By xInspiringWords

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"Sometimes finding love is the CURE you need..." My name is Lexianna Kingsley, I've always admired planet Ear... More

~CURE~ ✓
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
~Author's Note With Summary~

Chapter 31

263 10 5
By xInspiringWords

Chapter 31


Jacob kissed me deeply, he wrapped his arms around my waist. I was too confused to do anything so I just kissed him back.

Kissing him was all I could think of to get his attention because obviously bugging him by poking him and yelling his name and staring at him while he makes out with another girl wasn’t doing anything.

I heard a scoff coming from the girl I had pushed down on the ground. Jacob pulled away later and just stared at me, I gave him a sheepish smile before I blushed a deep shade of red. The girl he was originally kissing tapped him on the shoulder.

“Are you going to let that little slut get away with pushing me away from you and kissing you?” She whined.

Jacob turned around covering me from her sight. He gave her an annoyed look “Claire just do yourself a favor and go take a walk.”

The girl named Claire stomped her foot on the ground like a little girl “Jake! You can’t choose her over me!”

Jacob scoffed “You’re a good screw Claire but that’s all you are.” I had to resist the urge to laugh when I heard her gasp and stomp off.

Once she was gone Jacob turned around with a raised eyebrow “Was that kiss necessary?”

I rolled my eyes “You were so asking for it, you wouldn’t listen to me when I was calling you. I had to try something.” I shrugged acting like the kiss never affected me when really it did.

What if Noah never talks to me again if he finds out? He’ll think I wanted to get him back for the prank and he’ll never want to see me again! He’ll kick me out of his house! Oh my gosh what have I done!?

“Yo Lexi!” Jacob yelled snapping me out of my thoughts “Did you think about how Noah would feel if he knew we kissed?”

I knew it, guys always go by the bro code, but Noah doesn’t like me that way, sadly. I found that out this morning, if Noah really cared he wouldn’t have played such a mean joke on me. “We don’t have to tell him. Besides it was total misunderstanding.”

Jacob nodded agreeing “Alright if you say so. Anyways ready to go?”

I nodded and Jacob and I both left the school and got into his car. It was time to get my keys back. I quickly pulled on my grandmother get up while Jacob put on his grandfather get up. We were going to be posing as an elderly couple, so once we ask for my specific room they won’t refuse, who can refuse the elderly?

“Alright check out my elderly grandma voice.” I told Jacob, he nodded telling me to speak. I took a deep breath before I spoke “Aye sonny boy would you mind giving my feet a good rub?”

Jacob started laughing at that and I soon joined in. “Was it good?” I asked still laughing a bit.

“It was great, now it’s time for my grandpa voice.” Jacob cleared his throat before he spoke "I never buy green bananas. I never know if I'll be around to eat them when they ripen."

I gasped “Well that’s kind of sad.” Talk about death and stuff really hit my heart sometimes since I’ve never met my grandparents and I won’t ever get to.

Jacob chuckled “My granddad says that all the time, hey were here.” He said pointing to the hotel. I took a deep breath. I hope this works; this plan is my only hope. If that big man and Rebecca recognize me I’m screwed.

“Hold my hand so we really look like an old couple, and hunch your back a bit so it looks like I’m helping you.” Jacob explained taking my hand in his. I nodded my head hunching down a bit, Jacob took the cane he had for his costume and started guiding us towards the building.

As soon as we entered the hotel Rebecca’s eyes wandered our way. She was eyeing us suspiciously; I was getting fidgety considering the fact that she might be able to tell right away that we are teenagers and not an old elderly couple.

“The woman at the front desk can’t know who I am.” I whispered to Jacob.

He nodded as we made our way up to Rebecca. She raised an eyebrow when she saw us “May I help you?”

Jacob nodded using his best old man voice “Yes you can sweet pea, we’d like to check in. I’m Bert and this is my wife Delta.” I wanted to laugh at those names but I held back my laughs.

Rebecca snorted “I’d love to see your luggage.” She was eyeing the back of eyes and I mentally cursed, how could we not think of luggage!

I needed to think fast…

I faked a gasp “Excuse me, what kind of service is this!? Back in my younger days we would never disrespect the older generation like this!”

Rebecca looked stunned before she put on a fake smile “My apologies, last name please?”

“Smith.” Jacob blurted out.

“Delta and Bert Smith?” She looked at him suspiciously again “That’s a pretty popular last name.”

Jacob chuckled adding in a cough “Well the name has been in my family since the beginning of time.”

Rebecca nodded before she took a deep breath “Alright well you two are on the first floor-“

“Actually.” I interrupted “We’d really like a floor on the third floor.” I smiled sweetly “Please and thank you sweetie.”

She scowled “Well what would an ol- um a couple like you be doing on a floor so high up. It’s a lot of walking.”

