Repainting A Blank Canvas - [...

By MixRou

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Sequel of Colorful World, Prince AU Summary: The reign of peace never lasted, Shiganshina has fallen in the h... More

Prologue: Bleached Canvas
Grey Skies
Interlude: Empty White Dreams
Deadly Black
I Can't
A Million Yellow Stars
The Page
Azure Sunshine
Lavender Twilight

Carmine Clash

1.7K 98 181
By MixRou

Theme songs:

Prologue: Bleached Canvas - Moonsong (Levi's Search Theme)
Grey Skies - In Light and Darkness (Levi's Reminiscence Theme)
Interlude: Empty White Dreams - Night Without A Star (Eren's Theme)
Deadly Black - Curse Upon The Living (Chapter Theme)
A Million Yellow Stars - Ode to The Fallen (Chapter Theme)
Carmine Clash - Bound (Chapter Theme) [MY FAVORITE!!!!!! (≧∇≦)]

So yeh.. They meet again....


I know I said, next week but... I know how it feels to wait for fics! XD 

So here ya go! 


I made a page on facebook, where we'll be posting some art or maybe random Riren/Ereri stuff...  And other random shit. XD

It's called "MixRou: Creations"


"Oh my gooooodd.... Marco, are we there yet?" Ren whined in exasperation, feeling the ache in his feet become almost unbearable. The mountain pass was no joke, one mistake and you'd plummet to your death, the road was rocky and fucking painful to the feet. Marco briefed them that he had an ally that should be waiting ahead of the pass. But seriously, how much further ahead where they? The person Marco had mentioned should have a cart and horse waiting for them. The cart was supposedly essential to their key into Shiganshina.

Into the corrupted city..

Ren has heard so much about it, how the once prosperous kingdom fell and became a hellpit of wannabe soldiers and abused citizens who were overtaxed. Honestly though this so called fallen kingdom doesn't seem too bad, not as bad as the underground at least. People were still bathing under the light of the sun and moon, a luxury they've been taking for granted.

"We're almost there, the meeting spot should be around here." Marco said, bringing Ren out of his thoughts. It was a good thing he supposed, before his pondering got too deep. The night's moon was bright, so bright it lit up their way and it was only night time. Ren's heart vibrated in excitement, the feeling so strong he feared his blood pumper would eventually pop out of his ribcage. To simply imagine how beautiful the woorld would be at morning, it made his very being so shaken. He wanted to see it, he needed to see it.

"Oh thank god, I'm getting sick of walking too.." Jean sighed in relief, following Marco eagerly, Marco sped up to get to their checkpoint much faster.

"There! Conn--I mean...!" Marco said enthusiastically when he spotted something move in the thick greenery of some shrubs. "K...ka..." Marco's face flushed a bit, "Ka-caw!!" He yelled in a pitched voice, his face reddening further.

Ren and Jean's eyebrows raised a bit at their companion.

"Ka-caaaawww!!" Another obnoxiously pitched voice replied, suddenly the shrubs had been moved then they were dropped on the ground, revealing a kid with a buzz cut.

"This is our companion...?" Ren mumbled to himself mostly, unimpressed with the sight of their so called 'Ally'.

Jean seems to have heard him however, "Yes, it appears so." He mumbled right back.

"We're so dead."

"Marco! Dammit that was almost perfect! Put more spirit into it!" The kid yelled and walked over to them. "Get in touch with your inner bird, be majestic! Like this, KAAAA-CAWWW!" He squawked loudly, showing Marco the right way to do it.. Whatever it was they were doing.

"I-I know.. I'm sorry Connie, it was just so embarrassing...!" Marco was still red.

"Oh shit," Jean sighed. "His name is Connie?" He dreadfully mumbled.

"Okay, we're seriously dead.." Ren moaned in anguish. "Hey Marco! Where's that horse and cart you were talking about?"

His notion seems to have caught their attention. "Oh yes! Connie, that's Ren and the taller one is Jean.." Marco briefly introduced. "They're the ones I'm trying to help out.."

Connie grinned at them and waved. "Heya guys! I'm Connie Springer!" He pointed his thumb at his back. "The horse and cart would be this way.. We'll explain our infiltration plan along the way! We're still a long way from Shiganshina so prepare yourselves for eight hours of butt aching travelling!"

