My Idiot Neighbor (boyxboy) (...

By Monstermonstrosity12

40.6K 1.9K 2.1K

Where Sehun has a dumb ass broken hearted neighbor he was forced to take care of . Where Kai has lost someo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
ExoLuxion Experience
Chapter 9
Exo'rDium Experience
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 5

3.5K 174 104
By Monstermonstrosity12

Okay so he doesn't get pregnant I lied
And now I feel terrible
You thought!!! Lol jk enjoy.

"The winter dance? What about it?" Daeun looks at her nails in disapproval she really needed to get them done sometime this week, especially since the dance is going on.

"N-no it's nothing never mind." The boy stuttered before walking away quickly with awkwardness as Daeun heard him mutter 'stupid, stupid, I'm stupid.' Like a mantra.

Daeun on the other hand only shook her head in disappointment, as she turned to Sehun who had been standing there in question. Sometimes he was so too cute and clueless for his own good.

"You know it's only polite to at least acknowledge when someone was trying to ask you out. You are lucky I was here to protect you, I know it's not you're thing."

Sehun blankly stared at her.

Ask me out? He didn't even say anything.

Daeun noticed what he was thinking and with a sigh she gave up on trying to make Sehun notice advances from people. Although she gave up a long time ago. She herself once liked him, but that quickly left when she knew the boy would never take the hint, and that he was gay but that was besides the point.

"Right,right you're attached to Kai now is that it?" She snickers before opening her locker and taking out her book for the next class."of course you aren't gong to notice anyone else."

"W-what? No! " Sehun huffs with cheeks red and an embarrassed posture.

Daeun's heart drops and she almost frowned, but quickly replaced it with a teasing smile and small wink. She had only meant it as a joke, why would she want her best friend to like someone she's secretly loved for two years now. No one would.

"It was a joke Sehunnie~" she coos before walking away leaving a blushing Sehun.

"Daeun babe~ come sit on daddy's lap." Some weird stoner called to her once she entered the room to her second period.

"Ew what the fuck, fuck off you stoner sloth." She spits out as she sits at her desk anticipating to see her neighbor. Or whatever their teacher called the people that sit next to each other.

"Hey Daeun how's my favorite neighbor."

Daeun whipped her head in excitement. Anyone could easily tell she was filled with admiration every time she caught sighed of the tanned beauty, except for the tanned beauty himself. Just like Sehun, clueless beyond compare. Or that's at least what she thought.

"I'm great and you?" She smiled her most famous smile as she watched Kai sit down.

"Eggscellent!" He laughed at his own joke and Daeun couldn't help but laugh too.

"You see! It's funny right!" Kai defended himself as he threw his hands up in the air to make his point a little more clearer.

"What do you mean?" She giggled as she got out her note book for the lesson that was about to occur in a couple of minutes.

"This morning I said it to Sehun and he goes. ' You're stupid, did you eat eggs this morning or something?' " Kai made his face stoic as he quoted Sehun but huffed in the end, obviously offended that the other did not laugh.

"Sehun?" She questions but really didn't need an explanation.

"Yeah, he's in my first period, that brat. He's so ungrateful, doesn't even laugh at my jokes." Kai pouted and Daeun thought it was the cutest thing. Although strange because Kai never acted this way, well not in school of course. He was the notorious bad boy up until a year ago when Kai had finally settled down with someone, but even then he would never act like that at school. Daeun hated thinking what she thought but she had to ask anyway.

"Are you and Sehun a- a thing?" She asked softly as if she were treading water because of Kai's breakup a couple days ago, she didn't want him to think he was some player.

"What?!" Kai mocked surprised. "What ever made you think such a ludicrous thing." He clutched his button up shirt at his chest in a comedic way.

Daeun raised her eyebrow, he's definitely acting weird. "Are you okay? You're acting strange."

Kai finally sighed heavily as he placed his elbows on his desk and face in palms in deep thought. "Yeah I guess I'm a little out of it." Kai admitted although looking a bit disappointed.

Daeun wanted to comfort him but didn't know how to so she decided it was best just to stay quiet, and leave Kai to his thoughts. And her thoughts to the boy sitting next to her and the future even coming up.


"Sehunnie!" Jongin whined as he spread his arms wide open running to the other from a distance to envelope Sehun into a beastly hug.

"Ugh, what do you want!" Sehun wiggled in Jongin's embrace as soon as Jongin caught him.

"You're the only one who truly understands me." Jongin whined as he tried snuggled his nose into Sehun's hair albeit the younger was slightly taller than him.

"Won't you please enlighten me on the correct and proper sounds to be
uttered when disgusted?" Sehun asks Jongin as he placed his hands on Jongin's strong chest trying to pry him off.

"Yuck?" Jongin answered not sure of himself because of the suddenly question.

"Then, you are yucky go away." Sehun finally gave one last push to Jongin's chest and managed to escape. " and what do you mean I'm the only one who understands you?" Sehun's asks as he placed his books inside of his locker ready to go home and take care of the huge whinny child.

