Boys Over Flower 2

By sohyunieLover

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F4 1st generation: Gu Jun Pyo, Yoon Ji Hoo, Soo Yi Jung, Song Woo Bin F4 2nd generation: Gu Seung Yoon, Yoon... More

Chapter 2: Different
Chapter 3: The 2nd Generation F4
Chapter 4: Reminiscence
Chapter 5: World War III
Chapter 6: Consequences
Chapter 7: Boarding School
Chapter 8: Familiar and Unfamiliar Faces
Chapter 9: Circle of Friends
Chapter 10: Rivalry
Chapter 11: The Plot
Chapter 12: The First Assault
Chapter 13: Trouble
Chapter 14: Accomplices
Chapter 15: Nursing Battle
Chapter 16: Weekend Getaway
Chapter 17: Right Feelings for the Wrong Person
Chapter 18: School Festival
Chapter 19: Oppa
Chapter 20: Empire High School (A Rich Kid's Diary Crossover)
Chapter 21: Camp
Chapter 22: The Amazing Race
Chapter 23: Confession
Chapter 24: Conflict
Chapter 25: Family Vacation Part I
Chapter 26: Family Vacation Part II
Chapter 27: Confrontation
Chapter 28: Date
Chapter 29: The Danger That Lurks
Chapter 30: Scandal
Chapter 31: Mask
Chapter 32: Abstract Feelings In A Painting
Chapter 33: Change
Chapter 34: True Colour
Chapter 35: The Mastermind
Chapter 36: Struggles and Revelations
Chapter 37: The Rescue
Chapter 38: Ransom
Chapter 39: Heal
Last Chapter: The 3RD Generation F4

Chapter 1: First Day of High School

6.4K 75 32
By sohyunieLover

At SHINHWA High School:

"Ya! Did you hear? The 3rd generation F4 will be studying here at Shinhwa High School."

"I know. They practically own this school so it's not really a surprise."

"I also heard that the son of JK group, the Chairwoman's son and the rest of their cool friends will be studying here too. Daebak! i can't wait to see them."

"I wonder if Soo Hayi is as charismatic as Tae Hyun sunbae."

"Of course! She's Soo Yi Jung sunbae's daughter. I'm sure she will be the new charmer of Shinhwa."

"And by the way, if I'm not mistaken, Song Woo Bin sunbae had twins for his second child. It means that we will meet the Song twins today. I wonder if they will be as cool as Min Ho sunbae was back then. Since their father was known to be strong and cool, I expect that Song Suhyun will be influential and awesome too."

"Speaking of coolness, Yoon Ji Hoo sunbae's daughter is way cooler! She's a well known model for her age. I wonder if she's a calm and serene person just like Ji Hoo sunbae."

"I can tell that Yoon Sung Kyoung is very gentle just like Jin Woo sunbae and just like their father, I'm sure."

"What about Gu So Hyun?"

"Ah! I heard that she's very charismatic."

"Figures. Just like Seung Yoon sunbae, I'm sure she has an outgoing and friendly personality."

"I know right? As expected from Gu Jun Pyo and Geum Jan Di sunbae's children."

"Kyaahh! Here they come!"

In the main lobby of the school, most of the students have gathered excitedly. All of them were eager to meet the 'new' F4 that will sit on the throne at SHINHWA High. Even the media was there to witness them on their first day of school. It was expected that the citizens of Korea wanted to know all about the lives of these famous personalities.

The crowd was anticipating as four silhouettes made their way towards the school main lobby. As soon as they were finally and totally visible, all the reporters came rushing towards them.

"What are your feelings right now that you're in High School now?"

"Are you feeling burdened that everyone calls you the new F4 after your fathers and brothers?"

"What did your parents' thoughts about you attending SHINHWA High?"

"What can people expect from you four for this coming year?"

The four girls were standing there facing all the people and cameras as if they didn't feel uncomfortable of them at all. They were smiling and waving at the same time. Knowing that they have enough photos taken, one of the girls stepped forward and one of the reporters extended his mic towards her.

"Ah yes, thank you for coming and witnessing this exciting day for us. Since today is our first day of high school, we feel very happy. Today is the start of the new chapter for us and new experiences to share with everyone." Sung Kyoung stated calmly and full of grace.

"As for the second question, we admit that we feel a little burdened about us being called the new F4 but at the same time we feel very proud and honoured. Since our brothers already graduated from High School, we will do our best to live up to the title that they left us." Suhyun stated confidently.

"About our parents' thoughts about us studying here, they were happy and excited for us. They were saying that time really comes fast. That they didn't think that today was the day that their daughters will become high school students." Hayi stated sweetly and shyly that made everyone sigh in admiration.

Everyone was in a trance and kept on staring at these four girls standing in front. As if knowing that it's about time for the opening ceremony, the last girl came forward and took the mic from the nearest reporter and stared at the camera.

"I assure you, people can expect a LOT from us this year. You'll be surprised." So Hyun answered the last question and smirked at the camera and it was followed by the squeals and cheers from the students around.

