I.R.L. (A MrMitch361 Story)

By ClumsyBek

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"Hey guys it's me Apple! And welcome back to the Cube Smp! Now, as many of you know I can't go to Pax because... More

Chapter 1- recording
Chapter 2- check twitter
Chapter 3- team speak
chapter 4- traveling
chapter 5- meeting mrmitch
chapter 6- getting settled
chapter 7- hanging with the guys
chapter 8- crayons, lions, and hot sauce
chapter 9- wake up calls
chapter 10- phone calls and failed jokes
chapter 11- late night with mitch
chapter 12- breakfast
chapter 13- title names are hard
chapter 14- weird friends (5k :D)
chapter 15- awkward conversations
chapter 16- downtown
chapter 17- that was... interesting
chapter 18- confusion and walks
chapter 19- two AM and FIFA
chapter 20- Fourth of July
chapter 21- FIFA with the hockeyheads
chapter 22- I'm going to kill Brayden
chapter 23- homesickness and pool fun
chapter 24- Adventure
chapter 25- told you so
chapter 26- an awkward wake up call
10k reads and Q&A!
chapter 27- music festival
Q&A Answers!
chapter 28- pizza
chapter 29- hanging with the hockeyheads
chapter 30- teasing and streaming
chapter 31- 100,000 and midnight cities
chapter 32- plaques and bubble wrap
chapter 33- goodbye
Chapter 35- hello
Chapter 36- cubers and ubers
37- junk food and fries
A Conclusion of Sorts (an unofficial Chapter 38)

Chapter 34- home

585 13 14
By ClumsyBek

Um before I begin I just wanted to say congrats to Cubefangirl13 for meeting the loves of my life. And thanks for all the kind messages on Instagram. Love you! 😘 (my Instagram is bekah.st follow me if you'd like. Just don't comment on my pictures about wattpad bc I don't want my irl [haha like the title lol] friends to see)

My flight had landed later that day. I was very tired from the traveling and I just wanted to sleep, but I knew that wasn't going to happen. Once I landed I turned my phone on, using it for the first time since I landed in Canada. I sent a text to Mitch, Brayden, and Ryan saying that I had landed safely and that I missed them. I texted my mom next, saying that I just had to get my luggage and then I would meet them. 

I exited the plane and follow the groups of people that were walking to the luggage claim. I readjusted my backpack as I waited for my purple duffle bag to appear. Once it did, I walked to the seating area, looking for my parents. I saw my mom and dad sitting down and I ran over to them. No matter how much I missed the guys and Canada, I had missed my parents, a lot.  I had no idea what I was going to do when I went to college, I was such a baby when it came to my family. I threw my arms around my mom and wrapped her into a big hug, which she returned. 

My duffle bag fell off of my shoulder as my dad joined our hug. "I missed you so much." I said into my mom's shoulder

"You're not allowed to go to college, I missed you too much." My mom laughed as she let go from our hug

"Yeah, all day, everyday it's all 'I miss her we shouldn't have let her go. Let's drive to Canada and bring her home.'" My dad playfully rolled his eyes as he released form the hug too. 

"Oh dad, please, I know you missed me too." I nudged him in the shoulder, it reminded me of Mitch and I quickly had to distract myself before I got sad. 

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." He laughed. "Now, come on let's get to the car." He picked up my duffle bag and I was about to tell him that I could carry it myself but a familiar voice came to mind.  'It's called being nice Bek.'  I pushed him out of my mind and kept walking with my parents. 

"Where are we going?" I asked as we walked out of the airport 

"To get dinner, you must be starving." My mom looked at me as we approached our car. My dad unlocked the door as my mom hoped in the front seat. My dad put my duffle bag in the back seat and I slid in on the other side. I looked out the window that was on the other side of the car, half expecting to see Mitch smiling at me, or to hear Brayden making fun of us and Ryan laughing as he drove. I cleared them from my head and turned my attention to my phone which was buzzing. I slid it open and saw that I had three texts.

