Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Gabe was sitting back on a chair staring into a vile of Marcus’s blood, she was wearing her traditional white clothes, White shoes, white trousers, long white shirt with sleeves, white gloves and white hair, her shirt was unbuttoned as she swirled the vile around staring at it as she said “Well thank you MR Colbolt for your blood sample and the cure to our gas bombs, sigh one step closer to the Adam and Eve project”

Gabe lent forward and put the vile of blood in a vile holder, the room was self contained, had all sorts of research equipment, micro scopes, blood samples and a small fridge of bottled water, the air was cool, Gabe grabbed a small vile of blood which had Gwen’s label on it, she then began to pour a small drop on a glass slide and placed it under a microscope, Gabe started to focus the scope, see could see that each blood cell was the same nothing was out of the ordinary, Gabe then took the slide and carefully placed it under a high powered microscope, it was full electronic equipment and there was a large screen, once Gabe placed the slide under the lenses and waited for it to recognise that it was blood, Gabe then started to use the touch screen to zoom in on a single blood cell, she stopped and looked confused, she shook her head and started to make notes on a piece of paper, then she moved onto another cell, then another and another, writing notes and getting more but slowly frustrated, using the touch screen she took two more samples, one werewolf and one vampire and place them either side and began to compare them to get a match.

In her mind she didn’t want that match, but it came up all the same, it was a perfect match Gabe blinked and bit her lip as she tried again but using two different blood samples, she got the same results but this time instead of saying it was a blood match, it came up with a DNA match, Gabe dropped her notepad and pen, she walked up and down her room thinking making calculations, asking questions and answering questions in her mind, for some it would take months to work out Gwen’s strange blood, but Gabe took mere minutes as she stopped in her place and then walked over to the computer still standing, she signed in and started to check her research files, then Madeline’s, Gabe realised what Madeline was up to, what she had done to her it was unspeakable and unorthodox but fear and anger grew inside her as she picked up her chair and through it against the glass window it cracked and dented the window with small chips floating to the floor, Gabe then threw all her notes on the floor and slammed her fists on the key board cursing “Dame you Medline you fucking bitch how could you? After all these years how could you...”

She stopped in her tracks as fear then took over, Kiren walked in lokking around at the mess, viles on the floor chemicals spilt on the work surfaces, it stank but it didn’t bother him he could see gabe bent over on the table looking angry and fearful as Kiren said to Gabe “You ok?”

Gabe stood up straight staring at him and said “We need to get this place cleared and we need to defend it, now!”

Kiren for once could see the fear in her eyes as he said “Why what is wrong?”

Gabe walked towards Kiren and held him up by the scruff of his neck and said “you have no idea what Madeline had done or what Gwen is caperbale off?”

Kiren blinked twice in confusion and said “What Gwen, she is only a weak girl what is there to worry about?”

Gabe dropped Kiren and walk away from him and placed her hands on the table and said “she could be caperbale of much more then what my Adam and Even project could ever accomplish in my lifetime”

Kiren smiled “Relax if she did have what you say she did then it would have made itself known by know, Relax ill take care of her”

Gabe shock her head “no i need you here, when the time comes and all is set up here ill send for her but till then stay”

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