The New Hybrids (A YouTuber F...

By Wolf686

18.3K 722 611

"Pain, get used to it, like it, enjoy it, you'll have to, you will." -------------- "Death is awaiting at the... More

Chapter 1 - "The Hospital" +
Chapter 2 - "Taken to the Darkness" +
Chapter 3 - "The Dungeon"
Chapter 4 - "Freed Or Encaged"
Chapter 5 - "Test 2"
Chapter 6 - "Information"
Chapter 7 - "The Journey"
Competition (CLOSED)
Chapter 8 - "A Fight"
Chapter 9 - "SetoSorcerer"
Chapter 10 - "Poisoned"
Competition Winners!!!
Chapter 11 - "1 Problem Leads To Another"
Chapter 12 - "The Girl"
Chapter 13 - "The Antidote/Contest 2"
Chapter 14 - "Saved"
Chapter 15 - "Time To Reveal"
Chapter 16 - "????"
Chapter 17 - "Death"
Chapter 18 - "1 Month Later"
Chapter 19 - "Ryan"
Sorry.... For Having A Conest!
Chapter 20 - "Test 4"
Chapter 21 - "Revenge Is Sweet"
Character QnA
Chapter 22 - "Innocent To Evil"
Chapter 23 - "Jessica/Contest"
Chapter 24 - "Test 5"
Contest..... I have a problem.... Also, 5K VIEWS!!!!
Chapter 25 - "Ross"
Chapter 26 - "Answers"
Chapter 27 - "Change"
Chapter 28 - "Unknown Siblings"
Chapter 29 - "Love Comes With Pain"
Chapter 30 - "Ryan Hunt"
Chapter 31 - "Lara"
7K "Speech"
Chapter 32 - "Coma"
Chapter 33 - "Too Much"
Chaptr 34 - "What Is Happening?"
Chapter 35 - "The Voice"
If You Want To Be In A Book Read This
Chapter 36 - "Save Them"
Tag You're it
A/N: Im Sorry, I Can't (People With ocs in Book must read this)
Chapter 37 - "No Longer Moving"
Chapter 38 - "Screams"
Chapter 39 "Life or Death?"
Trailer contest
Art Contest
Chapter 40 - "The One Who Laughs Last"
Chapter 41 - "Pain"
Chapter 42 - "Broken Record"
Chapter 43 - "Zay Goodbye"
Chapter 44 - "Wolf In Sheeps Clothing"
Chapter 45 - "Reality"
Chapter 46 - "TV"
Chapter 47 - "When Time Stops" <Part One>
Chapter 48 - "When Time Ends" <Part Two/The Finale>
Sneak Peak
Sneak Peak 2
Its Out
Thank you

Prologue +

1.4K 29 73
By Wolf686

When edited I will be putting a + to the title.


Third Person

Sky had passed out on the floor the night before and rolled himself over in his sleep causing him to start rolling down the stairs. Jin walked out from his room and looked down to where Sky now lay facing the floor, "How did he not wake up from that?" Jin asked as he started a slow climb down the same stairs.

Barney looked behind him from the couch, disconnecting his eyes with the TV, "I don't/s even remember/s him being/s there." Barney shrugged as he turned back to watch the show he was watching previously.

Jin started to tip-toe his way around Sky until he was near the sofa with Barney. A loud scream cut off everyone's thought and caused Sky to stir in his sleep. Jin swung his head around and started a sprint up the stairs only to have jumped over Sky. Jin ran to the sound and knocked the door open to see shard of glass littering the floor, broken windows and then against the wall an unconscious narwhal.

A long deep cut was on his chest with smaller ones from the glass, his wrists were cut and he was losing too much blood. He looked dead already. Jin ran to the squirrel and shakily grabbed his phone after seconds of standing and staring to shakily dial 911.

Barney asked into the room with a bag of Doritos in hand as a horrifyingly scary Sky sloppily walked into the room yawning, "What's going on?" He asked tiredly.

"R-Ross is dead looking a-and I just called an ambulance..." Jin stuttered looking at the blood staining Ross' skin.

"Why? He's dead isn't he?" Sky yawned whilst rubbing his tired eyes.

"No he's not!" Jin snapped.

"He/s look like/s it." Barney informed placing one of the Doritos in his mouth.

"Wait... Don't two other people live here?" Sky thought.

"Nah!" Sky, Jin and Barney said simultaneously.


Ross opened his eyes seeing nothing but himself and darkness. Ross called out getting nothing in response and soon he felt like crying, "Whats wrong? Scared of the dark?" A smirking figure appeared behind Ross.

Ross spun around to see a man in a black cloak, "Who are you?!" Ross demands trying to be brave.

"Zalek. I don't need to know yours." The man, Zalek introduced.

"W-why?" Ross let the fear get to him.

"I know everything young 20 something year old." Zalek spoke.


An ambulance arrived at the house as Ross was placed on a stretcher and Sky slid down the outside wall in his own version of unconsciousness. Jin spoke to a man as Barney stood at the doorway whilst a red headed man slowly walked up behind him, "Barney!!!" He yelled at the purple dinosaur from behind.

Barney jumped and turned around losing some Doritos, "What happened to Ross?!" Max shouted as Jess ran down the stairs.

"Why is glass in his room, why is their blood in his room and why is an ambulance here?! What did you not tell me?!" Jess spoke quickly scared that something big happened to her friend.

Barney started to chuckled and scratch his neck still holding the Doritos, "Oops?" Barney slightly smiled before getting a knee to the stomach and dropping the bag of Doritos.

Barney groaned as he slid to the ground sliding down the doorframe, "Man/s that hurt/s!" Barney informed holding his stomach.

"Thanks Max!" Jess congratulated smiled facing Max.

"No problem." Max replied before kicking Barney in the gut, "That's all." Max finished, walking away.

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