Ryan: ok now get a flight back here asap :p

Brayden: now who do i make fun of? :( miss u 

Mitch: glad to hear. teamspeak tonight? it's weird not seeing u :/ 

I smiled as I read the messages, deciding to reply to them after dinner, because otherwise I would just end up being sad and texting them the whole time. I put my phone back in my pocket and looked at the as that were passing by outside. It was raining outside, not enough to soak your clothes, but enough to land on the window and run down the side of the car, leaving streaks behind it. 

When we pulled up to the restaurant, we quickly got out of the car and walked into the dry building. We were seated one ordered our food. I played with the straw in my sprite as my parents talked to me from across the booth. 

"So, how was your first time on a plane?" My mom asked as she set down her own glass.

"Terrifying" I said truthfully remembering back to three months ago when I first landed in Canada. "But the second time was better." I nodded seeing how I didn't feel like I was going to pass out on my way back to America. 

"It's probably because you were coming home, not going somewhere new." My dad commented. I think it was more along the lines of I was too sad to realize that I could die while flying in a giant metal death trap.

"Yeah, maybe." I agreed as I took a drink out of my sprite. 

"So how was Canada? Were the boys alright?" My mom asked in a more serious tone.

"Canada was amazing. It was so beautiful and the guys were cool. We went out together a lot in our group. I made them celebrate the Fourth of July- we want to see fireworks" I smiled at the memory of the guys and me at the park. I continued to tell my parents all about Canada, leaving out all the parts of Ryan and Brayden teasing me and Mitch. I did't need them thinking that I was in love with Mitch too. 

We spent the rest of the meal eating and talking about what happened while I was away. It was fun catching up with my parents, it made me forget for a bit about me evading the guys and I wasn't so sad. My dad even let me order a "welcome home" piece of cake- which says a lot because we never order dessert when we're out to eat. We drove home and after I said how exhausted I was, my parents let me be on my own. I went up to my room, which felt so foreign to me. The white walls were so strange, I was expecting to see the pale blue of Mitch's guest bedroom instead. All of the clutter took me by surprise to. At Mitch's house, there was only a bed, dresser, and a desk, so all of my fan art and posters and everything else that I had in my room. I took my laptop out and set it on my bed. I kicked off my shoes and sat down in my chair, which wasn't a fancy desk chair just an extra kitchen chair. I turned on my computer and my monitors for the first time in three months. 

I turned on my microphone and plugged my headphones in. Once my computer turned on I logged onto Minecraft, twitter, and teamspeak. After I was logged into everything I pulled twitter back up. 

OrangeApple12- Guess who's back, back again. Apple's back, tell a friend

OrangeApple12- yes i am back home! i miss canada though :(

I started to get replies welcoming me back and a bunch that were saying that I missed Canada because of Mitch, which was started by Brayden. Not too long after I sent the tweet, I got added into a teamspeak channel. 

"Hey Apple! Welcome home!" Joe greeted me. 

"Hey Jofuu!" I smiled even though he could only hear me. Jofuu was my nickname for Joe because I always accidentally combine his name and his gamer tag. So thus, Jofuu was born. 

"I got lonely and I saw that you were home, so let's talk." he spoke quickly 

I laughed at his hyphens "Sure Jofuu." Our little conversation was cut short by some more voice going in.

"Is that Bek I hear?" the new voice spoke 

"Poke! My royal brother!" I laughed. It was amazing how a simple chat with people you care about could make you forget that you were sad and felt like crap just a few seconds prior. I had gotten pretty close to Poke and Joe after they joined the Cube. We were all the youngest members, so we bonded over that and we became the "babies" of the Cube as Graser likes to call us. We often texted asking each other for help on certain subjects that we shared. 

"So I hope that you haven't forgotten which country you live in have you?" Poke asked as I scrolled through twitter, trying to see what I had missed while I was away, since I haven't watched much youtube while I was in Canada. 

"Nah bro, don't worry. America forever." I laughed 

"America! America!" Joe started to sing, Poke and I joined in. "God shed his grace on thee!"

"What are you three losers doing in here?" Liam laughed as he and a lot of other Cube members joined or unmuted from the chat. 

