Kiyomi Uzumaki-Kitan

Oleh sweetie_peach

193K 6.4K 634

At the Age of 6, I was considered a rouge ninja with my brother Kinan who was 10. We were later found by an... Lebih Banyak

Just to Make it Clear
Save Me From The Dark
New Discovery Of The Broken
He's Family. Fullstop.
Special Entrant
Behold The Pervy Toad!
Jiraiya's Findings
The Calm Within The Storm
Brekkie Boys
Right Hand-Deeper Meaning
Never Hurts To Help
Festival Fever
Hell Hath no Fury Like I
Take a Bow
I'm Back!!! I'm Dying!
A Mere Taijutsu User
Neji Vs. Kiyomi
She Just Does
Finding The Taken
A Gift. Reapers Hand?!?!?!
Ramen. Books. Study. Ow!
Failed One to Many
Way-Ta Go Uzumaki
Team 7
Solo Mission;Gato the Fat Piglet
Best Left Untouched
I Wouldn't Change a Thing
Sand Siblings
Great Minds Think Alike
Surprise Surprise!
Deadly Encounter
Friends in The Shadows
Paper Exams;Dont Wake Me
Dont Underestimate Her
Unbreakable Bonds
Start Of Second Exam
Unstoppable. Unbeatable. Unreal.
To Little Too Late
Leaf Lesson^^Tower
Preliminary Records And Burns
Preliminary Problems
Prison Days;Final Decision
Kakashi's Chat;Kiyomi's Sadness
Training;Patience and Endurance
Past Regrets and Hidden Blames
BloodShed;Toshiaki Hideki
Fears Of Falling
Gift of Memory
Begin Final Rounds
Kiyomi vs Hiruku
Attack On The Leaf
Kiyomi vs Orochimaru
Death and Pain
Fear of Forgiveness
Letter to a Friend
A Whole New Kind
Uzumaki History
New Addition Uzumaki
Returning Home
Old Faces. Random Places.
Kiyomi's Promise
Kiyomi vs J.T
Another One
Emergency op.
Leest of My Worries
Lee's Surgery
A Change Of...huh?
Different Sides
Teaming Together
Mission Complete
I'm Sorry
Thank You Hidden Leaf
Last Author Note

That Lost Feeling

3.1K 89 3
Oleh sweetie_peach

~2 Moths Later~

"Team 10. You have been assigned to take on a C-ranked mission." Old Man said seriously.

C-ranked. Thats quite high for Genine.
"You will be escorting Hibiki Eran back to the Land of Lighting.
He is a very powerful man and there are many after he and his Son. Hibiki Yuma." The four of us stood with serious expressions on our faces. Even Gai Sensei seemed serious.

"Old Man. The many after he and his son, who are they? And what makes Them so poweful?" I asked the last question while pointing at the two.

The boy rolled his eyes annoyingly.

Sensei raised his head at my question before looking to the man we're escorting.
"My son is the last of his kind. He's obtained the Kekei Genkai of his past mothers clan. With this ability, it has many people fearing the unknown power he posses.
That and also I am the man who creates rare and power enhancing weponry. That is why we are poweful and are hunted." I stood still as he continued. "There are many Rogue Ninja's after us along with hired Ninja from The Hidden Stone. The Land of Lighting have made a proposal in keeping us safe in exchange for weapons for 4 Special Ninja." I nodded before turning to look at the little boy.

His eyes were a smokey ash colour that was mixed with, what looked like, flashes of lighting.
I see, so his Kekei Genkai has something to do with his visual ability. Interesting...

His face was framed by really dark purple hair with one side covering his left eye slightly.
He wore a black long sleeve coat that slightly dragged along the ground with black pants underneath.

"Don't worry kid. I'll protect you until we complete this mission." I decleared while I smiled brightly to him.

He seemed a little taken back by me before he just turned to look to his father who nodded.

~Time Pass~

"Lets get going! Yeah!" Lee shouted in excitement as he jumped forward next to Gai Sensei and did their ridiculous stance.

Believe it. Gai Sensei had created himself a twin. Lee.

Lee had cut his hair to resemble Gai Sensei's, now wore a green spandex suit with his orange leg warmers and always shouted using the word-

"Let us not waste this 'Youthful' experience! We should be heading off! To the land Of Lighting!"
"Right Lee! Lets go! The youth arises within us all!"

Neji walked up next to me followed soon by Eran and Yuma Hibiki.
"Idiots. Its a wonder how we got this mission at all with them on our team." He said with his serious face, I just turned to him with my smile.
"Come on Neji! The spirit of Youth awaits!" I did my famous wink and two finger salute. He sweat dropped.
"Come on Kiyomi." I laughed before taking my spot next to Yuma. And soon enough, the Leaf Village was behind us.