So Hyun gave the mic back to the reporter and started walking away and followed by the three girls. The reporters tried to follow them but they were suddenly blocked by the men in black suits [most probably the school enforcers].

As soon as the new F4 disappeared from sight, all the students started to disperse too and went on their own ways while the reporters were ushered by the school enforcers outside the school. The main lobby was almost empty except that there was a boy left standing and looked disappointed.

"Aishh! What am I? Adopted? Yah!!! I'm a Song too, FYI!" Chan Hyuk shouted desperately.

"Yo! Just chill dude." Bobby suddenly appeared and put his arms on Chan Hyuk's shoulders for comfort.

"Yah Bobby! How come you just came now? It's not good for the Chairwoman's son to be late you know." Chan Hyuk said. "And can you NOT put your hands on me?" Chan Hyuk continued while glaring at Bobby.

And Bobby silently put his hands up on the air as if surrendering. Chan Hyuk then started walking away from him but Bobby quickly ran catching up with him.

"Yah, has Sung Jae arrived yet?" Bobby asked while looking around incase he spotted his friend.

"I don't know. But BI and the rest of your gang are already here." Chan Hyuk answered lamely.

"Oh yeah!" Bobby cheered and ran towards the hallway leaving Chan hyuk behind.

Everyone has gone in thier respected classrooms except the new F4, Chan Hyuk, Bobby and his friends (BI, Jun Hue, Dong Hyuk) which were in the Chairwoman's office. They were seated on the sofas at the office's living room. The girls and the boys were seated opposite each other. The chairwoman,Gu Jun Hee was walking back and forth at the front, thinking. After sometime, she suddenly stopped and stared at them for a long time. All the students were feeling confused and just stared at each other wondering what was the reason for them of getting summonned.

"I've decided." Gu Jun Hee finally said.

"Okay. Decided on what, aunt Jun Hee?" So Hyun asked out of curiosity.

"It's Madam Chairman for you young lady, since we're at school." Jun Hee reminded. " Well, I've decided that you will join the other students in the regular classes." Jun Hee finally answered.

"What do you mean? As in sharing the same room with them?" Sung Kyoung asked incredulously.

"No way, are you serious mom?" Bobby asked with his alarming voice.

"Yes, I am serious. And how many times do I have to tell you that when we're at school you should call me Madam Chairman." Jun Hee scolded.

"But ever since our parents' time, the school gave special classes to those who are more fortunate like us. Why change now?" Suhyun asked, horrified.

"Yeah, it will be a disaster for us if they..." Hayi started to say but was interrupted by a slight nudge from Suhyun. When she looked around, she saw that the 3 girls were glaring at her.

Seeing the horrified looks on the students' faces, Jun Hee closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she was about to say something, the main door of the office swung open and a boy stood there smirking.

"Oh! Yook Sung Jae! You're late!" Jun Hee walked across the room towards the new comer. She was about to smack Sung Jae on the head but he was able to dodge it by ducking his head. In the blink of an eye, he was already across the room opposite Jun Hee.

"Yah! Yook Sung Jae! You..!" Jun Hee was about to chase him again.

"I agree to the Chairwoman's decision." Sung Jae suddenly blurted making everyone silent. "Yah! If I say I agree, you guys should agree too." Sung jae adressed his gang (Bobby, BI, Jun Hue, Dong Hyuk).

"Are you out of your mind? Yah! Yook Sung Jae, who do you think you are to..." Sung Kyoung stood up out of frustration without her knowing and tried to confront Sung Jae but stopped after feeling the hands of So Hyun on hers. All the other students were surprised by her outburst and then started to laugh quietly by themselves.

"If Sung Jae says so. Okay then, we also agree." Bobby agreed feeling defeated.

"What? Not you too." So Hyun said feeling disappointed about her cousin's desicion.

"Sorry couz. Sung Jae's words." Bobby winks at his cousin and smiled.

"Okay then, it's settled. All of you, go and find what class you belong to." Jun Hee concluded.

"What? You mean we have different classes?" Hayi looked terrified.

"Ofcourse, to exercise equality among students. Don't you think so?" Jun hee asked all of them and all they could do was stare at her silently knowing that there's nothing they could do about her desicion.

All of them kept quiet until they were finally outside the Chairwoman's office. As soon as the door closed behind them, Sung Jae marched towards So Hyun and So Hyun did the same until they came face-to-face.

"Now, I wonder how you will face this So Hyunie." Sung jae smiled wickedly and his friends were now gathered around him protectively.

"Don't you dare call me that. And for your information.. You are SO on." So Hyun anwered back bravely and her F4 friends were also gathered around her, glaring at the boys.

Both sides were glaring and smirking to each other until Chan Hyuk stood between them, arms crossed. Chan Hyuk's the only one who remained neutral between this rivalry. He didn't like his sister much because of her attitude problems and that made him not to be so close with her and her friends. He also didn't like Sung Jae and his gang because they would always call him names and would always make fun of him.

"Yah! It's not like it's world war 3 you know. Will you please stop this. We really should get going. We still need to check our room assignments and we're getting late." Chan Hyuk intervened.