"He's oddly happy.. too happy, considering we're about to do a serious death worthy crime..." Ren mused, crossing his arms as they looked at the animatedly talking buzz-cut kid.

"And you're oddly willing, too willing to even be here considering ma' is sick."

"Fuck you Jean."


"...Okay, I'll admit Marco.. I'm loving this plan so far.. I take back every word of doubt I've ever thought in my head.." Ren said smirking. They sat around a campfire discussing their game plan to enter Shiganshina. Marco looked relieved that the plan was approved by him.

Jean didn't look so happy about it. "I fucking resent this plan."

Connie was grinning ear to ear while taking another spoonful of beans into his mouth. "Jowke'sh ohn y'ah, bud..." He spoke with a mouthful. Jean cringed at the particles of beans flying out of his mouth in the process. "It'sh t'wee out ofph fouw botes!"

"Aww don't worry, Jean-bo!" Ren cooed and leaned to rest his forearm on Jean's shoulder, the smug-ass smirk never leaving his face at all. "You'd make a decent son..."

The two-tone haired man just glared at him. "Oh gee thanks, mom! You don't strike me as the nurturing type!"

Ren laughed and poked his brother's cheek playfully with his index finger. "Sure thing champ, you just can't accept that I'm prettier than you is all!" Jean was probably upset about the fact that he and Marco were gonna be the ones who're married. "Besides, I don't think you could pull off the girly look as well as I can." The brunette chirped happily and pulled away from his brother before the guy got too steamed up.

"I'm actually quite surprised that Ren was okay with it.." Marco spoke and put down his empty bowl of beans. "I was expecting a bit of resistance since..." He trailed off looking at Ren.

"Nah it's all good, Marco. I've had worse disguises when we would do jobs in the underground." Emerald eyes going dark for a second, the look in his eyes was gone as soon as It appeared. He masked it well with an ever cheerful smile. "I already can't wait to tell ma' about this! She'll crack up for sure!"

Jean just looked at his little brother by the corner of his eyes.

Ren shoved a spoon of beans in his mouth and engaged a conversation with Connie regarding Shiganshina, already trying to find out everything he needed to know and what to expect.

He felt a hand gripping his shoulder and he turned to see Marco giving him a worried glance.

"You okay? If you really don't like the plan, I could change a few things?" Connie and Ren chorused in their whines of protest, they really did like this plan in particular. Ren, liking it because he's the key to make this all work (The little attention whore) and Connie, who liked it because he concocted the plan himself with Marco.

"It's fine, Marco. Just worried.."

And he had the very right to be.

He just put his little brother at risk again and this time he knew he could have prevented this all along. The dark memories of that he despised the most resurfaced in his mind. Even if he closed his eyes he still could see it. He witnessed the birth of a demon in those bright turquoise eyes and as awe strikingly heart stopping that scene was and no matter how grateful he was that it happed, he still felt so much remorse over it.

Was it even possible to be thankful and regretful of something?

Jean felt like he was the reason, the one at fault..

Like purposely spilling red over a white canvas.. It could be hidden with all the other colors overlain in it in hopes to hide the ugliness,

But the red will forever stain the white...



Levi gently tugged the reins of his mare and she made gentle huffs of protest at the slight urgency of her master's action. "I know, girl.. it's early but we can't waste time." If he waited for the sun to come up Hanji would've been up and loaded to come with him and Farlan was no better. He needed them to stay with Isabel. Erwin probably wouldn't come himself but he'd definitely send a hoard of men with him, which would only slow him down. 'I don't need inexperienced little shits to waddle behind my footsteps and get us all caught and killed..'

He loaded up Jade's saddle with bags of rations and medical supplies if he ever had the need for them.

"Sneaking off again?"

Levi whipped his head to see Erwin crossing his arms just right by the entrance of the stables with an uneasy smile on his face.

"Not gonna tell me off, are you?" Levi sighed and continued fastening the straps on his saddle, Jade was only fussing just a bit over the extra weight she wasn't so used to.

"Nah, I already had a feeling you'd do this.. Just came to tell you that if you die I'll go to hell to bring you back and send you back there again myself." Erwin's uneasy smile turned into a more sincere one.

