Let the Rain Fall (Gale, Nalu...

By truth000

900K 27.8K 35.4K

A Delinquent and a Bookworm. A Teacher and a Student. A Boy with an Unforgettable Past and Girl with no Past... More

Let the Rain Fall (A Gale, Nalu, and Jerza fan fiction)
A Fresh Start
A New Job
An Encounter
Hatred and Determination
Our Similar Miserable Lives
The Second Encounter
The Banished Prince
The Strange and the Meaningful
Meetings and Forgiveness
Studying With a Slice of Pizza
A Brother's Intuiton
A Little Too Friendly
Redemption and Damnation
Cinderella Story
Hospitals and Noodles
Our Casual Affair
A New Acquaintence
Rainy Weather
Tied with a Ribbon
A Heart for A Heart
Just For A Talk
The Challenges of Us
Birthday Presents
Addicted to Scandal
Hiding in the Dark
Emotional Roller Coaster
First Date
A Love Connection Like No Other
Trouble in Paradise
Family Reunions
The Loss of A Great One
The Trip (Part 1)
All Things Must Come to an End
Author's Note
Time Is Of The Essence
Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures
Hi im not dead. Please read srsly
Sweet Beginnings (NSFW)

The Pain of the Stage

27.4K 796 673
By truth000


HI, READERS! I'm feeling kind of relaxed. Some of you guys have been sending me messages on Kik, and I feel very happy that you guys really like my writing :). One of you actually touched my heart, since we had a smilarity of not really being good at anything...Remember, if you ever want to kik me, the username is EtherealAlliance! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 8, ENJOY!!!!!


Lucy P.O.V

"No, no, no!" Lisanna cried.

"Why Takumi, out of all the guys on the show!" My friend Meg cried.

"Wait, I thought she liked Yasu!" Opal exclaimed.

"That's what you get for missing a bunch of episodes," I sighed. Lisanna, Meg, Opal and I were secretly watching Nana on my phone while the rest of our musical troupe were rehearsing for our musical coming up, Les Miserables. I played the older Cossette, Lisanna played Eponine, Meg played Madame Thenardier,  and Opal was part of the tech crew's music department. We were all squished together in the corner of the theater, paying close attention to the show. "Is it just me, or is Hachi a slut," Lisanna grumbled.

"She's not a slut! She's just unlucky with men," I defended.

"LADIES!" We flinched at the shrill voice that roared from our director, Ms. Shirming. We all gingerly looked up and saw the middle-aged woman staring at us through her slim glasses. "What do you think you're doing!"

"Um....," I muttered, adjusting my glasses so that I couldn't look into her eyes. Lisanna coughed, Opal whistled, and Meg was just plain silent. Ms. Shirming groaned, rubbing her chunky wrinkled forehead. "Heartfilia, Strauss, Pucker, head over to the piano and rehearse One More Day and A Heart Full of Love! Five Times! Dickson, play all of Act 1 on violin and drums!"

"What!" We all cried.

"Now! And that's an order!" We all groaned and headed to our stations. We all sang until our throats were soar, while Opal unrestlessly moved her arms to the point where they could fall off.  After that, we rehearsed some more, and by the time we finished everything it was eleven o'clock. Lisanna and I were walking down the street to my apartment, where she was sleeping over. "My throat hurts!" Lisanna complained.

"You're telling me! I have too many high notes! I think I may lose my voice!" I cried. As we continued to complain, Lisanna suddenly changed subject. "You saw Natsu today, right?" I paused, standing under a lamppost. I sighed. "It's hard to cut ties with him when people keep mentioning his name," I hissed silently.

"Aw. c'mon cuz, you have to admit, he has changed in the past six years. He's still goofy, sure, but he's also matured as well. And the two of you really liked each other." I admired Lisanna for sticking up for Natsu, I really did, but I just couldn't forgive him that easily. He abandoned me. He broke his promise, and threw my beloved Juliet on to the streets. Along with me.

Then, a memory popped in my head. It was when I was in second grade, and Natsu was in third. We were playing games at the park with some kids from school. Were playing some sort of game that involved partners. A boy who's name I've forgotten ran up to me. "Hey, Lucy! You wanna be my partner?"

At that moment, Natsu grabbed me by the arm. "Oi, lay off Lucy!"

"How come you always get to be with Lucy!"

"Because she's mine and mine only!" That was the first time my heart stopped at one of Natsu's remarks. That day, I felt more connected to Natsu than I ever did. I quickly shook that memory out of my head. Why on earth was I remembering that day, I asked myself. I looked back at Lisanna and said, "Let's just forget about Natsu. We still need to watch the rest of Nana."

