She Just Does

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"Somewhere back there." I could hear the slight pain in her voice as she walked into the clearing.

"Gai Sensei." I looked up to see her staring directly at me. Strange of her to request something from me. She usually likes to handle things on her own. How youthful!
"I think its best if you watch after him." What and odd thing to ask, or say.

If Kiyomi has said something like this, she must be upset. How awful. It must mean its something serious. I just nod at her as she begins to walk away.

What could've gotten her so down. Shes usually filled with the power of youth and smiling. Where has my Kiyomi gone to!?

"Im going to take first watch." I snapped out of my daze and nodded to her in understanding.
Once she left I turned to Lee and Neji.
"Lee, Neji. Protect Eran Hibiki until I return with Yuma. The power of youth will become your greatest weapon whence facing enemies." With that, I left them.

I came to stop at a cliffside where sat Yuma staring over the forest.
"Yuma. Hows your thinking time. I understand that everyone needs time alone at some point. Just to rethink everything. Just know. The Power Of Youth will guide you through!" He didnt move, or blink, or turn. I laughed.
"Ah hahaha. I guess this is why Kiyomi had to leave. Such tension." Still I got nothing. So instead, I got serious and sat next to him.

"Kiyomi doesnt like to hurt people and only left because she had a few things to deal with that no other 11 year old should deal with." I told him. He just gave a simple nod.

"I told her to leave. I told her I didnt want her here. Or need her. She's just so nosey!" He snapped, his words getting louder toward the end.
"She thinks she knows what its like to have family ripped away from her!
How it feels to watch your only family be killed right infront of your eyes!
The pain of holding to their dead form in your arms!
Of being alone.
Then someone finding you. And suddenly you feel a little spark of hope." He began with shouting then it turned to more of a whisper towards the end. I nodded solemnly.

That was practically the story of her life.
"She does." I replied soon after. His head turned to look at me.
"How. She's so happy and bubbly. She cant know. And if she does. How?" I was remembering everything the Third Hokage told me.

How Kiyomi was found curled up against her only Brother.
How she was a test subject of Orochimaru and had the blood of a monster.
How she was truely alone in the world.
"She just does." Was all I could come up with before turning to the boy.

"Kiyomi was found by the Third Hokage. Clutching to the only family she had who was killed by Orochimaru, one of the men hunting you." I began.

"She was alone for a few weeks by the state of her brother and only began to be happy in coming to the Leaf.
Shes the brightest child I've ever seen. With more care in her heart then I've witnessed in any Shinobi and is a strong kunoichi.
She is always there for anyone who needs her.
Its all because she doesnt wish for anyone to go through the pain she's had to suffer.
She cares for all those around her so that no one will have to be alone like she was." I could see the tears growing in his eyes.

"She understands the pain and suffering you've had to go through. And she also knows of the happiness brought to you by people who surround you with love and affection." The tears ran down his cheeks.

I felt them building in my own before the dam broke.
"Oh Yuma! Its so Youthful to find bonds and connections that are strong enough to bring you to tears!"
I squashed him to me in a youthful hug with tears rolling down my cheeks in waves.

When we came back to the clearing, Kiyomi still wasnt back and the boys weren't on guard.
"Yuma. Stay here." I instructed as I moved to where Eran was ment to be sleeping. When I pulled open the tent, I saw the entire thing was lined with paper bombs.

I sprinted back to Yuma, lifted him and took off in the opposite direction.
The bombs went off and flames began to ingulf us.

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