Smirking to himself, Levi let out the smallest of chuckles he couldn't hold in. "How romantic, commander."

Erwin shrugged. "It's how we love." They looked at each other with mirrored smirks.

"It was good to see you again, Erwin."

Erwin nodded at him, "It was good to see you as well, my friend. Be careful."

He didn't need to be told that. He was good at not dying or rather surviving. "Will do, Erwin. Keep Hanji from chasing my tail, would you?" It'd do him a great favour really.


It wasn't long until Levi could already see the gates. A shame it is for him to see the once graceful gates looking like crap made of metal scraps on the road. Levi tightened his hold on the reigns and lightly kicked Jade's side. The horse made an unpleased sound but moved forward anyway.

Feeling a little sorry for her, he rubbed circles on her neck soothingly. "I know, you're tired.. Just a little more and we can find coaching inns." As if comprehending what he could say she moved forward with a huff, at a faster pace.

As he reached the gates, he glanced at the guards. One was obviously sleeping and the only one awake seemed easy enough to pass by without a hitch.

With his plan in check even before the guard could even say a word to him, he tossed a small bag of gold wordlessly. The guard caught it and eyed it, eyes gleaming greedily. Needless to say, he stepped back and opened the gate wide enough for Levi and his horse to pass through.

Not wanting to waste any time, Levi got through and right away went to find a coaching inn for his horse to rest in. He wouldn't be needing her until later; with the need to snoop around and find small details for his plan to infiltrate to work. He needed a way through and enter the ruins of what was left of the old castle. If fate was kind enough to him he should be able to find and salvage information about that cure without having to entangle himself with the new military scum, roaming the place. Levi knew they had stacks of cure somewhere but locating the place could take him forever, he found the idea of looking into Grisha's old study should be more productive and any information he'd find, he knew for sure that Hanji could take the scraps to make something even better.

Getting his plans coordinated in his head, Levi also led Jade through the town, some houses were just as damaged as before but most were new. He recalled the fiery memory of these very streets dyed in red blood of the slain soldiers and townspeople, the angry flames eating away the sturdy woodwork of the houses that he came to know as he would patrol it during his cadet years, the scorching heat he felt on his back when an arrow...

"May I help you sir?" Called the old lady in front of him. When had Jade stop walking—oh, an apple stand.

He supposed she earned it, Levi sighed and patted her neck. "A dozen of those.. Half of them green and the other half red.." He politely handed over silver coins and a few extra bronze.

"Oh thank you sir!"

As soon as he received the bag of apples, he gave a shiny red one to his mare.

Now for that coaching inn.



"Remember Jean, just be yourself.." Ren said smirking. "Mom still loves you.."

Jean glared at his brother—or rather, Mother. "I hate all of you. Why do you fucking enjoy this? You're dressed as a woman for fucks sake!" They were nearing the gates already and they were getting their act straight.

Ren batted his naturally long lashes and tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear, he had an extra extension of hair to make the look work over his already shoulder-length hair and because of that his hair now appeared to fall right on his waist line. "Because I look hella good in this.." Ren had two rules in life now which he learned from living underground. Fight life and suffer, or own it and, make work like play so you can play at work.

It worked like a charm.

Marco was rather amused at the display too. "Come on Jean, have some respect for your mother.." He played along and hooked an arm around Ren's lithe waist. Jean groaned and buried his face into his palms.

"You traitors."

"How do I look?" Connie called out from behind them, a shawl draped on his shoulders with his back hunched a bit and a grey beard on his face.

"Woooow..." Ren grinned at the boy. "This might actually work!" Looking down at himself, the dress he wore was long and middle class looking, looked pricey for him but what would he know about upper ground currency? He decided that it was good enough. He'd pass as a girl anyway if he really tried even without the outfit.

Connie dropped the old man stance and puffed his chest out. "Of course it will! It's my plan! Now get on the cart and Marco, drive! We gotta get through as soon as possible!"

Jean crossed his arms, and glared at the three of them, crossing his arms as they loaded up the cart with themselves. Ren was primping himself through a little mirror he got from Marco. Connie was stroking his beard and getting into character and Marco looked serious.

"Jean get into character.."