~Time Lapse~

"We should rest here. Its still a days journey until we reach the Land of Lighting." Neji said as he set out the few bags he had been carrying. I nodded before we set up a tent for the two travelers.

Eran went inside to sleep while Yuma walked off somewhere. "He just needs time to think. He'll be back shortly." Eran Hibiki stated before heading inside the tent. One look to Gai Sensei told me I should be the one to follow.

I tailed Yuma until we ended up on a cliff side overlooking the forest of the Hidden Leaf.

On closer inspection, I saw him pull out a weapon. It looked like a silver pipe with holes in it. He put one side up to his lips and blew into it. Music.

I heard a type of calming music fill the cliffside as his fingers moved over the holes of the pipe.
The sound drifted calmly on the calm breeze brushing by.

The song he was playing sounded so, peaceful that I just wanted to fall asleep while it played.

Then the tune changed.

This one was heartbreaking.

It made me clutch at my chest in hurt.

It was sorrowful and longing. Longing to be held by that special person, to be cradled in their arms and rocked to sleep. To be loved.

My mind drifted off.

A little boy sat in the middle of nowhere all alone.

His knees brought up to his face as his fisted hands pushed at his eyes, trying desperately to fight away the flowing tears.

Only they kept coming. The tears just wouldnt stop.

He was all alone.
He was scared, hurt and unloved. His hand grabbed at his heart in pain as he continued to cry.

*Yuma's tune changed to more of a lullaby.*

A young girl about the same age as the boy walked into the space.

She slowly walked towards the little boy with a sweet smile on her face.
Sitting down next to him, she pulled him closer and just held him to her.
Looking like she never wanted to let him go.

The boy turned to the girl with surprise as she just smiled to him. "Its Okay." She cooed to him softly.

He looked at her in disbelief. Like he had never expected her to care. Or anyone to care really.

Reminded me a lot of Naruto.

In time, he relaxed a little as she pulled him back into her hug.

Hesitantly, his arms wrapped around her waist before he cried on to her shoulder. "I'm right here."

*I was snapped out of it when I could no longer hear the music of the pipe playing.
"What are you doing?" I heard someone ask angrily.

I looked down to see Yuma glaring at me. To that I smiled brightly and waved down at him. "That was a lovely song." I complimented, landing in front of him with ease.
"What were you doing?" He asked rudely with a harsher glare.

"I was told to watch over you. So thats what I was doing." He huffed and began to walk away.

I heard the music still floating softly on the wind, like someone was trying to play back to him.

"You miss your Mother, dont you?" I heard as he stopped mid step behind me.

I stared out over the cliff where he had recently been playing.
"I dont have to tell you anything!" He snapped before trying to leave.

"You didnt have to. It was all in the song you played." He paused his steps again.

"The first verse was about how calming it was to have her with you. How you were always together and you felt loved with her.
She was your special someone."
He still refused to move.

"The next verse was how you had to watch her be killed.
How hurt you felt when you were left alone.
The pain of having no one left to love you.
It was heartbreaking." I could feel the wind picking up slightly as storm clouds gathered in the skies above us.

"Then finally the last verse was of when he found you.
How Eran found you all torn apart and took you in.
He didnt care about your Kekei Genkai, all he cared about was having you safe.
You made another bond and it was soothing. Almost like having your Mom back.
You were loved again." I finished as I turned to him.

His shoulders were shaking slightly with his head bowed. "Shut up." I heard him whisper before his eyes snapped up to me.
"You dont know what I've gone through. I dont want you here and I sure as heck dont need you here." He stated.

The lightning flashes in his eyes grew more intense as he glared daggers at me. I just smiled sadly at him as pain formed in my chest.
"Alright then. If you say so. Yuma Hibiki." I saw him glance up at me with his eyes still like electrict shocks full of pain. With that, I lept ito the closest tree and started towards the group.
"Where's Yuma?" Gai Sensei asked as he looked behind me. I shrugged.
"Somewhere back there. Gai Sensei. I think its best if you watch after him." I could feel the pain in my chest growing more intense as flashes came to me. I lowered my head to the ground.


I saw him nod still watching after me. I looked back to Gai Sensei. "I'm going to take first watch." I informed.

Yes, as my Sensei he was given any and all information about my life and blood. He understood that I needed to take time alone in order to control my feelings and the pain I held.

He nodded, telling me I was fine to leave.
I raced off to find a quiet place and sat in the middle.
Pulling some tags from my weapons pouch, I placed 4 around me.
In front, behind, my left and my right.
Doing a few handsigns, I summoned a dome like barrier to sheild me whilst I meditated.

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