Jacob smiled “We’re trying to stay in shape, besides we can use the elevator.” I cringed when he said the word ‘elevator’ that death machine was the reason I was kicked out of this hotel and I still forget how to work it. If I had known there was stairs I would have used them.

Rebecca nodded before she started typing on her keyboard “Alright I have three rooms on that floor available, can I just give you one or do you want to choose too?”

I nodded “Read them out sweetie.”

She sighed deeply before she spoke “340, 310 and 304.” I gasped, 302 wasn’t free and that was my room. I sighed thinking quickly, if I take the closest room which is 304 there is a chance I can get into room 302.

“We’ll take 304.” I smiled sweetly.

Rebecca nodded “And how long will you be staying?”

“A day.” Jacob answered. Rebecca started typing up on her computer before she gave us our total. Jacob wanted to pay but I talked him out of it. I used the money Noah had given me originally. I couldn’t let Jacob pay; I was after all the one who dragged him into this.

Rebecca gave us the key to the room and then as we were walking towards the elevator I was doing a mental happy dance in my head. She bought the whole thing and I couldn’t be happier.

“You know you didn’t have to pay.” Jacob said pressing the 3 button. I gasped, that’s how you work it! How could I have been stupid enough to forget!?

I scoffed rolling my eyes while I pulled off the granny wig I was wearing “I couldn’t let you pay for me after I just brought you on this wild goose chase. Besides we didn’t even get the right room.” I sighed deeply.

Jacob’s face lit up “Well you’ve picked the right guy, I happen to be a master at picking locks.”

I smiled big “Seriously!” He nodded and I hugged him tightly as soon as the elevator landed on our floor. We both stepped out of the elevator and Jacob lent down and whispered “Alright which room is it?”

“302.” I replied pointing as soon as I saw it.

Jacob nodded “Alright first things first we need to check if people are in there right now.”

I nodded walking up to the door. I knocked once “Hello is anyone in there?” I asked, when I got no response I pushed myself up against the door to see if I could hear anything.

I turned to Jacob and smiled “Clear.”

Jacob nodded before he quickly slipped out a pocket knife. I gasped when he took the knife and started jiggling it in the door handle. There was a pop sound before the door opened up.

I smiled big before I rushed inside as fast as I could. I quickly went into the bathroom to search through the cabinet. My eyes widened when I didn’t see my keys at all. All I saw we different things, like wart cream or acne medicine.

I shut the cabinet door and rushed out of the bathroom. I began searching through some things looking for my keys. They had to be in this room, if they aren’t I’m so screwed.

My eyes searched until they landed on the desk. I walked closer until a big smile formed. There was a note saying: Lost item found in this room.

I quickly lifted it up and saw my keys sitting there. I grabbed them quickly before I rushed out. I looked at Jacob and smiled “Found it, let’s get out of here.”

“Wait!” He called out. I looked back at him and he smirked “So we have a room rented out if you wanna spend the night-“

“Not a chance Jakey Poo.”

He chuckled “Alright let’s just go tell that woman that we aren’t staying here because we saw a rat crawling around.”

“Deal.” I chuckled pulling back on my wig.

I can go back home, finally.


I walked down the block towards the park. My mind was wandering to all of the different ways this conversation could go. Riley sounded weird over the phone, it just didn’t sound normal for her to be talking like that.

 It was as if she was vulnerable…

I shoved my cold hands into the pockets of my jacket as I turned the corner of the street. The park was right there, I could see Riley sitting down on the bench hugging herself to keep herself warm.

Winter was coming fast and people were starting to wear mittens and hats. Christmas was just around the corner too and I was happy, it was going to be another white Christmas.

“Riley?” I asked approaching her.

She jumped a bit when she looked back. She gave me an odd smile before she ushered me to sit next to her. Riley told a strand of her hair and started playing with it, it was like she was nervous but that couldn’t be possible. This is Riley Haymonds, if anything she’s too confident for her own good.

“I didn’t think you’d show up.” She mumbled peeking at me through her long lashes.

I said kicking back and relaxing “Well it seemed serious, so what’s up?”

She should just get to the point; guys aren’t really the patient types, especially guys like me. Riley put the strand of hair she was playing with back in its place before she started fiddling with her thumbs.

“I-I-I don’t know how it happened.” She mumbled, god Riley use your words. “I-It wasn’t supposed to happen.” Riley’s voice cracked when she spoke.

She had a few tears run down her cheeks and she was looking down the whole time. I sighed deeply getting a tad bit annoyed “Just spit it out Riley and for god’s sake look at me when you speak.”

Riley took a deep breath and looked up at me with sad eyes “I’m pregnant Noah, and you’re the father.”

~Were you guys expecting that to be Riley's secret? What will happen next!? I'm sorry but i had to leave it on a cliff hanger. ;)~Sam~

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