He was really pissy about the fact the he was gonna be son and not the dad, not that he'd rather be married with his own little brother, but it really took a toll on him in a lot of ways. Why couldn't Connie be the son instead? He'd settle to be the grandpa any day.

"Listen to your mother, young man." Connie faked an oldie voice.

Shittiest plan ever.

Ren was having the time of his life though, so many colors. He was enjoying every eyeful of scenery his eyes could grasp on and he felt as if even though he's seen plenty he'll never get sick of the colors. How blue the skies were and how lush and green the trees and grass were, the bugs that flew by his face as they passed by. It felt so good to be out, to feel fresh cool wind caressing his face and if only he could bring the rest of the underground with him.

Soon enough they were already at the gate. The guards were onto them immediately.

"State your business." One said, with a bored expression while his companions checked the cart.

"Ah, I'm Marco Bodt.. You must be new, I live here. I left town just a few days ago to.." Marco's cheeks colored red. "P-Pick up my new wife and stepson from Stohess.." On cue Ren leaned forward and shyly peeked at the soldiers while tucking a lock of hair behind his ear. "Y-You can probably check the records on one of the logbooks Captain Hannes has."

They glanced at the crew then eyes landed at Jean. "That guy looks too old to be this woman's son.." He said warily.

"Ah, I-I... sorry sir, my poor boy doesn't usually look like that.." Ren said in the most heart-breaking tone he could muster. "My poor sweetheart... I know it's hard to keep hidden too.. but you all must know that there's a virus spread around. It seems that my poor Janis had caught it." He said clutching his chest as if in pain. "We know moving here was an expensive option but since I'm married to Marco now, it shouldn't be too hard with a few years of labor.. so we came to do the paperwork. All this just for my poor baby boy's life at stake.. a mother would go through so much lengths.."

They seemed to have bought it. The leader stepped back and gestured for them go on. "Right, well be careful in your way then.."

And they passed without another word aside from brief thank you's and a short goodbye.

And by the time they were out of earshot,

Marco beamed at his friends, "We did it!"

Ren grinned and hooked his arms around Jean's elbow. "Good job, baby!" He was shoved away but he laughed it off.

Connie was stroking his beard. "It was an easy entrance infiltration!"

"Tch, it was probably 'cause they were eyeing at your non-existent tits.." Jean poked Ren's forehead. "I didn't like that one bit.. I was close to hitting them on the chin."

"Aha, if you did that then we would've kissed our entrance goodbye.." Marco laughed and led their cart to his old house. "Alright listen up guys I'm leaving you guys for a bit to return the horse. You two," He glanced at Ren and Jean. "You're free to go around and roam but try not to get yourself lost.. Connie," He turned to Connie. "I need you to head later to Ymir. We need all the information we can get to slip inside the castle.."

Information to—wait, "Marco? Wait I thought you guys already have the cute in clinics or something!" Ren frowned.

"A-ah oh... well.. those need real check-ups, Ren." Marco weakly said. "I'm sorry for not elaborating it with you further but.. going to a clinic and getting a cure there with so much paperwork to fill up on is too risky. Looks and identities we can fake, but sickness and citizen rights and paperwork.. we can't fake those unless we have a friend on the inside that we can negotiate with."

Well that's a downer.

"Alright.." Ren sighed. "You knew about this?" He looked towards Jean.

Jean slowly nodded. "Sorry, it must have slipped my mind too.." He knew that Ren just really wanted to get that cure as soon as possible.

"Nah, It's fine bro.." Ren sighed and rested his chin on his palm. They got to Marco's house and got off the cart.

"Thanks for doing this for us Marco.. Really.." Jean said gratefully, grasping his partner's hand.

Marco squeezed his hand, "Its no big deal Jean, I couldn't just leave you down there when I know there's a sickness going around... Plus, letters aren't enough anymore, I'm just happy to be with you."

Ren smiled at the two. It was a young stage in their relationship but he can see that they really did care for the other.

Connie made a gagging sound. "Ugh.. you two.. stop it!" He sighed, "Kids.." He stroked his beard.

"You do know that we're not in front of guards anymore right?" Ren mumbled. "You can take the beard off now.

"I really can't. I used high class abrasive on this."