"You're right! We just found out Hachi was pregnant with Takumi's baby!" We rushed into my apartment, crept into my room, and began to watch the rest of the episode on my laptop. I was glad Lisanna wasn't that bright when it came to changing topics. The last thing I wanted to do was talk about Natsu.

The next day at school, I braced myself by hiding behind my cousin for most of the day. I could see Natsu and his friends laughing hysterically in the corner of the hall, which was good. He wouldn't notice me. "Lucy! Lucy!" A familiar voice called out. I turned around, and my heart stopped. It was Mrs. Dragneel, or Principal Grandine at school. No, no, no! I forced a smile and waved, and soon I was embraced by her. She held me tightly, just like the way she used to when I was a kid. She pulled away and smiled. "Oh, it's been too long since we've done that, hasn't it.?" She asked.

I nodded. "It sure has." Mrs. Dragneel hasn't changed at all. She still wore her blond in a bun with two pencils stuck inside of them. She aged a little, but still looked under thirty five. "How have you been since...you know?"

"I've doing fine, thanks for asking," I said politely. I didn't want her to know that I cut ties with Natsu; it would break her heart tremendously. "Well, I didn't come here to go through memory lane! I came to ask you if you were interested in auditioning for a musical."

"A musical?"

"Yes, a musical. Mira told me about you being part of Fiore's theatre troupe, and I think you would be the perfect person to play the lead actress."

"What play?" I asked. This was all so sudden. Yesterday was my first day and I'm already asked to be part of a musical? This school does not play around. "Ah, it's The Corpse Bride. Oh, how I love that musical."

Really? But it's so dark? "Maybe I will," I said. The bell rang, and I looked down at my schedule to  see what I had next. "I've got to go! I have Drama next."

"Oh, tell Natsu I said hi!" She chirped. I paused. Wait, what? I looked back at Mrs. Dragneel. "But I thought Drama was only for Juniors and below?"

"Oh, heavens no! It's for both Juniors and Seniors!"

Oh God, why are you so cruel to me?  Natsu was in drama too! Wasn't calculus enough! I forced a smile once again. "I will." She smiled and walked away. I released my smile and sighed. I hated lying to Mrs. Dragneel. She was too sweet to be lied to, but I knew it would hurt her more if she found out that Natsu and I weren't exactly on speaking terms. She was like a second mother to me when we were kids and thought of me like her daughter. It only seems like a lifetime ago that Natsu and I were eating cookies on his porch and his mom bringing a glass of milk for the both of us. The way she smiled always made me smile.

To bad that was a lifetime ago.

Natsu P.O.V

"Dudes, I think Juvia likes me," Gray whispers to Elfman and me as we enter the auditorium. I shook my head with disapproval. "You've just noticed that? She stares at you all the time at lunch."

"She does?"

"Yup," Elfman sighed. "She'd be pretty hot if it weren't for her heavy accent."

"I like her accent! It sounds pretty," Gray muttered, blushing a little. I laughed hysterically. "Dude, I think you like Juvia too!" Gray's eyes widened, and his face flushed pink. He quickly averted my eyes from mine in embarrassment.  Both Elfman and I laughed even more as we sat down  in the front seats. I suddenly heard familiar voices behind us. "Let's sit here! The seats are filling in fast!"

"Alright, alright! I swear, I'm never giving you sugary cereal for breakfast ever again!" My eyes widened when I figured out the identity of the voices. I slowly turned around and saw Lisanna and Lucy sitting directly behind us, giggling. I gasped loudly, catching the girls' direction. Lucy's eyes widened, but she quickly looked away. Lisanna coughed. "Awkward."

"Oi, Lisanna! I didn't catch you at Archery club yesterday What's the big deal!" Gray yelled.

"Ah, sorry! Lucy and I had rehearsals for the hundreth time this month!" She apologized. "Our director is a pain in the ass!"

"You guys are in a Troupe?" Elfman asked. Lisanna smiled and gave Elfman a surprise high-five. "Ten points for Elfman! Yup, Lucy and I are gonna be in Les Miserables. Lucy plays Cossette, the most lovesick girl in the history of musicals, and I play Eponine, the biggest jealous bitch ever!" Elfman and Gray cracked up uncontrollably, while both Lucy and I sat there in silence. They began to whisper something, but I had no interest in what they were talking about. I turned around and built up my courage to speak to Lucy, but I was sadly interrupted. "Students, students! Take your seats!"

The whole auditorium hushed when they saw Mr. Katsumi on the stage. He was one of the most stuck-up teachers I've ever met ever since Freshman year. Thankfully, this was my last year with him. He wore a beret on top of his thick blond head and wore an eccentric suit of many colors. "Students, welcome to Drama! I hope that this class will spark your enthusiasm to take on the world of the theatre!"