"And crown thy good, with brotherhood" We continued as we laughed 

"From sea to shining-" Joe and Poke sang as I took the last note

"Sea!" I sang very off-key and dragged the note out

"I think my ears are bleeding" Will complained after I finished the note

"You're just an America hater" I mentally stuck my tongue out at my British friend as I talked

"I thought we were the America haters" Brayden joined in the conversation

"Brayden! Oh my god I didn't think I was going to miss your stupid face! But I do! I miss you making fun of me every five seconds." I quickly said. I had missed my friend, even though he dedicated the past three months to torturing me and confusing me a great deal. 

"Awh, Applepie, I'm taking that as a compliment." Brayden laughed

"What's Mitch doing? Why isn't he in here?" I frowned as I looked through the list to see who was all in the chat. 

"Missing your boyfriend already?" Brayden teased, now their was the Brayden that I know and sometimes love. The others laughed as I corrected him. 

"Not my boyfriend, but where is he?" I really wanted to talk to Mitch, I was used to talking to him everyday for hours on end, but now I would be lucky if we would be able to talk for an hour. We lived in different time zones and school would be starting soon, he would be going to college and I would be starting my senior year of high school, looking for colleges and choosing what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. No matter how much I loved youtube, I don't think I could make a good career out of it. I wasn't that popular on youtube. 

"I think he's eating dinner. I'll text him and tell him to get on later." Brayden said 

"So who's ready for pax? It;s coming up." Liam asked

"Get hype!" Parker yelled 

"Hey, no. Stop." I complained 

"Yeah, some of us have to stay here and not go hang out with our friends" Joe agreed

"Poor wittle babies can't come." Parker baby talked us

"Ugh don't remind me." I scoffed.


"I miss you." I spoke as the light from my monitor lightened up my dark room. It was later in the night, but I was finally able to talk to Mitch. He was recording a few clips and videos after he had dinner so he wasn't able to get on teamspeak when everyone else was. I had told my parents when we came home from the restaurant that I was tired and that I was probably going to go to bed early. But currently, it was just a little past midnight. I was used to talking to Mitch late at night though. 

"I know, it was so weird not hanging out with you all day." Mitch added quietly. It wasn't as late where he was, but it was still late and his sister was alseep so he was trying to be quiet. "I keep looking over my desk expecting to see you, but you're not there. It's weird seeing my extra chair in it's original spot instead of next to my computer." 

"What did you guys do after I left?" I asked out of curiosity as I brought one of my feet up and sat on it, ending up with me sitting in a weird position for a chair. 

"Cried. Nonstop, just all of the tears." Mitch joked. I laughed along quietly with him. This is why I liked Mitch so much and why I think we became good friends over the summer. He was always able to make me laugh easily. "Nah I'm kidding, but it was really sad though. I was expecting you to fight Brayden for shotgun again when we went back to my truck." He laughed 

"I miss that truck" I pouted 

"Just the truck? Not me?" Mitch said in fake hurt

"Yup, just the truck. Screw you." I played along while laughing

"I think America made you rude again. You were so nice in Canada." Mitch laughed 

"I belong in the country of bacon donuts and rude people" I added 

"You do not seriously have bacon donuts." Mitch said in a serious tone

"Oh but we do." I laughed as I answered him, "And they're unhealthy and delicious." 

"I want one" 

"Well drive on over and I'll get you one" 

"Brayden wants me to record factions with him." I could picture him frowning as he checked his phone 

"But we're talking!" I pouted "Brayden's so rude." 

"Tell me about it" Mitch laughed and instantly I found myself feeling better and laughing again 

"Well, I'll let you go record as long as you promise to call me tomorrow." I yawned, I probably should have gone to bed after we got back. 

"Promise. Miss you."

"Miss you too." End call. I sighed and took my glasses up before going to bed. Home sweat home, yet it felt so strange. 

PS! If you could check out my new story Hollywood i would really appreciate it! I really enjoy the story so far and I love writing it! It would mean the world for me if you would vote and comment on it! I think you'll really enjoy it! :) mwah! :* 

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