"Oh.." It might as well be a permanent beard now. "Welp I dunno about you guys but I'm in the upperground, I am going to explore!" Ren grinned and waved at his friends. "I think I'll keep the disguise for precaution."

"Hey wait," Jean called out and caught Ren's attention. "Here," He gave the younger a bag of money. "It's not much but I know you like sweets so, you can try some upperground food I guess." He said almost shyly, he was bad at showing that he cares for his little brother. "Or you could buy some for Armin."

"Aww thank you, Jean-bo!" Ren laughed and hid the purse into his pockets, thankfully the dress had pockets. Then he turned to Connie. "Mind if I borrow this?" He said while grabbing the shawl draped on Connie's shoulder. "I'd rather not let people get too much of an eyeful of my face," He shouldn't risk getting himself recognized later if ever they were exposed.

"Be careful on your way and remember the way back!" Marco called out, Ren was already walking away.

"Of course, hun! Watch our baby for me!" Ren giggled while waving back at them.

Jean regretted giving away the money already. He could see why he really wasn't good at showing he loved his little brother. Ren made it so hard for him too.



After leaving Jade at a coaching inn, Levi found himself walking on one of the old paths he used to know on a whim, this part of town which was really nostalgic to him. This is where the metal works were usually sold. The location was considerably close to the gates and the stalls he passed had displays of weapons. The other buildings were not as he remembered them even from before. It was too different.

But he wondered..

He turned a sharp right towards another paved path and a clearing.

Food stalls, inns and some restaurants. The buildings looked worn-out but he could still see they were in business. There were soldiers walking around or lazing about and even little kids who played right by the centre fountain of the town district square. Everything was so different yet still the same. The statues of angels on the fountain was cracked and on the sides had moss growing on it, unlike how he remembered it years ago when the white paint on it was new and the water was so clear. It was a wishing fountain, yet he saw no glinting in the waters. People probably stole the coins.

Out of desperation or greed he couldn't really judge. He's lived among various types of people and commoners alike. He knew more than he did before, it didn't mean it annoyed him less.

A memory of Mikasa taking a child version of him here to make a wish came into his mind. That coin he tossed here was probably taken with the rest. Trivial as it is but to see that everything you knew was gone and replaced so easily seared him.

It hurt to recall. He actually thought of trying to take Eren out for a day after his birthday, take him to this very place. To show the little boy the shops, the place where he got those star candies.


Was that shop still here?

His feet moved in autopilot.

He needed to see if it was still there. He could still remember the sweet scent of sugar in his nostrils and that happy smile he gave Eren that night on one of his birthdays.

Eren said he wanted the stars for his birthday.

So Levi granted his wish for him, albeit not literally. Yet it was so fulfilling to know he made him smile.

A few sharp left and right turns he finally sees it. Like the rest, it was worn and old. The walls looked like they were crumbling and the wooden parts of the little building were holed up like cheese. It was still there, standing and not on the ground in rubbles.

His heart leaped.

Without a second more thought he walked inside the building and a familiar yet far away chime. It sounded so different yet the same as before. The old rusted bell was the same. It was a little miracle if itself, just by being there.

"Is anyone here?" He called out to the empty looking billet. If he remembered it right, a woman sold him those sweets.

"We have nothing! GET OUT!" The door just across the room flew open revealing a little boy with dark hair and blue eyes. He was dragging a log of wood that seemed almost too heavy for him. "We—oh.. You're not a soldier.."

Levi eyed the boy with mild curiosity, the hostility he showed just now. "No, I certainly am not." The clothes the boy wore looked like he hasn't changed them for days, messy and roused-up. "Is this shop still selling candy?"

The boy didn't answer but he did look at Levi suspiciously. "How do I know you're not here to rob us?" Looking closer the kid looked really young. The sharp tongue he had made Levi think twice about the age.

"I don't steal money from kids, now answer my question you little brat." He hasn't used that word in forever, it oddly felt nice on his tongue even though it wasn't Eren.

Glaring at him, "You sure have a way with kids then, mister." He snarled at the older man. "My grandma doesn't do that anymore, not since those weasel-bags took more money than we could make so I hope that answers your question!"

"Sharp tongue kiddo, your grandma taught you how to talk like that?" Levi fired back.

"S-shut up. Go away. My gran' is sleeping!" The little boy's icy eyes narrowed further.

