Miss Felicity Salvatore (A Va...


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Felicity Willow Salvatore is The younger sister of Damon and Stefan Salvatore ,she is the image of a 13 year... Еще

Ms Felicity Salvatore (A Vampire diaries Fan Fiction) chapter one
chapter two x
chapter three
Chapter 4
chapter 5
goodbyes , partners in crime, tears and family air looms .
' if you love her damon let her go '
chapter 8
chapter 9
her or me you choose ?
New Girl x
Chapter 13 x
thats not me i don't do things like that ...have i changed ?
Chapter 14 xx
101 on vampires & moving boxes
Going from prince Charming to complete Asshole !
Thanks guys :D
Waking up and coming to terms .... </3
Am i dying ?
The runaways
On Record for me to experience again ...
Coming home
trying to find me
The Curse
'Please help me'
'this is what it has come to ?'
All comes undone
upload Infomation
The final call
floating in the limbo of decisions

It's Time

740 14 5

sorry for the late upload i am up to my eyeballs with History revison ! kill my teacher heck yeah i will even help you anyway enjoy this chapter xx

Oh forgot to mention thank you soooo much for the 17,000 amazing never imagined that would happen remember to keep voting and commenting thanks ! xx

Felicity's POV 

What happens if the only thing that you thought would work , didn’t ?

If you told me a year ago I was going to fall head over heels with a werewolf I would tell you , you are ridiculous .

I need to die , it was the only way in my situation . I promised mother , she needs me , and I want soo much to help her . Then why is there this gut feeling in my stomach telling me I shouldn’t do it , telling me that it will just hit like a tone of bricks , that it will all be this huge mistake .

“Hello Felicity , I am and the safe locker ” A voice said down the phone .


The one thing in this whole thing that makes perfect sense. 

“Hey umm look for small brown glass bottle with a white lid” I reply back to him . As I fiddle with the silk blankets on my bed .

I hear clinking of glass down the phone

“there are a lot of brown glass bottles here fe” he chuckled .

Making me join in laughing “Right sorry , It should say . . .potassium chloride”I say down the resiver biteing my lip as I check my phone , with the research I was finding out  .

Potassium Chloride – If injected can be lethal , High levels of potassium in the blood will cause the heart mussels to stop Functioning .Pain lasting a few minutes then the heart will slowly stop .

This may or may not work for me as I am a vampire but I heard it burns your insides , yeah discusting as it sounds but I feel as if it’s the only way . . . if not then we know the final result.

There was more clinking of glass bottles and some rustling “Found it I am leaving now” he says .

“great ! ok and um . . . Chris ?” I whisper

“Yeah ?”

“Thank you for everything” I smile .

“Anything for you” I hear then the phone line going dead .

I take my phone away from my ear and place it beside me on the bed and get up walking over to my door , taking in my bedroom looking at all the little mix match things placed everywhere .

This was it I was going to actually die , might or might not coming back .

I remember when I was little ,


My mom used to read me a story book . Where a girl found true love , a love so pure and true that there was no doubt that she would ever be alone . That the man that fell for her will keep falling for her over and over everyday . Because what they had was real , and that you only had to look into the fair maidens eyes to see that this was true .

But no one wanted them together she was from a wealthy family and he was a soilder at war and her father forbided her to ever lay eyes on him . He said “true love? .. love it does simply not exsist”

“Moma why is the father so cruel ?” I asked

“He just has had too many heart breaks Ci” Mother said to me .

Mother continued , The girl always believed that life was too cruel and that if people ceased to believe in love why would they ever want to live . The Maiden and the Soilder kept on seeing eachother sneaking out secret kisses , Until one day the Lover had to go into war . He promised he would return and they would runaway together and be with one another forever , he promised they would get married and he would find them a house to live in .

But he never returned Months passed and she kept on waiting . Her father got impatient and found her a founder’s son to marry and investing their families money . The fine sir had the looks and the charm and he instantly proposed to her , but The spark never was there . She agreeded and later that summer they got married , she later found out she was pregnant .