"I tried being myself today like you told me to but everyone just called me weird, and you're acting strange, and stop being stupid." Jongin slumped his shoulders but soon wrapped his arms around Sehun's waist for comfort.

"There there Jongin, it's because what the all say is true." Sehun coo-ed as he caresses Jongin's brown locks. "You are naturally stupid." Sehun stifled a laugh as his bit his bottom lip to keep from laughing, but soon screeched in pain.

"Ouch! Why'd you pinch my waist!" Sehun hissed as he rubbed where Jongin inflicted pain.

"Rude. I felt you laugh. It's not funny, now how am I going to make you ask me to the dance?" Jongin pouted sadly.

Sehun's heart clenched. What was Jongin trying to do? He's not playing fairly, trying to be cute and shit wasn't going to work.

Sehun had promised Jongin he would ask him to the dance if Jongin obliged to every one of Sehun's wishes for a whole day. At first Sehun wanted to embarrass Jongin with brining his true nature to school. Sehun was sure nobody knew since all everyone ever talked about was how cool and mature Jongin was and Sehun was honestly bewildered.

Mature? Don't make me laugh.

But it all backfired when he heard slight whispers during lunch on how the other had changed, and was being weird, and that it was most likely because of the break up between Jongin and the boy Kyungsoo. For some reason it irked him to no end. No one actually liked Jongin for Jongin, it was as if they only liked what they saw and expected him to act accordingly.

"Hey Hunnie. Why the sour face?" Jongin noticed the stressed face on Sehun and didn't like it. Not one bit.

He poked his finger between Sehun's eyebrows to keep him from furrowing them. Sehun was surprised at the sudden action and looked up at Jongin puzzled.

"What are you doing?" Sehun asked with his stoic face earning a smile from the latter because he knew that what ever Sehun was thinking was now gone.

"You looked upset, and you would get wrinkles if you frowned too often. I wouldn't want your beautiful face to be ruined."

"I always frown." Sehun declared as he picked up his backpack and strides away quickly to the main door to go home before Jongin would noticed the obviously blush the bloomed all over Sehun's pale face.

Him and his damn cheesiness. He's been eating too much cheese balls. Gotta cut him off.

" Sehun stop cleaning and trying to pretend to cook and come watch TV with me." Jongin yells from the living room to the kitchen trying to catch the younger's attention.

Sehun gives up on trying to make a dish and ends up just making the only thing he knew how to do. Fried Ramen with honey drizzled over it, but to be truthfully honest the only reason he didn't want to go to Jongin was because he wanted his food all to himself.

I guess I could share.

He stingily thought as he shuffled to the couch where Jongin sat waiting for the other.

"Finally, hurry up the new season for my favorite show is on!" Jongin patted the seat next to him and Sehun sat down, not too close, but not too far either.

"What's it called?" Sehun muttered as he stuck food in his mouth, moaning a little bit because of its sinful goodness.

"Damn, I'm jealous of food now."

"Why." Sehun asks as he stuffed more into his mouth crunching on it loudly.

"Because I want to be the only one to make you moan like that." Jongin smirks.

Sehun coughs violently making the crunched ramen go down a wrong pipe causing him to almost choke. If it wasn't for Jongin who rushes to get some water.

Sehun blushes madly after the coughing fit he had earning a loud guffaw from Jongin who patted the latter's back playfully.

"You're gross." Sehun mutters wiping off the stains from his face.

"Only for you." Jongin winks turning back to the television but not before pulling Sehun in between his legs to cuddle.

Sehun let him, since it was the least he could do after saying such obscenities.

"And to answer your question, it's called the 100. On the last episode of the Second Season Lexa betrayed Clarke leaving her people stranded on Mount Weather to die. But even after that Clarke manages to save them but by doing that had to kill all the people resided in the mountain including the innocent children. So when they finally traveled back to the camp they lived at she didn't even enter because of all the guilt she had. It's amazing you should watch it." Jongin smiled brightly after snuggling closer to Sehun pulling him closer by the waist and giggles anticipating the countdown to the show.

Sehun giggled as he turned to look at Jongin's excited face. Sehun had no idea what the latter was talking about but thought it adorable how Jongin got really happy talking about his favorite show.

Cute. He thinks but soon finds out it wasn't so secret after all.

"I know I am, don't flatter me." Jongin smiles crookedly with a pink tint on his cheeks and sneakily steals one of Sehun's snacks.

"Hey!" Sehun whines as he takes the bowl away from Jongin as far away as possible. As soon as Jongin puts it in his mouth he instantly regretted it. Trying hard to swallow he makes an unpleased face. "Hunnie, whenever you're with me don't make these types of things again."
Sehun huffs turning back to the screen as he crossed his arms in annoyance.

"Rude." He pouts, but smiles in the end because now he knows Jongin isn't going to try and steal his food.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Because now I have this all to myself." He gleams happily crunching on some more sweetness.

"And you call me cute?"