"Not until I talk to the old lady, I need to buy some sweets from her." Levi tried to walk past the kid and to get to the door behind him when little arms held onto his coat.

"N-No, you'll wake her. Plus we don't even have the supplies to make candy anymore." The child mumbled, trying to stop Levi. "Just go, you can't find anything here!"

Why was he even bothering with this? "If I get the stuff, would you allow me to order candy then?" Levi softly asked, he felt the kid loosen his hold.

"I'll be right back." Levi watched the boy run inside hastily. Shuffling and sounds of furniture being moved assaulted his ears.

He surely hoped that the boy wasn't barring the door or something.

When the kid re-emerged from the door, he held out a piece of paper towards Levi. "H-here.." He mumbled shyly. "Those are what you'll need to make the candy."

It was still early and the shops were really close, he had plenty of time to spare. Levi decided it was worth the efforts to taste that candy again.


Through squinting his eyes hard enough he was able to decipher what the kid had written and managed to buy most of the ingredients asked in the list. He wandered around asking merchants incessantly of the items he needed. It wasn't until he managed to catch the eyes of a few soldiers, in which he grew a bit regretful that he ended up going through this choice. Now the two bulkheads were on his tail for a decent hour and he just couldn't lose them off his tail. Confronting them was a no-go.

Shit he's let his guard down. He shouldn't have let his whims go through with this.

Now he was clearly paying for it.

"Excuse me there, mis—." One called out from behind him.

"There you are sweetheart!" Another voice chimed, suddenly a pressure wrapped around on his elbow. "All these stalls sure make you all dizzy.. I thought I got seriously lost for a moment!" A hooded woman said, clinging onto him. His mind racing, a scam? Who is this woman?

For a moment he weighed options. This could be his way out of this mess. "Ah, yeah.. I was running in circles looking for you. You alright?" He allowed himself to pull the girl closer to himself. The hood covered most of her face but he could see that she was young, her chocolate locks slung out of her hood. "Let's get you out of the sun, shall we?"

"Yes—oh! How lovely, you bought a lot!" She beamed looking at the things he was carrying. "Sorry my cravings are pushing our budget to the limit.." Oh, she was good. He could hardly tell that she was acting and he too was pushed along with her flow. But why had she suddenly come to him? He kept in mind to interrogate her properly later. She could be a criminal on the run from a murder for all he knew.

"Anything for the little one." Levi found himself saying. Out of the corner of his eye he saw another one more soldier coming from the direction of the woman. So she was being chased after all.

This could get dangerous really fast but he didn't need these military punks in this.

The two of them began walking towards a slightly secluded area, all three soldiers on their tail. Then suddenly she tugged on his arm lightly.

"Hey, push me up on that wall then kiss me.." He faintly heard her whisper. What an outrageous notion that was. Did she really—"Man up, do it. Public displays make people really uncomfortable, they'll get the picture and go." She hissed under her breath, leaning her head on his shoulder to disguise what they were doing as a loving action.

What the fu—she's nuts, but fuck it.

He gently forced her backwards on a hard brick wall and placed his lips roughly onto hers. The clanking footsteps ceased for a minute. She tilted her head and wrapped her arms around his neck granting him a lot of access, which he took. Displaying their fake attraction to their audience, successfully acting like horny teenagers.

The footsteps clanked again, this time however the sounds grew distant in Levi's ears.

It worked.

Nibbling on her lips for another few seconds to be sure of the coast being clear.

He then flicked a small dagger from his leather cuff. Levi pulled away and leaned towards her ear, the hood still obscuring his view. "Who are you and what is your objective lady?" He hissed pressing the blade on her neck hard but not hard enough to get her hurt.

"Trying to get that pervert off my trail and fuck you man, I just helped you shake off yours too.. This is how you repay me?" She growled but didn't attempt to move.

Levi raised an eyebrow. Why would she just jump in and help a total stranger she just saw glimpses of? "Alright, I'm sure you know I'll be asking you why?"

She squirmed in his tight hold, he had an arm on her waist. To passers-by they look like a couple whispering sweet nothings to each other in a dark alley, which is sort of close to the truth but not with romantic words being exchanged.

