The Calm Within The Storm

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I hurriedly pulled a coat from the front door along with a ready packed bag and rushed into the rain.

This happens every time a storm comes. Im not home when it strikes, Konohamaru gets scared then tries to find either me or the Old Man. He'll run through the rain to the top of Mt. Hokage to find me.

I intercepted him just as he was about to mount the stairs. "Konohamaru!" I yell over the loud bang of thunder.
He spun around and ran into my arms. I was backing us up until we were under some sort of shelter.
"I couldn't find you!"
He cried as he hugged me.

Scooping him up I searched around to find a place to take cover.
"Alright. Hold on Konohamaru." I instructed.

His grip around my neck tightened as I drapped the cloak over him.

As fast as I could, I ran to the apartments where Naruto lived.
Knocking on his door continuously, I waited until a sleepy Naruto opened the door.
"Kiyomi?" He yawned. I smiled before pushing into the place.
"Hey Naruto. Hows it going?" He just slumped on to the floor and fell asleep. Baka.

I quickly changed Konohamaru into some dry clothes before tucking him in Naruto's bed. Walking back out, I lifted Naruto and dragged him back to bed tucking him up with Konohamaru.

'Orochimaru. I wont let you hurt anyone I love.'

I thought as I kissed each forehead. Im sure he'll stay with Naruto.

I grabbed a couple of Naruto's tops, a pair of black pants and some food before heading back out into the pouring rain.

There was another person I had come to care for over the time of two weeks.
I ran to the training grounds where I knew he'd be practicing, even in this storm.

As I suspected, he was trying to keep his eyes open in the rain well throwing shuriken straight.
I sighed.
No matter how many times I tried to tell him, he just wont listen.
"Sasuke!" I yelled as I drew nearer.

He turned to face me with a frown.
"Kiyomi? What do you want?" Instead of answering, I grabbed his soaked black tshirt and dragged him ungracefully towards shelter.

"Here." I threw him some dry clothes and a towel to change. Just as he was about to complain. I shoved a dango into his mouth.
"Change. Now or you'll get sick."

Then I ran into the rain to the other side of training grounds where I waited for him to change.

Once he gave me a nod, I ran back over to him.
"Why are you here Kiyomi?" He asked. I just shrugged.
"So you dont get sick Sasuke. I was worried." With a smile, I tried to force another Dango into his mouth. Unfortunately, he stopped me before I choked him.
"Why do you even care? Why do you even care if I get sick or not?"

His onyx eyes glared at me like I was at fault.
"Are you kidding?" I laughed at him.
"Well one. I made a promise to keep you safe and two. I genuinely care." He just frowned.
"Why are you happy. We're in the middle of a storm."

I laughed at him again. "Im like the calm within the storm." I told him, trying to use a quote.
"Hn. Its ment to be the calm before the storm. Idiot." I simply laughed.
"Whatever makes you happy Sasuke-kun." I teased as I pulled out some food and handed it to him to eat. While eating, we fell into a comfortable silence.

*Sasukes Pov*

What an idiot. I dont care if I get sick.
So then why does she. What an Idiot. I cant believe she promised to keep me safe. I dont need her to protect me. I can do that myself. I dont need her or anyone.

We had been sitting in silence for a while before she decided to speak up.
"Sasuke, we should get going. Its getting dark." I turned to her with a bored look.
"I dont wanna. I need to do more training." Something in her seemed to snap as she turned to face me.
"I wasnt asking you Sasuke." She had a sickly sweet smile on her face that looked deadly.

"I'm going to grab your weapons, you're going to pick up your wet clothes and I'm going to take you home. Got it." Her sweetened tone of voice sent chills down my back, colder then even the rain covering the village. It had me frozen in place as she kept smiling at me.
"Got it Sasuke?"

My head nodded on its own accord. This is the first time I think I've ever been scared of a girl.

~Time Lapse~

"Here. To keep you dry." She handed me a rain coat and I put it over the dry clothes she gave me. I looked to her.
"What about you. Aint you cold." She wasnt shivering but her clothes were drenched through and through.
"Nah, I dont usually get cold." She smiled at me.

That really annoyed me. Here I was, shivering like a leaf in the wind and she stood like,

'The Calm Within The Storm.'

I huffed in annoyance as we began our walk to my place.
"Alrighty then, thats the three of you safe okay. Good, now I can sleep without any worries." I stopped her.
"Three?" She looked slightly confused before she answered.
"Yep, you, Konohamaru and Naruto are all safe and warm. Now that I know that, I'll sleep fine tonight."
Konohamaru? Naruto? And me?
What are you playing at Kiyomi?
"Alright Sasuke, sleep tight." She said before she was running down the hall.
First she stopped off a door some ways down and knocked at it.
I saw her point back to me before turning to the door. Her hand moved in a paper, scissors rock contest before she smirked. She then handed whoever it was a bag with a smile. Again with the smile! How does she do it!?
I slammed the door.

"What an Idiot." I muttered.

With a yawn, I pulled off Kiyomi's over coat and dropped to my bed.

Secretly glad I could rely on Kiyomi without her fangirling over me. Not that I would ever tell her that.


Why am I talking to myself.
Oh well...
Thank you, Kiyomi. "Idiot."

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