Our Dark Sides & Dirty Little...

By Liyah_1D

64.9K 992 81

Everybody has a side to them that they dont want anyone to know about. Harry is a drug user, Louis a closeted... More

Chapter 1: Harry
Chapter 2: Louis and Niall
Chapter 3: Liam and Zayn
Chapter 4: When Five Worlds Collide
Chapter 5: The Coming of the Past
Chapter 6: The Bathroom
Chapter 7: Louis and his Precautions!
Chapter 8: First Day of Class
Chapter 9: Insecurities Leaking
Chapter 10: Secrets Coming Out and Feelings Rising
Chapter 11: Building Up and Breaking Down Walls
Chapter 12: Feelings and Virginity?
Chapter 14: Megan Heart
Chapter 15: Louis and Megan with a Dash of Zayn
Chapter 16: Just the Six of Us!
Chapter 17: Mixed Emotions
Chapter 18: The Car Ride
Chapter 19: Scretching Can Get You Killed!
Chapter 20: Truth or Dare?
Chapter 21: Let Me Fix You
Chapter 22: Sides Are Chosen
Chapter 23: Alcohol
Chapter 24: He Liked It
Chapter 25: Harry's Little Virgin
Chapter 26: Sexually Frustrated
Chapter 27: Thinking And Waiting
Chapter 28: What Happend To Everyone?
Chapter 29: Welcome Back!
Chapter 30: Back To The Usual
Chapter 31: School
Chapter 32: The Cliffhanger
Chapter 33: Boyfriends?
Chapter 34: Outspoken Megan
Chapter 35: Bones Are Beautiful?
Chapter 36: Tired
Chapter 37: Goodbyes
Chapter 38: I Remember
Chapter 39: Beg For Me
Chapter 40: A Huge Step
Chapter 41: Love
Chapter 42: Near The End
Chapter 43: Graduation Day
Chapter 44: The Future Begins

Chapter 13: Forgiving

1.3K 28 4
By Liyah_1D

A/N- Here's another chapter for all you wonderful readers! Thank you so much for getting me passed 700! My next goal is 900, so can we get there? I think so! :)

Niall's Pov

How could Louis be so thoughtless minded?! He had to know that their was a reason to why I was acting the way I was around him. Yes I didn't tell anyone I was a virgin, but if I did, Louis wouldn't have slept with me. "Niall, open the door! I want to apologize." I heard Louis say aloud from the hallway. I couldn't stay mad at him for long anyways. Getting up, I wiped the small tear that had escaped my face."So you actually have sense right now?" I said while looking straight forward at Louis. "Yes Niall, I didn't mean to say those things to you." "Just save it, come inside." Louis walked in and immediately sat on my bed, while I sat right next to him. "As I was saying Niall I'm so sorr-" "Oh, be quiet Louis. The reason I didn't tell you was because I thought you wouldn't sleep with me. Your just so beautiful. I didn't want to need up my chances with you because of me not being inexperienced." My eyes darted everywhere but to Louis after saying all that."Is that why you didn't tell me?" "Yes Louis, that's why." "Aww, you were just a little horny school boy that's all. Niall, I'm perfectly fine with that. I'm just glad we're okay with each other right now." "Yeah, I am too." I looked directly into Louis' eyes. The light soothing sea blue orbs were turning into a lustful dark navy blue. We both crept closer and closer to each other, both of our faces were just inches apart from each other. A small nod from Louis made me know he wanted me to proceed. The second our lips touch I felt a huge spark inside my stomach. A spark that I have never ever felt in my life. As if Louis were.....the one. I licked his bottom lip for entrance in his mouth. Both our tongues fought each other for dominance. I played slowly with his hair and gently laid his back on the bed. I laid on top on him while the moans of Louis escaped his mouth. "Niall, just go lower." Louis said while my hands rubbed everywhere but where he wanted them to be. "No Lou, I don't want anymore of that until we're more into our- "Our relationship, because I definitely want to be with you Niall." My eyes blew up like a balloon. I was so flabbergasted to the words Louis said to me. "You really want to be a couple Lou?" "Yes, your just so cute and adorable. You always make me blush every time I get near you and your nervous like crazy by just being around me. It turns me on to know I make you get those weird feelings." As I looked down, we both were turned on. Not because we wanted to have sex, but because we actually had a more stronger bond. To the point, we wanted to do more than just have sex. "Lou, the words your telling me are just making you sound like a perfect human being." "Niall, I'm not perfect. My imperfections are what make me the way you want me." That's when I was tired of all the talking. I pushed my lips onto Louis' and made out with him till the point I had to lift up every minute or so to catch my breath. Our tongues battled with each other for dominance the whole time. Hearing the sweet, soothing, and loving moans of Louis made me feel as though I was perfect. Perfect enough for him to let me love him.

