Ladybugs And Kitty Chats (A M...

By marycarmel

102K 3.2K 4K

"No....way...",Chat Noir gasped as he looked down to see that the girl of his dreams, his heroine love, his l... More

Night Patrol
Rich Teenaged Boy Problems
Oh My God
What's Mine Is Yours And What's Yours Is Mine (part 1)
What's Mine Is Yours And What's Yours Is Mine (part 2)
Revelations And Realizations
Jigsaw Puzzle
Author's Note :)
Tikki and Plagg = ♡
Love Struck Dorks
Childish Innocence
Childish Innocence, Questions, and...Babies?
Roses,Kisses,and Heartache</3 (part 1)
Roses, Kisses, and Heartache </3 (part 2)
Roses, Kisses, and Heartache</3 ‍‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌(part 3)
Truth or Dare and a Bromance
Fighting For Love
Healing and Concealing
What Now?
Drawing :)
Two Dorks, One Snapshot
Fate And First Date
Chat Naps ♡
Chloe vs. Adrienette
The New "Good Old Days"
The New Good Old Days (part 2)
New Problems: Citizens And Villains

Mischief And Curiosity Killed The Chat

4.4K 164 204
By marycarmel


Ah, night patrol. My favorite time of the day- er night I mean. Why? Because I get to spend time with My Lady of course.

I had been out scouting the city for an hour, I was early so LB wouldn't be around for awhile. I decided to take a stroll through the park to think. I was still deciding wether I loved her or just liked her...

"Hey! Wake up already!" Something tugged at my pigtails and yelled in my ear. I got up startled and then calmed.

"Oh it's just you Tikki" I said yawning and stretching. I opened my eyes and looked her way. I cocked my head when I saw the frown on her face. "What?"

"It's time for Night Patrol!" She said impatiently.

"Oh alright," I groaned but winked at her and smiled. She laughed and spun in circles in the air. We giggled. "Ok then, Tikki Spots On!"

(Cue LB transformation music ;) )
My earrings glowed and sparkled. Tikki spiraled into them. My hair glowed lighter and turned slightly blue. The ribbons in my hair extended. My normal school clothes glowed and sparkled in a wave. The wave moved through my arms, making them now red and spotted. Same to my legs and I stretched to feel comfortable in my hero suit. I put my hands on my face like I was wiping them and my spotted mask glittered into existence on my face. Lastly my purse was replaced by my handy and fashionable Ladybug yo-yo. (End music)

"Ah, now we can go," I said as I jumped onto my balcony and swung into the city with my yo-yo.
"Chat, Chat Noir, here kitty kitty kitty," I called. No answer. "Hmm...that's weird." Chat never misses Night Patrol. Maybe he was too tired to come. Hmmph...Well that's not very gentleman like, to leave a lady in waiting.

I thought hard. Where could he be at that hour? Then it hit me. The Park! Chat loved the park. Sometimes I would catch him climbing and scratching the trees.

"Ok then, to the park it is!" I said taking off.

"You should just tell her," I heard Plagg inside my head. He was referring to my love, Ladybug.

"" I was scared. What should I do? I really really liked her a ton! I scratched my head in deep thought.

"Hey kitty cat" the voice startled me and I fell out of the tree I had been sitting in. I landed on my butt with a loud thump.

"Jeez, nice of you to drop by My Lady," I said getting up. I rubbed my probably bruised butt. I looked up at her. Ladybug hung upside down from the tree and smiled back at me. I frowned.

"What? Not happy to see me?" She asked, winking. She jumped out of the tree doing a flip and stuck the landing. I applauded and she curtsied like a young lady at a ball. "What's my score?"

"7.5," I said smiling. She looked at me surprised.

"Only a 7.5?" She pouted and I smirked, nodding. I was startled to see her right in front of me as I looked up. I stood straighter to full height and now she looked up at me. Her faces was inches from mine. My heartbeat quickened. My mouth got dry and I felt the fluttering butterflies in my stomach. I longed to close the distance but didn't.

Ladybug scratched my chin slowly, gently. I swallowed...not again! I held back the purr the best I could, I really did. However it proved harder to overcome than an Akumatized enemy. "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrths." She laughed and smirked. I grabbed her hand. "Ok ok, a...9.5 then," I say quickly. Way to dominate Adrien...

"What? Only 9.5?" She looked annoyed. "Hiw do I get a perfect 10?" She crossed her arms. I thought and smiled greedily.

I liked my lips and leaned near her left ear. "A kiss." I pulled away and saw her blush hard. Haha it was so easy! She looked at me nervously. Then she leaned in! Oh my god! She was gonna do it! Yes!

I leant in slowly keeping my eyes on him the whole time. In the dim light of the night's moon I saw a light blush creep onto his slightly tan face. He bit his lip. We got closer and closer and closer....

"You know Chat?" I said merely a centimeter from his lips.

"Yeah?" He breathed. He started closing his eyes.

"On second thought...a perfect 10 isn't worth it" I put my hand on his face his lips on my palm. Not today chat ;)...

He groaned in defeat. And slumped. I started to turn around but stopped. His tail wrapped around my waist and Chat pulled me in.

"I don't appreciate being teased," He got close. I tried to pull back. Chat's hand went to my left hip. I gasped. Chat went for my yo-yo and clutched it. I was puzzled and nervous. He grinned.

In a quick movement Chat Noir unclipped my yo-yo. It was in his grasp and I panicked. "Hey! That's mine Chat!" I went to reach for it and when I moved forward he did too. The distance between us closed. And our lips met in an embrace. I didn't move, shocked, not knowing how to react. But my body did. My eyes fluttered closed and my arms relaxed on his shoulders. Then he pulled away and took my yo-yo with him. Chat Noir took off running on the rooftops of the city. Great...way to get off guard am I ever going to catch him now?

I thought for a second. Oh, I facepalmed. "Lucky Charm!" I couldn't believe I was wasting my powers on him...

Out of the sky came a red staff with polka dots on it. It was a copy of Chat's just Ladybug themed.

"Okay, Chat," I said to no one in particular. "Here i come and let the games begin..."

So ok guys :) hope u liked the chapter. I've never written a fanfic before so yah know feedback is appreciated! Vote and comment and stay lucky! Au revoir mes amis!

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