The Gaurdian Lovers

By JamieDodgerGallagher

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The year is 2013, Vampiers and Werwolfs have made a pact with the Humans to live in a peacful union, but it s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 part 1
Chapter 31 part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 part 2
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 34 part 1

17 3 1
By JamieDodgerGallagher

Chapter 34

The crime scene was tapped off around a large distance, the only public around was humans, most of but not all the vampires and werewolf’s had either died or taken ill due to the gas, many ambulances were going back and forth carrying dead bodies or the sick to hospitals, It was a night in east ham and Dr. Dawson was getting tired but he was used to either not sleeping or working long hours in a day or night, he sighed as he said to himself “another young wolf, about 150 years old was going to propose to his girlfriend, she said he chocked and died, it would seem the gas only effects vampires and werewolf’s not humans, most of the SAS are wearing gas masks”

Dawson pushed the stop button on his recorder and put it down, he sighed again, one of the SAS troopers walked wearing a gas mask, she was average height, slim but had broad shoulders   with dark brown hair, Dr. Dawson looked at the trooper “Ah you must be the new rook, Izzy I believe, what can i do for you?”

Izzy replied though her voice was muffled “im fine Dr and I wish people would stop calling me the rook, ok im new so what….sorry got carried away but someone called Marcus and Luna is here to see you”

Dawson replied back “ok thanks for letting me know, give em a gas mask each and send them in”

Izzy raised a eyebrow “both of them, I know one is a werewolf by reputation but aint Marcus a human or something?”

DR.Dawson sighed “well Marcus is a special case”

Izzy looked at Dawson for a bit, she nodded as she headed outside of the tent, she could see various men and women in white suits taking swabs or carrying bodies away from the scene it was a mess, Izzy was using her vampire eyesight to look for clues and was reading minds, nothing she sighed one of the SAS officers approached her and said “Hay I hear that Caleb is around with that Human Marcus”

Izzy blushed as she started to sort out her hair even though it was short, she started to get short of breath, then the SAS trooper started to laugh loud and hard then he blurted out loud “ha ha ha just jokeing easy”

Izzy looked serious and her face turned red “its Izzy not fucking easy, you’re a prick you know that”

The trooper was laughing hard as he replied “Relax Izzy I was jokeing plus you are the rook after all, if you need the gas masks there in the supply truck”

Izzy nodded as she stormed off thinking to herself Fuck sake I wish they wouldn’t do that they know how I feel about him, sigh I bet he won’t even look at me the slightest, as she walked over the supply truck she stepped in the back and found a box of gas masks, she took two out, jumped out of the van and started to walk to the very back of the crime scene, both of the masks were in an air tight box, it took a couple of minutes to get to where Marcus and Luna was waiting in another tent, as Izzy stepped through she could see more men and women in white coats doing more research and a couple of armed SAS troopers waiting in front of the door, Izzy approached Marcus and Luna to give them the masks, as she approached Marcus looked confused, Izzy put down the two boxes and held out her hand and said “hi I am Izzy, Dr.Dawson has instructed that you both wear one of these gas masks, the toxic gas could still be lingering around, if you don’t die then you could be sick or worse”

Luna gulped hard and said “Thanks for the warning”

Marcus nodded as he bent down to undo the box to take out the mask, it wasn’t a full face mask but enough to cover the nose and mouth, Marcus looked at her and asked “Why do I have to wear one”

Izzy shrugged her shoulders and said “I asked the same thing and he just replied that you’re a special case”

Marcus nodded as he put on his mask, Izzy made the follow me gesture, Marcus and Luna followed Izzy out of the tent and into the courtyard were the crime scene is, Marcus looked around making notes, Crashed car and grit lorry, lots of outlined body’s on the floor, as they entered the tent with DR .Dawson sitting a table examining the bomb and then switching to a microscope he quietly said to himself “Fascinating, seems Gabe is a clever bitch but Madaline is more clever, she was always one step ahead”

Marcus looked at Luna and shrugged, Izzy clear her throat and the DR turned around on his swivel chair, he looked at Marcus with a surprised face as he said “ah Marcus good to see you again, I was just looking over the gas mixture from some residue we found from the gas bomb, and werewolf and vampire blood samples and it would seem the werewolf blood dies instantly while the vampire one makes all the blood disappear as if they were set alight from the inside, but as I have tested human blood it has no effect”

Marcus raised a eyebrow and said “so am I effected?”

Dawson shrugged and said “possibly but as you have one third human blood we don’t know what effect it could have”

Marcus nodded then Luna said “what do you mean that Madeline was cleaver?”

Dr Dawson looked at Izzy and said to her “would you mind leaveing us please and take this to the other tent, it’s my finding on the blood samples”

Izzy took hold of the clip board and started to read it scanning notes, Dawson looked at her and smiled “reading my notes are we, I would rather you get them to the tent for me please or if you want read em on the way over”

Izzy nodded as she walked off out the tent, Luna’s voice sounded muffled as she said “so humans aren’t affected by it then? Who would do this and why?”