"Come on, woman. I don't have all day.." He gripped her lithe waist tighter, he almost feared he'd break her at this point but he needed to intimidate her to get the truth out.

"You have a kid." She said, not making any sense to him or to provide for the situation. "I saw a short glimpse of that note you're holding.. I uhh.. I guess I didn't want to see you to get into trouble when you're out getting stuff for your kid." She huffed. "Plus I really needed that pervert tailing me off my back so it's a win-win situation. Word of advice mister dark and mysterious man, don't wear a lot of dark stuff in broad daylight carrying a ton of stuff, you really looked like you robbed someone with a scary look on your face."

Levi sighed in annoyance and let her go. "Hmph. I don't have a kid but I am buying stuff for a kid. I was going in circles because I can't find this last ingredient he told me to get." He put his small dagger back into his cuff.

She rubbed her neck and exhaled. "Oh? What ingredient?" She let the question slip out of curiosity.

Glancing downward and getting the note open, Levi read, "cugarcane...?"

She too leaned forward to peek at the last word. "Oh, that one is misspelled.. Aw what a cute handwriting. Almost the same as my little brother's.." She laughed. "You're looking for 'sugarcane'."

Levi glanced down at her seeing her mouth twisted up in a small smile. How anomalous, just a while ago he had a knife on her throat and much, much earlier than that they were sucking faces. She doesn't even look the least bit bothered by that either.

"Hm? What? Do I have weird shit on my face?" She patted her cheek to be sure, "Agh shit, you didn't cut my neck did you?" She worriedly touched her neck again.

"No," Levi sighed, pressing his fingers on his temples. "You are a strange woman.. I could have killed you just a while ago. How are you not shaking in fear?"

She beamed. "Simple," Her finger poked his chest lightly. "A man who does shopping for kids can't possible kill a woman in cold blood.. You were trying to assure your safety by intimidating me for answers. I know I can't really tell for sure since I just met you but I can see that you're a good man. I've been through worse so don't fret over that." She dismissively waved her hand.

She was odd indeed.

"Why are you still here then?"

"Oh," She pondered for a minute. "In case they come back.. and I want a payment in exchange for my service.." She smirked, he could see it.

Levi's eye twitched in annoyance. What a troublesome woman he's stumbled into. "It better not be money.."

"Of course not, and I at least deserve that much from you though." She crossed her arms at him. "Kisses don't come free..!"

Levi slightly faltered at the word and that which didn't go unnoticed to her. "Was that your first kiss mister?" She asked obnoxiously loud, though that could have been just imagination. Because it was true.

"I don't see how that's any of your business.." He hissed. "If you'll excuse me—"

"I'm not leaving you alone until I'm repaid.." She interrupted.

He wanted to slap himself for getting himself tangled with this mess. Le really shouldn't have went for this task. He shouldn't have went there in the first place and lastly he shouldn't have lost sight of his objective and just went to do what he came to do. "Fine, what do you want?"

Shyness suddenly sprang out of her body language from what Levi could tell as she fiddled with her fingers. "By any chance... do you know where I can get good food around here?"

He sure knew how to pick 'em. A sarcastic thought crossed his mind.


Levi led her back to where the shop was, wondering if some kind of crazy dubious spirit has come and possessed his body for the day for him to suddenly make all the worst choices he could possibly make in one day. And to think he hasn't even gotten her name yet.

"What a shaby place," She said out loud while he pushed the creaky door open for her, the bell chiming as it did for him earlier this day. "You're awful at pleasing women you know that? Or people in general.."

He looked at her barely concealing his annoyance, "I only please when pigs fly. I'm funny that way." Levi said in a straight tone. "Oi, kid! I'm back!"

The child quickly appeared through the door, "Oh.. y-you're here.. uhh, yeah I'll get gran' to make you candies then..." He made an action to take the bags from Levi but the man quickly reeled backwards.

"No, these are too heavy. Let me take them inside for you."

"I-I can do it myself!" Trying to grab them out of Levi's hold, the kid jumped for it. "You're not allowed inside!"

It all clicked.

Levi narrowed his eyes on the boy and pushed the bags into the child's arms making the kid almost stumble back. Successfully grounding the kid with the bags Levi walked past him in long, fast strides and despite the kid yelling for him to stop in his tracks, he didn't relent.