The once fair maiden ended up having 3 beautiful children , Children they seemed were sent from heaven above . From an outsider their little family may have seemed perfect .But inside the Mother was dying and Never stopped waiting for her true love . Many years passed and she got a letter through anoncing That Richard Winders died in battle .

She lost him and later decieded she could never live without him that she would always want more , and done the selfish thing later that week she took her own life .

Present day

I never truly understood the reason for my mother telling me that sad story about to lovers . I always used to ask why the story never had a happy ending she always replied with :

“we all die , the goal isn’t to live forever , the goal is to create something that will”

Whatever my mother may had been emplying I never thought back about what she said , it was like she knew that this was all coming . 4 days after she told me the story , one of the servants found her hanging by a rope in her room . . . dead .

The Maiden in the story was my mother , she told me something she never told anyone . Her 8 year old little girl her plan , her wish to be reunited with her love .


I wiped the tears from my cheeks ,trying to make myself look presentable .

“Who is it ?” my voice squeaked .

“Damon , lover boy is here to see you do you want me to snap his neck?” My brother asked .

I quickly got up of the bed and opened the door , to see a smirking Damon and sympatheic Christiphor standing behind him .

“You know that if you did that I would return the favour” I said to him reaching for chris’s hand taking hold of it and pulling him behind me .

“I would try and argue but I know you are right , so door open, standing only and no physical contact” Damon said pretty loud as he walked downstairs to the sitting room .

I went back into my room and purposely slammed the door behind me making sure he heard .

I face back to Christopher to see him smiling .

“I love you” he whispered pulling me into a hug , I simply returned it wrapping my arms around him never wanting to let go .

“I love you too” I reply Placing my lips onto his softly , savouring the taste of him , finally departing .

Looking into his eyes smiling , he brought his hand to mine holding it but putting something into it . I pull it up to my face opening my fingers and seeing a bottle , inside it .

“as promised”

Damon’s POV

“Hey my favourite cop” I say into my phone

“Damon” Liz replied

“So what can I do for you ?”

“Getting straight to the point?”

“That’s how I like to do it , so talk” I say pouring myself a glass of bourbon taking a seat on the sofa and downing it .

“How is Felicity doing ?” she asked

“Fine , you know same old same old were getting there why?”

“Well has she made any hints as to committing suicide ?” she asks , where is this really going ?

“Maybe once , no why ? Liz why!” I say down the phone getting more worried .

Felicity’s POV

“You sure you want to do this ?” Chris asked .

“No , but I have to”

“Right here right now ?” He erged

“Right now , but maybe not here” I say thinking .

“Then where ?”

“The tree house” is smiled .

I Remember how me and Stefan used to hide there when Damon was at war . How we hid from Father when he got angery , where we felt safe .

“Follow the way” he whispered , I took hold of his hand jumping out of the window and bluring towards the woods where , Damon Stefan and me build the make do treehouse high in the trees where no one could see .

Damon POV

“TELL ME LIZ!” I screamed

“someone on my team was doing a drug check earlier tonight . And it seems a bottle of Potassium Chloride is missing .” she said seriously .

“what has this got to do with my sister?” I ask

“Damon I know your situation Stefan explained and this is serious stuff  we use this in cases to kill animals that are ill , or to put a vampire down long enough to stake them .” she continued

“then how is it serious Felicity is a vampire it wont harm her even if she did take it” I said simply to her my heart slowing down to its regular speed .

“Felicity is dying is she not ? this could kill her Damon she is already so weak” she said sadly .

My heart sped up again “she is here at the boarding house she is in her room . . . with that Williams kid” I say making my way up the stairs to her room .

“Christiphor Williams was spotted by one of my colliges walking into the station tonight… hello are you there”

I open Felicity’s door to see no one there , and I drop the phone . she was going to do it , no please . 

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