By xInspiringWords

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"Sometimes finding love is the CURE you need..." My name is Lexianna Kingsley, I've always admired planet Ear... More

~CURE~ ✓
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
~Author's Note With Summary~

Chapter 30

223 7 2
By xInspiringWords

Chapter 30


Remember how my mother gave me that ‘we’ll talk about it later’ look yesterday when I brought Lexi home with me? Yeah the woman wasn’t kidding.

I was currently seated in the kitchen on what she calls a ‘time out’ while I just call it ‘waiting on her to come back with her book of punishments’ that’s right my mother has an entire book filled with punishments for teenagers.

It was probably impossible for her to think of a punishment for me; in fact growing up it was always my father. That was until her birthday came and my psycho grandmother thought it’d be nice to give her daughter multiple ways to punish me.  

Now all my mother does is use the magic stick (a ruler) and close her eyes before she randomly picks a page and uses the magic stick (once again, a ruler) to determine the punishment. I was just chilling in my seat tossing an orange up and down.

You know I never thought I’d ever say this but I really miss going to school. I mean I’m cooped up in the house with absolutely nothing to do and when I finally do get out of the house I always end up in trouble or meeting up with someone I don’t like, an example Riley or someone I always get mad, Lexi for example.

It was only the second day of my suspension and I couldn’t wait until Friday. I would finally be back in school, the only downside is Hannah and her stupid party but I’ll survive I guess. Friday was a great way to end off the week since after Friday it’s the Christmas holidays.

For some stupid reason this year the government decided to move up the dates for the Christmas break so instead of it being a week away from Christmas it was only three days. That’s right Christmas was on Monday and I still needed to buy gifts. Lexi was now living with me so I’d need a present for her too, not that it would matter I was planning on getting both her and Jacob one.

I bet in Canada they don’t have an ‘I love New York’ sweatshirt. It was probably the best gift I could give her. She’d love it and it gives her a souvenir from here, I also noticed that she doesn’t have much warm clothes; maybe I could buy her a jacket too for the cold weather, maybe then she’ll forgive me I sure hope so.

Oh no…

I’m starting to act whi- whi- w-wh-whip-whipp-wh-whipped!

No it’s just a simple peace offering for forgiveness and to celebrate the holidays, that’s fine. I’m a man-whore, I don’t date. I’m not one to label but if I had to call myself something it’d be man-whore.

 It defiantly describes me; player and bad boy are just not hitting the right spot. They could mean anything but man-whore is straight to the point.

“Noah I’m back.” My mother said in a sickly sweet voice that made me cringe, damn the woman is scary when she’s trying to be all nonchalant when in reality she’s pissed as hell. She slammed the book down on the table making me jump slightly as I looked up at her.

Honestly I don’t even understand why the woman is so upset, all I did was leave while telling her that I was going out. It’s not like I’m doing drugs because clearly Lexi wouldn’t have been with me if I had.

I remember that moment and she didn’t seem mad at all!

Kevin shrugged chuckling at how angry I was "That's not your place to decide besides Noah I've gotten her to trust me once and I can do it again." He smirked at me one last time before walking over to his car and getting inside.

"This isn't over Daniels!" I called out but it was too late he was already in his car.

That son of a nark! That's it I'm going to that school and I am taking Lexi to her hotel I don't care if she'll act stubborn it's better than having Kevin swoop in and try to rape her again.

I got dressed before rushing down the stairs. My mom gave me a confused look but all I gave her was a simple "I'm going out." Before I left.

If anything she should blame Kevin, he got me mad so that’s why I left. I sighed looking at her as she flipped through the book “Mom why are you so upset with me? It’s not like I murdered someone.” I grumbled.

She shot me a glare that made me shut up, I shouldn’t make comments like that when she’s this pissed. “Mom all I did yesterday was tell you I’m going out. Suddenly when I come back home you’ve gone all mama hulk on me. What’s up?”

She sighed “Noah it’s everything, alright. I don’t appreciate the way you have been acting and neither does your dad. It’s not the first time you haven’t told me where you were going and I’m getting worried and sick of it. I’m tired of you just leaving without an explanation. I also know that you are hiding things; you’ve been bottling up your feelings ever since Hannah came to visit. You never talk to us about anything.”

She paused as her eyes watered up “I just want to be a good mom to my only son. I can’t do any of that if I don’t know what’s going on with you. Was this whole fight with Kevin really about Lexi or was revenge because of what he did with Hannah?”

I sighed “Ma, it’s not revenge. It was because of Lexi, I was mad because I was a jerk and couldn’t be there to protect her when she needed me. I was lucky Jacob helped her before he could hurt her.”

“And have you spoken to your principal about Kevin? He tried to touch Lexi in an-“

“MOM!” I cut her off “I’m handling it.”

I knew telling her about Kevin trying to rape Lexi was a bad idea. If I didn’t try and shut her up she would have taken matters into her own hands only to screw things up more. I need Kevin right now, just because I got suspended for beating him up doesn’t mean that’s going to stop me from getting him back.

I still want revenge, revenge for what he did with Hannah and for what he did to Lexi. Kevin Daniels is going down, and then maybe after my mother can call the principal.

“Alright Noah.” She sighed closing the book of punishments “I guess I can let you off the hook one more time but one more screw up and this book will be opened you hear?”

I nodded “Yes Ma. And I promise I’ll try and tell you where I am so you don’t get worried anymore.”

My mother smiled before she kissed me on the forehead “Thank you.”

Bravo Noah, why to get out of that one.

~After school, Lexi~

“Come on Jacob! We have to go now!” I yelled running up to him.