With one easy push he opened the door, revealing a messy empty room. No grandmother to be seen, nor were there any traces of her being around. On the floor there were crusted flour, fallen empty bottles and some broken remnants of a chair, by a dirty mouldy table there was a swathed blanket over the dusty floor and a rolled dirty cloth just lain there at the corner of it all.

"The old lady is gone, isn't she." It wasn't a question.

The soft thumping of ingredients hitting the floorboards followed by soft sniffling, rang inside the little shop. "Y-yes.." If Levi hadn't been listening so closely he might have missed that little word of reply.

Levi exhaled through his nose, he was stressed but he can't find it in him to be the slightest bit mad at the little boy. Among all things if there was anything at all that Levi just could not stand. This pheasant boy just lied to him and even got him going, buying all that stuff which was going to be of no use. Instead, Levi ought to blame himself for it all. He should have been able to piece it all together in one glance. And now, here he finds himself in the middle of a room with a crying kid and a half-sane perverted woman.

Yet nothing felt out of place.

Was he here for this sort of reason? Fate or some shit, toying with his life and moving him around like a chess piece.

He can't turn back from this now, so he might as well live with the path he paved for himself.

Levi walked back to where the boy was at and knelt on his eyelevel. It felt nostalgic. Sometime many years ago, he's confronted a crying green eyed boy too. "Shh, don't cry." He slowly put his hand over the little shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze. "I'm not mad. I don't blame you for lying but I am impressed you were able to keep this charade up for so long.." He really was. To think a kid his age was able to survive so long without a guardian and officials hasn't paid him any attention, the kid was smart. "Tell me your name?"

The boy was still hiccupping through small soft sobs but answered, "I-Ivan.." Grey eyes softened at the sight. Isn't this very familiar.

"I will give you a choice, Ivan.. I'm here in Shiganshina for a very crucial reason but I visited this shop for a sentimental reason. I don't regret coming here," Levi gently rubbed Ivan's back, trying to comfort him. "If I hadn't I wouldn't have come across you and who knew what would happen to you in a few years' time. Especially with this disease going around." He sighed. "Now for that choice.. Stay here or come with me when my task is done?"

Ivan looked baffled but his crying stopped. Who would offer such a thing? Would the child even consider it?

They've just met.

"It's your call, kid. I have good people back where I'm from.. Folks who won't mind taking you as their own. Your grandmother, I knew her. She sold me something precious and for that I am forever grateful this shop existed. What she did for me was more than a little, it even equals to saving my life in a way, that's how important it was for me that I came across her in this shop. Now I've come across you, now I am asking you to make your choice. I would love to make it up for her in this way, paying her kindness forward to her grandson." Levi really did see it as an equivalent of his life being saved, it brought him close to Eren and that alone was tenfold more important.

Oh how he loved that boy.

The young lad looked up at Levi with the look of astonishment. This stranger, whom he just met this very day, is suddenly offering to take him under his wing after finding out he was orphaned. It really blew him out of his wits, no one except his grandma had offered him such kindness without asking for anything in return. He can't think of anything ...just....

"Why?" Ivan said. "Why would you ask me such a thing? I'm just a dirty little street rat..." He learned that from the soldiers he had to deal with each time he went out. With the little he had, he couldn't even get proper food so he would work occasionally and through the little money he'd earn he bought little scraps of crusty bread. Ivan would have no choice but to have very few nibbles of them every day, just so they last long.

"You're a child and I'm an adult, isn't it my job to take care of a child?" Oh the irony of that. Levi's lips twitched up a bit in the tiniest of smiles. Looks like he was bound to take care of little brats for the rest of his life.

Wiping his eyes, Ivan hesitantly nodded. "O-okay.." The little boy lowered his head shyly.

Levi placed his hand on the boy's head and ruffled his hair lightly.

A soft cough was heard behind them.

Ah shit, he completely forgot about her

With a small sigh, Levi sent the girl a glare which was slapped off his face the moment he realized her hood was off.

Gunmetal eyes meeting ocean green pools.

Their gazes clashed and Levi felt his breath escaping him.


Weell.. over 7k words... XD Hopefully that made up with my prank on April Fools!

I love you guys!! :3

Thank you for being awesome and liking my work!


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