"Oh dear brother, you sure know how to ruin the mood." Su Hyun commented and glared at her brother.

"Aww.. Four-eyes is concerned if we are late. How touching." Sung Jae exclaimed and his friends snickered.

"Oh! This is just great. Ok, I'm out of here." And Chan Hyuk stormed off leaving them behind.

So Hyun and Sung Jae glared at each other for the second time and turned their back from each other, ignoring each other's existece. They both were facing their friends now.

"Let's go." So Hyun and Sung Jae said at the very same time making the both of them look back at each other.

"Aishhh.. such a copycat." Sung Jae stated and walked away with his friends following him.

"Just you wait Yook Sung Jae. Your time will come soon enough. Just you wait..." So Hyun told herself.

"Let's go to class So Hyun-ah." Hayi tapped her friend's shoulders bringing her back to the present.

"Aishhh.. that son of.. They will face my wrath soon enough." Sung Kyoung's face was red in anger.

"OMG. How vulgar. Watch your mouth Kyoungie-ah. Someone might be watching." Suhyun reminded.

"Yah! Song Suhyun! Did you just.. You brat! Watch yourself from now on you get that? Aishhh!" Sung Kyoung put a thumb up in front of Suhyun and made a sliding motion across her neck. And Suhyun just rolled her eyes.

"So Hyun-ah, Kyoungie might be thirsty. She just gestured towards her throat. Should I get something to drink for her? Or did she wanted Suhyun to get the drink for her? She did point to her before gesturing to her throat." Hayi started to mumble and So Hyun was dumbfounded.

"Oh God, I hope we survive this school year. Or even just this day." So Hyun was hopeless.



1. Cha Han Bin Year 1 Class 2

2. Choi Dong Hyuk Year 1 Class 2

3. Gu So Hyun Year 1 Class 1

4. Kim Ji Won Year 1 Class 3

5. Song Chan Hyuk Year 1 Class 1

6. Song Suhyun Year 1 Class 3

7. Soo Hayi Year 1 Class 3

8. Sook Jun Hue Year 1 Class 2

9. Yoon Sung Kyoung Year 1 Class 2

10. Yook Sung Jae Year 1 Class 1

-Gu Jun Hee, Head Chairwoman

"Yah! Does this make sense? Why am I in class 3 with Hayi? I'm not dumb like her, you know." Suhyun complained but Hayi just smiled innocently feeling happy that she will be with Suhyun in the same class.

"Watch it! Some people have big ears around here." So Hyun warned, glaring at the opposide side of the hallway where Sung Jae and the rest of his gang were standing and waiting for 2nd period.

And as soon as she and her friends stared at them, Sung Jae immediately made his way towards them and as if they were connected with some invisible ropes, his friends followed him.

"Hey CLASSMATE, please take care of me in the future." Sung Jae smiled at So Hyun and winked at the rest of her friends and his friends just snickered around him.

"What a show off." So Hyun exclaimed silently.

And the bell rang for the 2nd period. They all started to disperse and made their way to their classrooms. Just when her F4 friends were about to leave, So Hyun dragged them with her.

"What now?" Sung Kyoung asked bitterly after thinking about the fact that she'll be dealing with NEW faces in her NEW classroom soon.

"Chill!" So Hyun said calmly. "As for today, we must be very careful. Don't let anyone come into your 'personal bubble' okay? Kyoungie, watch your mouth and your temper."

"Okay, fine. Whatever you say." Sung Kyoung answered back.

"Suhyun, watch your actions and expressions."So Hyun continued and Suhyun nodded.

"And Hayi.. Umm.." So Hyun contemplated while Hayi waited.

" Suhyun-ah, you watch over Hayi." So Hyun concluded.

"Got it." Suhyun answered and Hayi just sighed, feeling disappointed.

"Okay everyone, we must survive this day no matter what." So Hyun put her right hand forward and the others did the same. "Flower Four!" So Hyun started.

"Fighting!" Everyone cheered in unison and they all went in their own assigned classrooms.

So Hyun was walking along the hallway towards her classroom. When she was about to turn right, a foot blocked her right foot and made her stumble a little. When she turned to know who was responsible, she saw Sung Jae, laughing.

"You!" So Hyun was lost for words being so angry. She turned her back from him and thought of ignoring him but Sung Jae grabbed her arm and made her turn around, facing him.

"What were you talking about with your friends just now, huh?" Sung Jae with his serious face, asked.

"What is it with you? Let me go!" So Hyun struggled to free her arms from his grip. He was just staring at her intently and she couldn't figure out what was going on. All she could do was stare back at him. After a few seconds of staring at each other silently, Sung Jae finally noticed what was going on and quickly released her.

"What are you and your friends so concsious about? It makes me want to know." Sung Jae smiled evilly and went inside their classroom. So Hyun could hear the squeals as soon as he entered.

So Hyun was left stunned and speechless. She still couldn't believe what just happened. After a while, she composed herself and started walking towards the classroom. As soon as So Hyun entered the classroom everyone stared and screamed in excitement. Everyone was smiling and greeting her at the same time and all she could do was smile back at these unfamiliar faces.

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