Marcus looked at Luna sarcastically and said “well Gabe for one and the way well aint it obvious plus you avoided the question about Madaline”

The DR smiled and said “ok we all know that humans have 23 chromosomes and that werewolf’s, vampires and special humans such as yourself and Gwen all have 24 but each one has a genetic code which makes them and you what you are if you follow me”

Marcus nodded and Luna scratched her head looking confused at first but then she nodded, Dr Dawson began to continue “well it would seem that Gwen’s chromosomes have a extra DNA strand attached, a DNA strand normally has two sides but hers has three”

Marcus looked puzzled and asked him “What does that mean?”

DR Dawson shrugged “Don’t know, unless I do some more tests on Gwen I won’t know for sure”

Marcus nodded as he said to Luna “Ok, We need to find out who the drivers were of the truck, reprts suggest it was two people, so I’ll need you behind me while I use my power”

Luna nodded as they both headed out just before Marcus left he asked the DR “by the way how did you get a hold of Gwen’s blood?”

The doctor replied “well everybody had to do blood tests I got the patents permission to carry out a thorough exam”

Marcus left the tent and walked just a couple of feet away from the lorry he bent down on one knee and placed his hand on the ground, his eyes went a cloudy white as he could see what was going on, around him he could see a young couple celebrating in a café over a wedding proposal, then he could see the lorry crash, he could tell that the driver of the car and passengers were killed outright, Lucky them he thought, they didn’t have to suffer, he could see the driver and the passenger of the lorry run to the local alleyway, Marcus stopped and stood up as if nothing had happened, it was all over in a instant, Marcus walked towards the ally past the tape that cornered of the area, as they walked down the alleyway he noticed that two bodies were dead on the floor, both male, Marcus and Luna left the alleyway and he could see Izzy walking by and shouted to her “Izzy, can you come here please”

Izzy walked over jast past the tape she asked what is up and Marcus had told her about the two bodies, Izzy got a couple of SAS troops to cover the ally while a couple of men in white coats came to examine the bodies, Marcus sighed and said to Luna “Ok I believe we are done here, lets head back to the hospital”

Luna raised a eyebrow “oh I see, don’t you like being away from her?”

As Marcus and Luna walked away from the scene Marcus said “well its not that its Noah i don’t trust him”

Luna started to think and waited till they got into the car and took of their masks, Luna started to sniff and said “That’s better I hate masks, plus your jealous”

Marcus looked at her confused “What do you mean jealous? Of whom or what?”

Luna giggled and said “well I can tell, your glands are working over time now, you’re thinking of Noah and her being alone together aren’t you?”

Marcus turned the key to start the car and put it into gear starting to make their way to the hospital, at the hospital Gwen and Noah is interrupted by a strange nurse, before Noah could say anything Gwen smiled and said “Ana nice to see you but why are you wearing that nurses uniform it looks to revaluing for you”

Ana shrugged, she was wearing a cosplay nurses uniform which reveled much of her cleaverage and her skirt seemed to stop just below her hips, blacks stockings and suspenders and a white pair of high heels with red lipstick, if she was to bend over she would be reviling her panties, Ana had a cheeky smile as she said “Well the troopers at the doors dint seemed to mind, bt one or two of the women ones gave me a suspicious look but i had my ID with me”

Gwen stood up and took a closer look at the ID which read ‘Nurse Glenda’ Gwen giggled “Aren’t you worried about being caught?”

Ana shook her head saying “no its ok, how is Noah”

Gwen looked a little bit depressed as she looked over at Noah who was still smiling while watching them talk “He is fine i guess, he seems to be healing and talking now but his voice is a horse at the moment”

Ana smiled as she walked over to Noah at looked at him and said “its been too long Noah”

Noah smiled “Yeah it has, nothing has changed about you has it, wearing disguises, changing names and sometimes wearing skimpy outfits, you did all that to see me?”

Ana nodded, Gwen walked beside Ana and asked her “so what happened with that Krol guy”

Ana blushed as she put her hand on her cheek like an in love school girl and said “well i fought him, found out that we were both a match for each other and well that’s when we got interrupted before i could interrogate him”

Gwen nodded, Noah laughed slightly but his laughed sounded like a smokers laugh, harsh and rough, Noah looked at Gwen and said “Well there is more i need to tell you, you proberly don’t remember much but you went to all girls school after the orphanage burnt down, i should know as i followed you for a bit”

Gwen looked confused “What do you mean? like i said i saw you die”

Ana sat down crossing her legs so that she don’t reveal too much, Noah continued “Well i did die for a split second, but i too have healing abilities, the downside is that I’m not as quick as yours is, but i didn’t die, instead i followed you throughout most of your life, then for a while you disappeared, we talked and you told me your problems”

Gwen looked confused “But if we talked then i would remember”

Noah nodded “I know but apart from controlling paper or card to do what i want it to do, i also fast heal and i can take certain memories away from a person’s mind”

Gwen stood back as if she was in fear and asked “Why would you do such a thing?”

Noah’s smile disappeared as he let out a sigh and said “because i don’t like seeing you get hurt, or do the things that you did”

Gwen looked more confused and said “What do you mean the things i did”

Noah tried to sit up, Ana stood up and helped him sit up in bed properly, Noah said “Gwen, you were physically fit, intelligent and well i don’t like to say the next bit.......”