Zayn's Pov

How could Harry do this to me? I said as I walked into my room. I really had liked him, and he goes and says he likes Louis. Louis doesn't even like him, so why does he want to be with him?! I guess for the same reason I want to be with Harry. When you love someone, you can't control if they like you are not. Hell, you can't even control the feelings you have for that person. Staring immensely into a mirror on the wall, I looked deep into my eyes. Just glancing at my eyes and appearance, you would see a rough exterior. That wasn't me. That wasn't me at all. I played that person so others wouldn't see how vulnerable I really was. I just felt weak. My outside personality was all a cover to who I really was. I feel like I'm all alone. I know I just need to get out of this, but it was so hard when the emotions just kept coming back and pulling me back into this emotional slump. I went over to the dresser drawer and took out my black box again. Cutting relieved me from all the pain the outside world gave me.People just hurt me too much. I don't deserve this, and niether does anyone else who loves someone they know they can't have. I opened the box to take the blood stained blade out. "Zayn, what are you doing?" I froze to glance over and see Liam was talking to me. "How did you get in here Liam?" "The door was unlocked. But what are you doing with that blade Zayn?" "I'm not doing anything Liam, just go away." Even from the corner of my eyes, I could see the concern from Liam's face. "What's happening to you Zayn?" That's when tears fell out of my eyes. Running over to Liam, I shoved my face into his shoulder. "Everything Liam, just everything!" Liam just rubbed my back and comforted me through the whole process. Somebody had actually truly cared for me.

Harry's Pov

Everybody was gone. Niall....Liam....Zayn...and Louis. I just sat on the floor thinking about my memories. One of my favorite memories ever. The day my dad had took me to this new playground built near our house in Cheshire. I was three and only had the memories of an innocent small child. Just the way he picked me up and swung me around. The smiles and laughs that escaped out our mouths brought a smile to my face anytime I thought of that day. It saddens me every time I think of the thoughts of him. Just to know he was gone now. Small tears streamed down my face. I wasn't going to let his name go in the dirt because of my wrong doings. I just can't do that. He would have wanted me to be strong and carry on with my life. Tomorrow would have to not only be a new day for me, but a new attitude to the world. I would change myself positively. That's what I'm going to do too. I got up from the floor to lay on my bed. Pulling the covers over me. Not even caring that I smelled like sweat, vodka, and desperation.


Harry's Pov

The room door slowly creaked opened. I knew it had to be Louis because he hadn't come back from leaving earlier. "Lou, is that you?" I heard him fall over some pair of shoes in the floor. "Ouch Harry, pick up your fucking shoes! Why isn't their no light in the room?!" Yeah, that was Louis. "Why are you coming in so late? I asked while I stood up from laying on my bed. "Oh, I was talking with Niall." That seemed like a reasonable answer until I saw what Louis looked like when he cut a light on. His shirt was inside put, hair messed up as wild as can be, and he had hickies all over his neck. "What the hell did you and Niall do?" "I told you, we just talked Harry. That's all we did." Louis turned around to jump face first onto his bed. Looking like he worked out for a while day as it seemed. "It looks like Niall did more than just talk to you." I said while going back to my bed. "Oh, shut up Harry. And goodnight." "Goodnight to you too Louis." The light shut off and I drifted off to sleep.

A/N- So did you like it?! I hope It as worth the wait! Lets get me to 800 everyone! Who knows, maybe if I reach 1,000 there would be one week where I update everyday. So lets get me to 900 and then 1,000! Lots of Love! :)

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