

"Alright then, I'll tell you a story that my mother told me," Mother would chuckle. And then she began her story:

"Once, there was a prince who was loved by all his towns people. He was strong, handsome, and honest. His father was very sick, and it would be certain that the prince would be the next king. But the king's brother was a greedy fool who wanted the throne for himself. So one night, when the king was resting in his chambers, the uncle grabbed a knife and stabbed the king. He placed the murder weapon under the pillow of the sleeping prince, oblivious of the whole situation. When the prince woke up, he was greeted by guards attaching chains to his wrists. The prince swore it wasn't him, but there was just too much compelling evidence. For the rest of his life, the prince slept in a cell in a place where we would never learn to love nor be loved for the rest of his days. He was forever known as The Banished Prince because he was forever banished from his kingdom and his people. The love from his people was put out like a fire in the ocean. Without the love he freely lived on, he quickly died.

I was always confused with that story back when I was a child. But now, I understood it perfectly.

That prince was me.

I was the Banished Prince who died with no love.

That character was my future.

Levy P.O.V

"If you keep staring at him, your eyes will fall off," I told Juvia as I took a bite out of my salad. Juvia was intensely staring at Gray Fullbuster, her crush ever since she transferred here. Her mangoes were falling from her fork as she continued to stare  at the boy across the cafeteria. "But Gray is just so...so majestic!" Juvia squealed.

"So are unicorns and ponies, but you don't see me fawning over them," Droy snickered. Jet laughed out loud, chunks of his spaghetti flying out of his mouth. "Juvia knows everything about him! He's in archery, snowboarding, class president for the Seniors, and he's best friends with Natsu Dragneel and Elfman Strauss!" Juvia rambled.

"My lord, what else do you do, stare at him while he sleeps!" Jet laughed.

"Juvia can only dream," she sighed.

"Anyways, changing the subject, today's your first day tutoring Mr. Murder, right?" Jet asked.

I nodded. I stared at my food. I've only talked to him only a few times and he seems to only act like a jerk.  But I still find it confusing that he actually killed his mother at a young age. I read over the case the night before and to me...it just didn't seem right, especially for a ten-year old boy. "..vy....evy...Levy!" 

I sat up in shock and saw that Jet was calling my name. "I'm sorry, I wasn't listening. What did you say?"

"I said that if he does something to you, call me right away. I'll rearrange his face faster than he can grab his gun."

I chuckled awkwardly, eating away my salad. Jet says he'll protect me. But do I actually need protection?

Then, the bell rang. I then realized that I forgot to grab one of my books for AP French. "Droy, I'll meet you at the classroom soon! I just need to grab one of my books!"

"Alright, but hurry! Madame Ana doesn't like to be kept waiting!" He warned me. I jogged my way to the my lockers and grabbed one of my textbooks. Just when I was about to leave the halls, I noticed someone by the gates of the school.

It was Gajeel.

"What the hell is he doing now?" I muttered to myself. 

I walked closer to the gates, trying not to make a sound. I hid behind one of the hedges and took a quick peek. He was in front of the gates with a little girl who was crying. "So you can't find your mom?" Gajeel asked the little girl.

The little girl shook her head. "O-One minute I was holding h-her h-hand, and the n-next minute, s-she was g-gon," she sobbed, crying into her doll.

Gajeel got down on one knee. "Would you like it if I stayed with you until your mom came?" The girl nodded and grabbed Gajeel's hand. It was silent for a while until Gajeel finally spoke. "Are you hungry?" The girl nodded. Gajeel dug inside his pocket and took out a bag of gummy bears. He gave her the bag, making her smile. As she was about to take her first gummy bear, something interrupted her. "Athena!"

The girl turned around and smiled. "Mommy!" She ran up to her, giving her a big hug. "Where have you been! I've been looking for you everywhere!"

"I'm sorry Mommy...but this guy has been keeping me company!" She exclaimed. The woman  looked like she was about to thank Gajeel until she saw his face. She looked absolutely mortified, almost angry even. "Mommy, aren't you going to say thank you?"

She was silent for a moment. "We don't say thank you too monsters."

I gasped a little. How cruel of her to say that! He was keeping a close eye on her child, who was crying her eyes off, and she had the right mind to insult him! I watched closely to see how he would react. He just stood there, looking down at the ground. "Come on, Athena. Let's go."

"Oh..Um...Okay....Bye Mister!"

Gajeel just silently waved goodbye. As the girl walked away from her mother, Gajeel silently walked back into campus. I quickly crouched down, hoping that he wouldn't see me. "Mr. Redfox!" A familiar voice yelled. I winced. It was Mrs. Potter, the Vice Principal. "What are you doing out here in the middle of class!"

"Stuff," was all he said.

"You think that's a good enough excuse! You know your parole prohibits you from breaking school rules!" 

I had to do something. I had to explain why he was here instead of class! But that woul lead me in trouble too! What was I going to do! "He was with me!" I called out. I stood from the hedge, revealing where I was. Mrs. Potter looked surprise, even Gajeel looked surprised. "Now this is something new," Mrs. Potter muttered. "What's your excuse, Miss McGarden?"

"Well, I lost something...um..precious to me, and Gajeel was the only one present, so we were looking through all of lunch and I guess we didn't hear the bell." Mrs. Potter looked at us in suspicion, but it disappeared. "Alright, I'll give you two the slip. For now."

"Thank you, Mrs. Potter."

"Now hurry on to class!" We both hurried out of the court yard and into the hallways. I sighed as I pressed my back against the the lockers. I looked at Gajeel, who was looking at me with curiosity. "Why?"


"Why did you help me? You could've waited until I got into a heap of trouble."

"Because I didn't think you deserved it."

"What do you..." His eyes widened, and soon softened. "So you saw everything..."

"I thought it was pretty cruel what that woman said." I muttered angriily. "For something that happened a long time ago, that was a very cruel thing to say." I looked at Gajeel questionably. "Why didn't you stand up for yourself? Your as much human as the rest of us!"

Gajeel chuckled. "Your the first prson to ever say that to me."

"Well, you should be thinking that!" I exclaimed. Gajeel just smirked and rubbed his hand on the top of my head. He began to walk down the hall, his hands in his pockets. He turned around once more and said, "See you after school, teach."

I stared at him some more. "Yeah...see you," I muttered.

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