School was over now which meant it was time to head down to the hotel. We really had to get there fast; Gabbie and Spence have been hounding me all day.

They really want to hang out with me and I feel so bad because the only time I have ever hung out with them after school was when Gabriella was catching me up with work. Spencer wasn’t even there when that happened.

Also the fact that I wasn’t in that particular socializing mood, since A my spaceship keys are missing and I won’t be going back to Venus anytime soon without them and B I was supposed to have my Science test today but then my stupid teacher was having stomach cramps so she postponed it and that is exactly why I was stuck reading that stupid no-good for nothing textbook.

All I wanted to do at the moment was pull Jacob off of the current girl he was making out with because he was really starting to bug me. I don’t have all the time in the world and the fact that I’ve been calling him and that he was ignoring me was just pissing me off.

I was at a breaking point and my left eye was soon twitching, he is making me so irritated. “Jacob, Jacob, Jacob, Jacob, Jacob, JACOB!” I screamed poking him but he wouldn’t budge.

The girl he was making out with tried to pull away to see what the hell was going on but Jacob only held her tighter by deepening the kiss. I folded my arms across my chest, fine if he won’t respond I’ll just stand here and watch like a creepy stalker. He’ll eventually get annoyed and stop right?

Apparently I was wrong because soon enough their ‘make out session’ got heated, did he not understand I need to go! Not only that but this is going to scar me for life! The girl had her arms all over him and Jacob soon let his hands wander from her waist down to her butt.

He pulled her up and soon she was wrapping her legs around his waist. I was close to barfing at the sight; well it was my bright idea to just stand here and watch, way to go Lexi.


I swear I had my hand over my mouth when the girl slipped her hands down Jacob’s pants. I gagged when Jacob moaned, this was so awkward, here they are having um a moment I guess while I’m watching creeper style.

I had enough when the girl started to unzip his pants and when Jacob pushed her harder into the locker. I used my fast thinking and quickly pushed the girl down away from Jacob and filled the spot where she was as I smashed my lips against Jacob’s.

Well he wasn’t expecting that, and neither was I…


“Noah can you please come downstairs!” My mother yelled from the bottom of the staircase.

 I sighed deeply before shutting off my computer and heading downstairs. I was a bit shocked when I saw my dad standing there next to her but I ignored the shocked feeling.

I folded my arms and gave them a lazy grin “What’s up rent’s?”

My dad stood up tall towering over me a bit, he was trying to look intimidating, I could always tell when he was trying to scare me. I don’t understand what happened to him, I mean before he was all ‘I’m proud of you son.’

Oh wait I remember now I got suspended, basically for a girl.

You see even if I beat up Kevin for trying to harass Lexi it wouldn’t matter to him. My father hates the types of girls I’m into, which would be any girl as long as she has legs. Lexi was no different, and I figured that out last night when we were fighting.

She may have stood up to him but he would never accept her, unless I was fully ready to commit to her for the rest of my life my dad wouldn’t accept her. That was the reason he left the dinner table, let’s just say he wasn’t too happy about Lexi staying here.

He had this idea that we would be doing the dirty under ‘his’ roof which let’s be honest, I’ve done it many times with other girls he just hasn’t caught me. Lexi was too innocent for that and I already knew third base was probably far away in the future, after the prank I pulled this morning I wouldn’t be getting even that close with Lexi.

“Can we talk to you about something, seriously?” My mother said giving me a worried smile before she glanced at her husband.

I shrugged “Sure, doesn’t mean I’ll listen but give it a shot.” I smirked when I saw my dad tense up.

You know I never really noticed this before but there is a fat blue vain right there on his neck. It’s not exactly in plain sight but when he’s mad you can see it because it’s like pulsing out of his neck. It’s like ‘Chacoo, chacoo, chacoo.’

My dad clinched his fists together while my mother put a calming hand on his shoulder “Calm down dear.” She whispered, I could still hear it even though I knew I wasn’t meant to.

“Where are Lexi’s parents?” My father blurted out ignoring my mother completely. His eyes were staring into mine intensely.

I shrugged “Beats me, why don’t you ask her.” I said rolling my eyes. I turned around to head back upstairs but he grabbed my arm and spun me back.

“I’m only going to ask you this one more time Noah. Where are the girl’s parents?” He snarled.

“And I’m only going to repeat this one more time, ask her yourself.” I snarled back.

We were now in the middle of a stare off, I wasn’t going to look away, no way I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

The phone even started ringing but neither of us blinked. My mother sighed answering “Hello?”

After awhile I heard my name “Noah.” My mother spoke softly “Someone is on the phone for you.”

I broke eye contact with my dad, I had to, there wasn’t really a choice in the matter. I could basically see the smug look on his face before he left for his office.

 I could have won that stare off…

My mother handed me the phone before she left the room to give me some space.

I took a deep breath before I spoke “Hello?”

“Noah.” A soft voice spoke into the phone, it sounded urgent and scared.

My eyebrows pulled together in confusion, the voice was familiar but I couldn’t put a face to it “Speaking?”

“Riley.” The girl sighed deeply “Look I don’t have much time but I really need to talk to you. It’s information I think you should know.” Riley, that defiantly fit the voice now that I think about it. She sounded slightly different considering she basically dropped her confident slut act right now.

I ran a hand through my hair, contemplating the options, she sounded really serious but this could just be another Riley scheme.

“Where do you want to meet?” I sighed deciding why not see what she wants.

“The park near your house. I’m there already. Thanks Noah.” She said before she hung up.

Well at least she didn’t call me No-ah…

~What will happen next lol!~Sam~ P.S Post your guesses below please, i wanna hear what you guys are thinking!

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