"Shhh. You're shows about to start." Sehun says attention fully on only the screen.

"Hey veggie. If I get you hooked on the show by the end of the episode would you ask me to the dance then?" Jongin asks cautiously tightening his grip on the other's lean slim figure.

"Sure why not." He answers with nonchalance. Thinking that he wouldn't like the show because he barely even watches TV.

"Really? You sure?" Jongin rests his chin on Sehun's shoulder as he tries to hide his smug face. "You agreed just remember that?"

Sehun was about to call him out in what he said until the theme song plays indicating for the show to start.

"Woah woah woah! What?! Jongin this is porn!" Sehun squeals as he covers his eyes with both his hands turning his head into Jongin's chest to stop watching the show.

Jongin chuckles deeply and Sehun feels the vibration in his chest and it somehow soothed him.

" Two girls doing it on the screen for like five second isn't porn Hun."

"It was more than five seconds Jongin." Sehun states in a matter of fact way.

"Look, look see it's gone." Jongin tried comforting Sehun patting him on the back so he would turn back to the screen.

Sehun stares on the screen as he watches the girl known as Clarke or 'Wanheda' scream in her sleep. Which was a bit more traumatizing then what he saw earlier.

"Wait, don't tell me she's gonna leave." Jongin exasperates at no one but the screen.

Sehun watches with him as he sees the girl stealthily get out of the bed without her bed partner knowing and heads outside, only to be held at knife and captured.

"See bitch this is what you get for leaving." Jongin huffed.

Sehun guffawed as he held his stomach in his arms. Jongin way too into this show. Sehun was sure it wasn't healthy.

"Aye stupid turtle it's just a show." Although Sehun said that he couldn't help but feel like he was lying to himself, because indeed this show was exciting although he hasn't watched the first two seasons.

As soon as the show ended and the preview for the next episode began Jongin sighed loudly and nestled his head in Sehun's shoulder brushing his plump lips along the others neck.

"Did you like it?" Jongin says voice muffled in the crook of Sehun's neck.

"Do you want my honest opinion or do you want me to lie?" Sehun says as he tried to distract himself from the latter's lips.

"Lie to me, make me feel better." Jongin whispers giving a more obvious kiss to his neck.

"It was awful, I hated it." Sehun almost whispers because he couldn't seem to find his voice with Jongin's mouth all over him. But as soon as Sehun said that he whines at the lost contact because automatically Jongin stops to look up at him.

"Wait so this means-"

"Yes, I liked it." Sehun cut him off trying hard for this conversation to end so Jongin can resume.
Jongin noticing Sehun's neediness smirks feeling a sense of pride. It was as if he could only make Sehun feel like this. "I'll go on, but you're going to have to say what I want you to say."

Sehun flustered that he got caught turned to a bright shade of pink.

Whatever, I'll just say it and get it over with.

"Jongin." Sehun sighs turning around in Jongin's legs facing the other putting him in between his own legs, in a compromising position that would be useful for what was to come after. " would you be ever so kind to except my offer and..." He grasped Jongin's hands as he stared into the latter's eager eyes. " be my date to the Winter ball?"

Jongin squealed happily as he abruptly grabbed the other into his arms squeezing the life out of him, but suddenly stops as realization hit him.

"No." Jongin answers sternly as he pushes Sehun's shoulders to take a better look at him.

"Okay so what time are you goin- wait.. No?!" Sehun shouted in utter shock.

"Yeah, sorry but it slipped my mind, someone else asked me." Jongin awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

"But we already planned this." Sehun was so confused, and it stung his heart a bit that Jongin would totally forget about him and say yes to someone else.

"No! No! No! You don't understand it was all a misunderstanding, but I couldn't clear it up because she looked so happy, and you know, you told me to be myself. And I'm a pretty nice guy." Jongin reasoned as he clasps Sehun's hands in his.

"What do you mean misunderstanding?" It wasn't as if Sehun actually cared, or that's what he thought.

"We were talking about it and I thought she said'Is Sehun taking you to the Winter Ball?' So I said yes but it turned out she asked me." Jongin down casts his eyes in shame.

"You're an idiot honestly." Sehun no longer in the mood gets up from the couch and heads to grab his backpack from near the door.

"Wait, where are you going?" Jongin pleaded grabbing him by the wrist before he could leave through door.

"Home where else?" Sehun tugged back his hand.

He knew he was being unreasonable but, it hurt, and he admitted it, but he didn't want Jongin to see that.

Why does it matter anyway?

"Don't go." Jongin mutters clenching his fists on his sides.

"Sorry I gotta go home, I'll see you tomorrow."

And with that Sehun shut the door, and for the first time in his life he was grateful that both their yards were massive. It gave him time to think, and now he realized that maybe playing with Jongin is just a waste of time, if something so simple made him ache, then imagine what's gonna happen later. They were both going to get hurt immensely. But one thing was for sure, Jongin was an idiot neighbor.


Budunce *smaches symbols*

Okay The END

Until next time
Should I do an epilogue?




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