"Or put us to sleep," Gray muttered, making me chuckle.

Mr. Katsumi eyed us, but instantly ignored us. "Today, we will be learning the use of emotions and expressions through memory. Most actors and actresses use their memories to help them channel to the emotion of their character. I'll need two volunteers!"

No one rose their hand. I definetely wasn't going to. I didn't want to even take this class, but it was either this or World Art History. Suddenly, Elfman stepped on my foot really hard. I screetched with pain, accidently raising my hand. "Mr. Dragneel! I'm happy you'll be taking on this experience!"

"Oh no, I-!"

"You heard the teacher, go up on stage," Elfman chuckled. I growled with anger and got up from my seat. I climbed up on stage, where almost a hundred students were staring at me. Great, just great, I thought to myself. "Now I need one more volunteer!"

"Ouch!" Lucy cried, raising her hand in the air.

"Ms. Heartfilia! You'll be our second volunteer!" She looked like she was against it, but she didn't speak. Wait a minute....When they were whispering.....This is a set up! I clenched my fists with anger and looked over at my so-called "friends". They smiled and gave me a big thumbs up. I'm so gonna kill them later. Lucy climbed up on stage and joined me and Mr. Katsumi. "Ms. Heartfilia, I expect big things from you today. I happen to be a very close friend of Ms. Shirming."

Lucy's eyes widened with fear. "S-so you are...." She gulped. So she's afraid of her director, I thought.    Mr. Katsumi brought out three giant cubes onto the stage. "You two are going to use your memories to interact using the emotions I assign you. You must use the cubes to interact as well."

"This can't be too hard," I muttered.

"Not when you're with me it is," Lucy suddenly muttered back. I stared at her with shock. She's challenging me! "Alright, you're first emotion is joy. Go!"

Suddenly, Lucy covered her eyes with both of her hands. "Natsu, Natsu, go and hide! I'll spin and turn around five times!  If I'm not to dizzy and fall on my head! I'll go and hide and we can play again!"

This song...She would sing this when we would play hide-and-seek! She's actually using her memories from our childhood! I gotta do the same, or else I'll get scolded and look like a fool. I quickly hid behind one of the cubes. Think, what did I do when I was the one hiding...I would laugh! I softly began to laugh. It slowly formed from an acting to a genuine laugh. Suddenly, Lucy appeared from the top of the cubes, smiling like a fool. "Found you, Natsu!"

"Stop!" Mr. Katsumi yelled. "Wonderful, Wonderful!" There was a wave of claps from the audience, including a whistle from Elfman. I smiled and looked back at Lucy. She was smiling pleasantly. I guess she really likes the stage. "Alright students, settle down, settle down! We're on the the next emotion." Everyone ceased their cheering and settled down like the teacher commanded like little dogs. "Your next emotion is anger! Go!"

At that moment, I felt a hand slam against my cheek with all her strength. I  fell to the ground, feeling the stinging of my cheek.  "What the hell was that for!"

"It's all because of you!" She screamed. She grabbed the collar of my polo and yelled. "You ruined my life!"

Her anger was really getting to me. "Why do you keep blaming me for what happened!"

"Because you're the one who changed! You broke you're promise! Your promise costed me five years of my life!"

"You're the one who went after that stupid doll! I called out you're name to warn you, but it was too late!" The memory popped in my head again, bringing pain into both mind and the heart.

"You have no idea what I went through!"

At that moment, I snapped. I slapped her in the face. Her eyes were wide as she gently touched her reddened cheek. "Can you please stop  thinking about yourself!" I yelled.

"Na...tsu..," she whispered.

"No, let me talk! Do you have any idea how mentally scarred I was after the accident! Seeing my best friend's body fly over the car like she was some kind of doll! I had to take therapy for three years! I was pracically mute for four years! It wasn't until last year I was able to become social and make friends! When I first saw you, I was so happy! But you keep blaming me for something that was a pure accident!"

I haven't yelled like this in such a long time.

I was huffing and puffing by lack of breath. Everyone in the auditorium was staring at the two of us. I looked back at Lucy, and I was shocked.

She was crying. I didn't think it was an act this time. She covered her mouth with her hands. "Um...done?" Mr. Katsumi muttered.

Lucy then dashed her way off the stage and out of the auditorium. Lisanna followed after her. "Lucy! Wait!"

"Well...that was pretty exciting! A round of applause for the two of them!" There were claps, but they were not as enthusiastic as our first emotion. I walked down to my seat in silence. Elfman and Gray tried to talk to me, but I wouldn't reply. For the rest of class, people were doing acting exercises, forgetting the whole thing, laughing at the lack of talent each of the students had.

But I was lost in a train of thought.

What have I done...?

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