Gwen stepped forward “Go on”

Noah looked at her concerned “well, you were combat ready some how you had learned to use all sorts of weapons regardless as to weather you knew how to use them or not, but as i began to talk to you, you weren’t happy, so after you escaped the facility and after the orphanage i tried to erase most of your past from your mind but by doing that you could only use 30% of your abilities and powers”

Gwen looked on, her face a blank as Ana asked “How do you know this?”

Noah sighed “The one curse of my abilities is that i can take memories away from people but i cant give em back and I get there memories that aren’t even mine, Gwen i hope you can forgive me?”

Gwen smiled as a small tear ran down her cheek “I can but i need you to promise me something, if what your saying is true, i need your help in getting them back”

Noah pulled a serious face “Why?”

Gwen sighed “Marcus may need my help, i had a vision of him and everyone dieing in front of me, i can’t let that happen”

Noah looked at her and said “You love him don’t you and he loves you in turn?”

Gwen nodded as she blushed “You could say that”

Noah smiled and laughed hard, even Ana was looking at Noah thinking is he ok?”

By the time Noah stopped he said to Gwen “Ok ill help you as best i can, but it would mean a trip back to the orphanage, i can help restore some of your memories but it could take time”

Ana smiled and nodded in aprovement, Gwen smiled as she walked over to Noah and gave him a big hug, meanwhile Marcus and Luna had just arrived at the hospital and was making there way to Noah’s room, Luna said to him “How do you feel?”

Marcus sighed “Concerned, if what the DR is saying is true then she has been lying from the start or she doesn’t know yet”

Luna had a smile on her face “well worst case scenario is that you always have me”

Marcus thought hard and said “But that Noah, i know he was set alight and burnt but where had he been this whole time and how did he end up with Kiren”

Marcus and Luna turned a corner and came face to face with a couple of SAS troopers, the both showed there ID badges and carried on walking, Luna said “Well for all we know Noah could be working with them and waiting to kill Gwen to get to you”

Marcus had thought nibbled in the back of his mind, would they do something like that i mean after all they killed thousands plus they have been crafty in the past, Marcus picked up his speed as he found Noah’s room and quickly opened the door, he could see Gwen cuddling Noah with a strange nurse watching them, he quickly walked over to Gwen and snatched her away, Gwen let out a surprised Gasp as he put her Down and drew out his revolver and aimed it at the nurse and Noah saying “Ok what is going on? What do you think you were doing?”

Ana stepped forward and said “Whoa calm Down Marcus it’s me Ana and they were just cuddling that’s all they haven’t seen each other in a long time you know”

Marcus didn’t move as he kept his aim on Noah as Gwen walked up beside him and said “What has gotten into you?”

Marcus was looking stern as he said “I don’t trust him, plus how do we know he is not working for them?”

Noah sighed and said “i was captured and burnt against my will do you know what it feels like”

Marcus replied back saying “No i don’t but how do we know its not a trap where were you after the orphanage and plus weren’t you dead”

Noah looked at Marcus aquare in the eyes “i was dead but i can heal plus i been looking after Gwen after that incident but lost her for a few years when she ran away from the girls school”

Marcus still didn’t believe him as Gwen walked in front of him and said “I believe Noah that should be good enough right for you to trust him”

Marcus heasisited as Luna jumped in saying “How can we trust you Gwen how do we know you don’t have other abilities i mean first you can see into the future but you didn’t tell us about the healing”

Marcus looked at Gwen and said “Luna has a point”

Gwen was getting angry now as she said “Look if i could remember i would but i don’t, Noah took most of my memories so i wouldn’t get hurt you have to believe me”

Marcus slowly put down the gun and before Luna could say another word Ruby walked in and grabbed Luna by the back of her fur coat and said “Come on you i can read your mind you are not going another step further with this”

Marcus sighed as he said “Ok I’m sorry but i still don’t trust him”

Gwen smiled slightly and said “well i guess thatll have to do but any one would think that your jealousies of Noah”

Marcus put he gun away and pulled a awkward looking face as if what Gwen had said was true and Ana looked at him and said “you are aren’t you?”

Marcus responed “Ok i am, i mean you know your first kiss and boyfriend turns up out of the blue and i feel like you’re spending more time with him”

Gwen sighed “your jealousies and greedy but, i still love you, regardless of who in past turns up or what i can remember an not it don’t change how i feel about you”

Marcus sighed as he slumped down on the floor with the wall against his back “You know Gwen i have been such a fool”

Gwen smiled as she walked over to him and sat down by his side and said “It takes a man to know when he is a fool, but a better one to admit it just promise me you get jealous again ok”

Marcus nodded and kissed Gwen on the lips, as he looked up at Noah he said to him “i’m sorry, can you forgive me?”

Noah smiled “Maybe but ill have to fully heal first”

Then Marcus looked at Ana but his face began to blush as he said to her “What are you wearing?”

Ana looked down and noticed that her skirt was short as she tried to cover up her panties and said “Well it’s a long story for another time”

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